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AJ says to Gudddan I promise you in front of this fire that I would do all that you did. I will win your trust back. Guddan leave.

Antara come to Bhushan and says your daughter lost all the values, she only cares about money and married a 70 year old man. Saru says AJ tried to stop it but she kicked AJ out. I feel so bad, Dadi sit down crying. Antara says don’t be sad. I got all the wealth back from her. I won’t let her take anything from us. I will take you back home. Dadi says I loved and respected her so much and you still care about this family. Thank you. You saved this family. AJ says enough Antara.

AJ says Antara.. Antara says what happened. AJ hug her. AJ says I made a huge mistake, you tried to tell me about Guddan’s reality, she married another man. Antara says I am here with you, everything would be fine. Antara hug him.

Bhushan call Guddan, she says AJ knows her reality. He was doing drama. Bhushan says I was so scared. Guddan says you thought I would marry an old man for money? He says no I trust my upbringing. Guddan says swipe your tears. AJ comes and says papa are you okay? He says sorry I had do this drama. Guddan says she has all the wealth, we need to do this drama. Bhushan says I am happy you two are together. AJ says I did what we decided. Guddan says anything else? She hang up. AJ says as a father you always trusted her. I failed as a husband. I have lost her, there is distance between us. Bhushan says your love change this distance. Time is wrong, it will heal everything and promise me you will always trust her. You will never leave her alone. Guddan is my everything but you are her life. AJ says I would never repeat this mistake again.
Durga says I know you’re mad at me. I know I have made so many mistakes that it is difficult to forgive me but I got a chance to help you and be with the right. I am so happy. I hope you keep giving me such chances so you trust that I have changed. I hope this new relation never end, at least have this tea, I made it for you. Guddan drink the tea, Durga smiles. Guddan says you’re right. It isn’t easy to trust once it's broken. Laxmi says that old man is conscious.

The old man is tied. He says I am the groom. Laxmi says shame on you, she is your daughter’s age Durga says don’t even dare look at our MIL. Guddan says don’t scare him. I am sure he has experience. He says I.. Guddan says you would tell Antara? Oh we are so scared of her. If she can kill me, she can kill you too. What if she gets to know you didn’t marry me, she would kill you. You made a mistake you wanted to marry a girl who is your daughter’s age. I am sure Antara asked you to do all this. Now tell us what would you do for us? You have to pretend to be my husband. Do it, or I would defame you in the whole city. He says I would do what you ask but leave me, please.

Antara comes home with AJ. Antara says your time in this house is over. Everything is mine and my husband is here. You are not even AJ’s wife, so pack your bag and get out. Guddan says yes I can go, I don’t want to live here either. Dadi says yes you only care about money. You don’t even care about ages. You have no shame. You were AJ’s wife. You only care about money. Now you have proved how wrong you were. Antara says it is useless to say all this. Get out now, no one wants you in this house. AJ says I want. He says I want Guddan to live with us in this house. I want to move on. She gave me pain by marrying this man. I want her to see me getting married to you. I want to see her in the same pain, that would be my revenge. Would you marry me? Antara says yes, I would marry you in front of Guddan. Guddan says if he wants me to stay here till Antara and his wedding, I would stay here.

Antara says Guddan I am getting married to AJ. And with his will. You look so sad. You have my ring. This is my AJ’s. I have right on it. She takes Guddan’s ring. Antara says wow it looks so pretty. she throws the other ring and says we don’t need this now. AJ picks it. He says I am sorry. Only you have right on this ring. It should be in your hand. He is about to make her wear it, Guddan takes her hand back.

Guddan says I was looking for this ring but I had no intention of wearing it. How could I wear it from someone who hurt me? You have no value of the emotion associated with this ring. You gave her this ring. You gave her mind. I can’t satisfy your ego now. I can’t do that. She leave. AJ says you’re right. I have hurt you. But I won't give up. I will wake up my love in your heart. The old man hears. He says so they are together? I will tell Antara. At least I would get the money and this AJ spoiled my wedding.

The old man come to Antara and says I wanted to tell you something. This Guddan and AJ are together. Her DILs threatened me so I was scared. But now I am telling you everything. Guddan stand up, she says it was me. You won't change, you are the one after me. Now you have decided to be on Antara’s side, you have to pay for it. He says you can’t do anything. I will tell Antara everything. He goes out.. AJ walk him in again, He lock the door. He says now you would go where we want and speak what we want.

Laxmi and Durga see Antara outside her room. She says Antara shouldn’t go inside. Laxmi says let me stop her. 

AJ says I have all your track record. Guddan says I have all the proofs of all the frauds you have done. 

Laxmi says to Durga you were with Antara and now Guddan is married to that old man and now Antara is our MIL. Antara stands there to hear them fight. Durga says I repent. I know Antara would be cursed too. Antara says I shouldn’t waste my time. She goes to her room. Laxmi text Guddan.

Guddan says you would spend your whole life in jail or help us. 

Laxmi goes upstairs. Antara opens the door. No one is in her room she says where is everyone?
AJ and Guddan come downstairs. Guddan slip. AJ hold her. Guddan says I am fine. I can handle myself. He says you were about to fall. She says you made me fall in front of people’s eyes. I don’t need your care. I can handle myself. Antara says excuse me. Antara says ma.. Saru.. Dadi says what happened? Antara says she is wearing my clothes and is with my husband. She is trying to trap him. Dadi says what do you want? You married by your choice. How low would you stoop? I considered you my daughter is this how you are returning my respect? You are here only because AJ said so. Stay away from AJ and Antara’s life. After the wedding go from this house and leave my family. Antara stand with AJ. Saru says to Antara I did what you asked. Antara says good. Saru says I thought you would appreciate but well you’re giving me money. But why did you ask it? Antara says I don’t trust Guddan. She wore my clothes. Why? And her husband isn’t around. Something is wrong. AJ come and says milk.. Saru leave. He says I got you milk. She says there were so many servants. He says I want to live the old times with you again. He hug her. AJ says you never care for your health. He makes her drink the milk.

Saru says thank God AJ didn’t hear us. I should thank Antara. I am safe with her. She sleep.

AJ call everyone in hall. Dadi says where are Antara and Saru? He says I gave them sleeping pill. Dadi says they are part of our family. AJ says they are not family to us. This is about them. Guddan was right all this time. Antara fooled us. I can’t see Guddan being insulted when I know she is right. Dadi says she is fooling you. AJ says she showed me Antara’s reality. It was all Antara’s plan. We fell prey to her games. Guddan is innocent. He tells her everything. Dadi says oh God. I kept thinking my Guddan was wrong. How could I do such a mistake. Dadi says I don’t know how to apologize to you Guddan. You can punish me. Guddan says no Dadi.. Dadi says forgive me. Guddan hug her. Guddan says I got your love back I don’t need anything else.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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