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Guddan says you shouldn’t have involved my family. Antara says my family; Guddan says this is equally my family. Antara says this is my family now. I involved your papa. I told you not to come between me and AJ, get ready for mehndi. AJ would write his name on my hand. Guddan says my name is written on with his life, stop looking here and there. I am his present and future. You couldn’t be his even when he was unconscious. Antara says wait till evening. Guddan says yes we are all here.

Guddan comes to Antara’s doctor. She says do you have shame? You fooled people. You lied and said Antra was in comma. You will go to jail now. He says I am sorry, please. Antara asked me to do this. flashback show Antra telling Doctor I give you one chance. Do what I ask you now. He says I would. Guddan says before starting mehndi we have to place it in temple. AJ and Antara take the mehndi. Guddan comes and says stop. The doctor walks in with her. Antara is dazed. Antara says in heart I have to stop all this. She throws the candle near Dadi. Guddan says doctor tell everyone. Doctor says Antara.. Dadi’s saree is on fire. Everyone screams. They all rush to her. Antra says to doctor if you say a word I will send your whole family to comma. Antara says oh God what happened? AJ extinguishes the fire. The doctor says her case is sensitive and complicated. You should visit me often. Guddan says what are you saying. He says yes this is the truth. Doctor whispers to Guddan she will harm my family. Guddan says I can understand. He leave.

Antara says to AJ please apply medicine on your hand. Guddan comes there. Antara says you are so cute but this bruise has to go away. Guddan comes in. She says my hand burned too. Guddan says let’s apply medicine on each other’s hand. We don’t need a third person. Are you busy? He says no wait. You saved my mom. Guddan says our mom. Guddan says Antara would you.. Antara leaves. Guddan and AJ apply creams on each other’s burn. Guddan says Antara we know how to heal each other. AJ leaves. Antara says finding excuses to go near him? This is the last warning. Guddan throttles her and says don’t you dare to harm my family. Antara says an old woman is so boring. You should leave this house before someone is harmed. Guddan says don’t bring my family into all this. Antara says I am crazy for AJ. She leave. Durga hears all this.
Durga says to Guddan I know doctor came here to say something else. I saw Antara setting dadi’s saree on fire. Tell me what is happening. Guddan says he came here to tell Antra’s reality. Guddan tells her everything. Durga says the whole family is in danger. Gudadn says I have no proof. She is very clever. I don’t know how to do it. Durga says I will help you in finding proofs against her. You are not alone, trust me. We will expose her. Guddan says thank you Durga.

Antra comes downstairs. Antra says to AJ please say no for this mehndi. I see your love for Guddan in your eyes. AJ says I should be paying for my mistake and this wedding is the repentance. This mehndi would begin my punishment.

AJ brings Antara downstairs. AJ is about to put mehndi on her hand. AJ recalls what GUddan said. He recalls his moments with Guddan. The bowl falls from his hands. Saru says what will you do now? AJ says I am sorry. He leaves. Guddan smirks at Antara. Dadi says Antara I will put mehndi on your hands.

AJ comes to Guddan and says I wanted to say something. I don’t know.. This mehndi. Take it. I don’t know how couldn’t I do it. I want to put it on your hands. I want to write my name on your hand. I want it on the right hand. Even if it is a mistake. But this mistake feels right. AJ says I am ready to repent all my life but can I have these two minutes of your life? Guddan says my whole life is yours. Nothing can happen to me if you are with me. AJ hold her hand. AJ writes his name with mehndi on her hand. AJ is laeving. Guddan says heart always knows what is right and wrong. Heart is never wrong. It just doesn’t think like the world. AJ leave. Guddan sees his name on the hand.

Guddan comes to Antra and says see AJ’s name on my hand. He heard his heart. There was no pressure. This lust doesn’t get you anywere. Antara says your marriage was forced too. Guddan says it was but not now. This mehndi is the proof of it now. Better step back. Antara says I will get married to AJ. Guddan says he wont’ marry you when gets to know your reality. Antara says would you tell him I wasn’t in coma? He doesn’t love me now but he has always trusted me. Guddan says you will be exposed soon. Durga says yes. The whole family will know your reality. Durga has recorded everything. Guddan says let’s go Durga. Antara stabs Durga. The phone falls from her hands. Guddan hold Durga. Guddan says Durga.. Durga faints. Antara says whoever comes between me and AJ will meet this fate. Guddan says are you crazy? You stabbed her. What did you get? Her death won’t change your real face. Antara says I have to send you there too. She is about to stab Guddan. Guddan runs downstairs. Guddan says AJ where are you.. AJ says what happened? Guddan says Durga.. Guddan says she is no more. Everyone is shocked. Antara says this woman.. Antara killed her. AJ says what are you saying. Everyone is shocked. Guddan says Antra was about to kill me too. I ran from there. Come with me. They all go upstairs.
They come upstairs. Guddan says see..

Guddan says Durga was here. Where is she? Where have you hidden her? AJ says what are you doing. Guddan opens closest to look for Durga. AJ says why would she kill Durga. Guddan says she had proofs against Antara. Antara is here to use people. She only wants your wealth. Durga got to know the truth and she killed her. Guddan says you crossed all limits Antara. Durga comes in the room and says what happened? Her husband says are you okay? Saru says Guddan said Antara stabbed you. Durga says what? Why would she? Guddan what stories are you making. Saru says and this blood? Durga says this is ketchup. It spilled so I went to wash my hands. Antara says Guddan you don’t like me, doesn’t mean I am a criminal. You think I killed Durga? You think I am after wealth? You can also say I was never in a coma. I was doing a drama all these years. Is this all for AJ? I tried killing myself. I don’t want to come between you two. You should have let me die AJ. Why did you save me? I should die. Antara gives a knife to Guddan and says kill me. Your problem would end. AJ says Antara what are you doing? Guddan says she is doing drama. Antara says yes kill me. Antara hugs AJ crying. Dadi says Guddan what did you do? Why would you say all this? Everyone leaves. Durga smirk at Guddan.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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