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Bhushan says to Guddan don’t worry. I have made sure AJ and Antara live separately. Guddan is on video call. AJ comes there and hug Bhushan. He says thank you for all you are doing appa. Bhushan says we are one family. AJ says we were.. And now we are parted. Because of what I did. I was with Antara when Guddan was my wife. I forced her to be what she wont’ ever be. We all have to see this day because of me. I know you must be really hurt. Guddan always said she is all that because of you. How could she forget your upbringing? Guddan says in heart you forgot our moments. AJ says I don’t know how she could change. She isn’t the same Guddan. I really love her. She only loves money. Guddan says you loved me but you didn’t trust me. AJ says I only want to trust her. My heart doesn’t agree but how can I deny things I saw with my eyes. Guddan says your heart made a mistake in understanding me. But it isn’t your mistake. It is Antara’s mistake. I wish you could know why am I doing all this. AJ says I wish we could be back together. But we are so far from each other now.

Guddan cries. AJ is in tears too. AJ sees her picture.

Antara gives Bhushan juice. She says I am part of this house now. Who does all this for people now. Bhushan says don’t say that. He drinks the juice and throws the glass. He says juice is so hot. It burned my tongue. Antara says if you lie it would burn. I know you are with your Guddan. I know everything. I have everything on my eyes. When Guddan spoke to Durga Saru heard. Antara says you made a mistake by trusting her. Bhushan says you can’t do anything to my daughter. She says how would you save yourself? Bhushan picks the phone. Antara takes the phone and video calls Guddan. She says what are you doing with my dad’s phone. Antara says you will see what I do. She tears her saree. Bhushan says what are you doing. Antara says if you mess with me again, I would defame him everywhere. Guddan says don’t you dare do all that to my dad. Antara says now you see what I do to him. Guddan says don’t even dare. Antara screams. She says ma.. AJ.. See what happened to me. AJ comes there. AJ says are you okay? Bhushan says there was a lizard it fell on her and her saree got stuck. AJ says go change Antara. Antara smirks and leaves.
Bhushan says she is so dangerous. You have to do something. She can stoop so low. Guddan says don't worry. I will do something. Guddan says I won’t silently. You will pay for dragging my dad in all this.

Guddan comes home. Bhushan says why are you here? We are not related to you anymore. AJ says you have everything. Why are you troubling your dad now? Guddan says in heart I have to do this for my papa and family.

AJ says you have everything Guddan. What do you want? Guddan says I don’t want to see your face. You left your stuff there. AJ says I am sorry you had to bring it here. thank you. Kaushaliya says I don’t even want to see your face after what you did. They all leave. Antara says you do such acting, your dad is an actor too. I know you are scared and that’s why you are here. Guddan says I am scared for my family. Not for myself but you won’t understand. I would ruin your game. Antara says how? Guddan says here are my property and cash deposit papers. I have named everything to you. Take it and get out of my and AJ’s life. You can get these papers checked. After that, you won’t interfere in mine an AJ’s life. Antara says you named all this to me for AJ? But I have to think about what to do.

AJ looks at his stuff. It has all the stuff Guddan brought for him. He recalls their moments with each other. AJ says we are so far away from each other. We can’t be together.

Guddan prays and says I hope I get my AJ. Nothing is more important than my family.

Antara comes to Guddan and says you were thinking if I would accept your deal? It was a good deal. But I have two conditions. I would only sign them if you agree. Guddan says you’re having fun right? Antara says I want to win with fun. I want something this money can’t buy. Your loser face is more than anything. I don’t want to see you happy with AJ. You have to pay for all what you did. I killed my brother for you. I would be happy if you lose your family. Guddan says you want me to marry someone else? Antara says I have chosen the perfect guy for you. Come in Guddan’s husband to be. An old man comes in. Antara says you like older men. So now the deal is you would divorce AJ and leave his life forever and start a new life with this man and I would let your live with this guy. His wife died, he is old but is a nice man. He was so excited, he has got his sherwani ready too. The day you marry him I would sign these papers and go away from this family. You can easily do it. Why are you so shocked? Accept this deal or I would ruin your family’s life. Think about it and sign, but don’t delay so your family suffers. Laxmi hears. Laxmi says Guddan.. Guddan locks herself in her room. She cry and recalls what Antara said. Laxmi says please open the door. I know you are hurt. You are not alone. Please open the door. I would tell police everything. Guddan comes out. Laxmi says I can never leave you alone. You taught me how to stand with family. Guddan says my husband and family are in danger. I can’t risk anyone’s life. Laxmi says how can you agree to it? Guddan says I am ready to do anything to save my family. Laxmi says how can you?

AJ think about Guddan. He recalls their moments. The song tujhe kitna chahne lagay plays. 

Guddan sits down and cry as well. They both try to sleep. Guddan’s phone rings. It’s AJ. He called her in sleep. Guddan hears his breath. Guddan says I know you are hurt but I have no other way. I can do anything for you.
Guddan come to Bhushan. Bhushan says what are you doing here? She throws papers in front of Antara. Guddan says I am not here to return anything. I am here to invite you all to my wedding. I am getting married. AJ says what is this? Guddan says I couldn’t believe it when you gave my ring to Antara. He says how can you do this? She says like you move ahead in life with Antara. Come to the wedding tonight. You would see for yourself. AJ says how can you think about marrying someone else? Guddan says you taught me that. You live here with Antara. I would marry another person. Guddan leave. AJ throws the card in anger. Antara says she is so selfish. She is already with another man. How can she be like this? Rest of you are so innocent.

Bhushan says Guddan you should have spoken to me before doing this drama. What is all this? Guddan says I am actually marrying. Bhushan says how can you do that? Antara says I asked her. She is marrying a 70 years old because I forced her. Guddan strangulate her and says I know you very well. I can do anything for my family, anything means doing anything to people who harm my family. Bhushan says leave her Guddan. Guddan says apologize to my father, Antara says sorry. Happy now? she leaves. Bhushan says how can you do that Guddan. Guddan says I have made up my mind.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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