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Antara says to Guddan and Ashat I hope you two always stay happy, no problem should ever come between you two. 

Guddan come to her room. She recalls her moments with AJ. The song sang hoon tere plays. She read a note, meets me on the terrace. There is a surprise. 

Someone is at the terrace dress in bridal attire. AJ come there, he call out Guddan, she backed him and he touch her shoulder, he feel dizzy. The person turn around AJ in a dizzy state sees Guddan. AJ says why did you call me here? She hug him. AJ faint. AJ wakes up the next morning next to the person, he is shirtless. He call out Guddan touch. She is shirtless too. AJ says Guddan get up. She turn around it turn out to be Antara. AJ is shocked. AJ sees its Antara sleeping next to him and not Guddan. He says you.. Antara says yes it’s me not her. He says I was with Guddan last night. 

Guddan wakes up in her room. Her head hurts. Dadi says you woke up. She says my head hurts. Dadi says get ready. You and AJ have to do arti together. Guddan says where is AJ? She says I don’t know. Guddan says I was going to the terrace last night. AJ never came there?

AJ says this can’t be possible. Antara says you came here and you pulled me. Guddan never came here. we spent the moments that a husband and wife do on the wedding night. Dadi and Guddan come there. Dadi drops the arti. They are shocked. Guddan sits down and picks the arti. She leaves. AJ says Guddan stop. Guddan comes in. She recalls what Antara said. AJ says there is nothing between me and Antara. There is nothing. I don’t know how all this happened. That was a misunderstanding. Antara says what happened between you and me.. You call it a misunderstanding? I wish it was. I wish it were Guddan. I wish you let me go and didn’t hold my hand. I wish I could run when you were taking me in your arms. I couldn’t stop myself. Dadi says AJ tell me all this is true. You can never do this to Guddan. AJ says it all happened. But.. I didn’t remember anything. I don’t remember anything. Antra says it was a mistake. He doesn’t feel anything for me. Please forgive him. Guddan we all make mistakes, he did too. He accepted you for all your mistakes but please forgive him too. Dadi says Guddan won’t forgive him. You told me you will never break her trust, You will never hurt her AJ says please Guddan. It was a mistake. Dadi says it is a sin. Neither would Guddan forgive you nor would I. She takes Guddan inside. Laxmi says Guddan didn’t deserve it. Angad says I am disgusted. What you did with Guddan is so wrong. Everyone leaves him alone.
Laxmi is crying. Durga says crying for your MIL’s luck? Your FIL’s deeds? I told you he would never make Guddan his. He chose Antara over Guddan. Saru says I feel so bad for Guddan. AJ wants both of them. He stooped so low. She could never get that spot. Durga says would Guddan be able to forgive him and forget that AJ was with Antara all night?

Guddan recalls everything and cry. Dadi comes and touches her feet. She says forgive me. Guddan hug her and says what are you doing? It wasn’t your mistake. She says it is. My son did such a sin. Forgive me. Guddan says please don’t say all this. Dadi says AJ will be punished for his sin. She leaves.

AJ recalls everything. AJ is worried. He throws things in anger. He recalls what dadi said. AJ says how could I do this? How could I break your trust? I don’t deserve you. I hurt you. I gave you pain. I don’t deserve your love and trust. Antara comes there. She says never thought we would come to a place where you would punish yourself for touching me. We were given examples of. I couldn’t stop myself. She will understand. Where love is, there is forgiveness. I will ask for forgiveness from her for you. He says I know. It was my mistake. I don’t deserve her pardon. How should I ask for it? She might even forgive me but how do I tell her? She didn’t deserve it.

Durga says to Antara you were with your husband, you didn’t deserve it. Everyone is on Guddan’s side. AJ blares siren. Durga says AJ is blaring siren after so long. It’s dadi. Dadi says everyone get justice in this house. AJ’s punishment is that he should be married to Antara.
Dadi says everyone gets justice in this house. But when the one who announces the verdict commit sin, he also get punished. She asks pandit ji to come. Pandit ji says 15 days time. She says after 15 days, Antara and AJ are getting married. For his sin, he cheated his wife. He broke her trust. He doesn’t deserve to be called her husband. It wasn’t Antara’s mistake. So for her dignity, you have to marry Antara. No one can change the decision. Guddan says he is my husband. I will speak to him. Dadi says no. You can’t live this unfair life in this house. AJ says I can’t do this ma. I love Guddan. I can’t marry Antara. Dadi says this is your punishment. You have cheated Guddan. Stay away from her if you think you did wrong. You couldn’t be a husband. You gave her right to someone else. Do you have answers? no right? Then go back from her life. AJ kneels. He says I am the culprit but please don’t part us. Dadi says you can’t get away with your sin. Guddan says dadi, please. Antara says don’t punish him for life. Dadi says you will see my dead face if you don’t marry her. You deserve this. Antara says to Guddan I am sorry. I should have stopped all this. I will speak to ma. This wedding won’t happen. Guddan throws chunri on her and says AJ is only mine. You can’t come between us. I know he didn’t do any sin. Nothing happened between you two. This chunri was with me and then I fainted. Then AJ fainted too. I woke up and you were wearing it. You thought I won’t know? I know was silent to absorb it. It wasn’t AJ’s mistake. It was all your plan. AJ loved you all his life and you did this to him? How many faces are behind this? Antara laugh. She says I am impressed. People call you stupid. You saw my real face. I am impressed. Good job. It was all my plan. I intoxicated those sweets for you two. Once you fainted, I took your chunri. And yes, AJ was right. Nothing happened after he fainted. So now you know my secret. flashback shows AJ saying you called me here for a surprise. AJ pulled her and faint. Antara hugged him. Antara says he saw your face in mine. Antara says you need rest. AJ say Guddan.. My head hurts. Antara take off their clothes. She says tomorrow, our life would be the same as it was. Antara sleep next to him. Guddan says you stooped so low. Antara says I want to show you your worth. I can do anything to have AJ.. When I came back you should have left this house. AJ is mine and will always be. This property and wealth is also mine. You came between us. Guddan says you were doing this for money? Why don’t you ask him for it. Love isn’t done for money. Antara says if Antra loved AJ why would she leave? Guddan says so it was a drama. She says AJ was a struggler. His big brother died. So he adopted his three sons and made us their parents. I didn’t want all of it. I wanted money and love, so I left and pretended to be dead. But now AJ has all that I wanted. Now you got to know the truth? Guddan says you will never have this. I won’t let you marry AJ. I will expose you. Antara says you will shout and everyone will agree? Antara says I am an older player than you. I will marry him. Stop me if you can. Antara says this mangalsutra would be mine. Guddan says I won’t even let you have a look at it.

Guddan says no one can marry my husband. I will take your pride from you. I will expose you and then I will see how ma ji will ask AJ to marry you. Guddan wonders if AJ would trust her. 

AJ says to dadi you know I love Guddan. How can I.. Dadi says you deserve this punishment. You have hurt her so much. You have to marry Antara. AJ says I won’t marry her. I can’t do that. Dadi says then throttle and kill me. I won’t let Antara and Guddan’s lives be ruined. Guddan says what are you doing dadi. Dadi says ask him he has to marry Antara. Guddan says AJ didn’t do any sin. I know you are doing all this for me, but if he didn’t do anything why should he be punished? Dadi says don’t hide his sins. Guddan says he isn’t the culprit. Guddan says it is.. Antra comes downstairs and slit her wrist. AJ run towards her. He says what did you do? She says I shouldn’t have come here. It was all my mistake. I didn’t want this. let me go. AJ says no Antara. Antara says I will die. AJ says I won’t let you die. AJ pick her and rush her to the hospital. Guddan says in heart she can stoop so low. I have to expose her.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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