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AJ hold Guddan’s hand and says stop it. AJ says I am sorry inspector. Please go find the culprit. They leave. AJ says are you out of your senses? Why would she kill her brother? There was no proof. You keep accusing her. I never questioned you. I thought your pain is doing all this. But you crossed all limits today. I know my Antara more than you. She loved Vikram. I spent time with her full of trust. I know she can never kill anyone. At least her brother. Stop it now. AJ consoles Antara. Antara hugs him. Guddan says I know this is hard to believe. That trust was there. But she is far from that goodwill now. AJ says I trust her. She didn’t kill anyone. Not a single more word. If you can’t ease her pain then don’t increase it. Antara says in heart there are no proofs left against me and AJ doesn’t trust Guddan either. Checkmate.

AJ does Rawat’s rituals. He gives his ash to Antara. Antra cry. AJ swipes her tears. AJ looks at Gudddan and leaves. AJ recalls his moments with Guddan. He recalls all that Guddan did. Guddan think of what AJ said, she cry. 

Inspector comes to the house. He says we have found the murderer. Rawat was investigating against a gang. They must have done it. Antara says in heart, my master stroke made you shocked Guddan? AJ says Guddan you heard the truth? Vikram had enemies due to his work. Antara didn’t kill him. You have to apologize to her for these baseless accusations. Guddan says I can die for you, but I won’t let his death be compromised. I will show you the truth one day. AJ says your truth is stories and I don’t want to hear them. Guddan put her hand on candle and says you would have to trust me. If you don't trust me then I wont move my hand. AJ moves her and says you can’t win my trust like this. Guddan says I didn’t lose your love. He says I love you but I can’t trust these stories anymore. He leave. Guddan says in heart I only wanted to see if you trust me or not. I wont’ let Rawat’s sacrifice go in vain.

An electrician fix the socket. Guddan says I will call you back. She puts wire in the socket. Guddan says now fear of death will spill truth out. Only I know this socket isn’t working.
Dadi says eat something for your child Antara. Durga says she won’t eat. Dadi says you come with me, we will make juice for her. Guddan says you have to do so much of drama. You are a demon. You killed your brother. Antara says yes these fake tears are so difficult. Antara says go expose me in front of everyone, no one trust you here. Antara says to do something big. Guddan says I came to give you one last warning but you don’t deserve it, you have to tell everyone or what happened to Rawat can happen to you too. Antara says are you threatening of killing me? Guddan bring the wire. Guddan says if you die, you won’t have any wealth. I will kill you if you don’t tell everyone truth. Dadi comes and says Guddan what are you doing? Leave it. Durga says are you in your senses. Guddan says if anyone comes, I will kill her. Guddan says Antara tell us truth Antra. AJ says what are you doing Guddan? Guddan says I will kill her, move back. AJ says no one would come forward please leave her. Guddan says now Antara will speak the truth. Antara says kill me, end these accusations forever. Kill me. You want to kill me. Guddan says tell us the truth. Antara takes the wires from Guddan. There is current in them. She gets shock. Guddan is dazed. AJ turn of the socket. AJ says are you in your senses? Guddan wonder where did this power come from? Antara saw her with the fake socket and replaced it with a real one. Dadi says Guddan you want to kill her? Durga says you wanted to kill someone? Antara says let me die AJ please. I am tired. Guddan says there was no current in that socket. AJ says enough. I told you it was all my mistake but you wanted to punish her. You wanted to kill her? You are doing this because of this marriage? I don’t have any other option. You won’t be able to stop this marriage even if you want to. He takes off the engagement ring from her finger. AJ says Antara has right on this ring not you. He makes Antara wear the ring. AJ says Antara would be my wife now. Guddan says you gave my wedding ring to Antara? AJ says you lied so many times. You tried to kill her so many times. You were killing two lives. You listen now, I am marrying her with my will now. And if you harm or accuse my wife to be, I won’t take it. Don’t you dare. AJ leave.

Guddan comes to AJ and says you’re a man after all. You decided on your wife’s future without even asking her you decided everything for her. There are gifts you gave me, give them to Antara, whatever I did, you can’t give my right to anyone else. When we made this relationship as two, how can you decide the future as one? You showed me you are a normal man, not Ram. You could be mad at me, but you gave my right to another woman. You won’t ever have my pardon. Guddan leaves. Antara hug AJ and says thank you for trusting me. AJ says what Guddan did was wrong, but what I did was also wrong. I won’t be able to love you, I will marry you, but I can’t give her place to anyone. Antara says I understand you, how can I expect you to forget her? I understand.
Durga and Saru come to Antara and touch her feet. Laxmi come too. She touch Antara’s feet. Durga says we are so happy. Saru says AJ decided right, that Guddan doesn’t deserve to be the MIL of this house. Durga says I am so happy for you. Antara says Laxmi aren’t you happy? Or you still trust Guddan? Laxmi says I want to believe that she is not wrong but she is. She tried killing you and this child, that can’t be forgiven. They leave. Durga says to Antara you gave yourself a shock just to prove Guddan wrong? There isn’t anyone like you. My years of struggle has finally come to result. Congratulations. Durga leave.

Antara says everyone who wants to come between me and my property would leave, you three and everyone will have to leave. Only I have right on this money. 

AJ recall what Guddan said, he says how can you hate someone so much. I did something I shouldn’t have. I won’t forgive you. I will punish myself for life.

Guddan ring the bell in temple. She says why are you punishing me? Will my truth never be seen?

Guddan says why didn’t you help me when I didn’t do anything wrong? I promise you I won’t leave unless you answer me my questions. She sit in the temple.

Antara scream. She says I saw a snake going to Saru’s room. AJ says Angad let’s check storage box. Durga says in heart, what if they see it? Saru’s theft would be exposed. We would be kicked out of this house. Antara says in heart, Saru you would be exposed, only a thief could catch you. AJ takes off the sheet, there is actually a snake there. AJ sees all the stolen cash and jewelry. AJ is shocked. AJ says what is all this Saru? How do you have all this? Dadi says this is all our family jewelries that were stolen, she ask Saru you stole in your own house? Do you have any shame? Saru says I am sorry Dadi. Forgive me. I was going to return it. AJ ask Laxmi and Durga did you two know about this? Durga nod. Dadi slap Durga. Dadi says Laxmi I trusted you. Laxmi says I never stole I only knew about it. AJ says I did so much for this family. I made all this so you all can live in comfort. You all have made fun of this family. you won’t be forgiven. Dadi says yes you all have no right to live in this house. AJ says your residence would be arranged outside, but you better find some work so you don’t have to steal. Kishor says we would leave this house. Dadi cry. AJ says maa don’t cry for people who can’t respect family and values, come maa, he takes Antara and dadi away from there. Antara says see all the DILS are out too.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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