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Guddan says no one can marry my husband. I will take your pride from you. I will expose you and then I will see how ma ji will ask AJ to marry you. Guddan wonders if AJ would trust her. 

AJ says to dadi you know I love Guddan. How can I.. Dadi says you deserve this punishment. You have hurt her so much. You have to marry Antara. AJ says I won’t marry her. I can’t do that. Dadi says then throttle and kill me. I won’t let Antara and Guddan’s lives be ruined. Guddan says what are you doing dadi. Dadi says ask him he has to marry Antara. Guddan says AJ didn’t do any sin. I know you are doing all this for me, but if he didn’t do anything why should he be punished? Dadi says don’t hide his sins. Guddan says he isn’t the culprit. Guddan says it is.. Antra comes downstairs and slit her wrist. AJ run towards her. He says what did you do? She says I shouldn’t have come here. It was all my mistake. I didn’t want this. let me go. AJ says no Antara. Antara says I will die. AJ says I won’t let you die. AJ pick her and rush her to the hospital. Guddan says in heart she can stoop so low. I have to expose her.

AJ is in hospital. He recalls everything that has happened. A truck drives towards him. Guddan saves him Guddan says what were you doing? Couldn’t you see? I know you were in trouble. We will solve this problem. He says you still care? You still trust me? I don’t deserve your trust. I should be punished. It was all my mistake. Guddan says no it was not your mistake. AJ says you always see good in me. Stop hiding my mistakes. If my punishment is to stay away from you, then so be it. This is what I deserve. AJ leaves. Guddan says I am with my husband. I won’t let him punish himself.

Guddan comes to the hospital. She says to dadi I want to talk to you. Durga says she is worried. Antara is in the hospital. Nurse says she is conscious but still trying to harm herself. Antara scream I want to die. Dadi comes there. Antara says I will kill myself. Dadi says it wasn’t your mistake. Antara says Gudan thinks I trapped him and came in between them. I can’t live like this. Let me die. Dadi says no she doesn’t think like that. Please tell her Guddan. She shouldn’t be punished for his sins. Dadi says to tell him it was AJ’s mistake. Guddan says yes, an innocent person shouldn’t pay the price. Antara hug her and says thank you. You will see AJ would marry me. You won’t be able to do anything. Find another guy for yourself. Antara says you relived me.

AJ comes in. AJ has a red chunri in hand. Guddan says you can’t do this. AJ make Antra wear it. AJ says ma you wanted this right? I have accepted my punishment. I am ready to repent all my life. I am ready to marry Antara. Guddan is dazed. AJ says only I would pay for my mistake. AJ leave. Antra smirk at Guddan.

Gudan comes to AJ and says you said yes to marry her? You think you can marry her and do what you want. He says this is the truth. If you can’t see it what can I do? She says every coin has two sides. AJ says the world has bad people too and they should be paying for their mistakes. I hate myself. Stop making me feel embarrassed by trusting me. What I did was wrong. He leaves. Guddan says I won’t cry anymore. I know what to do.

Antara says to Guddan I will be the bride. This room would be mine and AJ’s. We don’t need an outside here. Guddan bring her photo. She places it on the wall. Antara says have you lost your mind/ Move it. Guddan says don’t even dare to remove it. I will live in AJ’s heart, life and room. You will be out of it. You will see.
Guddan says don’t do this drama. I will show you your way. Antara says do what you want. AJ and I will be married soon. I should be preparing. Guddan says Dhoni says sometimes the last ball does wonders too. So until you get married anything can happen. Antara says get out now. Guddan says AJ won’t ever come here. I told him you are in stress. I told him that only a woman can understand a woman. So he is sleeping in the guest house and asked me to sleep here. Antara says Get out. Guddan says I am sleeping. Goodnight. Antara says you think I would sleep next to you? Guddan says when AJ had a problem he would sleep on the sofa. Antara says I will show you tomorrow morning. Guddan says in heart I won’t let our relationship break AJ.

The next morning, Bhushan come with police. He says call AJ. He fooled my daughter. Arrest him. He is marrying Antara when his wife is Guddan. Antara says your dad was so easy. Guddan says I am not dazed, but you can’t worry me with this. Guddan says no one will touch AJ. He didn’t do anything. My papa was provoked by wrong people. I have no issues from my husband. Bhushan says no arrest him. Inspector says we can’t if you daughter said so. They leave. AJ says please listen. Bhushan says he can fool you Guddan, not me. He is leaving you to marry his first wife. It was my mistake that I trusted you with my daughter. Your husband is your enemy. You are standing with your husband alone. Why didn’t this family help you? Their relations are all lies, your husband is a liar. AJ says papa.. Bhushan says don’t touch me he is about to slap him. Bhushan says you made me this. I only gave you blessings from this hand. You promised to protect her rights. She is in trouble because of you. A father can’t see his daughter in trouble. AJ holds his hand and says hit me. I am your culprit. Bhushan says yes you are. I won’t let my Guddan suffer, she will leave this house and come with me from now on. He says let’s go Guddan. She can’t stay here. Guddan says I can’t leave this house papa. Sorry papa. This house has given me greh parvesh. This is my family. Bhushan says am I not your family? Guddan can’t you see what sin your husband did? Guddan says he didn’t do anything please try to understand. Bhushan says if you don’t want to come with me then break relation with us. Never meet us again. Choose one. Revati says what are you saying Kaushaliya says don’t take wrong decision in anger. Bhushan says no one would speak. Decide Guddan. Guddan says you would break relation with you Guddan? He says it is in your hands. Guddan touch his feet and says give me blessings that I can. He says I can’t do this today. AJ says if the husband isn’t yours then there is no family in in-laws. I am not your dad anymore. He leaves. Kaushaliya and Revati try to stop him but he takes them. Guddan is in tears. AJ leave.
AJ packs Guddan’s bags. Guddan says what are you doing? He says your papa is right. I am your culprit. I couldn’t be with you. I couldn’t be your husband. You don’t have to leave your family because of me. You have to go and this is right for you. Guddan says done? Tell me if you are my husband. Are you or not? He says ofcourse, Guddan says that’s the most important thing. I will fix the rest. I did everything with my heart. Papa cares for me. That’s why he is mad at me. When he sees me he would hug me. Papa can never be mad at me. AJ says what are you made of? Why are you trusting me? Don’t do all this. I am your sinner. He leaves. Guddan holds his hand. AJ leaves.

Antara says I thought I was crazy. But you.. You’re still trying. Guddan says you shouldn’t have involved my family. Now see what I do.

Antara says you’re trying, after all this I did to you right? Guddan says you shouldn’t have involved my family. Antara says my family; Guddan says this is equally my family. Antara says this is my family now. I involved your papa. I told you not to come between me and AJ, get ready for mehndi. AJ would write his name on my hand. Guddan says my name is written on with his life, stop looking here and there. I am his present and future. You couldn’t be his even when he was unconscious. Antara says wait till evening. Guddan says yes we are all here.

Guddan comes to Antara’s doctor. She says do you have shame? You fooled people. You lied and said Antra was in comma. You will go to jail now. He says I am sorry, please. Antara asked me to do this. flashback show Antra telling Doctor I give you one chance. Do what I ask you now. He says I would. Guddan says before starting mehndi we have to place it in temple. AJ and Antara take the mehndi. Guddan comes and says stop. The doctor walks in with her. Antara is dazed. Antara says in heart I have to stop all this. She throws the candle near Dadi. Guddan says doctor tell everyone. Doctor says Antara.. Dadi’s saree is on fire. Everyone screams. They all rush to her. Antra says to doctor if you say a word I will send your whole family to comma. Antara says oh God what happened? AJ extinguishes the fire. The doctor says her case is sensitive and complicated. You should visit me often. Guddan says what are you saying. He says yes this is the truth. Doctor whispers to Guddan she will harm my family. Guddan says I can understand. He leave.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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