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Sundar prepares kadhi/curry and seeks Imlie’s help. Imlie helps him. Radha with Aparna walks in and scolds Sundar why did he take Imlie’s help and throws kadhi in sink. Aparna orders Sundar to take family member’s help and not outsider’s. Malini walks into kitchen. Aparna asks if she remembers preparing her type kadhi. Malini says as she had taught her. Adi walks in and says he wants to invite 12-13 colleagues home for party. Aparna says he can call as many people as he can as she and Malini will manage. Adi asks why she insults Imlie in everything, he is giving party after his safe return and wants to introduce his wife because of whom he returned home safely. Aparna says he cannot see anyone except his wife, he and his wife should manage then and not trouble others. Adi says its better he doesn’t argue wit her at all and walks away. Imlie tries to walk behind him to give him tiffin. Malini stops her and walking to Adi offers him tiffin, asks him to calm down or else he will have headache. He says don’t know why maa behaves like this. Malini asks not to worry as she will handle maa and even will make her attend his party. Adi thanks her and says she understands him better as a friend. She thinks friendship is the base of a successful marriage and she will prove that only she knows to handle his family and they love only her.

Imlie walks to Aparna’s room in lieu of cleaning her room and tries to cheer her up and convince her to attend Adi’s party. Aparna asks what will Adi’s colleagues think seeing a servant as his wife. Imlie says she shouldn’t miss her son’s party. Aparna orders her to concentrate on her work and not pester her. Malini walks in and asks Aparna if she will accompany her for a movie tonight. Aparna says she should be here to attend Adi’s colleagues as she doesn’t want to introduce a servant as her bahu. Imlie walks away hearing that. Malini says her relationship with Adi is tarnished, but she doesn’t want Aparna’s relationship to be tarnished with her son and hence wants Aparna to attend her son’s party. Aparna after much conviction agrees.
Pallavi shows saris to Imlie and asks her to select one to wear for the party. Malini says sari’s color is shouting. Rupali joins and asks what does she mean. Imlie says she means its color is loud and she will some old shalwar suit. Rupali laughs and says she should look best as Adi has invited his colleagues to introduce them to his wife. Imlie says if knew about it, she would have bought a new sari. Door bell rings. Rupali says Adi must have come and walks to call him. Adi brings grocery. Malini informs him that maa agreed to attend his party. Rupali takes him to Imlie and asks him to select a sari for Imlie. He hesitates. She insists and walks away. Imlie says she doesn’t know how will his colleagues react seeing a servant as his wife as they have seen her earlier as his servant. He says she doesn’t know what she is to her and selecting a sari asks her to wear it. Malini watching their conversation walks to Imlie once Adi leaves and insists to perform her make up as she is Imlie Adi Tripathi now and Adi’s name is linked to her. She reminds that when Imlie did her makeup, she told that she will perform Imlie’s makeup, she didn’t know then that Imlie is already married to her own husband, anyways she will perform her make up for sure. Imlie agrees. Malini says its time for her medicines and asks her to bring water for her. Imlie leaves. Malini picks Imlie’s sari.

Pallavi cries looking at a letter. Imlie walks in and asks reason. Pallavi says its her credit card bill. Imlie picks envelope and says its not her cred card bill. Pallavi says she got a course call from a prestigious university in Australia, but she doesn’t want to leave Nishant alone. Imlie says Nishant is like Adi who risked his life to take her to the exam venue and hence will understand her situation, there are all there anyways to take care of Nishant in her absence and she need not worry. Pallavi thanks her and leaves. Adi hears their conversation and walking to Imlie says he is eager to hold her hand and introduce her to his colleagues. She remembering Malini’s offer to do her make up says she will look most beautiful today. Malini wears Imlie’s sari remembering Adi praising Imlie. Adi walks to her and says she is looking beautiful and only she can be his life partner and no one else. Malini says she will not let anyone else between them. Imlie opens door and stands shocked seeing Malini wearing her sari. Malini gets out of imagination and doesn’t find Adi there.

Imlie returns to Malini’s room and is shocked seeing Malini wearing Adi’s gifted sari for her. She tells Malini that Adi brought this sari for her. Malini acts and says she didn’t know and thought of trying this beautiful sari, she forgot that she doesn’t have any right on Imlie’s stuff. Imlie ask her not to say that. Malini says she wouldn’t have worn it if she knew it before, she had brought clothes for Imlie and shows it. Imlie says she doesn’t wear these kind of clothes. Malini says girls of her age don’t wear saris and Adi will be happy seeing her in these clothes. Aparna walks in and seeing her in new sari says she is looking very beautiful in it, asks if she is wearing it for party? Malini says she is not as its Imlie’s. Aparna insists to wear only this sari and taunts Imlie that she is habituated to grab Malini’s rights. Once Aaprna leaves, Malini says she will return this sari to Imlie. Imlie asks her to keep it on and she will wear her brought dress. Malini says she will look good in it and performs her makeup saying she will look pretty. 

On the other side, Mithi expresses her concern for Imlie in front of Satyakam. Satyakam says they can trust Malini. She says he is right, but she is nervous as Imlie suffered a lot before. They pray to Seeta maiya for Imlie’s happiness.
Rupali enters Nishant and Pallavi’s room and asks if they are not yet ready for the party. Nishant says they are and wears his blazer. She says her brother is looking handsome. He says even his sister is looking pretty. She walks away. Pallavi looking sad shows her professional course offer letter to Nishant. Nishant gets happy and says finally she is getting enrolled in this course, he will be most happy as he will eat most of the food she prepares. She says he didn’t read it properly that she should shift to Australia for the course. He says just like she waited for him for 10 years, he will wait for her till she returns and she will find him same. She relaxes. They then attend party. Rupali welcomes them.

During party, Adi’s news paper editor chats with Pankaj and discusses that he was worried for Adi’s life and is happy when he returned home safe. Pankaj backs him. Editor asks about Imlie. Adi goes to call Imlie and seeing Malini wearing Imlie’s sari asks why is she wearing it. Malini says Imlie gave it to her as she didn’t like it. Adi says Imlie loved it. Mailni says she doesn’t know. He walks out saying everyone are eager to meet Imlie. Adi says even she wants guests to see Imlie. Aparna angrily discusses with Radha that Adi cannot see anyone except Imlie, Imlie should is missing without bothering about anyone’s feelings. Radha backs her. Imlie walks down. Editor asks everyone to clap for her. Imlie walks down the stairs wearing modern dress and loud makeup with high heeled sandals with great difficulty. Senior Tripathis feel embarrassed seeing guests laughing on Imlie. Imlie asks why are they staring at her, she is not looking that beautiful. Guest laughs commenting this is Pagdandiya style. Rupali asks why didn’t Imlie wear Adi’s gifted sari. Another guest comments they should loud the music as its fading with Imlie’s loud makeup. Editor scolds him to behave.

Aparna scolds Imie for humiliating them in front of guests. Imlie cries. Malini walks in. Rupali gets angry seeing her wearing Imlie’s sari. Adi wipes Imlie’s tears and asks her to stop crying or else her make up will spoil, says he wants to introduce her to his guests and holding her hand introduces her to his guests and then gets busy with them. Malini takes Imlie away saying she must be feeling awkward. Adi then searches Imlie to introduce her to other guests. Malini makes Imlie sit aside and asks why she is feeling uncomfortable. Imlie says her clothes and makeup. Malini says she should have informed it before then, now she should sit here if she is feeling uncomfortable. She walks away. Adi walks to Imlie and takes her back to his friends. Friends joke who enters party with such a loud getup, they today saw that loud is blind, they realized that they came to a fancy dress competition here.

Precap: Imlie sadly watches Malini dancing with Adi. Adi noticing her leaves Malini and walks to her.  Imlie cries that she trusts Malini blindly and attended party wearing her given dress, will the trust break.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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