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Mithi reminisces Imlie requesting Anu to offer dinner to her amma and Anu asking her to go have it with servants. Imlie walks to her. Mithi says she shouldn’t be in this place and ask why are there not many people in such a big house and where is Malini? Imlie says she is at Adi’s house and its a long story. Mithi says Malini shouldn’t be at her in-laws’ place and she shouldn’t be here, so she will return to Pagdandiya and Imlie should return to her in-laws. Imlie says she will bring water for her and walk away. 

Malini feed Imlie’s prepared fat rotis to dogs and video calls Anu. Anu enjoys the show and says servant Imlie’s food is fit for dogs. Malini says until Imlie is at Anu’s house, she will not let Adi eat anything prepared by Imlie and will change Adi’s taste like before. Anu says sure. Imlie hears their conversation. 

Dev walk to Mithi and ask how is she now? Imlie return nervous. Mithi ask why she looks nervous? Dev asks if she spoke to Adi? She says yes. He says she should return to Adi. Imlie says Mithi need her. Dev says she need not worry about Mithi as he will protect her from Anu, Adi needs her and she should return to him. Mithi back him.

At Tripathi house, Malini goes to kitchen to prepare tea for Adi. Sundar says he already prepared tea. She says Adi likes extra ginger and cardamom in his tea, so he can serve his tea to others. He leave. She thinks without Imlie’s presence, everything will be normal again. Imlie enters and says to prepare tea for her also. Malini asks what is she doing here instead of being with her severely ill mother? Imlie says her mother sent her here and ask why didn’t she let Adi have her prepared rotis and fed them to dogs instead? Malini nervously says she doesn’t know what she is talking about. Adi walks in and and asks what is she doing here and if she had informed him, he would have picked her up. She says she wouldn’t have seen his surprised face then. He ask her to prepare tea for him and walk away. Imlie ask Malini to let her prepare tea for Adi now. Malini says she almost prepared it and she will serve it. Imlie hold the pan and gets adamant. Malini warns her to behave. Imlie doesn’t give up. Tea pan falls down. Aparna rush in and asks what happened? Malini says Imlie is stopping her from prepare tea for Adi and trying to snatch pan from her dropped the pan. Adi walk in. Malini says if Imlie has a problem with her, she will go from here. Aparna says she shouldn’t go as Imlie with this behavior snatched her husband. Adi says Malini doesn’t have to go from here and takes Imlie from there.

Adi takes Imlie aside and says she knows she will not create a scene and fight with Malini. Imlie says Malini is not happy seeing them together. He says why would she do that? Imlie says she was supporting them before, but doesn’t want to now and reminds him about party dress incident and Malini feeding rotis to dogs. Adi says maybe Malini has done it as he had fried rice, she shouldn’t think much as he is with her and she can prepare rotis for him again. Malini hears their conversation and think its easy to manipulate Imlie and prove that she is immature.
Mithi seeing servant mopping floor asks him to mop even her room floor. Servant ignores her. Dev asks reason. Servant says Anu madam ordered not to accept Mithi’s orders. Dev mops Mithi’s floor. Anu walks in clapping and taunt Dev that brush holding hands are holding mop now. Dev says Mithi is their guest. Anu says he brought is keep/mistress home and wants to enjoy with her here. Dev shouts to shut up. Their argument starts. Mithi try to leave. Anu stops her and then push her towards door. Malini holds her. Mithi calls her Kalpana. Malini says she is Malini. Mithi shocked asks if she is Dev’s daughter? Mithi asks why did she lie? Malini says she will introduce herself properly now and says she is Malini Aditya Kumar Tripathi, Aditya’s wife. Mithi says this is wrong as Imlie married Adi before her. Malini says it was a forceful marriage, she and Adi were together since 7 years and married with mutual consent. Mithi says she supported Imlie before. Malini says she was bound by her good deeds and couldn’t see anyone in pain. Mithi says Imlie blindly trusted her. Malini says even she blindly trusted Imlie, but she betrayed and snatched her husband; she will not leave her right and is legally Adi’s wedded wife. Mithi shocked walks away saying she can not stay here. Dev try to follow her. Anu stops her. Dev says he had promised Imlie to take care of her mother. Malini asks if he had not promised Anu, he couldn’t follow his promise and is supporting Imlie now. Dev says he made many mistakes and is trying to correct them, but they are stopping him. She says he will never see her again if he goes behind Mithi. Dev says he is missing his daughter and best friend.

Mithi remembers Malini confessing that she is Malini Aditya Tripathi and thinks if Imlie continues trusting Malini, Malini will snatch Adi from her, so she needs to inform everything to Imlie. 

Anu tells Malini that she is very proud of her that she gave a nice reply to Mithi and asks what if Mithi informs everything to Imlie. 

Adi with Imlie walks in and asks Mithi not to wander in house and to rest. Mithi says she doesn’t want to stay here and informs Imlie that Malini wants to separate Adi and Imlie. 

Malini tells Anu let Mithi say whatever she wants to. Adi tells Mithi that she has misunderstood Malini and ask her to rest. Mithi says Malini had visited her village and lied that her name is Kalpana. Adi says she didn’t do anything wrong to them till now, else why would she bring Mithi’s favorite sweet for her. He reminisces Malini asking Adi to bring sweets for Mithi as she is at her mother’s house. He tells Mithi not to think much and rest and walks away. Mithi asks Imlie if she also doesn’t trust her? Imlie says she trusts her and knows about Malini’s intention since long, she doesn’t know what to do as she has her elder sister on one side and her husband on the other side. Mithi ask her to trust Seeta Maiya, she is with her always.

Aditya with Malini, Anu, and Dev wait for Mithi and Imlie. They walk in. Adi says Mithi said Malini visited Pagdandiya before. Malini agrees and says she doubted from before that Imlie is Dev’s daughter and wanted to confirm it, but Dev wanted something else that time. Adi tells Mithi that Malini had some other reason for lying. Anu says her daughter is kind hearted and people misuse her kindness and misunderstand her. Adi says nobody is misusing Malini, its just a misunderstanding. Mithi says she made a mistake under medicine effect, its God’s wish that she met with an accident with Dev’s car and came here, so she will stay here and will go only after fixing things.
Radha and Aparna speak to their relative and congratulate her for becoming a grandmother of a baby girl. Relative invites them tomorrow to meet the girl and asked to call Adi’s wife, relative’s family had attended Adi and Malini’s marriage and consider Malini as Adi’s wife, but Adi will definitely take Imlie along, so she doesn’t know what to do. 

The next morning, Imlie wishes good morning to Harish. Harish ignoring her watches news where reporters informs about a veil donning lady trio gang who loot people. Radha ready to visit relative’s house scolds him to get ready soon and calls everyone. Everyone walk down. Rupali says her cousin Nandini is younger than them and they are going to see her baby girl. Nishant jokes. Aparna offers her family necklace to Malini. Malini requests her to give it to Imlie. Aparna says its not a normal necklace to give it to outsiders. Rupali offers her necklace to Imlie. Imlie says she is fine with just her mangalsutra. Malini get jealous hearing that. Adi inform Imlie that her mother has called her. Aparna comments don’t know what Mithi will teach Imlie now. Imlie takes call. Meanwhile, Malini hurriedly sits next to Adi in car. Imlie reaches. Malini apologizes and says she will go and sit at the back. Adi says its okay, Imlie will sit behind. Imlie with frowning face sits behind.

Tripathi family’s car punctures while returning from relative’s house. Adi and Nishant go to seek help. Family chats and jokes meanwhile. Imlie picks an alert signal from car’s dickie and keeps it on road. Harish asks what is she doing. She says she is keeping an alert sign till Adi returns. Malini says Imlie just needs attention, she means Imlie is getting bored and can not sit silently. Imlie feels sad hearing that and questions Seeta Maiya till when she has to fight for her right and Adi? Three thief trio ladies throw away barbed wires used to puncture car and think this family has more jewelry than usual. They walk to Tripathi family and say they missed their bus and are waiting for a transport. Family smiling chats with them. Imlie thinks Aparna and Radha are speaking more smilingly than her, its better if she would have gone with Nishant and Adi. Ladies throw a hypnotic powder on Tripathi family and making them unconscious steal their jewelry and try to escape in their car. Imlie returns and noticing that try to snatch jewelry bag back from them. They fight. Imlie draws a line and challenges them for a kabbadi match. They struggle to snatch back jewelry bag from her and she slaps them repeatedly. Finally, they push her on ground.

Precap: Radha questions that there were so many people got hypnotized by thief except Imlie, if Imlie also knows hypnotishm. Imlie using a family necklace acts to hypnotize them and order them to accept her as their daughter and DIL again. Aparna angrily snatches the necklace. Aparna asks Adi where did he find the necklace from. Malini says from Imlie’s room. Aparna asks Ilmie if she stole the necklace. Imlie denies and says she didn’t do any mistake. He says she did a mistake and he called someone to verify it. Radha asks if he called police.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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