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Aparna cries looking at Aditya’s pics. Adi walks to her and says he is going for Imlie’s muh dikhayi ritual shopping and wants her to accompany them. Aparna asks if he is reminding her the responsibility of a saas/MIL, does he remember responsibilities of a son. He says he remembers everything, he didn’t expect her to punish him for his mistakes and stop talking to her. She used to think her son will never disobey her. He says he loves Imlie immensely. She asks if he loves Imlie so much that he doesn’t value their love. She says she speaks whatever she likes without thinking what he feels, he misses his mother being in the same house and even she is missing him and looking at his pics, she used to scold him and then love whenever he used to return from assignment, he doesn’t remember when she prepared kheer for him last, she should drop her anger as he is missing her a lot, he is not telling this in the greed of kheer. She says she will try. He asks to prepare kheer or forgive him. She says both. He hugs her and says I love you mom and walks away. She continues crying emotionally.

Imlie gets ready for muh dikhayi ritual. Rupali and Nishant praise her beauty. Ilmile asks if Adi returned. They say he must be on the way and asks her to come out soon as guests are eager to meet him. Imlie wears veil and thinks Malini will not let Adi return home on time before muhurat and prays god to fail her plan. Adi in jewelry shop reminds its already 5 p.m. and they need return home. Malini tries to keep Adi busy trying different jewelries and buying gifts for Aparna and others. He hurriedly buys jewelries and rushes in his bike with Malini as pillion. Satyakam notices them. At home, Dulari greets all the guests for her granddaughter’s muh dikhayi ritual and says she brought a special gift Pagdandiya’s devi maa’s special sindhoor which will keep their husband bonded to them forever and sells sindhoor box for 20 rs. Guests buy sindhoor from her. Aparna feels embarrassed. Anu says these people will not change. Dulari calling her Kalini’s mother asks to buy sindhoor. Anu angrily shouts her daughter’s name is Malini. Dulari asks if she thinks its costly, she will give it for 10 rs. Anu warns her to keep her mouth shut. Dulari asks Harish to buy next. Harish asks what kind of a woman she is to sell sindhoor to guests. Aparna asks how much will she embarrass them more.

Mithi and Rupali bring Imlie with veil on and asks everyone to welcome new bride. Pankaj praises Imlie’s beauty. Dulari asks Imlie about Adi. Imlie says he has gone out. Guest comments that groom is taking more time than bride. Rupali sees Anu smirking and thinks if Malini is purposefully getting Adi late. Guests discuss that Aparna told Imlie is a servant, they are getting late waiting. Dulari says how can they get bored in his granddaughter’s function, she will entertain them. She wearing a funky google dances on Chadti Jawani Meri Chaal Mastani.. song and pesters Aparna and Radha. Imlie supporters join her. Harish also dances with them.
Aditya reaches home with Malini and says they reached home 5 minutes before muhurat. Satyakam walks to Adi. Adi says he came at the right time, its Imlie’s muh dikhayi ritual. Malini walks into house saying she will call Imlie out and thinking she will make them miss the muhurat. Imlie asks where is Adi. Malini informs that her dadda is waiting for her outside. Imlie rushes towards door. Satyakam tells Adi that he needs to talk to him something important and asks him to accompany him as someone is following him. Adi agrees. Imlie’s veil falls down and she seeing Malini behind warns her not to fight against fate as fate on her and Adi’s side and not Malini’s. She hears bike sound and rushes out to see Adi driving bike away with Satyakam, asks Malini what did she say Dadda. Malini says she didn’t say anything and calls Adi. Imlie snatches her phone and speaks to Adi who says he is going with Satyakam as Satyakam is in some problem. Imlie wears her veil back taunting Malini that her plan will fail and walks back inside house. Satyakam takes Adi to a secluded place and shoots him. Adi falls down unconscious. Imlie senses Adi’s life in danger when her veil falls down.
Satyakam/SK requests Adi to help him. Adi says he needs to attend function inside. SK requests its important and takes him on bike. Malini calls Adi and asks where is he. Imlie snatches phone from her. Adi says SK is taking him somewhere as he is having some problem, she need not worry as he will return soon. SK takes him to a secluded place. Adi asks why he brought him here, nobody followed them on the way, what is the issue. SK shoots him, and he flies back and falls down. Imlie senses something went wrong. Adi stands up with great difficulty and asks why did he shoot him. SK says he betrayed Imlie and continued his illegal affair with his second wife. Adi says he loves only Imlie. SK warns to shut his lies, its good that a woman called him and informed him about his lies. He remembers Malini disguised calling him and informing that Adi still loves his first wife Malini and brought back her home, he can come and see Malini in Imlie’s place during muh dikayi ritual. Out of flash back, SK says he didn’t trust that lady at first, but he followed Adi and found her with Malini; Imlie is pious like a devi and he betrayed her like Dev betrayed Mithi and returned to his first wife. Adi says Imlie is waiting for him. SK says his lies will not end, so he will end him and shoots him. Adi flies backwards again and falls down from a cliff.

Imlie’s veil falls down on Adi’s photo and she senses something is wrong. Sundar gets a call while he is busy dancing and he rushes to bring kheer items for Adi. Imlie returns to function venue with sad face. Everyone get concerned and ask where is Adi. Imlie says SK got some work from Adi and took him. Aparna asks if she didn’t want to perform ritual, why did she made this drama. Guests discuss that mother herself doesn’t want to perform ritual, so they all should leave. All guests walk away. Anu senses Malini tensed and asks if she sent Adi. Malini says she just called SK, don’t know what SK did with Adi, his life may be in danger and she will inform police. Anu stops her. Imlie expresses her concern to Mithi. Mithi asks her not to worry and suggests her to call Adi. Imlie calls Adi from Nishant’s number. SK picks call. She asks SK to give phone to Adi. SK asks her to forget Adi forever and throwing phone down leaves crushing it under his bike. Imlie drops phone in shock. Mithi and Pankaj asks what did SK say. Imlie says Babusaheb. Aparna asks Nishant to call police.

Police reaches Tripathi house and informs that they checked CCTV footages and found Adi going on a cliff with SK, they found only Adi’s phone and not him. Nishant asks inspector to find out Adi. Inspector says they found blood on the mountain and doubt that SK killed Adi. Family stands more shocked hearing that. Nishant says its impossible. Inspector leaves saying he will check for Adi around the mountain. Imlie shatters and cries. Aparna confronts her that she knew this would happen, she got her son killed via her dadda. She whisks her and shouts she killed her son. Family pulls her away and tries to console her. Malini tries to speak, but Anu stops her and tells Aparna that she should have accepted Imlie as bahu, now Imlie killed Adi when she didn’t get her right. Imlie shouts babusaheb is alive. Aparna warns she will kill Imlie if something happens to her son. Pankaj and Nishant pull her away and console her. Imlie walks to Seeta Maiya and says whatever dadda and inspector say, she cannot believe babusaheb is dead, why is Seeta Maiya playing with her. Mithi walks to her. Imlie says she doesn’t know why dadda said this. Mithi says even she doesn’t know, why SK left village and came here. Imlie says she is very afraid. Malini says she should and if something happens to Adi, she will not spare Imlie’s family. Imlie angrily pins her to wall and shouts if she finds out her and her mother’s involvement, she will forget all relationships. Malini pushes her back and walks away from there. Imlie cries hugging Mithi.

Precap: Inspector asks T family to identify dead body. Harish with trembling hands removes cloth from dead body’s face. Aparna prepares kheer and asks Pankaj why didn’t her son return yet.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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