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Malini visits Kunal. Kunal says she must have come again to seek his help. She says he always helped her, but today he increased her problems. He says she is responsible for it. She says he can not judge her without knowing the truth. He asks who is he to judge her? She asks if according to him, she was good when she was sacrificing her right and when she is fighting for her right, she is wrong? He ask what right. She says Adi is her husband and she loves him. He says how it feels when they love someone and someone considers them as friend, Adi doesn’t love her, and she is just obsessed with him. She ask him to take back the case against her. He says he can not until his client wants to. She asks if he wants her to be humiliated during trials and go to jail? He says no, he will not help her as she is trying to misuse him in lieu of friendship, she is habituated to misuse people’s friendship. She ask if he thinks she misused Adi? He says he is not a judge to give verdict. She warns to continue with case if he wants to destroy his career as no one will believe that a woman forced a man for intimacy. He says he knew she would say this, law doesn’t look at gender, she should stop acting as her friend as she is trying to misuse it, she knows KC doesn’t take case without any reason. She says let us see and walk away.

The next morning, during breakfast, Harish angrily calls Imlie. Radha asks why is he shouting? Imlie walks to him. Harish says court has sent them a summon asking them to be present as evidence. Aparna asks if they have to visit court now? Imlie says they have to fight for Adi’s dignity. Adi says Malini supported him for years, she backed off when he informed her that he loves Imlie instead, she sacrificed a lot for him, he can not believe Malini misused him, he made a mistake, then why is Imlie fighting? Aparna says this girl wants to humiliate them, but she will not let her succeed and will not go to court. Pankaj says they have to or else they will be prosecuted. Harish says Pankaj is right, they have to go or else they will go to jail. Radha says this girl will not be quiet until she removes all hurdles. She, Aparna, and Harish walk away. Pankaj tells Imlie that he is unable to understand her act, if she is sure she is doing right. She says she is worried for family like them, there is no other way than this to get truth out. He says he is with her then.

Dev speaks to his lawyer Desai on the phone. Malini asks Dev to tell Imlie to take back her case. He ask why? Is she afraid? He says she said she didn’t do anything wrong. She remembers mixing hypnotic in juice. He asks if she wants to confess? She says she is not wrong and is worried for Tripathi's family’s dignity. Dev says he would have requested Imlie if Malini had not requested him suspiciously, he is a father with a weak heart and can not see any of his daughter in trouble. Anu says he doesn’t have to plead with servant Imlie as she has already made arrangements to make sure Tripathis don’t reach court. Tripathis head towards court when mob stages protest against them and allege Adi that he is the one who ruined a girl’s life, don’t know who is his mother who bore this characterless son. Adi angrily try to retaliate. 
In court, judge asks KC about his clients and why didn’t they reach court yet? Desai says they are wasting court’s time.

Mob gets angry and try to trash Adi with a slipper when Imlie stops them and says there is law to take action, who are they to decide? A woman says which woman will force herself on a man. Imlie says many are victims, but don’t seek justice, why are they stopping her to reach court, etc. She continues her long speech. Dulari enters with lathi/wooden rod and shoos mob away. 

Back in court, KC tells judge that usually in these kind of cases, evidences are stopped and his client are also stopped as case is against famous family of this city. Desai asks if its a sin to be a famous family and asks judge to dismiss this case as any dignified woman will not force herself on a man. Judge says he has to listen to defense lawyer’s request as evidences have not reached court. Imlie enters with T family. KC asks why is she late. She says she had to fight another battle before reaching here. KC alleges that Mallini drugged Adi and got intimate with him. Desai calls Harish in dais and asks if he remembers what happened that night. Harish says he doesn’t as he was inebriated. Desai then calls Adi in dais.
Malini’s lawyer Mr Desai calls Harish in dais and asks him to describe what happened that day. Harish says don’t know how whole family was inebriated and when they got conscious in the morning, they heard about this news. Desai then calls Radha who says she also doesn’t know what happened that night. Desai then calls Aparna who says she also doesn’t know anything, they had invited orphanage children for Janmasthami celebrations and doesn’t remember what happened that night. Desai then calls Pankaj who says when he woke up, Imlie’s naani was shouting and doesn’t remember what happened. Mithi tells Imlie that their evidence is supporting Malini. Imlie says truth is still hidden and not coming out. Desai then calls Rupali in dais who says Malini must have mixed something in their drinks. He says even she is not sure and calls Nishant in dais who also says same, says nobody saw anything. KC says let us call a victim. Desai calls Adi in dais and asks why he alleged Malini that she forcefully got intimate with him, but Malini is his wife. Adi says Imlie is his wife. Desai asks if he didn’t marry Malini Adi says he did, but. Desai says Adi himself is confused, when he has 2 marriages, how can he consider himself as a victim; asks if he informed Malini before marrying her that Imlie is his wife. Adi says he tried to inform her. Desai insists yes or no. Adi says she didn’t know. Desai asks how to trust this person who is a fraud who trapped an innocent 18-year-old girl Imlie and then married rich Malini for her wealth. KC questions Adi next and asks Adi if he told truth to Malini anytime? Adi says he explained everything Malini and they both mutually agreed for a divorce. KC says if he knows that Malini has held divorce proceedings? Adi is shocked and says he didn’t know about it and spoke about divorce just during Janmashtami celebrations. Desai interrupts and says divorce proceedings have started or not, legally still Malini is Adi’s wife and he is confused. Adi says only Imlie is his wife. Desai asks if Malini forcefully got intimate with him. Adi says no as whatever happened was with mutual consent. KC asks Adi to explain what happened that day. He says as there was janmastami celebration in his house and he fought with Imlie and was searching for her, he doesn’t remember what happened that day. KC asks when he doesn’t remember anything, how is he so sure that he got intimate with Malini? He says he was drugged. Desai asks how can he be so sure that Malini drugged him, maybe he drugged and misused her? Judge says without evidence, he will cancel this case. KC requests to let him gather more evidence. Judge gives him one more hearing.

Out of court, Anu tells Malini that Desai did magic, this case will be canceled in next hearing without any proof. Malini says she fears that she will lose Adi trying to win this case. Anu says there is only way to control Adi, his guilt, servant Imlie misused his guilt and forced him to accept her, she has to use same trick. Adi walks to Malini and asks why didn’t she inform him that she held divorce proceedings? She says she wanted to inform him when she got hospital after falling ill and he took her home; she was confused after so much happened in her life and asked KC to hold divorce proceedings; she is sorry for that. He says she need not say sorry as she is going through this turmoil, he is sorry for her. She ask him not to apologize to him when her own sister file case against her and a friend KC character assassinated her. He says even he is feeling bad for that. Imlie enters and says she is still not character assassinated yet as mob didn’t stage protest in front of her house. Adi blames Imlie for creating all this mess and walks out. Malini says she feels bad for Imlie and is worried for her as she is alone now; her Babusaheb always ignored her mistakes, but today he ignored her; she will lose this case badly. Imlie challenges she will not. Malini says when there is no evidence, judge will dismiss the case, where will she get evidence from.

At KC’s office, KC tells Imlie that without solid proof, they will lose this case. Imlie asks what about her burnt sari. He says Anu already proved it wrong with her lies. Dulari says when they have to defeat English madam, they need to think like her. KC says he didn’t understand her. Imlie says she understood.

Precap: Imlie disguised as Malini drugs Anu and asks where did she get that drug from to hide evidence. Anu says proof. Malini enters and is shocked to see Imlie disguised as her and T family standing nearby. Teachers complain against Imlie and deny to teach her. Principal give Imlie’s suspension letter and orders that she can not enter college after this.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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