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Sundar takes food for Imlie. Imlie says she is not hungry. Sundar says everyone sent it for her. She excitedly asks if Aparna and Pankaj sent it. Sundar nervously says yes and asks her to have food. Adi walks in, takes plate, and says she will have food with everyone. He keeps her plate on dining table and says let us have food with everyone. Elders get angry seeing that while youngsters support Imlie. Aparna says this place is for family members and if Adi wants a stranger to sit with him, they will walk away from here. All 4 elders walk away. Radha orders Rupali, Nishant, and Pallavi to accompany them. Nishant hesitates. She walks away asking if elders order will be disrespected because of Imlie. They all 3 follow her. Adi insists Imlie to have food with him. After dinner, Adi walks to Aparna and says she has right to get angry on him for not informing her about his first wife Imlie and lying to her repeatedly, but she should't blame Imlie. Aparna says Imlie misused their love and being an illegitimate child, she had an illegitimate relationship with Adi. Pankaj says Malini informed them everything. Adi asks even then they are calling Imlie as illegitimate child, Anu wrongly accused Mithi and insulted her, even they are doing same with Imlie, they considered Imlie as a family member before and are humiliating her once the truth is out. Pankaj says nobody forced Imlie to accompany him to this house. Aparna says Pankaj is right, Imlie purposefully accompanied him in this house and acted good to his family to make a place in this house and manipulate him, which he can not understand. She says Imlie came here as a servant and should be a servant here. Adi asks who are they both to judge Imlie, he became a journalist to change this thinking and didn’t know he has to fight with his own family; he warns them that Imlie is his wife and he will give all her rights ro her from right now.

Adi walks to Imlie and picking her bag holds her hand says let us go. Aparna asks what is he doing? He says which she had to do. Family gathers again, and Pankaj asks what is he doing? Adi says Aparna didn’t perform her bahu’s graha pravesh and Imlie happily accepted a corner of the house, they were fine until the truth was out and now they want to snatch even that corner from Imlie, he will give her the right place she deserves. Pankaj says he is crossing his limits. Harish asks if he will insult family now. Adi says Imlie deserves to stay in his room as whatever belong to him belongs to Imlie. He holds Imlie’s hand and try to get into his room. Imlie stops and after a long dialogue says until his family accepts her, she will not enter his room. Adi fixes his bed next to Imlie’s and says he will stay with her if he can not support her.

The next morning, Imlie helps Mithi and Satyakam pack their bags. Satyakam tells her that she must be sad that he is taking her amma suddenly, but he got some important work in Pagdandiya. Imlie informs that Adi’s family found out the truth. They ask if they accepted her? Imlie reminisces family humiliating her and lies that they happily hugged and accepted her. Mithi asks Satyakam to bring 2 kg sweets to visit Adi’s family. Imlie nervously says they can visit next time. Mithi asks to tell truth. Imlie hugs her tightly and cry. Satyakam gets angry and asks if they insulted her, he will not spare them. Mithi says its not a time to get angry and suggests Imlie to win her family’s hearts as its every bahu’s duty and test to win her in-laws’ heart, she knows Imlie will clear this test as usual. Satyakam says she is shagun ka sikka and should prove that she is fit to be their daughter inlaw and can do anything she wants to.

Aparna while heading to temple tells Radha that they need to perform Pallavis’ muh dikhayi ritual. Radha says she knows, but she thought Aparna didn’t want to seeing the situation at home. Aparna says let us perform it. Radha sees Imlie standing with pooja thali. Aparna asks what is she doing, if she wants to prove that she is Adi’s wife, she is Adi’s keep and will never get respect. Radha says she is doing all this to grab Adi’s property. Imlie says she just needs their love like they showered their love before like a mother, why can’t they accept her as daughter inlaw when they could accept her as a daughter. Aparna asks if she can act like before and keep a distance from Adi, she will promise to accept her like before. Imlie says she got this sindhoor and mangalsutra back with much difficulty and can not sacrifice it. Radha says they cannot trust her again.
Radha and Aparna’s neighbor see them going to temple and asks how are they, they were not seen since many days. Radha says they were busy with household chores. Neighbor sees Imlie and asks if she is going to temple and asks Radha and Aparna if they got Imlie married and who is her husband, if he is from her village or city. Aparna says Imlie is not yet married and its their village’s ritual to apply sindhoor when they visit temple. Neighbor leaves. Aparna tells Imlie that she remembers Imlie’s lies, earlier it used to help Imlie and now them, it was her decision to hide her truth and now they will also do the same. They walk away for temple. Dev walks in next. Imlie asks what is he doing here? Dev says he wanted to talk to her and thought of dropping her to college. Imlie asks him to speak. He asks if Tripathis accepted her, why don’t she stay in his house, she should stop being adamant as he will fulfill all his responsibilities as a father, she should leave Tripathis and Aditya and he will get her married in a better house as this is the easiest and best way out. Imlie says she forgot that he likes only easy routes like he lied to her mother and then dumped her, he promised her till yesterday that he will never leave her alone. He says he wants to support both his daughters. She says there is a difference between being near and thinking of same, and if he is a good father, why Malini goes away from him. She further says she has Rupali, Nishant, and Pallavi in her support, but he never supported her; she will never leave Adi as he is her husband and will follow the relationship and be with him always; he will not understand this as he likes only easy routes, etc. She walk into T house while he stands looking at her.

Adi asks Imlie where is she coming from? She says she had gone to temple. He asks if maa and taiji took her to temple. She says she went herslf. He ask not to plead with them to accept her as their relationship is true and elders are not accepting it, so he doesn’t want her to beg them. She nod okay. He ask if she is understanding it or not? Harish calls Sundar to bring him tea, and she walk away. He thinks she will not agree to him.

Malini meets KC with case file. He jokes if she will kick her students out if they come late, checks file and says IT statements and address proof are missing. She says she checked and don’t know how she missed them, she will go back and get them. He says she will go and waste the time, she should do what she wants to. She asks what she wants to do? He says he wants to say something, fighting within and wants him to win, she should please tell what she is trying to hide. She says she went to Aditya’s house again on Aparna’s call as she was worried for Imlie, they haven’t accepted Imlie and want her to return to Aditya.
Sundar serves tea to Harish. Imlie watch hiding. Harish sips tea, asks if he really made it? Sundar lies. Harish angrily throws tea cup away and says a rotten fruit spoils the whole basket, he is also lying like Imlie. He calls Imlie and warns that he doesn’t want to have her prepared tea and warns Sundar that if he lies, it will be his last day here. Imlie says its not Sundar’s mistake. Harish ask not to lie more and do anything for him and rudely asks them both to leave. Aditya notices that.

Malini tells Kc that she came to take divorce. He says with missing documents? She says she is stressed out, its not a big deal. He says she never missed any documents or came late before. She says knows, but don’t know what happened today. He says let him speak, she is doubting her decision as divorce date is nearing and she still has feeling for Aditya. She says she doesn’t and went there for Imlie. He says he told her already that if she wants to go back to Aditya, she should and shouldn’t waste his time. She agrees that she still loves Aditya and hopes she shouldn’t have left his house; though Aditya doesn’t love her anymore, she loves Aditya since 7 years and its difficult to forget him; she can not see her sister’s life being ruined on one side and her feelings being ruined on the other side; he doesn’t know how she struggles with her feelings, he can suggest any other way to cope as she is trying her best and its not easy.

Adi asks Harish what is wrong if he drinks Imlie’s prepared tea. Harish says already a lot spoilt in this house and he doesn’t want things to worsen more. Rupali says Imlie didn’t marry Adi at gunpoint, even she was forced into this marriage. Harish says they can take care of Imlie’s hostel expenses, but wants a share in this house. Adi says Imlie is Dev’s daughter and he can get her a bigger house than this, she is not seeking her right from him, then why will she here; she wants to live with them. Harish says if Imlie stops accepting a forceful marriage, they will support her. Nishant says how can a marriage be wrong which 2 adults accept. Aparna says marriage is not just between 2 people but 2 families and this family doesn’t accept this marriage. Pallavi asks why can’t the family accept this marriage when they accepted her marriage as Imlie is like her? Radha says she can not compare herself to Imlie. Pallavi says Imlie is better than her and takes better care of them, no daughter inlaw will be dishonest to family. Radha says she doesn’t want any more argument, tomorrow is her muh dikhayi/face showing ceremony and she doesn’t need any drama tomorrow. Aparna tells Adi that Pallavi’s relatives will attend the function tomorrow and he should keep Imlie away from them as she doesn’t want the world to know that her son is having an affair with a servant. Adi says Imlie is not a servant and she is insulting even him. He asks Pallavi if she wants Imlie to attend the function? Pallavi says obviously she wants them both to attend her function. Adi says he will attend the function with his wife. Aparna says that girl will attend the function as a servant. Adi challenges her that they both will attend the function or will not.

Kunal consoles Malini and offers her kerchief. Malini says she wants divorce as soon as possible. He says her relationship will not end by singing the papers, she should distance herself from Adi and his family, she can attend to Imlie but not visit Tripathis on their call. She nod yes. He removes his blazer and says now its a friend’s time and asks her to promise that she will not visit Tripathi house again. She promises.

Precap: Aparna tells guests that her son’s marriage is intact and asks them to confirm it with her bahu Malini. Precap: Aditya introduces Imlie to guests as his wife and says Malini doesn’t stay with them anymore. Guest taunts that they give leftovers and utensils to servants, but Aparna gave her son to her servant. All guests walk away.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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