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Dulari munches food while Sundar serves her food. Aparna with others walks to her. Dulari ask her to sit as its her house. Anu taunts Aparna this is her house and soon will turn into a free hotel as servant Imlie will bring all her other relatives here. Imlie grins hearing this. Anu says Aparna must be feeling good serving her bahu’s relatives. Dulari finishes food and asks Imlie to make arrangements for her stay. Imlie says she can sleep with her. Dulari says Imlie must be sleeping with her husband. Imlie says no. Dulari says she will not sleep on floor as she sleeps on a cot even in PD, hence she will sleep with petite madam/Malini. Anu reacts. Imlie grins again. Rupali enjoys Dulari irritating Anu. Nishant says nobody can face Anu, Dulari is explaining her in her own language. Dulari asks Sundar to shift her belongings to Malini’s room. Anu says she cannot stay in her daughter’s room. Dulari says she and Malini are both guests and would be leaving this house some day and walks away with Sundar.

Anu asks Aparna what is happening, Imlie tried to harm Malini in the morning with wrong medicines and now her relative barged into Malini’s room. Harish says Dulari is old and they cannot send away a guest. Nishant says he shouldn’t apologize as naani is right that she is also a guest here like Malini and they don’t send away guests. Anu says she feels Malini’s dead body will go out of this house. Aparna asks her not to say that, they are helpless but on Malini’s side. Anu says servant Imlie tried to harm Malini in the morning and what if Dulari strangulates her. Imlie returns to take more food for Dulari and asks Anu not to worry as she will take care of Malini and send her only after she gets well completely. Anu frowns while Rupali and Nishant smirk.

Malini asks Anu if her new plan was to barge her weird naani/grandma on her and trouble her. Imlie says it was unplanned and she doesn’t know why naani came. Malini asks if naani herself came and demanded to sleep in her room. Imlie denies again. Malini says let her clear once for all and says Adi and his family belongs to her and Imlie doesn’t have any right on them. Imlie threatens her that she can inform Adi about her conspiracies, but family’s heart will break as everyone love her immensely, she is not against Malini but will not let her win. Malini says she cannot understand if she is helping or against her, but whatever she is doing she wants her to leave from here; she had gone from here, but family didn’t accept Imlie for one reason. She shows mirror to Imlie and says she is not talking about her face as its good and being a villager is not bad, but not trying to be compatible with Adi and his family is wrong, nobody will accept her in this appearance and she cannot win over her as Adi belongs to her and she will not sacrifice this time. Imlie stands looking herself into mirror.

Anu throws water on Mithi and waking her up asks if she is sleeping peacefully after ruining Malini’s sleep, asks why did she call her mother here. Mithi asks if her amma came here. Anu says her mother barged into Malini’s room and is troubling her. Mithi excitedly asks if her amma came here to help Imlie. Anu pulls her out of bed and says she will sleep on floor from hereon. Mithi thanks her for giving her such a good news and says her Imlie can melt a stone, T family is already soft and now nobody can stop Imlie from becoming T family bahu. Anu walks away fuming. Mithi hopes amma doesn’t create any problem there.

Imlie walks to Adi and asks if he felt bad with naani’s sudden arrival. He says not at all and when she can tolerate his family, he can tolerate her naani. She asks not to insult he in-laws. He says be brought a shawl for naani and a sari for her. She says she doesn’t wear this type of sari. He says she should try new things. She asks if there is any problem in old clothes. He says no problems and asks what happened. She cries and emotionally asks if he brought her new sari as he doesn’t like her look or style. He wipes her tears and says he will not change if he wears rickshaw driver or any low grade job uniform, similarly her look doesn’t affect him, his family’s thinking is wrong and he doesn’t like it, he wants her to try new things and move ahead and his love will not change for her forever. She wipes her tears and says she thought a lot. He says his love for her will never change for her and she will be same jhalli for him. She smiles and thinks he is right that she will not change if she changes clothes, but people’s view may change.

Malini doesn’t get sleep with Dulari’s loud snoring and stuffs cotton balls in her ears. Dulari puts her hand on Malini. Malini changes her place. Dulari gets romantic in sleep and tries to kiss her. She pushes naani away and thinks Imlie is playing a nice game, if Imlie thinks she will get afraid with her heinous acts, she will not and will not leave Adi. Next morning, Imlie dressed like Malini performs aarti. Malini thinks who is performing morning aarti so early and walks out to check. Whole family gathers. Aparna and her team get angry seeing Imlie’s makeover and asks what is happening early morning. Imlie says she is performing aarti. Aparna asks if she thinks she will change with makeover. Imlie says she is still same Mrs Aditya Kumar Tripathi. Radha asks if she thinks her status will change with clothes. Adi says Taiji judges people based on their clothes. Radha warns him to shut up and says their view on Imlie with not change with this lame idea. Imlie says its Malini’s idea. Malini stands shocked.
Aparna asks Imlie if everything will change if she changes her clothes. Imlie says an inner person will not change with clothes and she is same Mrs Imlie Aditya Kumar Tripathi from Pagdandiya. Radha says nothing will change with this idea and clothes. Imlie says its Malini’s idea as she told that she needs to change clothes to change her image, she understood and followed Malini’s advice. She offers aarti to Malini. Malini says she can’t accept it as she hasn’t bathed yet. Imlie says just like professionals wear an uniform, she chose this uniform and asks how is she looking. Rupali says she is looking very beautiful and Malini’s suggestion is good. Nishant backs her. Imlie asks Adi why didn’t she reply. He says she is looking very beautiful. She says really. He says he is just joking, then says she is really looking very beautiful. Malini gets jealous and tries to leave. Dulari acts as getting drowsy and holding Malini asks to hold her. Malini replies to have less food. Dulari signals Imlie to perform her husband’s aarti. Imlie grins and performs aarti and then touches his feet to make Malini more jealous.

During breakfast, Sundar brings breakfast and says alloo paranthas are only for naani. Tripathi seniors fume seeing that. Imlie offers different breakfast for Harish and he rejects it. Dulari asks Imlie what her in-laws gifted her in her muh dikhayi/introduction ritual, even she didn’t get her 101 rs shagun. Rupali says they didn’t. Aparna says rituals are performed for bahus and not servants as Imlie lied and stayed her as a servant. Dulari says tea gets bitter if they overboil it and says they should perform Imlie’s remaining postmarriage rituals. Harish says there is no need for that. Rupali says its very much needed and says she considered Imlie as her sister before and will consider her bhabhi after rituals. Dulari says then they will perform ring searching ritual tonight. Malini thinks Naani is spoiling all her plans. Senior Tripathis say they will not attend it. Dulari says MIL should perform ritual at least for her son’s sake. Aparna says she already performed her son and real bahu/DIL’s rituals and walks away. Dulari asks Malini to invite her mother rituals. Malini says for sure and walks away. Dulari asks who will make arrangements. Sundar says they will. Nishant says he will perform rituals as devar. Dulari says ritual ring should be of gold and ancestral. Nishant says he will arrange it.
Malini meets Anu and informs about Naani’s plan. Anu says instead of kicking servant out of house, she herself got out of that house and came here. Malini asks what could she do. Anu says she should to learn to control the situation and orders tea. Mithi brings tea. Anu says this woman entered this house as Dev’s rakhel/mistress and became servant instead. Mithi says her relationship with Dev will not change with Anu’s comment, she is Satyakam’s wife and Imlie’s mother and nothing else and serving tea doesn’t make her small. Anu fumes, but Malini stops her and says she came to inform her that she will not allow Imlie’s ritual tonight, Imlie brought her naani as her shield and she will use Imlie’s shield against her. Anu asks how.

Imlie looks at a bulb to change it. Adi asks if she is trying to glow this bulb or bulb in her brain and says she is looking beautiful today. He gives her stool and slippers to fix bulb. She says just like any girl, she wants her husband to praise her when she gets ready. He says he wants maa to accept her and couldn’t become a good husband. She says he is a better husband. He says he couldn’t protect her rights. She jokes that he needs protection instead as he is kidnapped often. He says he need not worry until she is with him, lifts and helps her fix bulb and says they should support each other whole life.

In the evening, Rupali and Sundar make arrangements for ring searching ritual. Nishant brings ancestral ring by tricking Aparna. Rupali asks if chachi scolded him. He says spice is necessary in life. Once they leave, Malini picks the ring. Dulari gets ready for function and feels shy. Malini says she is looking beautiful and gifts her ancestral ring saying she knows Dulari is fond of jewlery and its worth 2 lakhs. Imlie over phone informs Mithi about performing her postwedding rituals because of naani’s help. Mithi says when Naani hated Imlie since she was born, why is she supporting her now, and hopes god gives good conscience to naani. Dulari asks Malini why she is gifting this jewelry. She says its Imlie’s ring and pure gold. Dulari excitedly looks at it. Malini says when Imlie hates her since childhood, why is she supporting her. Dulari greedly holds ring. Malini snatches it asking if she doesn’t like it, she should return it as it will go to Imlie as usual and she will be left with nothing. Dulari says she needs it, let Imlie go to hell. Malini thinks Anu is right that these poor people are greedy for money. Sundar hears their conversation and informs Imlie about it. Malini walks to Aparna and Radha and asks if they are not attending function. Aparna says she will not, she had polished ancestral ring for Malini, but Nishant tricked and took it away from her. Malini says she feels Dulari is very greedy and eyes on jewelry and they need to protect their jewelry from her. Aparna says so much happened to her, but she thinks about them and Adi even now. Radha says Malini is right and they need to attend function. Malini thinks she wants naani to be caught stealing in front of everyone.

Precap: Imlie stops Aparna calling her maa and asks her to greet and welcome her mother Mithi. Aparna says she didn’t give her right to call her as maa, she should call her choti kaki as usual. Malini challenges Imlie that she will snatch back Adi from Imlie like Imlie snatched Adi from her and will rest till then. Imlie challenges that Adi will see her face during muh dikhayi ritual. Malini challenges back.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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