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Aditya asks Aparna to accept that Imlie is not acting. Aparna says Imlie just knows how to act, snatch Malini’s right, and seek a goon’s help and nothing else. Imlie says her dadda is not a goon but a rebel, so she shouldn’t speak ill about her dadda. Satyakam says there are many who misunderstand him, all city people are his dear ones and he will not extend the issue. Harish angrily asks if he is threatening them. Satyakam says he is not. Adi asks Harish not to misbehave with Satyakam. Satyakam says he doesn’t mind if Harish or someone else misbehaves with him, he just wanted Imlie to study well and succeed in life ahead, but she fell in Adi’s love and became more strong; he doesn’t have any right to interfer between their family and if they didn’t like his presence, he will leave from there. He walks away asking Imlie to take care of them and tells Harish that his daughter is his pride. Aparna says if the drama is over, she will perform Adi’s nazar as he will be at risk until he is in a bad company.

Kunal reach outside Malini’s house with a bouquet and calls her. She rejects his call repeatedly. Anu asks her to break the vase and vent out her anger at once as she keeps her frustration within and everyone takes her for granted. Kunal seeing Malini’s car thinks she must be busy, so he will go in and check. Anu tells Malini that she can understand how it feels when her husband doesn’t love her and asks doesn’t she get angry seeing a servant with her husband? Malini says its hurts seeing her husband with someone else, hurts when she is ignored and not valued as she loves Adi even after knowing that she can not get him forever, etc. Anu asks her to close her eyes and think what she wants the most. Malini closes her eyes and remembers the moment when Adi promises that he will be only hers forever and says she needs only Adi as she loves only him. Kunal enters and hears their conversation. Anu asks who is Kunal then? Malini says he is just her friend and nothing else as she loves only Aditya and unable to move on. Kunal heartbroken drops bouquet and walks away. Anu hug and consoles her and says she will set everything right.
Aparna performs Adi’s aarti. Adi asks if she will not perform Imlie’s aarti as she returned fighting the same risks. Aparna says she doesn’t care where Imlie came from and where she will go. Pankaj performs Imlie’s aarti and apologize to Imlie for forgetting that he considered her as his daughter. Imlie touch his feet, and he blesses her. Aparna asks what is he doing? He says one that he should have done long ago, Imlie can do anything for the family. He gives Adi’s hand in Imlie’s hand and ask Aparna to accept their relationship. Aparna walk away angrily.

Malini standing near window watching rain remembers Adi praising Imlie. Anu asks her to have dinner. Malini says she is not hungry. Anu says today’s dinner is very special as she prepared it for her. Malini agrees and walks along. 

Imlie watches rain and remembers her Pagdandiya days. Adi says she shouldn’t stop being jhalli and dreaming big, he thought Aparna would accept her after so much happened. Imlie says nobody can stop her from dreaming and imagining serving dinner to family prays to god to fulfill her dream soon. 

Anu serves food to Malini. Malini asks if she will not have it. Anu says no. Malini asks her to forget what she told her sometime ago. Anu says she knows getting Adi is her dream and she will fulfill all her dreams, Adi’s family also doesn’t like Imlie and many people together can not be wrong. 

Adi tells Imlie that now that their relationship is slowly accepted by everyone, even Aparna will accept their relationship. 

Anu says she will ruin Adi and Imlie’s relationship and will not let them live in peace. Malini starts suffocating, seeks water and asks what did she mix in food. Anu says whatever she did is to lessen her pain. Malini holding her throat collapses.

Malini suffocates after Anu poisons her food and plead with Anu to call a doctor. Anu says everything will be fine. Malini collapses. Anu holds her in her lap and says she couldn’t see her dying each day, so she had to do this; Aditya and servant Imlie were ruining her life and she will teach them a lesson now and not let Imlie stay in Tripathi House. 

Adi closes windows seeing heaving rain. Landline rings. Imlie walks towards it. Aparna stops her and says family is here to pick it. She picks and panics and informs family that Malini tried to commit suicide again and is in the hospital. Other family members get concerned. Adi asks them to wait till morning and goes to hospital. Imlie walks behind him. Aparna stops her and says she snatched everything from Malini and wants to snatch her life now. 

Malini gets conscious after treatment. Doctor scolds her for trying to commit suicide again. Malini try to speak. Anu rushes in and stops her. Malini realizing Anu poisoned her asks why did she do this to her? Anu sends doctor out and says she brought her to hospital on time. Malini asks what is she trying to do? Anu says everything which Malini couldn’t do alone; she tried to commit suicide last time and gained nothing as she lied that she loves someone else and gave Adi and servant Imlie an open license of infidelity, but this time Adi will be forced to return to her. Malini says Adi will never return to her. Adi enters and asks doctor about Malini’s room. Doctor identifies him as Malini’s husband. Adi says they are separated. Doctor says he is the reason for Malini’s attempt at suicide again and tongue lashes him. Adi warns him not to allege him without knowing the exact reason, their divorce is with a mutual consent and a woman can have many other reasons to take a divorce. Doctor says he can not let him meet Malini as only the people who care for Malini can meet her.

Imlie pleads Aparna to let her meet her sister Malini. Aparna says she is Malini sautan and her husband’s mistress. Radha says she snatched Malini’s husband and wants to go to hospital to spy on Adi and Malini. Pankaj says Imlie considers Malini as her elder sister from before. Harish says a sister doesn’t steal her sister’s husband and warns Pankaj not to argue with him. Rupali backs Imlie and tongue lashes Tripathi that Imlie had sacrificed her right for Malini and hid her and Adi’s relationship for long. Radha warns her to shut up. Nishant asks Aparna to stop alleging Imlie and pray for Malini as they don’t know why she committed suicide.
In the hospital, Malini tells Anu that Adi came to hospital but didn’t come to her room. Anu says he will come. Malini says Imlie will also be with him. Anu says for only some time. Malini asks what does she mean, Imlie is Aditya’s wife. Anu says that is because she gave up her right to Imlie and if she had not left Tripathi house, she would have been a Tripathi bahu. Malini says only her address would have changed and not her fate, she would be in Adi’s house and not in his heart. She says when her decisions are firm, she can get back Adi with it; she is still Adi’s wife and should claim back her wife, Adi is obsessed with Imlie like boys get obsessed with bikes and cars. Malini says Adi is not like that. Anu says Adi used to love her immensely before and still she can correct her mistakes and get back Adi. Malini says she doesn’t know how that will happen. Anu says she has paved her a away and this time she shouldn’t give her husband to a servant in charity and see how Adi will return to her. She asks if she is ready to fight? Adi walks in and asks Malini why did she commit suicide. Malini says because she got alone without Imlie. Adi ask where is Kunal, he should be here with her. Anu asks if he wants Kunal should take up his responsibility. Adi shouts she has problem with even Kunal like him. Anu says she has problem with only Adi and not Kunal and she didn’t call Kunal for a reason. Adi insists Malini to tell her problem. Anu says he is her problem. He shout not to interfere and questions Malini again. 

Back at Tripathy's house, Pallavi tells family that Malini supported Adi and Imlie’s relationship since before, then why would she commit suicide because of Imlie? Aparna says it was Malini’s greatness. Harish says things change and asks if they saw Malini’s condition when Adi was kidnapped? Aparna says Adi started chanting Imlie after bringing her home and betrayed Malini. Radha tells Imlie that she wants to kill Malini. Imlie cry that if she thinks so, god should kill her right away. Rupali shouts at Radha to stop venting out her anger on Imlie. Harish says let us speak to Adi and find out about Malini’s condition. Nishant calls Adi and asks about Malini’s condition. Adi asks him to give phone to Imlie. Malini tells Anu that Adi is asking for Imlie even now. Anu acts and shouts that she always takes a wrong decision. Adi disconnects call. Imlie picks call blabbering babu saheb and gets concerned when he disconnects call. Adi asks Anu to stop shouting at Malini. Anu says Malini knows she will not get him back, even then she loves and cares for his family and wants to stay with them not knowing that she doesn’t have a place for her in his house. Adi shouts she is a bad person. She says she is tired of Malini’s drama and wants to get rid off her, so Adi should take her home and keep her there until she changes her decision.

Precap: Adi takes Malini home, informs family that Malini will stay with them until she gets well, and asks Imlie if she doesn’t have any problem. Aparna says he need not seek Imlie’s permission as its Malini’s house and nobody can stop her from staying here. Imlie brings breakfast for Adi and is shocked seeing Malini sleeping on the bed with him and drops plate. Adi wakes up and stands shocked seeing Malini on his bed.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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