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Imlie try to snatch back Tripathi family’s jewelry from thieves and slaps them. They resist and push her on ground. Imlie sees blood coming out of her mouth, gets angry and and brutally slaps them. They drop jewelry bag and fall down. Imlie says she told them that she is a kabaddi champion and continues trashing thieves. Adi with Nishant and mechanics reach there and stops Imlie from trashing the woman. Imlie says these women are thieves who tried to steal their family jewelry. Mob gathers and catch thieves. Adi asks Imlie to calm down and says she would have let the jewelry go as her life is more precious than the jewelry. Imlie asks how could she let their family jewelry go easily?

At Chaturvedi House, Dev shows news to Mithi where Imlie fights with thieves risking her life and protects Tripathi family’s jewelry (who recorded it?). Mithi get happy. Anu jealously switch off TV and comments its a paid news. He says Imlie saved the whole Delhi and even her from these thieves. Anu says these thieves must be from Imlie and Mithi’s village and they both planned to save Tripathis via their own team and get into Tripathis’ good books. Mithi says she can cook up a story, but she knows that Imlie will not give up easily and will fight for her rights, be it thief or a betrayer, anyone who betrays her should be afraid as her power is not in her hands but brain where Seeta Maiya stays. Dev laughs hearing that and seeing Anu’s frustration. Anu asks if he is serious, he must be reviving his old memories with Mithi. Dev says there are no good memories between him and Mithi, but he is happy seeing Mithi speaking against Anu, which he couldn’t till now.

Tripathi family return home. Imlie serves them juice and snacks. Radha says she is having headache even now. Aparna says she doesn’t remember anything and god saved them. Nishant says she should thank even Imlie as she risked her life and saved them. Adi says they know everything, but their ego doesn’t let them accept it. He asks Imlie to return their jewelry or else they will blame her. Radha says everyone got hypnotized except Imlie, maybe she knows hypnotism and is the mastermind behind it. Pankaj ask her not to say that. Adi says Imlie would have hypnotized her first and escaped from her taunts. Imlie says if they think she knows hypnotism, she will try and picking a chain acts as hypnotizing Aparna. Aparna angrily snatch the chain and jewelry bag and walks away with Radha to check the remaining jewelry. They find family necklace given to Malini missing and question Malini. Malini says she doesn’t know. Jewelry is seen stuck in Imlie’s clothes and she keeping it aside with her clothes. Malini walks to Adi and asks if he saw maa’s given necklace. He says no, they should ask Imlie as she rescue the jewelry. Malini notices necklace stuck in Imlie’s clothes and asks Adi how did it come here?

Kunal reaches Anu’s house and asks how is he. He says KC. She says good he came on her requests and offers him lunch. He says she must have called him for a reason and not to have lunch. She makes him sit and says Desai was their family lawyer, but she feels he is more talented and hence she wants him to fight their case. He asks what kind of case. She says he knows that Dev had visited Pagdandiya years ago and had an affair with a woman, now that woman has reached her house to ruin her personal life, so she wants him to file a case against that woman and makes sure she is out of their lives. KC says she has misunderstood him as he is not that talented, does she want him to file a case against a woman who was betrayed and impregnated by Dev and left her and daughter in agony for years after that; he says he didn’t pursue law to entertain bored housewives like her, she can not file a case against Mithi, but Mithi can fie a case against her instead. She angrily asks what does he mean? He says she and her daughter should realize that law is to help innocent people and not to manipulate it according to her and her daughter’s wish, he already wasted his time on Malini’s case and doesn’t want to anymore. She angrily yells at him. He says he didnt’ come here to have her food or insult and warn her if she files a false case against Mithi or her daughter, he will file a case against her, her daughter, and her husband. Anu yells that good her daughter used and threw him away. He says Malini should have been discarded her and not him.

Malini tells Adi that she can not believe that Imlie kept this necklace with her. Adi says it must be by mistake. She says they should stop supporting Imlie’s mistake always and let Imlie do whatever she want, she had already told maa to give this necklace to Imlie, but since maa gave it to her, Imlie tried to take it herself like she always does. He says she is over thinking it. She says Imlie doesn’t like her presence here and Maa’s preference towards her, he should return this necklace to maa after confronting Imlie or else Imlie will cross her limits. Adi call Imlie.
Mithi looks at her painting drawn by Dev and gets emotional remembering their past. Painting catches fire. She panics and calls for help. Anu comes from behind revealing she set the fire and says she was burning in jealousy looking at this painting for 19 years and today she burnt it, she should realize her pleasure burning this painting and fear what will she do with her daughter. Mithi says its good she revealed her intentions, she is here to support her daughter and her daughter has her, Seeta Maiya, and her sindhoor. Anu says sindhoor is sold cheap in the market, Malini has decided to take back her right and soon will kick out Imlie from Adi’s life.

Aditya calls Imlie. Imlie walk to him. Family gathers, and Harish asks why is he shouting? Aparna asks Adi where did he find her necklace. Malini says they found it in Imlie’s room. Aparna asks if she stole the necklace? Rupali says Imlie will never steal a necklace. Imlie tensed says she didn’t steal a necklace and it must have stuck in her clothes by mistake. Adi says she made a mistake and hence he called someone to correct it. Nishant asks if he called police, how could he? Sundar bring people in. Adi asks them to show jewelry sets and asks Imlie to chose one. He says his mom should have given jewelry and clothes to her daughter inlaw, but she didn’t and hence he ordered jewelry for Imlie; Imlie would have been more happy if he had gifted her books, she should keep the jewelry as shagun and sweet memories. Radha says Imlie is getting jewelry now and will demand property share next. Adi says Imlie never demanded anything other than love, its good that Malini reminded him his duty, he insists Imlie to choose a jewelry. Imlie think if Malini planned this jewelry gift idea and says she doesn’t need it. Aparna says she trapped Adi with her drama, she is getting whatever she wanted. Imlie says she will if Aparna is insisting, but she will not stop with 1 necklace. She selects one and praising its design offers it for Radha, then one for Aparna giving her reasoning, then another for Rupali, then a diamond one for Malini saying she can not differentiate between gold and brass but Malini herself is a diamond. She tells Malini that she doesn’t need any jewelry until her husband’s trust is on her, so Malini can keep the jewelry. Malini stand fuming.

Adi walks behind Imlie and says she chose necklace for everyone except herself, so he brought one for her as he doesn’t want her to feel bad when Malini wears jewelry. She says she will not. He repeats that his mom should have given her jewelry, but she gave it to Malini and hence he wants her to accept this jewelry. He himself fixes it in her neck. She smiles and thinks she doesn’t know what Malini is trying to do. 

Malini returns to her room frustrated and thinks she doesn’t know how to separate Imlie from Adi. Imlie walk in and says its impossible as Adi loves her. Malini says he loved her for 7 years, she will snatch him back like Imlie snatched him from her. Adi says he just had a friendly feeling for her for 7 years and he realized he loves Imlie. Imlie holds his hands and says nobody can separate them now. She angrily breaks the mirror realizing its her imagination and thinks Adi and Imlie’s relationship cannot be stronger than her relationship and will break like this mirror, she needs to do something now.
The next morning, Radha, Aparna, and Rupali return from rakhi shopping. Rupali offers rakhi to Adi. Adi says he will give her only 100 rs as usual. She demands 2100 rs and gives rakhi to Nishant next. Nishant says this is his first rakhi after 10 years and maybe last. Radha scold him. Rupali says not only brothers can protect sisters, even sisters can protect brothers and she prays for his long life. Imlie thinks she will tie rakhi to Malini and remind her that their bonding is very strong. 
Malini thinks Imlie is a stuck bone in her throat and will never bond with her. 

Imlie with Sundar buy rakhi. Sundar think its for him and says he will not protect her if she ties rakhi to him. She says she is a tigress and he is a monkey, then how will he protect her? He ask then its for whom? She says for Malini, she was devoid of a sibling bonding for 18 years and now wants to make it strong. 

Back at home, Malini speaks to her chemist and says she will send a girl tomorrow and order to do as she said. Imlie excitedly rush in. Malini ask her to knock first and then enter her room always. Imlie asks if she will wake up early morning tomorrow for rakshabandhan rituals? Malini says she can’t as she needs to visit her chemist as her medicine is finished. Imlie says she will bring her medicines. Malini agree.

The next morning, Rupali ties rakhi to Adi and demands money. Adi counts 2100 and offers her 100 rs. Rupali demands 2100 rs. He puts a money in a new bag and gifts it to her. She likes it. Imlie reaches chemist. Chemist checks her photo and offers her medicine. Rupali ties rakhi to Nishant next and he gifts her spa package. She likes it. Nishant says he is her favorite brother then. Adi says he is. Rupali says her favorite is Dhruv bhai. Malini clicks their pics to send it to Dhruv. Chemist calls her and informs that he gave her ordered medicines to that girl and asks her not to give that medicine to anyone. Malini says she will not.

Precap: Imlie gives medicine to Malini, and Malini starts coughing. Adi checks and says its not Malini’s medicine. Radha and Aparna tell family its time for evening aarti. Rupali says they sent out Imlie who used to perform aarti. They say there is no need of Imlie here as Malini will perform aarti from hereon.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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