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Dev returns home calling Malini and asks Anu where is Malini after returning from hospital. Anu says Malini is where she should be. Adi takes Malini to Tripathi House. Imlie opens door, emotionally hugs her and asks if she is fine and why did she try to commit suicide again after promising not to. Aparna and Radha noticing Malini emotionally hug her. Harish asks how is she now. Malini nods she is fine now. Rupali asks why did she come here instead of going to her parent’s house. Dev tells Anu that Malini is their responsibility and she needs their love and support. Anu says Malini needs Adi’s lost most and went to his house, Tripathis like Malini and soon Malini will be inside house and Devi’s illegitimate child Imlie will be out. Adi informs family that Malini will stay with them until she gets well and asks Imlie if she doesn’t have any problem. Imie asks why is asking this. Aparna says why is he taking Imlie’s permission. Adi says he is asking his wife’s opinion as her comfortability is important to him. Harish asks why didn’t he take Malini’s permission when he brought Imlie home or took her permission before marrying Imlie. Adi says he was forcefully married to Imlie at gunpoint, he should have informed Malini then itself and made a mistake, he doesn’t want to make a same mistake again. He takes Malini in.

Anu tells Dev that she wants Adi to correct his mistake and is worried for his daughter’s happiness, but doesn’t know what Dev wants for his illegitimate daughter. Dev shouts that she will not get a mother of the year award by doing this; he agrees that whatever happened with Malini was wrong and she was trying to move on, but she pushed Malini back in the past even after hating Tripathis. Anu says she hates Tripathis, but what she can do when her daughter loves middle-class people. Dev shouts that she is just using Malini to take revenge from Mithi and Imlie, but he will fail all her plans and will prove a good father for Imlie. Imlie takes Malini towards guest room and says she will keep her happy and take immense care of her. Adi backs her looking at her. Malini remembers Adi bringing Imlie home and entering like how new bride and groom does and thinks she didn’t know that Imlie is Adi’s first wife, mom is right that she didn’t fight for her right and thinks if she will get back Adi if she follows mom’s advice. She feels drowsy. Adi runs and holds her and offers his hand.
Rupali fumes in front of Nishant and Pallavi and says he doesn’t know why Adi brought Malini here. Nishant says maybe Adi thought she would be better cared here. Pallavi says even she felt weird before, but now thinks like Nishant. Rupali says she doesn’t know why Anu sent her here, she doesn’t have problem with Malini’s presence but is worried that Aparna’s expectations will increase and she will try to sideline Imlie more. Imlie sees Aparna preparing tea for Malini and hoping Imlie will be out once Malini settles here. Adi takes Malini to guest room. Malini says she became a burden on him. He says she is his friend. Aparna with Radha brings tea for Malini. Radha says she felt good seeing them together again. Adi warns her to stop remembering the past when he and Malini have moved on and asks about Imlie. Aparna says she doesn’t care where she is. Adi tongue lashes even her.

Malini over phone informs Anu that Adi took care of her after a long time and she is feeling good, Anu’s idea worked and she will follow her advice. Imlie walks in and says she will sleep in her room if she doesn’t mind to take care of her. Malini asks not to interfere in her privacy and to sleep in her room. Once Imlie leaves, Anu asks Malini where is she staying. Malini says guest room. Anu asks why not in Adi’s room as she is still Adi’s wife and should let Imlie snatch her right like Mithi snatched my right. Malini asks how is it possible. Anu explains her plan. Malini walks into Adi’s room and asks about Imlie. Adi says Imlie is adamant and wants family to accept her as bahu and took oath not to stay in his room untill then. Malini looks at wall and says it looks empty as their wedding photo was fixed earlier there. Adi says he will change the room totally and will fix his and Imlie’s photo there, will create a book shelf for Imlie in other wall, will make a temple in one corner for Imlie, and shows his and Imlie’s wedding sketch made by Imlie. Malini says he is talking only about Imlie even without her presence. He says she will come here some day for sure and will win family’s heart. Malini thinks Imlie has created a place in Adi’s heart, so mom’s plan will fail and she will not regain Adi’s love.

Imlie prays Seeta maiya and questions about her family. She then prays to end Adi’s problems, end Nishant’s illness, end Malini’s problems, and make Aparna accept her soon as Adi is struggling to convince his family. She says she dreams of family accepting her as bahu and love and trust her like before, etc. Malini hears her prayers and thinks Imlie is actively fighting, even she should have fought and should have tried to win Adi’s love; thinks if she follows mom’s advice, will really Adi accept her. She nervously gets into Adi’s room and sleeps next to him on his bed while his sound asleep following her mother’s advice. Next morning, Imlie cracks jokes in front of Sundar while he is cooking and hopes she cheers up Malini with her jokes. Sundar says she will bore Malini with her jokes. She scolds him and takes breakfast to Malini’s room, doesn’t find her there, and seeing Adi’s room door locked thinks he will be late to office again and hence gets in to wake him up. She drops breakfast tray in shock seeing Malini sleeping next to Adi. Adi wakes up hearing sound and stands in shock seeing Malini sleeping next to him and asks what is she doing here. Malini nervosly says she had woken up to drink water and don’t know how she came here. Adi nervously asks Imlie to say something. Imlie says they need not worry as she trusts them both. Malini thinks even she trusted Imlie, but she hid the truth and misused her trust and hence even she will do same. Imlie asks them to freshen up and come out for breakfast. Adi tells Malini that she shouldn’t have slept on his bed. She says she came here maybe due to medicine effect and as she used to stay in this room, promises to never enter his room again. He says she can come and rest here if she feels peace here, but should inform him beforehand as they cannot sleep in same room again. She says she will remember it, gets Kunal’s call and walks away. Adi thinks something must have happened between Malini and Kunal that she is ignoring him, he should meet Kunal and find out.
In the kitchen, Aparna tells Radha that she saw Malini and Adi chatting in their room yesterday night and felt good. Radha says they have a relationship since years and hopes they rebond again. Aparna says she performed their nazar from outside. Imlie hearing their conversation cuts her finger with a broken saucer. Radha asks if truth hurt her. Rupali asks why is this happening to her, her husband Pranav’s girlfriend is staying in his house now. Radha curses Pranav and his girlfriend. Rupali says its same with Imlie and Adi and Malini can never be Adi’s wife, so they should accept Imlie. Radha says Imlie is Adi’s second wife here. Rupali argues that Adi married Imlie first. Aparna says a forceful marriage at gunpoint can never be accepted and only the one performed in front of a society is accepted, so for her only Malini is her bahu. Rupali says its waste to talk to them and takes Imlie from there to first-aid her wound. She asks Imlie she saw Malini coming out of Adi’s room and asks what is happening. Imlie says she trusts Malini. Rupali says she should not trust Malini. Imlie says Malini is her sister and if she had problem, she wouldn’t have given her right to her and left the home. Rupali asks why did she return here then. Imlie says its good she came here as they all know how Anu is.

Malini enters meets Kunal and explains her plan. Kunal says Imlie is her sister and she cannot do this to her. Malini says Imlie hid the truth and snatched her happiness. Kunal says who has influenced her to do wrong. Malini says she gave up her right to others easily and didn’t fight back at all, its her mistake and mom made her realize it, she will not give up this time and wants to be happy with Adi. Kunal says she is wrongly influenced by her mother and is on a wrong path. Malini says even she deserves happiness and nobody cares about her happiness at all. Adi walks in and says sorry he came to talk to Kunal and didn’t know Malini is here, he came here to inform Kunal about Malini’s condition. Kunal says he knows Malini’s condition and Malini herself doesn’t know what she is to him. Adi asks then why was he not present in the hospital. Kunal says there is nothing between him and Malini and reveals that he met Malini for the first time with Adi and Imlie and Malini didn’t even know who he was before that and just lied to Adi with a random name which became true later. He explains the whole story and walks away. Malini sits down senselessly after her truth is out. Adi says she lied to him so that he doesn’t feel guilty, Imlie knew that Malini can never love anyone, his and her family alleged her and she kept quiet just because of Imlie and him. Malini thinks she lied to him to hear truth from him, she wanted him to be with Imlie, but now she feels its only their story and there is no place for Imlie in it.

Precap: Imlie sees Malini behind Adi in his bike and runs behind it. Adi asks Malini if she still love him. She says yes. Imlie comes to room and sees Malini applying oil to Aditya. Aditya sees Malini applying oil to his head and says I thought Imlie is massaging my head. Malini says I couldn’t see you pain and that’s why applied. Imlie comes inside.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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