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Imlie return home. Rupali asks where was she since morning? Malini says Imlie had gone to bring her medicine, she thank Imlie, and says let us finish rakhi ritual first. Imlie insists her to have medicine first. Malini thinks even she wants Imlie to feed her medicine in front of everyone. Imlie gives her medicine and water. Malini thinks she doesn’t know what will happen to her after having this wrong medicine, but she can take any risk to keep Adi away from Imlie. She starts feeling uneasy and cough vigorously. Aparna and Radha concerned asks what happened to her? Malini says she can not breathe. Aparna asks Adi to check the medicine. Adi check and says this is not Malini’s medicine. Imlie says Malini gave same the prescription slip. Pankaj calls doctor. Malini get red due to allergic reaction. Imlie try to help Malini. Aparna warn her not to come near Malini. Harish ask Imlie which medicine did she give to Malini? Imlie shows prescription slip. Adi says this is not Malini’s prescription. Radha bring another slip and says she found it in dustbin. Adi says this is Malini’s prescription. Radha blamesImlie for changing the prescription slip and trying to harm Malini. Malini reminisces throwing the original prescription in dustbin. Radha and Aparna continues blaming Imlie.

Mithi over phone informs Dulari that she can not return to Pagdandiya as Imlie need her. Dulari yells Mithi is enjoying feast there and left her to have stale food and demands her to return to Pagdandiya soon. 

Anu rudely asks Mithi to give her telephone bill money and says she is enjoying free food, stay, and phone calls since she came here. Mithi says she just called now. Anu says soon Malini will kick out Imlie from Tripathi House, then they can both together return to Pagdandiya. She get a call regarding Malini’s condition and rush out worried. Dulari tells Mithi that she will set things right now and disconnect call.

Imlie walk to Malini’s room. Malini say she is fine now after doctor’s treatment. Imlie ask why did she give her wrong prescription slip? Malini ask why would she consume wrong medicine and risk her life? Imlie says she doesn’t know and insist to answer her. Malini finally agrees that she want Adi back in her life and says she sacrificed everything for Imlie and forgot that she doesn’t have anything left for her; Imlie is unable to handle whatever she gave her, unable to handle Adi and his family and like Adi is struggling here, her father is struggling and fighting with his family only for Imlie; what will Imlie gain if both families are shattering because of her? Imlie says she didn’t do anything for benefit or loss. Malini says she is fighting for her rights, even she supported her once, but now she will fight for her own rights and will not let her win after giving everything. Imlie says she never thought about her rights and always preferred Malini’s happiness above everything. Malini ask to go from here then. Imlie says she can’t, she tried her best to stay away from Adi, but Seeta Maiya brought them closer and now everyone has accepted their relationship. Malini ask on what basis? Imlie says Adi and she love each other immensely. Malini says even she loves Adi. Imlie says she is just adamant to get back Adi and even risked her life for that, its not love but madness. Malini says she can do anything for Adi. Imlie says she doesn’t have to repeat what she did for Adi and what she can further do for him. Malini ask if she will not move away from them. Imlie says Malini is in between them instead. Malini says now that everything is in open, they will fight in open. Imlie says she has faced goons and terrorists and is ready to face even her sister and will end her hatred.

Adi reach pharmacy and showing prescription slip asks pharmacist if he sold this medicine. Pharmacist agrees. Adi ask him to show CCTV footage. Pharmacist says they can’t show it like that. Adi says he sold medicine on a fake prescription slip and can be prosecuted. Pharmacist gets afraid and agrees to show CCTV footage. Adi checks CCTV footage and finds Imlie buying medicine, thinks she looks happy and wouldn’t have left original prescription in dustbin, he needs to support Imlie at any cost even if she is wrong.
Anu reach Tripathi family and tongue lashes them that their son brought Malini here promising to take care of her, but her condition worsened more. Rupali says she should take back her daughter then. Anu reply just like her parents brought her back here from her in-laws’ house. Radha scolds Rupali not to interfere between elders and sends her away. Anu asks who brought medicine for Malini? Harish says Imlie. Anu says they blindly trust their servant bahu and one day they should be ready to die via her; Aparna has only 2 choices, one to accept servant bahu or kick her out of the house and make sure not to let her near their family. Imlie enters and says she will not go as Radha knows that she always thought good for Malini and this family. Anu says she wouldn’t have lied on the first day then. Imlie says she can bear her family’s insult as they love her and would accept her one day. Anu says its nonsense, they had accepted her as a servant and not a bahu. Imlie says she will not understand it as family elders scold and loved her like their own daughter, they may be angry on her today but love her immensely even today. Pankaj says they all used to love her before. Anu asks Aparna if she loves a girl who made her son against her, then asks Harish and Radha. They stand silently. Imlie walk away. Anu says finally shameless servant is in shame now and looks like she left home.

Imlie cry thinking Malini hates her now and everyone thinks she gave wrong medicine to Malini, whole family hates her, etc. She walks away from home. Adi returns and calls Imlie. He then sees Anu and asks what is she doing here? Anu says he brought Malini here with so much confident and promised to take care of her, but she is resting ill in her room. Adi says she left Malini in a hospital and if she stop her evil ideas, half of their problems will be solved. Anu stand fuming. Adi then walk to Malini and asks how is she now? She says she is fine now and asks where had he gone? He says to pharmacy to find out the truth, Imlie went to pharmacy, but he is sure she can not change prescription and harm her. She says they always blindly trust Imlie and let her continue her mistakes. Adi ask her to trust him instead and he knows Imlie can not do harm anyone. Pankaj informs that Imlie left house after Anu accused Imlie will harm even them. Adi asks why did they allow Anu inside their home and goes to search for Imlie.
Imlie walks to bus stop remembering family’s allegation and is about to board bus when Dulari stop her. Imlie get nervous seeing her. Dulari asks if she can not come to meet her and after much dialogues says she knows her sautan has barged into her house, so she came here to help her kick her sautan out of her house. Imlie says she is right that they can not get the ghee with straight finger and will have to bend the finger to get it, now she will take Naani’s help to handle Malini. 

Back at Tripathi's house, Adi calls Mithi and finds out that Imlie didn’t go even there. Radha says its time for evening aarti. Rupali says they kicked a person out of the house who used to perform aarti. Aparna says they don’t need her and Malini will perform the aarti. Adi vents out his anger on Aparna and Radha next. Aparna ask not to vent out his frustration on her instead of controlling Imlie who must have gone out for an evening walk. Pankaj asks Aparna if she argued with Adi again? Aparna ask why should she and asks Malini to perform aarti. Malini says its daughter inlaw’s right and Imlie will feel bad. Aparna says she is her daughter inlaw and ask her to perform aarti. Adi think whom to call and find out about Imlie? Malini is about to start aarti when Imlie return and says she will light the lamp. Rupali get happy seeing Imlie back. Imlie says its her right to perform evening aarti as per Malini. Malini return her matchstick. Imlie with a grin on her face performs aarti while everyone pray to god. She then shows aarti to family and tells Radha that she heard that people didn’t believe at first that world is round, but then believed it later; even she will remind everyone repeatedly that she is this family’s daughter inlaw and its her responsibility to protect this house from evil people and evil nazar, pointing at Malini. Anu ask why did she return when she had left the house? She says she had, but returned with an answer. Dulari calls Tripathy's family to come and welcome their samdhan. Imlie says answer is very strong. Aparna with family walk to living room and seeing Dulari ordering Sundar to press her feet ask who is she? She says she is Imlie’s nakli naani/grandmother and explains that she is Mithi’s stepmother and hence Imlie doesn’t like her. She continues her usual behavior and says Kalpana/Malini knows her well. She then irritates Anu with her greedy behavior, touching her jewelry, etc. Anu walks away with Malini. Imlie stands grinning. Adi touch Dulari’s feet and says if she had informed him, he would have picked her up. She blesses his and Imlie’s jodi. He takes her to show her room. Nishant tells Imlie that her naani is more cool than her. Imlie walks to Malini’s room. Malini asks why did she come here? Imlie ties her rakhi and says she will protect Malini from any evil and will protect her suhag from Malini. Malini breaks rakhi and says she considered her as her sister, but she made a joke out of their relationship and hence she will break Imlie’s ties with this house like this thread and will not compromise on her rights.

Precap: Imlie dressed like Malini performs morning aarti. Aparna asks if everything will change if she changes her clothes. Imlie says she is same, Imlie Aditya Kumar Tripathi from Pagdandiya. Dulari asks Imlie to show what her in-laws gifted her in muh dikhayi ritual. Rupali says they didn’t perform any ritual for Imlie. Naani says they should celebrate ring searching ritual tonight. Imlie and her team smirk while Malini and her team frown.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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