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The host is about to declare the winner. Anu says that the rules were to make a western dish, but Imlie made an Indian dish only. Hence, that dish is disqualified. Aparna says they lost in first round only. Rupali tells Aditya that Anu won’t let them win. Anu says that according to them, the winner is Prachi. Mrs. Arora praises Prachi and taunts Aparna that not as a daughter inlaw, but Imlie should know how to cook as a maid. She ask Aparna what punishment will she give? She will cut her salary? Or send her back to her mother’s home. Anu adds more insult to it calling Imlie a ‘gawar’ (village girl). 

Pallavi comes forward saying she is a professional cook and she can tell that Imlie’s dish is western. She made same what Prachi did. But they are more interested in background of the cook instead the food itself. Other 2 judges agree with Pallavi and says Imlie’s dish’s taste was the best and they declare her as the winner. Everyone claps for Imlie. Anu is furious. The host says the first round ends here. Tomorrow there will be a dance competition. All wives will perform with their husbands. Few ladies tell Mrs. Arora that tomorrow only Prachi will win as ‘gawar’ Imlie wouldn’t know the dance. Mrs. Arora agrees that Imlie and Aditya won’t be able to match a single dance move. Rupali tells Imlie not to pay attention to them.
At home, Imlie says sorry to Pallavi for getting her disqualified. Pallavi says to forget all that. Aparna says Imlie is used to doing a mistake and then saying sorry. Aparna then asks Pallavi what was she doing there? It’s Imlie who does cheating and all. Pallavi says neither of them were cheating. She felt bad when she got disqualified, but Imlie won in the end. The trophy will come in that house only. Imlie will bring it. Aparna leaves from there. Rupali says the matter has gone out of hands now. She tells Imlie to rehearse well and make sure she wins. They wonder who will help them. 

Sundar comes and teaches dance to Imlie and Aditya. Aditya says he won’t be able to do all that, he will become a joke in front of the society and they will laugh at him. Family motivates him, but Sundar says his dance was very bad. Family again gets behind Aditya. He says that he will give it a last shot. He keeps turning to a wrong side and bumps into Imlie. Imlie tells him to do it properly. Aditya asks for simpler steps. Sundar says if he practices, then he will be able to do it. Aditya gives up and says sorry to Imlie that she will lose because of him. He leaves from there. Imlie goes to talk to him.

Imlie asks Aditya what happened? Aditya says that he doesn’t understand how a dance will prove that she’s the best bahu. Today, he is alive because of her. She has done so much for that house. He doesn’t think any other bahu did that much. It’s sad that his family has forgotten everything. He tells her that she doesn’t need to do all this. No matter how hard she tries, it won’t matter to his family. His mother and aunt will still keep taunting her. She says competition might be childish to him, but not to them and she wants to win it for them. He tells her that she can do anything, but he is not able to support her. She says that she will teach him dance. He’s still hesitating. She gives him a hand. He holds it. She teaches him the dance. They get close. 

Aparna and Radha are passing by from their room. They watch them. Radha tells Aparna that Aditya is trapped more than what they thought. Aparna says but he refuses to accept it. Imlie continues to teach dance and Aditya is learning well. Aparna says if tomorrow they come out as husband and wife, then they will lose all the respect that they earned for past years. They must stop them somehow. Aditya is enjoying the dance now and is getting confidence.

Anu is furious. She says today Imlie won the competition because of sympathy, but tomorrow it won’t repeat. She proudly calls Tripathis her family. Now she will use her family against her.

Malini wait for KC’s call and think he will not call her as she rudely behaved with him and reminisces the event. KC also reminiscing the event trt to delete crazy lady Malini’s number, but fails and think of calling her. Malini while studying reads Kunal Chauhan instead of Prithvi Raj Chauhan and thinks he is getting over her mind and hence she should talk to him. She calls him while KC also call her at the same time and find each other’s number busy. KC then call landline. 

Malini pick call. He nervously asks if he can speak to Malini. She says speaking. He says its him and apologizes for being rude. She apologize to him instead for being rude and pleads not to stop talking to her and continue her case as a lawyer or friend at least. He agrees and asks if she is sure about it? She agrees. He says tomorrow its she and Adi’s final divorce counseling session. She gets disheartened hearing that. He says she is still unsure about her divorce. She says she is and ask him to go ahead. She then calls Adi to inform him about the counseling session, but he is busy dance practicing with Imlie for her best daughter inlaw competition and doesn’t pick her call.
Tripathi family visits competition venue for the next round of competition. Rupali wish Adi and Imlie all the best for their couple dance competition. Renu also wish her bahu to perform well. Anu walk to Aparna and Radha and taunts them that they were boasting about their servant and did wrong to Malini, now they realized what their servant really is. Aparna says she doesn’t have any answer for her questions now; she had alerted them about Imlie first, but they didn’t understand it. Anu says they should do something to prove that they are in Malini’s favor. Dance competition starts. Other couples perform first on stage. Malini reach Tripathi House to inform Adi about the counseling session when he doesn’t pick calls. Sundar opens door and inform her that the whole Tripathi family has gone to attend a dance competition. Malini fumes hearing that and think how can they go to watch a dance competition. Sundar says they are participating and he is going there. Malini walk towards her car.

Imlie tells Adi that she forgot Aparna’s ghungru and can not perform without Aparna’s blessings. Adi goes home to bring them. Aparna and Radha follow him. Adi seeing Malini asks what is she doing here? Malini reminds him about their last divorce counseling session. He says he forgot. She says KC is waiting for them at the session venue. He says he can not come as Imlie and his dance performance will start in 5 minutes. Malini asks if he is out of his mind? He says she doesn’t know the exact issue and this competition is most important for Imlie, he asks her to wait for sometime and goes to his room to bring ghungroo. Aparna and Radha lock the door from outside and return to competition venue. Adi knock door and seeks help. Host calls Adi and Imlie next. Family requests for some time as Adi went home. Renu’s daughter inlaw taunts Imlie that everyone left her including her husband. Pallavi supports Imlie. Anu says if Tripathis can not value time, they should be disqualified.

Precap: Anu tells Imlie that her performance wish must have been fulfilled, so she should get down the stage; she cannot win without her husband’s support. Adi apologizes Imlie that she lost because of him. Adi tells Imlie that she will win tomorrow’s competition. Imlie says Aparna has to participate with her tomorrow and she will lose if Aparna she doesn’t. Aparna hearing their conversation thinks she will attend the competition to make Imlie lose.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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