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Sai requests Chavans not to waste time and let her perform Virat’s physiotherapy treatment. Pakhi yells at her and asks Samrat if he can not find a physiotherapist for Virat. Sai says they can’t wait till tomorrow as Virat’s pain will increase overnight. Pakhi gets adamant. Sai says she has done a physiotherapy course and has attended workshops. Bhavani walks in and asks what is Sai talking about? Ashwini says Virat has tremendously increasing shoulder pain and Sai wants to perform physiotherapy on him. Bhavani asks Pakhi to order a strong painkiller for Virat. Sai says she already gave him strong painkillers and pain will not ease without physiotherapy. Bhavani asks Omkar to call her physiotherapy. He try and says his phone is switched off due to holi holiday. Sai pleads to allow her then.

Virat sits in garden writhing in shoulder pain. Sunny walks to him and ask what is he doing here? Virat scolds him for supporting Sai. Sunny says Sai truly loves him and is really worried for him, so she goes out of board to help him. Virat says he had loved Sai, but she considered him as her enemy and divorced him. Sunny says she gave him fake divorce to save his job. Virat asks him to stop supporting Sai and says he saw in Sai’s eyes that she wanted to get rid off him. Sunny says there is a difference between was and is, he should see Sai’s efforts for him. Virat says she is expecting an old Virat, but will not get him back as old Virat is dead and he feels pain when Sai is around her, he may have to bear this pain whole life now.

Sunny gets Ashwini’s call to bring Virat as they found a physiotherapist. They return home. Sai tells Virat that she is his physiotherapist. Virat asks if its a joke. Ashwini says since they couldn’t find a physiotherapist, they agreed to let Sai perform his physiotherapy. Virat denies. Sai says she is a professional and not his wife, so he can even pay her fees. Bhavani in her usual rude tone asks if she is asking money from them? Sai says she is asking respect from them, but since they are not ready, she wants them just to convince Virat now for the physiotherapy. Ashwini requests Virat to agree, but he denies saying he will learn to bear pain. Ashwini pleads for his mother’s sake. Virat agrees. Sai asks everyone to go out and let her start Virat’s physiotherapy. Everyone walk out.

Sai like a true professional thanks him for selecting her services and explains that she needs to get closer and touch him to perform physiotherapy to relax his tense muscles, he will feel relax by the end of therapy. He agrees. She removes his shirt and performs his massage. She then shows a posture correcting belt and says she can prepare one instantly and ties her dupatta in a belt’s style. They both feel connected during that. She then helps him perform exercises. Her hair flies. She tucks them up.
Pakhi feels jealous recalling Virat and Sai’s dance. Samrat walks to her and hugs her romantically from behind. She tries to move away. He pulls her back. She says she needs to relax. He says she seems tired, so he will perform a comforting massage on her. She says she is feeling sleepy. He says he will prepare her bed and asks if she needs ice tea or something which made her get closer to him earlier. She thinks she made a mistake earlier. He says he will massage her scalp. She pushes him away. He asks if she is still thinking about Sai and Virat and asks till when someone else’s problems will interfere between them, she should go and change her dress. She relaxes and goes to change her dress.

Virat feels relaxed with Sai’s physiotherapy and gets lost in her face. She clasps her fingers and what happened. He gets alert and asks why is she questioning him if she is a professional.

Sai finishes Virat’s physiotherapy and asks how is he feeling now. He says fine. She says her physiotherapy session has finished and asks if he really had pain or was acting to seek her attention. He angrily looks at her. She asks him to rest now. He tries sleep on the left side. He asks her to sleep on the right side for better breathing. He falls asleep instantly. Sai thinks she knows he hasn’t slept for days due to discomfort, now he can sleep peacefully pain-free. Samrat messages her, and she replies him back that she finished Virat’s physiotherapy session and he is sleeping peacefully.

Shivani seeing Rajiv’s message thinks why he is messaging after many years. She gets Sai’s message and goes to Virat’s room to check. Sai walks to her and says Virat is feeling comfortable and slept peacefully. Shivani thanks her. Sai asks who is Rajiv. Shivani shocked asks how does she know about Rajiv. Sai says she saw her receiving a parcel and read the sender’s name on it. Shivani shouts at her to shut up and walks out. Sai follows her and says she saw her in distress and is worried for her. Shivani shouts who gave her right to intrigue her personal life and warns her to stay out of it. Sai feels sorry for Shivani.
The next morning, Sai takes breakfast for Virat. Virat ignores her and offers her physiotherapy fees. Sai smiles and says its good to get her first fees from her IPS Virat Chavan. Virat says her idea worked and he felt relief. She asks when will he have a next physiotherapy session. He says there is no need for that as he will hire a professional, she will become a doctor soon and will leave him anyways after their deal is over. She gets teary eyed and keeps money n her purse. Serial’s title track plays in the background. He notices her and thinks she used to take care of him even before, but what happened to her when she alleged his character; he didn’t bother when the whole world pointed at him, but shattered completely when she pointed her finger at him. Sai gets ready for college and leaves.

Sai walks to Ashwini. Ashwini ignores her and shows her anger towards her. Sai says she must have read her message last night, but came to inform her herself that Virat felt relief after the physiotherapy session, but needs 2 more sessions; she need not worry as she will not perform those sessions as Virat wants to hide a professional physiotherapist. She says she is going to college now and is not worried as aayi will take care of Virat. Once she leaves, Ashwini thinks she used to feed her breakfast when she used to go to college, now she cannot even ask her, things change over time. Sai notices Virat exercising in balcony and jokes that looks like his physiotherapist did a good job, he should give her good ratings. Virat walks in angrily.

Mohit returns and praises Sai for her holi day magic. She asks if he liked it. He says he needs to talk to her. She says she is going to college now. He offers to drop her to college and on the way apologizes her for his rude behavior. She says she never felt bad as she knows they were all worried for Virat. She then asks about Rajiv. Mohit says Shivani wanted to marry Rajiv long ago, but then something happened and their marriage was canceled; he was very small then and doesn’t even remember Rajiv’s face. He drops her to college and leaves.

Pulkit meets her and asks her to concentrate on her studies and score good marks. Sai says she will to fulfill Virat’s wish. Pulkit says its also her dream to help people. Sai says she will treat the underprivileged and feels motivated when she does it for Virat. Pulkit asks how is Virat. She says she is fine and talks about Virat’s words that once she becomes a doctor, they will separate and be on their owns ways. Pulkit asks her not to think much. At Chavan house, Bhavani and Sonali badmouth about Sai. Samrat says Virat felt better because of Sai. Pakhi gets jealous and says he is blindly supporting Sai again. Samrat takes her aside and warns her to stop spilling venom against Sai and asks if she got intimate with her the other day thinking him as Virat. He warns her to stop conspiring against Sai or else he will bear his wrath.

Precap: Sai thinks there is a book to learn English in 15 days, operate on kidneys, and eat chow mien in space, but not one to teach how to pacify her husband. She receives a call and excitedly asks if it’s true. Sai thinks there is a book to learn English in 15 days, operate on kidneys, and eat chow mien in space, but not one to teach how to pacify her husband. She receives a call and excitedly asks if it’s true.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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