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Sai informs Shivani that Rajiv is in jail because of her. Shivani shocked says she didn’t complain against Rajiv. Sai says Virat got Rajiv arrested on her behalf. She says Shivani must be thinking why she is interfering in her issues, but she can see Shivani still loves Rajiv and is unable to move on. Shivani says Rajiv disappeared on their wedding day, she cannot forgive him for that. Sai says Rajiv happily got himself arrested for her sake, Virat hit him and got him arrested, but Rajiv didn’t utter a word and says he deserves this punishment for his mistake. Shivani asks Virat hit Rajiv. Sai says yes, Rajiv has returned for her. Shivani says wy did he return now when she doesn’t need him. Sai describes in detail what Rajiv told her. Shivani feels sad haring about Rajiv’s mother’s demise.

Virat recalls Sai’s words that Shivani still loves Rajiv. He hears door knock and thinking it’s Sai says he doesn’t want to talk to her right now. Pakhi walks in with food for him and asks if he fine, she heard his and Sai’s argument. Virat says he will not shout and disturb her from hereon. She says she is his friend and is worried for him. She then insists him to have food. He stands silently. She asks him to accept his friend’s request. then starts badmouthing about Sai, and warns him to stay away from Sai. Virat doesn’t reply. She says if he wants a friend to share his ordeal, she is there for him always. He says he doesn’t why people interfere in other’s matters. She apologizes and tries to leave. He says he is talking about Sai.

Shivani cries remembering Rajiv’s mother and says she used to love her a lot. Sai suggests her to meet Rajiv once and leaves. Virat tells Pakhi that Sai forcefully interferes in other’s lives. Samrat searches for Virat and walks towards his room where he notice es Pakhi there and thinks Pakhi gets attracted towards Virat even if she tries not to. He walks away from there sadly. Pakhi asks Virat what did Sai do this time. Virat says Sai went to meet Rajiv. Pakhi asks who is Rajiv. Virat says he doesn’t want to talk about Rajiv. Pakhi thanks him for opening up considering her as a friend.

Sai returns to her room and seeing Pakhi confronts her for barging into her room often. Virat supports Pakhi and gets angry on Sai. Pakhi asks Sai what did she do that Virat is angry on her and who is Rajiv. Sai says she should question her best friend and says she came to her room to rest, but seeing the situation here, she thinks of going out for a fresh air, without disturbing them. Pakhi leaves and returns to her room thinking about asking Samrat who Rajiv. She sees him asleep and thinks she should ask Bhavani in the morning. Samrat lying down recalls Pakhi expressing her love for Virat.
Next morning, Pakhi during breakfast informs Bhavani that Virat and Sai fought because of some Rajiv and asks who is Rajiv. Bhavani’s team gets angry hearing about Rajiv. Omkar says he will break Rajiv’s legs if he returns and tries to trouble Shivani. Pakhi questions how is he related to Shivani. Mansi warns her to stop enquiring and concentrate on her work. Karishma comments that Pakhi is frustrated that Sai knows about Rajiv but she doesn’t. Omkar questions Mohit if he knows anything about Rajiv and Shivani’s recent meeting. Mohit denies. Pakhi asks again who is Raiv. Bhavani says she doesn’t want to talk about Rajiv and will not spare him if he doesn’t anything again.

Pakhi asks Chavans about Rajiv. Bhavani says he is the mistake of their past which they want to forget and if Sai tries to remind them about their mistake, she will not spare Sai. Karishma asks if she should call Sai. Ashwini says Sai already left for college. Sonalis says they should question Shivani as she must be knowing everything. Karishma says she saw Shivani getting ready and leaving house. Pakhi asks if Sai and Shivani went to meet Rajiv. Bhavani frowns.
Sai waits for Shivani outside police station. Shivani reaches there. Sai says she thought she wouldn’t come. Shivani says she had to come to fix the mistake her family did. Sai asks her to go in and meet Rajiv and wishes her all the best. Shivani asks if she should. Sai says she should listen to him once and then decide what to do next. Inside police station, Virat asks inspector that it is family issue and make sure there is no lapse. Inspector says he needs to take Shivani’s statement. Virat says Shivani will not come here. Shivani enters and says he is already here. Virat says she must be hurt with Sai’s act and apologizes her on her behalf. Shivani says only Sai understood her pain when no one in her family could. Virat angrily looks at Sai. Shivani says she came to meet Rajiv. Virat takes her aside. Sai says she came with Shivani and will go if she wants her to. Virat warns her to stay out of it and starts badmouthing about Rajiv.

Shivani warns him to mind his language. Virat blames Sai and says she talked about closure last night for the same reason. Shivani says he is insulting her repeatedly wit his words, he never understood her, she will meet Rajiv right now. Sai walks to inspector and asks if Shivani can meet Rajiv. Virat frightens inspector with his angry gaze. Sai asks if a victim can meet her accused or not. Inspector agrees. Shivani walks toward Rajiv’s cell and sees him drawing her sketch on a wall. Rajiv’s jail mates praise him for his passion for love. Shivani calls Rajiv. Rajiv gets very happy seeing her and tells his jail mates that his prayers came true. He tells Sai that Shivani came to meet her because of her and describes how excited he was when he heard Shivani is coming to meet him and prepared her favorite food, but got disappointed when Sai came instead, etc.

Shivani shouts at him to shut up and says she came to how why he left her at the mandap. He says she has right to vent out her anger on him for his sin. She slaps him. He shows his other cheek and asks to slap him again. She slaps him continuously and vents out her frustration. He says she must be tired and can rest and start again as he will not go anywhere. She cries more vigorously and questions him again. He offers his kerchief and her perfume bottle. She recalls the event where he keeps her perfume to remember her in her absence. She says they are marrying in 7 days. He says her perfume smell will remind her presence till then. Out of flashback, she asks if he still kept it. He says its smell is lost, but the smell of her love is still intact. He continues expressing his love for her and pleads to give him one more chance.

Precap: Sai shows Virat their wedding dresses.Virat frustrated asks if she is planning their marriage again. She says she wants his help in reuniting 2 broken hearts like them and get them married.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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