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Sai on stage tells Virat that she wants to tell him something in front of the whole world. Devi excitedly thinks Sai wants to say I love you to Viru. Sai says I am really proud of you and salutes him, the whole Chavan family and others present their salute Virat also and clap for him. Virat walks down the stage. Bhavani tells Sai that she does things without informing them and calld DIG and media here. Sai says a few things have to be done uniformed. Omkar and Sonali yell at her. Ninad thanks DIG for giving such a big gift to Chavan family. DIG says it was Sai’s idea. DIG’s daughter says she felt really good meeting him and he is very lucky to get Sai as his wife, she really admires Sai for her daring behavior and saw it today. She tells Sai that she is really a hero who proved it practically today and she wants to be just like Sai. Sai says she should be herself as each person is different and suggests her to always tell truth fearlessly. She gifts a SAIRAT bracelet to Sai. Pakhi gets jealous seeing that. Pakhi taunts if Virat will like it? Virat angrily looks at Sai. DIG’s daughter asks if he didn’t like it? Sai asks her to put it in her wrist. DIG’s daughter fixes braclet in Sai’s hand and says her bangles look so pretty. Sai says her husband gifted them. DIG’s daughter says lets play holi and asks if she can play holi with them. Sai agrees. She apply color on Sai’s cheek. Sai protects the one with Virat’s color. DIG’s daughter asks Virat and sai to apply color to each other. Sai closes her eyes waiting for Virat to apply color on her. Pakhi thinks Sai is habituated to hurt Virat, but she will not let her do that again. Virat moves away, leaving Sai disappointed. Everyone walks away to play holi. Pakhi jealously looks at Sai. Karishma taunts Virat left Sai disappointed, Pakhi must be happy seeing that. Sai smiles looking at the bracelet and thinks whether Virat colors her or not, she is already colored in his love.

Ninad gets a call from his Sangli relative Sachin who informs that his father is ill. Ninad asks him not to worry as he will reach there soon. He informs the family about it. Bhavani says he can not go leaving the celebration midway. Ashwini says they need to support their dear ones in need. Ninad says he needs to go and help Sachin and Sri kaka in hope that Virat forgives him seeing his good deed. Sunny makes Virat change his dress and jokes that he is blushing remembering Sai. Virat continues showing his anger.

DIG’s daughter call Sai to play holi with Virat. Sai says she is already colored in Virat’s color as he already applied color to her. Pakhi hearing that taunts Sai to stop her dual-faced behavior and lies as Virat will never apply color to her in this situation. Sai says she already colored Virat’s cheek while is asleep and colored her cheek with it. Pakhi stands jealous, remembers last year’s holi, and thinks of taking revenge form Sai. Sunny tells Virat that Sai made all the arrangements and gave a surprise to them all. Virat warns him to stop praising Sai. Sunny offers him bhang mixed milk. Virat says he knows what is in it. Virat says then he purposefully drinks it and reminds his last holi celebration with Sai after having this drink. Virat scolds him to not scratch his wounds by reminding his bitter memories. Ashwini offers gujiya to Sai and says she is happy that all the allegations against him are cleared. Virat angrily looks at her. She requests him to have 1 gujiya at least and feeds him. He bites gujiya. She feels happy. Sunny signals thumbs up to Sai. Sai looks at Virat and Ashwini smilingly.

Sunny feeds gujiya sweets to Virat. Sai notices standing from a distance. Sunny signals thumbs up at Sai. Sunny walks to her and says her plan worked. Sai feels sad that Virat didn’t even smiled at her. Sunny says he has a plan, gives her bhang packet and says to fulfill her wish. She feels happy happy and asks him to give it to Virat. Sunny says Virat will not take it from him as he knows that he mixes bhang in Virat’s thandai/milk every year. Sai walks in to kitchen and mixes bhang in gujiya. She then takes gujiya to Ashwini. Ashwini says she is still angry with her, but the way she defended Virat made her holi happy. Mansi backs her. Sai asks her to serve gujiya to Virat to celebrate then. Ashwini hesitates, but agrees on Mansi’s insistence. Sai returns to Sunny. Sunny says only she can do it. Sai says everything is fair in love and war. Sunny feels excited thinking Sai loves Virat.

Ashwini offers gujiya to Bhavani. Sai stops Bhavani and says it has lots fo calories. Bhavani says its okay during festival. Sai says she prepared it and love between then will increase if she eats it. Bhavani angrily returns gujiya plate to Sai. Ashwini tells Bhavani that she is very happy seeing Virat celebrating holi with them. Bhavani says even she is happy and orders her to prepare carolieless sweets tomorrow. Virat tastes gujiya cook made and says its different than aayi’s prepared gujiya. Sai offers him gujiya and thinks Sunny’s bhang didn’t work.

Pakhi search for Virat. Samrat walks behind her and try to apply color on her when she asks if he saw Virat as he is not seen after press conference and asks not to praise Sai like others for clearing allegations on Virat via press conference as she is the one who created the problem. He says she is right and asks how can Sai be more important than her and Virat in his life, she is his wife and he means they are a team and he warned Sai to stay away from Virat. She says they need to act. He says he saw Sai serving sweets to Virat. She thinks how can Virat change suddenly. He says the way Sai cleared Virat’s name via press conference, its commendable. She warns him not to praise Sai and says Sai’s magic is working on Virat. Mohit informs Samrat that press wants a family photo. Pakhi walks along with him. Samrat stands disappointed failing to apply holi to her.

Pakhi walks towards cooking corner and gets jealous seeing Sai serving gujiya to Virat and laughing with him. Sunny joins them and offers bhang mixed Virat. Virat gets intoxicated due to bhang effect. Sonali and Karishma notice Pakhhi and taunt her. Pakhi vents out her frustration on gujiya and thinks of destroying Sai’s reputation. She orders cook to bring thandai and thinks Sai hurts Virat always trying to prove herself great, but she will not let her do that anymore. She takes out bhang packet.

Senior Chavans search for Virat. Pakhi says he is right in front of them enjoying holi with Sai. Bhavani fumes on Sai. Ashwini stops her and says whatever the reason is, she is happy seeing her son happy today. Sai and Virat continue laughing. Pakhi mix bhang in a thandai glass and keeping a tissue paper under it tells waiter its for someone special. Devi takes gujiya plate from Sai. Sai says its specially for Virat. Devi returns gujiya. Virat says Sai stops everyone like this, even him. Pulkit joins them and greets happy holi to everyone. Sai signals him, and he wishes happy anniversary to Devi. Devi hug and wishes him happy anniversary. She thanks Sai for getting her and Pulkit married. Pulkit try to feed her. Virat snatch and eats that sweet. Sunny says he is very intoxicated.

Mohit walks to them and informs that Bhavani is calling them for a family photo. Pakhi walks to them next and serves thandai to everyone. Devi asks why is she acting as her friend today? Virat says Pakhi is everyone’s friend. Devi accepts thandai on Pulkit’s request. Pakhi then serves bhang mixed thandai to Sai. Sai doubts if she mixed bhang in it. Pakhi says she brought thandai for everyone, so she should give too much importance to herself. Sai sneezes and apologize to her. Virat asks one more glass. Pakhi turns towards him. Sai finishes thandai. Pakhi grins and thinks now Sai’s drama will start.

Precap: Pakhi tries to take Virat from stage. Sai stops him and insists to play holi with him. Pakhi and Samrat take him away. Sai thinks she will see how will they stop her from playing holi with Virat. akhi and Sai dance on a Pinga Sapori.. song.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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