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Sai returns home from college and noticing Virat getting ready asks where is he going. He says its none of her business, She jokes calling him Patidev, Swaminath, Swami… and asks if she can drop him in her car. He warns to dare not touch the steering or else he will complain traffic police against her. She continues her jokes. He smiles. She says at least he is smiling now after a physiotherapy session and asks him to turn at her and smile. He walks away. Sunny walks in and informs that he is taking Virat to physiotherapy session as DIG asked him to submit physical fitness certificate to rejoin the duty. Sai gets tensed hearing that and thinks she needs to do something to stop his transfer. Virat returns and warns her to dare not think of trying to stop her transfer by visiting DIG’s office. He leaves with Sunny. Sai continues joking that her Swami guessed her thoughts in mind and thinks she needs to do something to stop khadoos modak’s transfer.

Doctor checks Virat’s reports and says he will be fit and fine soon. Sai peeps in and prays Bappa to do some magic and make Virat forgive her, then she will show Virat how much she loves him. Virat asks when can he rejoin the duty. Doctor says soon after passing a few tests. Virat requests to give his fitness report soon as he wants to rejoin his duty as soon as possible. Doctor says a daring officer like him must be bored at home. Virat says he has one more reason and wants to go away from someone. Nurse notices Sai and asks if she has an appointment. Sai says she came with her husband. Nurse takes her in. Doctor greets her as Mrs Chavan and praises her that she took good care of Virat. Sai says Virat wants to go far away from her. Doctor says Virat is lucky to have such a caring wife. Sai jokes with Sunny, irking Virat. Doctor says they both are very jovial, his wife is very irritating and will divorce him if he cracks a joke. Virat says Sai had divorced him once. Sunny says they are joking. Virat asks doctor to prescribe the tests so that he can pass them and rejoin his duty. Sai thinks she will not let him join his duty.

Shivani feels depressed in her room thinking about Rajiv. Sai walks in with her favorite chocolate sauce cake to cheer her up. Shivani doesn’t react and asks her to go as she doesn’t want to talk to anyone. Sai insists her to break her silence and at least have some cake. She agrees and picks a spoon, but starts crying remembering enjoying similar cake with Rajiv. Sai reminds her that she used to share her heart out with her first and how she shared about Amey with her first. Shivani says Rajiv is not like Amey. Sai asks to tell then how he is. Shivani says she doesn’t want to. Sai apologizes and asks her to give her phone to PDF Virat’s reports. Shivani asks her to bring reports here. Sai agrees.
Sai plays damroo in front of family and says she brought it for Sai so that she can inform them with damroo before doing any drama. He team joins her and they all badmouth about Sai. Karishma notices Sai entering Shivani’s room and says looks like Shivani forgave Sai, so Sai is in Shivani’s room. Pakhi says Sai does magic on everyone and gets them on her side. Bhavani laughs saying Shivani finds a new girlfriend every day and Sai’s husband doesn’t value her at all. Pakhi says Sai will easily convince Sai. Karishma comments. Mohit scolds her. Omkar scolds him back and supports Karishma. Sai clicks Virat’s report pics and tells Shivani she needs time. Shivani asks how much and goes to check cupboard. Sai messages Rajiv silently.

Sai acts as messaging lieu of making PDF of Virat’s medical reports from Shivani’s mobile sends message to Rajiv to meet her. Rajiv busy preparing cakes in his bakery gets happy seeing Shivani’s message and shares his happiness with his aunt. Aunt blesses their jodi. Sai messages him again not to reply to her message and meet her directly. Shen deletes messages and returns phone to Shivani. Shivani gets a message. Sai gets tensed but relaxes seeing her getting other message. She then walks down to living room where Karishma says she told that Sai had gone to Shivani’s room. Bhavani questions Sai. Pakhi comments she must be gathering supporters for her.
Shivani walks down and informs that Sai was scanning Virat’s reports from her mobile as her phone camera is better. Virat passes by and asks what reports as he hasn’t got any tests done yet. Sai says she was scanning his old reports and sending them to Pulkit. Virat says he didn’t ask her to do that. Bhavani says he will go from this house after getting transferred and will leave Sai here to torture them. Virat says he is taking transfer for peace of mind, they should look after their problem themselves. Drama continues. Bhavani and Pakhi comment on Shivani next. They all walk back to their rooms.

Devi notices Shivani in distress and walks to her room. Shivani asks if she needs something. Devi asks if she is fine as she saw Bhavani and dirty Pakhi talking bad about her. Shivani says nobody saw her distress except her and Sai. Devi says that is because Sai cares for them all and reminds how Sai worked fought with whole family to get her and Pulkit married; she says she is Sai’s best friend now and will help her propose Viru as Sai loves Viru. Shivani gets excited hearing Sai loves Viru. Devi asks her not to talk about it loudly as its a secret. Shivani promises and thinks like Devi knows Sai’s secret, Sai knows her secret.

Karishma tells Bhavani that Sai and Shivani are conspiring something. Sonali backs her. Bhavani asks them to stop their conspiracy as Sai and Shivani cleared their stance. Pakhi says whether she believes or not, Sai and Shivani are conspiring something and Sai’s drama will continue in Chavan nivas. Sonali asks what if Shivani got a new boyfriend and Sai is giving her advice. Karishma says she is right. Pakhi says Sai’s advice will fail. Bhavani yells Pakhi is right, their relationship with Virat is tarnished because of Sai. Sonali asks what if they have to bear humiliation again because of Sonali. Pakhi says they will have to find out Sai’s plan in detail. Karishma says she can spy on Sai and needs permission. Pakhi says its her favorite pastime, so she can go ahead. Bhavani asks them to go out and let her rest. Pakhi says they will go out, but with Sai’s presence, there cannot be any peace in this house.

Virat returns to his room and finds a college notice about final exams in Sai’s bag. He thinks once her final exams are over, she will leave from here. Sai walks out of washroom and says he started spying on her once he got well. He keeps letter back. She asks him to wish her good luck for her exam. Virat says she used to remind him about their marriage deal and thraten to leave him after she becomes a doctor. Sai says she will fail in her exam and will see how will he kick her out of this house. He asks why is she going to college if she wants to fail. She says does he inform her what he does. He says he told her just standing here. She says he didn’t inform his decision of his job transfer. He tries to justify and walks away.

Precap: Sai shows Virat their wedding dresses. Virat frustrated asks if she is planning their marriage again. She says she wants his help in reuniting 2 broken hearts like them and get them married. Sai show wedding dresses and jewellery to Virat while he becomes irked and questions if she is planning for their marriage? She laughs and then teases him. Meanwhile, she asks for his help to bring two lovers together. She questions if he will help her? To which he agrees and shakes hand with her.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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