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Devi walks to Sai and insists her to reveal Shivani’s truth. Sai asks her to promise not to reveal it to anyone. Devi promises. Sai says she trusts her and asks if she remembers Shivani’s Rajiv, he is messaging Shivani and wants to meet her. Devi says Rajiv is very bad as he promised to marry Shivani and didn’t bring baaraat. Sai says Shivani still loves Rajiv and cries remembering him, so she is thinking of arranging their meeting and clear their misunderstanding. Devi asks what if Rajiv is really bad. Sai says they will not spare Rajiv then. Devi asks when will she propose Veeru. Sai says she will as Virat sir smiles hearing her, soon she will express her feelings for him.

Shivani misses Rajiv when he doesn’t message her and thinks he messages her daily, maybe he realized that she will not meet him. Virat visits her and asks why she looks sad. Shivani thanks him for showing concern for her. Virat says she supported him since childhood and can inform him if she needs any help. Shivani says there are so many family members but nobody noticed her pain except him, Devi, and Sai. He notices her water mug empty and goes to get water for her. Shivani weeps. Devi returns and asks her to stop crying, asks if Rajiv is messaging and troubling her. Shivani gets angry that Sai revealed it to everyone. Devi says Sai is really good and is trying to clear Shivani and Rajiv’s differences and reunite them. Shivani walks out angrily. Virat hears their conversation and thinks why Sai wants to Shivani and Rajiv to meet, why can’t she sit silently.

Sai visits Rajiv’s cafe. Rajiv thinking her as Shivani welcomes her in an unique style. He sends her a basket with a letter with a message that he wants to return her gifts, her pics and earrings which she had returned. Rajiv welcomes her and tries to hug her, but stops seeing Sai instead and apologizes for the mistake. He says says he was waiting for some other guest. Sai asks if he was waiting for Shivani. He asks who is she. She says she is the one who messaged him from Shivani’s mobile to come here. He gets angry for playing with his feelings and asks who is she. She says she is Shivani’s family member and Virat’s wife. Virat calls Sai and feels frustrated when she doesn’t pick his calls.
Sai confronts Rajiv for leaving Shivani alone in mandap as a bride and not attending their wedding. Rajiv says he was confused then and was afraid of commitment. Sai asks why he wants to return in Shivani’s life and reveals how Shivani broken down when he left her and still cries locking herself in a room remembering him, etc. Rajiv gets happy hearing that Shivani still remembers him and requests to let him meet Shivani once. Sai warns him that she is an IPS officer’s wife and if he tries to betray Shivani again, she will send him to jail. He agrees. She asks why he returned after so many years. He reveals that he was running away from commitments and wanted to live his life to the fullest, but during her last days her aayi said that loving someone means spending life with them and not running away. He continues requesting Sai to let him meet Shivani once. After much questioning agrees. He happily thanks her. Virat reaches there and punches Rajiv.

evyani consoling Shivani and tries to cheer her up. She then visits Sai and confronts her about the truth. She notify about meeting Shivani and asks about the secret which she knows. She insists Sai to share it with her and promises that she will not tell it to anyone else. Sai hesitates but then takes a promise from Devyani and then apprises her about the conversation with Rajiv through Shivani’s phone. She says that she just wants to meet him once, in order to know about his intentions. Whereas, Devyani assures Sai that she won’t tell it to anyone and then notify her about Rajiv’s past.

Here, Devyani tells how Rajiv left Shivani on their wedding day. She apprises that Shivani was devastated and broken. Sai feels bad for Shivani and thinks that after so long, why Rajiv is trying to contact her again? She determines to find the reason behind it and goes to meet him.

Virat goes to check on Shivani and ask if she is fine? She gets elated upon seeing him and states that it really means a lot for her. He stops her from saying anything else and tells that he always had admired her. He reminds how she had always cared for them and ask if anything is bothering her? To which she denies. He sees her emotional and goes to fetch water for her.

Elsewhere, Devyani comes inside Shivani’s room and mistakenly blurts out about Sai’s secret of meeting Rajiv. Shivani catches it while Devyani gets worried and tries to go away, but Shivani insists her to tell the truth. She gets irked learning about Sai’s plan, while Virat gets shocked hearing their conversation.

Sai visits Rajiv and gets surprised seeing the decorations. She becomes mesmerized by the surrounding and sees different sorts of dishes. At that time Rajiv comes to her and was about to surprise her thinking to be Shivani, but then stopped noticing Sai. He apologises to her for mistaking her to be someone else, while she confronts him.

Ahead, he ask Sai about her identity while she tells him about her relationship with Shivani. She questions why he left Shivani on their wedding day and states that she was so heartbroken. He accepts his mistake and says that he was nervous and wasn’t ready to take the responsibilities. He then tells about his family to Sai.

Rajiv says that his used to live alone with his mother as his father was dead. He then tells that after the death of his mother, he realised that everyone needs someone in their life. He says that he realised his mistake and tells how he misses Shivani. Sai declares that she can’t trust him, to which he insists to let him meet Shivani once.
Further, Sai agrees to help Rajiv and ask him not to disturb Shivani anymore. He agrees and shows his excitement to meet Shivani. He says that he will apologise to her and will do his best to convince her. Whereas, at that time Virat comes there and punches Rajiv. Sai gets shocked, while Rajiv looks at Virat. He fumes in anger and ask Sai to stay out of it.

Rajiv telling Sai about his mistake and proclaims to rectify it. He notify her that how he left Shivani on their wedding day, as he was scared of commitments. He also tells that he realized his fault and so wants to apologize to Shivani. He accepts that his crime is huge, but states that he have realized his true feelings for Shivani. He says that after his mother’s death he understood the value of relationships and so wanted to have a conversation with Shivani. He requests Sai to help him for once, while she replies that she can’t trust him after his betrayal.

Here, Rajiv understands Sai’s turmoil and assures her that he is fine with whatever she will decide. She tells that she can’t promise to reunite them, but she can surely make them meet. Rajiv gets elated and shows his gratitude towards Sai. He also learns that Shivani still gets affected by his presence and concludes that she still have feelings for him.

Rajiv determines to take Shivani’s forgiveness for his deeds and thanks Sai for helping him. Whereas, at that time Virat comes there and punches Rajiv. Sai gets shocked and tries to stop Virat, whereas he glares at her and ask to stay away from him. He looks at Rajiv and becomes furious. Whereas, Rajiv says that Virat have full right to beat him as he had done a huge mistake.

Elsewhere, Rajiv ask Virat to give him one chance. He says that he just wants to talk to Shivani for once, but Virat denies about it. He says that he can fool Sai but not him. He glares at Rajiv and tells that because of him Shivani even tried to commit suicide. Whereas, Rajiv gets shocked learning about it and blames himself for it.

Rajiv accepts Virat’s allegations and says that he deserves the punishment. Meanwhile, Virat files case of fraud and molestation against Rajiv and makes the police arrest him. Rajiv accepts it without any fuss and declares that he deserves it for hurting Shivani. Whereas, Sai tries to stop Virat but he doesn’t listen to her.

Ahead, Virat confronts Sai after getting back inside their room. He scolds her for always interfering in their matter, to which she replies that she was just worried for Shivani. Virat ask if she is taunting him that he doesn’t care about Shivani? To which she denies and says that no one bothered about looking for Shivani when she was going through so much. She states that Shivani is affected by Rajiv and it won’t end unless they clarify things in between them.

Virat shouts at Sai and ask her to stay in her limits. He states that Rajiv had already hurt Shivani and he won’t let him come in her life again. He taunts her about believing in love, while she gets teary eyes and accepts that she have done injustice with him, but tells that she is trying to get his forgiveness. He ask her to stay away from him and the goes away.

Further, Shivani drags Sai inside her room and confronts her about planning to meet Rajiv. She reminds her about staying away from her personal life, while Sai notify her about Rajiv being in jail. Shivani gets shocked whereas Sai apprises how Virat had filed case against Rajiv. She tells that Rajiv only wanted to meet Shivani once, while latter gets into dilemma.

Precap: Sai shows some outfits and jewelries to Virat, while he gets frustrated with her continuous questions. He ask if she is planning for their marriage? To which she laughs and states that she needs his help to reunite two lovers. Virat questions about it being confused. Whereas, Anupama questions that if Virat and Sai will also get closer while reuniting Shivani and Rajiv? Sai shows Virat their wedding dresses. Virat frustrated asks if she is planning their marriage again. She says she wants his help in reuniting 2 broken hearts like them and get them married.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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