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Pakhi asks Sai if she is doing all this to stop her from giving prasad to Virat. Sai asks why she feels she is more interested in feeding prasad to her husband instead of her own husband. Bhavani yells how dare she is to say that. Sai says she is speaking what she is seeing. Omkar yells her to be in her limits. Pakhi says Sai doesn’t know manners and is showing her true colors. Sai says she will show colors during holi festival tomorrow, but Pakhi forgot to apply ghee on purab poli. Bhavani yells who is she to comment on Pakhi’s dish. Sai says she is bettering Pakhi’s dish. Bhavani yells to prepare her own food and stop wandering around their kitchen. Karishma grins hearing that. Sai looks at Virat. Sonali says her presence doesn’t matter to Virat. Sai asks if she wants 2 kitchens in Chavan Nivas. Bhavani sayas there will be only 1 kitchen, Sai will set up her kitchen somewhere else. Sai asks Ahswini if she heard that. Ashwini asks her to spare her son and stop troubling him.

Bhavani yells at Sai to return ghee or if she wants to a drink whole bottle. Karishma grins and says she drinks blood of whole family. Sai says she will gift mic to Karishma to let everyone listen to her murmur, asks fi she should drink her blood first. Sonali says this is dining table and not circus and asks Sai to return ghee bottle to Pakhi. Sai gives bottle to Pakhi, but she doesn’t hold it and it falls down. Sonali yells at Sai. Sai says she gave ghee bottle to Pakhi, she should ask Pakhi where is her attention. Devi yells at Sai next that she is dirty. Pulkit calms her down. Mansi asks them to stop the drama. Sonalia sks Pakhi to bring another ghee bottle from kitchen. Bhaveni orders Pakhi to serve puran poli to everyone except Sai. Sai says it would be disrespect of prasad and Bhavani will get a sin. Bhavani and her team continue to yell at and taunt Sai.
Virat announces that he is having food with everyone for the last time and they shouldn’t expect it again. Ashwini asks him not to say that. Samrat asks if he is going somewhere. Virat says he came home on Aayi’s insistence, but cannot be part of this family, so they should stop thinking that he will have food with them on this table. Sai says whether he likes or not, he is associated with this family. Bhavani warns her not to interfere between. Sai says she is Virat’s wife and offers him water. Ashwini takes glass from her and gives it to Virat. Virat says he came here on Devi’s insistence and couldn’t disrespect prasad, but now he is going. Samrat says he just came here, nobody disturbed him. Shivani says nobody will disturb him if he doesn’t want to.

Virat says he doesn’t want their presence around him. Pakhi asks what about Sai, she has already shifted into his room. Sai says thanks for showing concern to her husband, she shouldn’t bother what he does in his room with his wife. Karishma grins hearing that. Sai tells Virat that she will prepare his food in a separate stove. Virat says he will order food from outside. Ashwini asks how can he order outside food when he has such a big family. Virat walks away frowning. Sonali yells Virat doesn’t want to have food with them and Sai shamelessly barged into his room. Sai says she is returning to her husband and walks away. Bhavani yells she is very shameless girl.

Ashwini cries in her room. Ninad consles her with his long moral gyaan speech and says they bought up virat with great difficulty. Ashwini says she did a mistake by not trusting her son. Ninad says they all did mistake and he want to repent and correct things, but Sai ruined it and he will never forgive her. Ashwini says even she is angry on Sai and is worried if their and their son’s differences will clear or not.
Sai asks Virat if he had medicines and says just like he took care of her, she will take care of him. He asks her to go and stay somewhere else. She says she will not and seeing his arm wound forcefully dresses it. He angrily walks away after that. Pakhi in her room fumes that Sai is kicked out of this house and Virat’s life, but each time she returns like her ill fate. Sai tries to converse with Virat. Virat acts as asleep. She says she knows he is not asleep. He says she can do whatever she wants to, he doesn’t want to see her face and will never ask her to sleep on bed. Sai says she is not demanding that and even will not let him sleep somewhere else, she will take good care of him and he should be proud of his wife. Virat says she shouldn’t sacrifice for him as he cannot bear the burden of her favor. She continues her jovial behavior and sits on his bed, then shouts hearing a sound. Pakhi thinks if Virat hit Sai in anger.

Virat signals Sai if she is drunk. She signals no. He asks why is she behaving like this. Pakhi hears a sound and thinks if Virat hit Sai in anger. Virat separates beds. Sai says he didn’t want to sleep on floor and hence separated beds, he practically shows his care instead of just saying. He gets angry and continues tongue lashing her. Pakhi watches them and feeling disheartened thinks she thought Virat kicked Sai ou of room, but he made another bed for Sai. Sai smiles at Sai. Virat says he feels suffocated seeing her face in his room. Sai says she will fulfill his wish. He sleeps angrily. Pakhi hopes if she can kick Sai out of Virat’s room, thinks Virat broke her heart and Sai broke Virat’s heart, even after that her heart beats for only Virat and she cannot see him suffering because of Sai, and hopes she can tell him not to worry as she is with him always. Samrat walks to her and asks why she is peeping into Sai and Virat’s room.

Sai fixes a curtain between beds and says he didn’t want to see her face, so she found a solution for his problem. Virat says she is his problem and wants her to get out of his room. She draws curtian and says not possible, he should get a strength to bear this problem. He asks if its a joke for her. She says its not and she is just worried for him.

Pakhi tells Samrat that whatever he is thinking is not true. He says he can see her face turning sad with Sai’s return and ask if she is hoping to return back to Virat? Pakhi says no. He ask why were there tears in her eyes with Sai’s return? She ask if he doesn’t feel bad seeing Sai troubling Virat. He says he wants Virat to get well soon and their Jeeva and Shiva’s jodi reunites again, but he doesn’t know how to do that; Sai proved that she is Virat’s wife, hence they can’t do anything. She says he considered Sai as his sister because of whom he got separated from his brother, don’t he think if he did wrong by making Sai as his sister? He says she is right. He says they both should get rid of Sai from Virat’s life. He says he can do anything for his brother. She thinks even she can do anything for Virat and will make Sai’s life hell.

Sai doesn’t get sleep and get emotional holding her father’s pic. She discusses her pain with him and thinks she will use her father’s teaching and will not accept defeat so easily. She think there is a curtain of mistrust and hatred between she and Virat and she is unable to clear it. She hopes to win back Virat’s trust.

Omkar tells Bhavani that he can not digest Sai claiming herself as Virat’s wife. Bhavani says what can she do when Sai proved she is still married to Virat. Sonali says Sai is sleeping in Virat’s room. Bhavani says Virat is weak and doesn’t have strength to kick Sai out of the room. Sonali praises Sai for her persistence. Bhavani asks her not to praise Sai in front of her. Omkar asks how to handle this problem. Bhavani says just like iron cuts iron, a bahu/DIL can end another bahu. Pakhi walks in. Bhavani says Sai interfered between Pakhi and Virat’s friendship and separated him from her and his family, so as Samrat’s wife and Chavan family bahu she should give a befitting reply to Sai and stop her from winning. Pakhi says they need not worry as she has already started her game and thinks now she has family with her, she will show Sai her real place.

Precap: Sai reads news papers and learns that she should wear 7 colors to attract her husband and thinks she will win Virat’s heart during holi festival. Sai kneels down proposes Virat.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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