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Virat hopes his family likes bhandara/charity event and accepts Rajiv. Sai says they will for sure as they think he organized bhandara. Virat asks why they think so. Chavans enter bhandara and are impressed seeing the arrangement. Shivani prays god for help. Bhavani gets emotional seeing her husband’s photo and says only Virat can arrange such an amazing arrangement. Sunny welcomes them and says there is a special seating arrangement for them. Devi asks if Virat arranged it. Pulkit asks where is Sai, they should find out via her if Virat arranged it or not. Bhavani scolds him not to take Sai’s name. Sai and Virat walk in. Pakhi gets jealous seeing that. Ashwini says her son is looking so handsome and performs his nazar. Devi asks her to perform even Sai’s nazar. Ashwini does.

Sonali tells Bhavani that Virat doesn’t seem to be angry on Sai now. Bhavani says she doesn’t want to spoil her mood with these talks and emotionally hugging Virat says he made her happy by arranging this Ram Navami bhandara in his uncle’s name. Omkar says Ninad would have been happy seeing this. Ashwini says she will video call Ninad and show it to him. Virat stops her and says he didn’t do this. Bhavani asks him not to say that Sai arranged it. Sai says this time she didn’t do anything and shows Rajiv. Chavans get angry seeing Rajiv and ask what Virat is he doing here, they thought only Sai went to meet Rajiv but now see Virat also meet Rajiv.

Bhavani recalls Rajiv visiting Chavan nivas as a AC technician and Virat supporting him. Sonali asks if Shivani knew about this. Pakhi says of course, Shivani with Sai met Rajiv. Sai says Shivani and Rajiv want to tell something. Omkar yells why should they listen to the heinous man Rajiv. Samrat asks Virat who invited them to this bhandara. Rajiv walks in and says he did and welcomes them. Samrat and Omkar mandhandle him and Bhavani yells at him. Virat tries to interfere, but stops him saying their anger is valid. Rajiv says he made a mistake long ago and wants to repent it my marrying Shivani now. Omkar and Samrat beat him up. Shivani stops them and warns them to stay away from Rajiv.
Chavans continue to yell at Rajiv. Rajiv says their anger is valid as he is their culprit, but now he wants to repent by marrying Shivani. They deny to get Shivani married to him. Shivani says she will marry Rajiv at any cost. Samrat reminds Shivani trying to commit suicide by slitting her wrist when Rajiv betrayed him. Shivani pleads them to let her marry Rajiv. They say she has gone mad, Rajiv wouldn’t have ransacked her if he really loved her. Sai interferes and says Shivani and Rajiv want to live a life together, so they should bless them. Pakhi taunts her that one who cannot handle her own relationship, who reminds her husband every day about their contractual marriage, and one oh doesn’t trust her husband is talking about someone’s relationship. Sai says sometimes, fate plays a weird game; when they cannot get what they want, they try to help others get it, etc.

Bhavani yells at Sai that she brainwashed Shivani. Shivani says Sai just helped her face truth. Bhavani yells Sai can just push others in a pit. Shivani says Sai got Devi and Pulkit reunited, does she mean Sai pushed Devi in a pit. Devi supports Virat. Pakhi yells Sai helped Virat separate from his family. Ashwini warns her not to drag her son between this. Sai pleads everyone to forget the past and accept Rajiv and Shivani’s relationship. Pulkit requests them to listen to Rajiv once. Bhavani warns him not to interfere. Sai says just like Pulkit and Devi’s marriage happened without family’s blessings, even Shivani and Rajiv’s marriage can happen without their blessings. Omkar tries to humiliate Shivani counting her multiple affairs. Sai says everyone does mistakes and repent, he should support his sister instead of humiliating her. Virat says Sai is right.

Sai asks Omkar if he doesn’t want his sister also has a family like him and be happy, why is he insulting her in front of everyone instead of supporting her. Virat says Sai is right, they all made a joke out of Shivani’s lifestyle and lively behavior, they were judgmental instead of supporting her, Shivani never troubled anyone and instead was smiling, they never showed her pain and was bearing it alone. He asks Bhavani doesn’t she feel alone without her husband. Bhavani says nobody can understand her pain and loneliness, even then she kept the family united; it was her responsibility to get Shivani married, but she couldn’t because of Rajiv; Rajiv is dare to come in front of her; Shivani falls for anyone who smiles at her; Rajiv insulted her and her husband by using her husband’s name in this bhandara, etc. She feels drowsy. Sai and others hold her. She pushes her away.

Sai pleads Bhavani to fulfill her responsibility at least not. Bhavani denies. Sai says Shivani’s many relationships failed because she used to search Rajiv in each relationship. Omkar yells what rubbish. Virat says Sai is right. Pakhi comments that Sai hypnotized Virat again and he is speaking her words. Omkar drags Shivani from there. Rajiv tries to stop her, but Samrat warns him to back off. Rajiv warns that he will not back off if they don’t let him marry Shivani. Omkar falls down while dragging Shivani away. Out of frustration, he picks a stone and throws at Rajiv. Rajiv escapes, but stone hits stove and the whole place catches fire. Rajiv rushes to rescue people.
A burning log falls towards Sai. Virat runs and rescues her. Sai hugs him. He asks if she is fine. Pakhi gets jealous seeing that. Sai notices a gas cylinder near Rajiv and tries to alert him. Shivani worried for Rajiv walks near cylinder. Rajiv notices that and rescues her. The cylinder bursts injuring Rajiv severely. Rajiv loses consciousness. Sai and Virat rush to save Raiv and set off fire from his clothes. They rush Rajiv to hospital. Rajiv gain consciousness after some time. Shivani cries seeing Rajiv’s condition and thanks god that he didn’t incur major burns. She thanks Sai for saving Rajiv. Sai says Virat set off fire with his bare hands and shows his burnt hands. Virat says he is surprised to see Rajiv risking his life to save Shivani. Rajiv says he saved his own life by saving Shivani. Shivani says her family is so ruthless they didn’t even visit hospital to find out his condition.

Chavans return home and blame Virat that he betrayed them by saving Rajiv. Omkar says Shivani also betrayed them and supported Rajiv. Samrat says Rajiv risked his life and saved Shivani. Mohit backs him. Bhavani yells at Mohit. Back at the hospital, Shivani asks Rajiv to stop his adamancy as her family will never accept their marriage, so they should have a court marriage. Virat says Shivani is right, he will support them. Sai says even she will. Rajiv says he doesn’t want to separate Shivani from her family as he knows the value of family, he lost his father in childhood and only has a sister as her family. Virat tells Rajiv that he will change his family’s decision and leaves from there. Sai tells Rajiv and Shivani that Virat will get them married soon.

Back to Chavans, Pakhi tells family that Sai manipulated Vriat again. Bhavani gets angry on Sai. Omkar says he will never accept Rajiv. Sai returns home and gives them gifts from. Everyone are surprised to her that. Mohit informs them that Virat has sent them a group message.

Precap: Bhavani asks Sai why Virat sent an invitation. Sai says Virat wants them all to attend Rajiv and Shivani’s wedding. Virat enters and says Shivani has decided to marry to Rajiv. Bhavani warns that she will not let Shivani marry Rajiv. Sai asks Virat if her presence doesn’t matter to him. He says no. She handcuffs them and throws key away.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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