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Sonali asks family that if Ashwini didn’t mix bhang in gujiya, then who must have done that. Bhavani says everyone know that Sai must have done it. Sai enters and accepts that she mixed bhang in gujiya and gave it to Ashwini to feed it to Virat, Ashwini didn’t know about it. Virat says he didn’t know Sai would stoop so low. Ashwini cry that she trapped her and misused her against her son. Bhavani yells at Sai that she misused Ashwini for her benefit. Pakhi says what else can they expect from clever Sai, that is the reason she wanted to keep Virat away from Sai. Sai reply that these words don’t look good from her mouth as she had planned to feed her bhang mixed thandai to get her out of control and create drama. She tells Chavans that she mixed bhang in gujiya so that Virat can celebrate holi with his family and asks if they were not happy seeing Virat enjoying holi full of life. Mohit says he agrees with Sai, this year’s holi was one among the best and they saw Virat and Samrat’s magic again after many years. Samrat agrees and thanks Sai. Pakhi asks if he is in his senses to support a culprit. Samrat says Sai is Virat’s wife and did what they couldn’t have done, she cleared allegations on Virat via press conference and even accept her mistake in front of everyone. Pakhi says she can see Sai manipulating everyone slowly again and getting them into her team. Virat says he didn’t ask Sai to do that and she tricked him. Samrat asks why don’t he clear the bitterness in his heart and move on. Virat asks if its a joke for him. Sai says its not for them, they saw a loving Virat which he is suppressing inside, he was sharing his love like before, all the allegations are cleared against him and soon the world will accept him again as a hero, so he should forgive them all. Virat says one doesn’t relive after dying, he is dead for them and they should accept that the Virat they knew would never return. He says he has one way to make them explain it. Ashwini asks what is he going to do? Sai plead with him not to do anything wrong. He says he will not harm himself and walks away. Pakhi stops Sai and warns her to stay away from Virat. Sai warns her to stop trying to separate her from her husband and warns her of dire consequences. Bhavani asks if she is threatening Pakhi. Sai says she knows that she can go to any extent to get her husband back. Samrat asks Pakhi to let Sai go. Sai walks away and reach Virat’s room where she hears Virat requesting DIG to transfer him away from Nagpur. DIG asks if he knows what he is saying? Virat says he wants to go away from the people who trouble him. DIG says his family was very happy seeing him happy. Virat says their presence hurt him. DIG says he and Sai are like his family and is always ready to help him, but he should learn to face his problems first. Virat says if he really wants to help him, he should transfer him from Nagpur. DIG says he should prove his medical fitness first. Virat agrees.

Ashwini plead with Sai to stop Virat’s transfer somehow. Sai asks Virat if transfer will solve his problem. He says he is trying to get rid off her problems. She asks if he considers his wife as a problem. Virat says he doesn’t consider her as his wife and warns not to dare request DIG to stop his transfer or else she will go somewhere from where he will never return. She requests not to say that. He says she wanted to see him happily celebrate holi, this is her last holi with him. She says if she is alive till next holi, she will celebrate it with him for sure. He walks away saying dream while awake won’t come true. Sai prays god not to fulfill Virat’s wish.
Ashwini walks down crying. Family tries to console her and asks reason. Ashwini says Virat was requesting DIG for transfer orders. Pakhi blames Sai again for Virat’s decision. Virat walks down. Samrat asks why he is taking a wrong decision. Virat reminds even he tried to stay away from family and says he knows he is right and doesn’t need anyone’s interference. Samrat try to stop him. He warns Samrat to stay away and walks away holding his shoulder due to pain. Ashwini curses herself failing to comfort Virat. Sai consoles her and says children can never go away from their mother. Pakhi yells at her to stop giving false hope to Ashwini. Sai says she is not. Ashwini shouts at her not to forget that she is responsible for all this. Ashwini blames Sai for Virat’s decision to leave Chavan Nivas again. Sai says its not her mistake. Ashwini says her aayi is dead. Sai pleads her not to say that as she already lost one mother and can not lose another one. Ashwini shouts that her son is taking job transfer and going away from her because of Sai, Pakhi is right that she should be slapped and get back into senses, etc., and asks her to stop troubling them. Bhavani yells at Sai next and asks Karishma to bring Sai’s bags and kick her out of house. Pakhi says Sai deserves that. Sai warns Pakhi that her wish will not be fulfilled as she will not leave her sasural at any cost. She says she is similar to Bhavani in many ways. Bhavani asks what does she mean. Sai says Bhavani wants the whole family to stay together. Bhavani says yes. Sai says they are same same then. Sonali asks what does she mean. Sai mimics Sonali and repeats thrice. Omkar says she is responsible for Virat’s transfer decision. Sai says Virat thinks he would feel peace if he leaves the house, but they all together should make him realize that his decision is wrong and stay back with them. Mohit and Samrat back her. Sai says they all as a team will try to make Virat feel comfortable between them and she alone as a one-woman army will try to change Virat’s decision; they all will start a mission Virat don’t go. Bhavani says they are silently listening to her speech doesn’t mean they agree to her drama. Pakhi says Sai is trying to go near Virat again. Sai says she is going to ease Virat’s shoulder pain and asks them to remember their mission Virat, Devi says don’t go.
Virat experiences tremendous shoulder pain. Ashwini walks to him and says if he thinks he hurt his feelings, he is wrong; she realized what he needs. He says if she had, she wouldn’t have come here. She says she didn’t come here to teach him how to behave or what family expects from him, but she came here to meet her son as a mother can never go away from her son. He says she is increasing his difficulties by talking like this. She reminds him that he agreed to return home when she pleaded with him and says he can never repay her debt as a son, so she wants him to let her take care of him and be with him till he gets well. He nods okay. She happily rushes out and asks Sunny to call a doctor soon. Samrat asks if he can come in. She says he understands the situation. Samrat agrees and stands out.

Sai walks to Virat and says his painkiller effect has vanished, so he should visit a doctor with her. He denies. She asks him to calm down and goes to call a doctor. Pakhi provokes Bhavani that Virat’s brother cannot enter Virat’s room, but shameless Sai can. Karishma says that shameless girl is Virat’s wife. Bhavani stops her. Pakhi says she will see who will stop her from entering Virat’s room and heads towards Virat’s room. Karishma comments new drama.. Ashwini applies hot pack to Virat while Sai tries to call a doctor. Pakhi tries to walk in. Samrat stops her. Pakhi says when Sai can go in, why can’t she. Samrat warns her to stop comparing herself with Sai. Pakhi says she cares for Virat and tries to walk in again. Samrat holds her hand and stops her.

Virat continues to feel tremendous pain. Sai applies cold pack and asks him to take a deep breath. Virat pushes her away and says he doesn’t need anyone’s help. Ashwini yells at Sai. Sai says Ashwini was using hot water pack which will exacerbate pain, so let her attend Virat. Ashwini denies. Sai says Virat needs a doctor and she is the one. Ashwini gets adamant and says his pain will subside with hot pack. Sai says he has swelling and needs cold pack. Virat shouts at them to leave him alone. Sai says he needs medical attention. He shouts to go. Sai asks Sunny to apply cold compress on Virat’s shoulder and call a doctor if needed and walks away sadly.

Sunny calls a doctor and walks out. Mohit and Samrat ask how is Virat. Sunny says his pain is increasing and City hospital doctors are busy. Samrat tries online app and finds all doctors offline. Sunny says doctor had suggested that Virat needs physiotherapy. Sai says she can perform Virat’s physiotherapy. Ashwini yells at her to stop and asks Sunny to check at the hospital. Sunny tries and says ther are no physiotherapists available. Samrat says even no one is available online. Pakh says they can seek Pulkit’s help. Samrat calls Pulkit and finds his number not reachable. Sai says Pulkit has taken Devi out for a surprise anniversary party and requests them to let her perform Virat’s physiotherapy.

Precap: Sai introduces herself to Virat as a physiotherapist. Virat denies to get treatment from her at any cost. Sai thinks there is a book to learn English in 15 days, operate kidneys, and eat chowmin in space, but not one to teach how to pacify her husband. She receives a call and excitedly asks if its true.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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