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Rajiv seek for forgiveness from Shivani. He says he was commitment phobic and accepts his mistake. He says he realized his mistake after the death of his mother and wants to seek Shivani’s forgiveness. Shivani cries vigorously looking at him and says she can’t trust him anymore. He kneels down and says he understands her ordeal and accepts that he has done a huge crime by running away from their marriage. He insists her to give him one chance to prove himself and assures that will not let her complain about anything again. Shivani looks at Sai, confused, and seeks her help to decide. Rajiv jail mate request her to accept Rajiv’s proposal. Sai asks Shivani to think well and take her decision from the heart and comforts her. Virat gets more furious at Sai.

Shivani kneels down to Rajiv’s level, accepts his apology, and forgives him for his mistakes. He gets immensely happy and hugs her trough the jail door bars. Everyone are amazed to see their reunion. Virat tries to make Shivani understand that she shouldn’t trust Rajiv. Shivani smiles at Virat and says that she knows he really cares for her, but she will not change her decision. She then asks Sai to bail out Rajiv. Sai says case isn’t valid anymore as it’s filed in her name. Rajiv excitedly says he don’t mind staying inside the jail after getting Shivani’s forgiveness. Sai and Shivani laugh seeing his excitement.

Chavans get worried for Shivani as she went with Sai and try to contact them. Bhavani frowns and asks Pakhi if she could contact them. Pakhi deny. Sonali provokes Bhavani saying Sai and Shivani are conspiring against them.
Sai tells Shivani that Rajiv will be out of the jail. Shivani signs bail papers and thanks Sai for helping her. She says hugs Sai and says Sai can do anything. Sai thinks about Virat and murmurs about her love for him. Shivani feel excited hearing Sai’s feelings for Virat and assures to help her. Rajiv walks to Sai and thanks her for helping them reunite. Shivani tells Rajiv that the girl who reunited them still hasn’t expressed her love towards her husband. Rajiv asks how is it possible. Sai says its a long story. Shivani says Sai misunderstood Virat earlier, but now Virat is angry on Sai. Rajiv assures that he will help her to win her husband’s love. Shivani says Rajiv is an expert in love advice. Rajiv lift Shivani excitedly. Sai recalls Virat lifting her and feels sad. Rajiv asks if Virat lifted her similarly. Sai asks how does he know. He says he can judge looking at lover’s eyes. Shivani says he is expert in talks.

Sai asks Shivani if she wants to come home or wants to go on a date with Rajiv. Rajiv says that’s a good idea. Sai picks her phone to book a cab and her phone switches off. Shivani says she didn’t bring her phone as she didn’t want to be disturbed by anyone. Rajiv says he will book a cab and go on a date with them to Chavan Nivas. Shivani says her family will not spare him. Rajiv says he sees Sai is the smartest among Shivani’s family. Their discussion continues. Sai says only Virat can convince Chavan family for their wedding. Rajiv requests her to somehow convince Virat to help them.

Pakhi informs Chavans that Sai’s phone is switched off and says she is very clever and switched off phone seeing their calls. Devi tongue lashes her and shuts her mouth. Karishma brings Shivani’s phone and says she found it in Shivani’s room. Sonali and Omkar yell at Sai next. Samrat with Mohit returns home and asks what is happening. Mansi says they all think Sai went to meet Rajiv. He is shocked and asks who informed them. Bhavani says Virat informed Pakhi. Omkar says Sai likes creating troubles for them. Mohit asks why they blame Sai for everything. Omkar yells at him next.

Shivani returns home. Bhavani asks where she had been. Shivani says why is she showing concern towards her suddenly and says she had gone for a tarot reading session and had to face problem as she left her mobile at home. Karishma gives Shivani’s phone to Sonali. Pakhi asks if she had gone to meet Rajiv. Shivani denies. Pakhi says she must be knowing that Sai went to meet Rajiv. Shivani ask how does she know. She acts as frustrated hearing their pointless questions and walks away. Pakhi continues blaming Sai. Bhavani says she will question Sai when she returns home.
Virat meets DIG who says he cleared all the tests and can join the duty. Virat reminds about his transfer out of Nagpur. DIG says he cannot stop him professionally, but personally he doesn’t want him to go. Virat says transfer is his necessity and asks if Sai asked him to stop his transfer. DIG asks if he wants Sai to do that. Virat says no. Sai hears their conversation standing near door. Virat leaves DIG’s cabin and finds Sai there. Sai asks why he looks tensed, she is Sai and not her ghost. He asks why she comes wherever he goes. She says he has GPS that she follows him whenever he goes. He says that is why he avoids her. She ask if taunting was necessary. He walks away saying he doesn’t want to talk to her. She stops him and reminds that he asked her not to talk about his transfer with DIG. He says as if she obeys all his words, she took Shivani to meet Rajiv when he warned her not to do that. She says he saw how much Rajiv love Shivani. He says Rajiv left Shivani in wedding mandap. She says he should give a second chance to Rajiv and Shivani’s relationship. He asks if she is talking about Rajiv and Shivani’s relationship or her and his relationship. She says she talks about their relationship always, she knows he is angry on her and doesn’t want to give their relationship a second chance. He says she doesn’t deserve any chance. Sai says he didn’t forgive her, but when Shivani forgave Rajiv and gave him a second chance, why can’t he. He gets into car. She sits beside him and asks him to drop her home when he is going home. He asks her to leave. She says Shivani and Rajiv want to marry, so since family will not agree, only he can convince family for their marriage. Virat gets her out of car and leaves. Sai picks her phone to book a cab and finding it switched off thinks of walking when a cab driver drives to her and says Virat sent her a cab. She gets into cab and taking driver’s charger charges phone and calls Virat. She says nothing can stop her from talking to him and insists him to promise that he will help her reunite 2 separated hearts. He disconnects call.

Sai reaches home and doesn’t notice Virat’s car there. Shivani calls her and informs that family found out about Rajiv and created a drama, she just lied that she had gone for a tarot card reading session. Sai says Pakhi must have created a mess there as she always is against her and waits for a chance to hurt her. Shivani disconnects call. Sai thinks its good that she didn’t go alone, she should wait for Virat and go in with him. Karishma calls her, and she acts as network problem and disconnects call.

Virat meets Sunny and informs that Sai wants him to help her reunite Shivani and Rajiv. Sunny says that is a good idea. Virat asks why he thinks Sai is always right. Sunny says he thinks he is wrong this time and explains that any wife would react when she finds that her husband has another woman in his life, he must have hidden truth as his duty, but Sai didn’t know about it. Virat recalls Sai’s reaction hearing about Shruti. Sunny says he shouldn’t hesitate to help Sai reunite Shivani and Rajiv. Virat says he felt good seeing Shivani and Rajiv together. Sunny says then he should go ahead as he and Sai may reunite trying to reunite others.

Precap: Sai shows Virat their wedding dresses. Virat frustrated asks if she is planning their marriage again. She says she wants his help in reuniting 2 broken hearts like them and get them married. Sai excitedly hugs Virat and says she is his super hero, requests him to help her till Rajiv and Shivani’s wedding, and asks how will he convince family. He says Jai Sri Ram.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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