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The Episode starts with Anu coming to meet the Dean. She asks why didn’t you get the sweets, congrats for Gungun’s success, you are Gungun’s husband. Anu gets rude and jealous. She says I was thinking to invite her here and honour her. He says I left asking her schedule, its no use. She says she is your wife, find a solution, you remember what she did for you. He says I know, but I can’t be grateful to her all my life. She asks do you have any complains about her? He says many, she has changed totally, she has no time for me, my family, she doesn’t want to have a baby, she as me to adopt a baby, she mistreats me. She says you and Gungun are an ideal couple, you can sort this out, you will be happy if you both see each other’s success, understand her, you should be proud of her. He asks why always me, me and my family have seen her real face, she is successful in career, she is a total failure as a wife and daughterninlaw, she doesn’t know anything about family. He leave.

Gungun’s senior comes. He says I hope I didn’t disturb you, my wife has sent Sabudana wada for you. She asks how do you know? He says I have to keep info about you, how are you now? She says better, you could have called me. He says I came to invite you in my party to declare the award. She says its not certain that I will get the award. He says you have to come in the party. She says I don’t have a mood. He says at least come for his sake, who arranged the party for you. She asks Anubhav? He says nice guess, but not him, you can take some days off, health is also important. She says I can’t take off, magazine’s silver jubilee issue is coming this month. He says I am proud of you, why did you go alone for the tests? She says everyone in my family was busy. He says I will come along to get the reports, or bring the reports here at office. She says no, I will go alone and consult the doctor. He asks her to take care. She thinks I don’t want anyone to know about my condition.

Gungun meets the doctor. She asks did my reports come. Doctor says yes, I have to talk, problem comes in everyone’s life, what matters is, how we deal with it. Gungun asks is there any major illness? Doctor says unfortunately yes, you have a brain tumour, it got big, we have to do a surgery. 

Anu gets Akriti’s message. She requests him to meet. He messages Gungun about Akriti’s message. 

Armaan talks to his senior and asks did you tell Gungun about the party. The man says yes, I invited her, but she refused to come, there is some problem going on in her personal issue, I heard Anu and Gungun have issues, I called Anu, he spoke to me badly. Armaan says it means he isn’t happy with her achievement. The man says we shouldn’t keep this party if she doesn’t want to come. Armaan says no, this party is more important now. The man says married girls have to listen to their husband, we shouldn’t force her to come. Armaan says if they aren’t happy, then we will celebrate her success.
Gungun talk to Riddhesh’s picture. She says they don’t appreciate me for my hard work. Garima comes. She says Riddhesh and Maya focused on career instead of their marriage, you have seen the result, you don’t follow his path, Maya chose her career than family, what are you doing, you used to hate your mom all life, because she chose her career instead of family, you are doing the same, you shouldn’t get away from family because of career. Gungun says maybe its in my blood to be workaholic, dad used to work day and night. Garima says he was a good dad, he used to work a lot, but spend time with you, he used to prepare your school bag, he used to call me and ask about you, he has done a lot for you, tell me one thing, why do we earn money, so that we stay happy and fulfil own and family’s needs, are you happy, its important for a family to spend time together, are you able to do this, I don’t remember when last I saw you laughing happily, what’s the use of work? Gungun says one can’t progress being in comfort zone, I have pressure from the family. Garima asks what do you mean? Gungun says nothing. Garima asks her to say. Gungun says Anu and I are having a fight about a baby. Garima says I knew there is some matter, I am with you, don’t worry, I will talk to Anu and explain to him that a baby is important to make a relation strong. Gungun says Anu wants a baby, I don’t want a baby, don’t lecture me on this, else I won’t come here. She leaves.

Anu meets Akriti in the café. She says I came back from Delhi yesterday. He says you said you wanted to tell me something important. She says I am leaving the institute, won’t you ask why? He ask why? She says we are thinking to shift permanently, how is Gungun. He says fine. She says I heard she is nominated for an international award, she will be the first to get it. He says I also got many awards. She says yes, but I m talking about international award, she failed in BA, she is now the face of Jeet network, I m happy for her. She gives him flowers. He asks is this for Gungun. She says no, its for you, there is a supportive husband behind every successful wife. He thanks her. She ask how was your wedding anniversary, I didn’t see her post, maybe you celebrated it in a remote area, right. He says we didn’t go anywhere. She asks why. He says because Gungun was busy. She asks on her wedding anniversary day also? He says yes, she had an important meeting. She says so sorry, this happened in last anniversary also, I never see Gungun in family pics, she is working hard. He says she has no time for anyone, just work matters to her. She says I am sure you are proud. He ask what proud, I married Gungun, but I am feeling alone because she is so busy in work. She says she is working to secure your future. He asks what future, she doesn’t want a child. She ask what, doesn’t she want a baby? He says she says she has no time, we should adopt the baby. She says but you wanted just Gungun. He says I loved her, but now I feel I should have married a girl who understands me. She says you understands your work and values your family, who would make calls to you and wait for you at home. Anu recalls his life with Akriti. She says you got married to such a girl, right. He says I made a mistake. He leaves. She smile.
Sargam and Sunanda talk about Anu and Gungun’s relation. They come to Gungun and find her sleeping. They wake her up and asks her does she have time for sleeping, when she had no time to make laddoos for Anu? Gungun says I had headache, I took medicines and rested. Sargam says you have headache just on coming home, not when you work in the office. Sunanda asks where is Anu? Gungun says I don’t know, he wasn’t here. Sunanda says you should have called him. Sargam says she has no time. Gungun says you both are his mums, you should have called him. Sunanda says he is your responsibility now. Gungun says then let me handle it, don’t interfere. Sargam says fine, but keep the responsibility. Sunanda says he stays out of the house to avoid the fights, don’t forget that he is your husband. Sargam says you are a boss in the office, but here, you are just our daughter inlaw. Gungun asks what are you saying, I didn’t show that I am a boss or a celebrity, did I ask for any special treatment, I didn’t expect anything from you. Sargam says right, you never told it to show off, but your behavior has expressed it many times. Sunanda says yes, if Anu married any simple girl, then he would have stayed happy. They leave. Gungun get sad.

Armaan recalls the doctor’s words. He calls the senior and says I want a US visa for Gungun, she has brain tumour, its in critical stage, surgery can happen best in US. Senior says but her family, we have to ask them. Armaan says I don’t care what she and her family thinks, her surgery can happen just in US. Senior asks why do you worry for Gungun so much? Armaan asks can you arrange her visa, I don’t know why I worry for her, I have no answer, I can’t lose my friend, America is the best place for her surgery, I request you to get her visa, I am waiting for your call.

Anu comes home and sees Gungun. She asks are you going out, because I am here. He says I am not habitual to stay with celebrities, I want to be with ordinary people. She asks did I express that I am a celebrity? He says you come and go as you wish, you don’t do breakfast with the family, you don’t spend time with them. She says please, I don’t want to stay as a housewife. Anu says they are housewives by their wish, we didn’t stop Goli from working, you have to support them financially and emotionally. She asks about the flowers. He says Akriti has given it. He goes. She worry.

Golu and everyone have a talk. They laugh making fun of him. Gungun comes. Golu says you came home early. Sargam says it’s a hotel. Golu asks are you okay? Gungun says I had a headache, I am fine now. Golu asks her to sit. He says entire family is having food together today. Anu says I find the family complete every day. Sargam also taunts Gungun. Gungun gets up to serve the food. Sargam says let it be. Gungun makes her sit. Charu says you won’t become a good daughter inlaw this way. Chandru says maybe you want to talk to us. Sunanda says I was thinking the same. Gungun says yes. Anu taunts her. Charu asks Gungun to say now. Gungun asks are you all free tomorrow. She gives them the invites for the party. Sargam says you have time for the party, not for family. Gungun says office staff has arranged it for me, I want you all to come. Everyone refuses and gives excuses. Sunanda says we had gone to a party on Maya’s saying, we all regret that till now. Sargam says we don’t like you going in the party, you can give that time to the family. Gungun says its my success party, I have to go. He says you are not fine, you will be fine. She says I will go even if I am not fine. Chandru asks what’s this way to talk. She says sorry, even Anu didn’t talk well, you didn’t say anything to him, its good if I get the award, even if not, my office staff wants to celebrate it, they can see my hardwork and sacrifices, they appreciate me and feel proud of me. Anu says yes, its their profit, its our loss, you sacrificed the family, you stepped on our wishes and achieved success, how do you expect us to feel proud? She says I know I couldn’t give time to family, but I have worked hard for you and family to feel proud of me. He says wrong, you did that for yourself, you didn’t support us. She says I always heard that I am foolish and aimless, I don’t know anything, I wanted to show that I can do something, I m happy, I think you wanted the old Gungun, you don’t want to be a part of my happiness, fine. She goes.

The next day, Senior says Gungun and everyone won’t work today, I have to make an appointment, the award was going to be announced today, I am glad to say that Gungun got this award, congrats. Everyone claps for Gungun. She thanks him. He says we had arranged the party and award ceremony, we will be going to the banquet hall, we will be having an award ceremony and cultural event also, but now we will cut a cake to celebrate her success. She smiles.

Precap: Armaan surprises Gungun. She cuts the cake. He asks her for a dance. They dance. Anu comes and looks on. Armaan says I took your passport from Sir, you are coming with me for treatment. Gungun says my family won’t like it. He asks will you risk your life, you decide what to do now.

Love By Chance Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday

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