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The Episode starts with Anu asking Ankit to go to Gungun. Ankit says your life is under threat, I can’t let you go alone. Anu asks him to go. He leaves for the airport. Goon calls Gaikwad and says Anu has gone in a cab, maybe after his wife. Gaikwad says it’s a good chance, tonight shall be his last night. Goons follow Anu. Anu is on the way. Shankar calls hIM and asks where is Akriti. Anu says we had a fight, she left from the hotel, I m going to search for her. Shankar scolds him. He says if anything happens to my daughter, then I won’t leave you and Gungun alive, find Akriti and get her back to me. Anu opens the sacred thread. He sees a car following HIM. He turns to see. He asks the driver to speed up. Anu keeps the thread in his pocket. A truck hits his cab. 

Gungun wakes up and worries for Anu. She calls Anu. Golu asks what happened. She says I Am calling Anu. Ankit asks why. She says I want to talk to him, I Am feeling strange, you try to call him. Golu and Ankit also try. She says he should have not gone alone. Ankit says he didn’t listen to me. She says I m scared, is he in any problem, I made a big mistake by coming here. Ankit says maybe Anu is with Akriti. Golu says even Akriti’s call is not reachable. She says I feel tensed, his life is under threat, if anyone has done something to him. She cries. Golu consoles her. She calls the commissioner. She says so sorry to disturb you at night, Anu is missing, his phone isn’t connecting. She tells everything. She says please save him. He says we have arrested the person who added the poison in his juice, we will find out who did it. 
Gaikwad asks did the work get done. Ranvijay asks for a video proof that Anu is dead. Gaikwad says its confirmed. Ranvijay smiles. Gaikwad says before police gets active, go underground. He says we will go Mumbai after some days. 

Police try to track Anu’s phone. Some men see the car’s accident. The police gets the accident news. Gungun gets a call. She gets shocked and drops the phone. Singhal reaches the accident spot. He calls the commissioner and tells about the deadly accident. He says Anu isn’t here. Commissioner asks him to keep the search on. 
Golu consoles Gungun. Shankar calls Akriti. He asks where are you. She says I was charging my phone. He says I know about Anu and your fight, he told me that he is finding you, don’t take his calls. She says you think he would find me, he would have gone to Gungun, I will talk to her. She calls Gungun. She asks where is Anu? Gungun says Anu is missing. Akriti says you are lying. Gungun says I wish it was a lie, I wish you didn’t leave and he didn’t go after you, he met with an accident. Akriti is shocked. She asks how. Gungun says he went after you, police said he met a big accident. Akriti says this happened because of you. She scolds Gungun. Gungun asks what are you saying. Akriti says I won’t leave you if anything happens to him. Commissioner comes to the accident site. He says it’s a planned murder, I think they killed Anu and took his body, once the driver gets conscious, take his statement, maybe he has seen them. Gungun, Golu and Ankit come. They shout Anu. Gungun asks where is Anu? Commissioner says we didn’t find Anu here. Golu asks where did he go. Ankit says he can’t go on own. Commissioner says we are trying to find his body. Gungun says he is alive. He says someone attacked him to murder. They get shocked. He says they are clever, they took Anu’s body along. She says he is alive, he isn’t a body. He says if he is alive, I promise we will find him in 24 hours. Ankit says maybe he got down the cab midway. Commissioner says it’s a big conspiracy. Akriti comes there and asks where is my husband. He says sorry, he is missing. She says please arrest this girl, she is responsible. She complains about Gungun. Ankit says you are responsible, Anu went to find you. Golu shouts stop it, Anu is missing and you are fighting, don’t blame each other. Akriti says I will never get your support, I m Anu’s wife, she isn’t, you are insulting Charu by supporting her. Singhal asks her to calm down. She asks him to arrest Gungun. Golu says enough now. She says I will tell everything to Charu. He says don’t make them worry, Charu can’t bear this shock. She says if you really worried for him, then you would have been with me. He says if you were worried for Anu, then you would have not done this. She says I m worried for the family, they have a right to know about Anu.

Golu says I will talk to them. He calls Charu. Charu takes the call. Golu says its me, Golu. Charu asks is everything fine. Golu says no, Anu met with an accident. Charu asks what, Anu met with an accident, is he fine. Everyone is shocked. Golu says he is missing. He tells everything. Sunanda asks Golu to find Anu and get him. Akriti takes the call and says all this happened because of Gungun. Charu asks is that shameless girl still there. Akriti says yes, they all are supporting her, police is also with her. Commissioner asks her to stop the family drama, they have to find out Anubhav first. Golu and Akriti argue. Commissioner asks Akriti not to create a hurdle in their investigation. Akriti says I didn’t intend it. She asks Charu not to worry, she will find Anu and get him back.

Commissioner says maybe Anu got down the car on sensing danger, we will find him. Gungun says I won’t go anywhere. Singhal gets a call. He says driver got conscious. Gungun says we will also come with you. Akriti says I m going to the hotel. Golu says we are going with Gungun. Akriti leaves. Gungun picks the sacred thread. She cries. They go to the hospital. Police talks to the driver. Commissioner comes and says a truck has hit the car, we will find the truck driver, the driver fell unconscious and doesn’t know about Anu. He asks Singhal to drop Gungun to the hotel.

Gungun waits for Anu. Golu asks her to have food. She refuses and sits crying. Sunanda stands at the door. Charu asks Goli to bring Sunanda in. Goli consoles Sunanda and brings her in. Charu says I m sure that Akriti will get Anu back, call her. Goli calls Akriti and asks about Anu. Akriti says no, police is finding him. Goli says fate is not being fair, are Golu and Ankit with you. Akriti says no, they are with Gungun, police is also with them, I m all alone. Goli says we all are with you, keep courage and find Anu, I will come there if you need. Akriti says thanks, I will tell you if I find anything. She thinks to send Gungun to jail. Commissioner asks Singhal to find that truck and its driver till morning. He gets a call. He calls Gungun. Gungun asks where is Anubhav. Commissioner says a dead body is found on the railway track, the body is not identifiable, we doubt that its Anu’s body, can you come to city hospital and identify it. She says yes, and sits in shock. Golu asks what did he say. She tells everything. Golu says it can’t be Anu. Ankit asks how will we identify the body. They come to the hospital. They enter the morgue. Gungun sees the ring and cries. Jaane wo kaise….plays…

They cry. Golu informs Charu and family, and also Akriti. They all get shocked. Everyone cries for Anu. Ankit signs the form. Golu makes Garima talk to Gungun. Garima cries. She says Anu is no more. Shankar gets shocked. He blames Gungun. She asks him to stop it. Commissioner says I regret that we have lost a famous and talented scientist, we have sent the body for postmortem, we will know the cause of his death.

Precap: Golu asks Gungun to come home, its her right. She refuses. Akriti says Gungun has snatched my sindoor, I curse her that she will never stay happy. Akriti beats Gungun and asks why did you come here. Sunanda stops Akriti. Charu blames Gungun for Anu’s death.

Love By Chance Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday

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