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The Episode starts with Pradyush asking Charu not to worry, he will take care of Goli and keep her happy. Goli hugs the family members and cries. She asks Golu to take care, he loved Anu the most and he will miss him the most. Golu says he was like my son. She asks Akriti to take care. She hugs her. She says I will call thrice to remind Charu about his medicines. Charu hugs her. She asks Chandru about his promise of singing many songs in her marriage, why didn’t he sing. He says I have left singing forever, take care. Her bidaai happens. Armaan says we should have the next story in the magazine from here, my mom liked to do something for women, Agrima is my mom’s name. Gungun recalls Anu. She imagines Anu with her. Armaan sees her smiling and smiles.

The lady asks her daughter to study well and stop dancing in other’s marriage. Anu looks on. The other lady Sarita says get her married if she doesn’t want to study. The lady says education is an asset, no one can steal it, Beena should study, I wanted to study, but my parents didn’t get me educated, it’s a curse to be an illiterate, I want my daughter to study well. Beena says you won’t understand my studies. She jokes on Anu.

Anu corrects Beena’s answers. Beena says he is saying right. The lady says he is more educated than you. Beena asks do you like staying with us. He says yes. She says it means you can stay with us forever. He says yes. She asks promise. He promises her. He says you both have to promise me, I don’t know anyone here, don’t make me out of the house. They smile. Beena calls him mad. The lady says Beena has no one except me, I want Beena to study well and marry in a good house. Beena says nothing will happen to you. Anu says I will teach her well, she will pass with good marks. Armaan and Gungun come to the locality. They give chocolates. She jokes that his office staff thinks he is a devil.

A girl comes to tell Beena about the chocolate distribution. Beena asks Anu to come with her, they will go and get chocolates. Armaan clicks pics. He says I have a meeting, we have to leave, sorry. Gungun says we just came here. He says we will come tomorrow.
The guy says Beena will get that crazy guy. Gungun says we will wait for them. Armaan says we are getting late. They leave. Anu comes and doesn’t see Gungun leaving. Beena says they left. The guy says Gungun gave your cake shares to me. Anu hears Gungun’s name and holds his head. Beena asks what happened, Madhav….

Sunanda says the house looks lonely after Goli left. Charu says just loneliness will be our partner now. She says we have to see happiness in Akriti now. Akriti packs her bags and comes. They ask where are you going. Akriti says my home. Sunanda says you didn’t tell us. Akriti says I m leaving forever. Sunanda asks did anyone say anything. Akriti says I came here for Anu, what will I do staying here, my dad is alone, he is ill, he has no one to look after him.

Sargam says we won’t stop you from going, go and take care of him, come back home when he gets fine. Sunanda says yes, this is your real house. Golu says we understand your pain, its not easy for you to forget Anu, we are trying, you can also try, join the job and focus on work, you fulfil this family’s incomplete dream. She shouts stop it, Anu’s dreams, family’s dreams, don’t I have my dreams. She gets rude towards them. She says you want me to live here and serve you all, I didn’t get any happiness here, that man made me cry so much, I can’t live as his widow, he is no more, I have tolerated a lot, he didn’t give me his wife’s rights, why shall I do a bahu’s duties, I don’t want to stop my life by staying here. Charu says you decided to leave this house forever. She says yes.

Sunanda says you left us from the heart before, we won’t stop you, stay happy. Sargam says go, remember that you are the bahu of this family, you will always be the bahu, the house doors will always be open for you. Akriti thanks her. She says I don’t think I will come back here. Yug asks why, didn’t you have any relation with us. Akriti says no, I can’t leave my old ill dad alone for you all, I can’t live in this hell for more time. She leaves. They cry.

Armaan come to meet Gungun. He gifts her flowers. He gets a cake and says come, it’s a celebration, cut the cake. Gungun and Garima ask the occasion. He says I m really happy today. Gungun asks what’s the matter. He says our subscription base has increased, our magazine is a superhit. Garima says Riddhesh would have been proud of Gungun. He says even my mom would have been happy. Gungun asks him to cut the cake, its his hardwork behind the success. He says its your story, its inspiring many people. Garima asks them to cut the cake together. Gungun recalls Anu. Armaan insists. They cut the cake and feed to each other. Its morning, Gungun meets the ladies in the fishermen locality, and asks for some inspirational figures. The lady says Beena and Radha are inspiring, I will take you to them. Gungun meets them. Radha says we were going to take you to that woman’s hand. Gungun says Beena will be doing something amazing, she will be becoming a graduate this year, she is the first graduate from this locality, you are a single mother and got her educated, you and your daughter are an example, I want to take your interview, your daughter’s pic can come on the magazine like this one. Radha says she has gone to give her exam. Gungun gives her magazine and asks her to show it to Beena. She leaves.
Gungun comes to meet Armaan. He says let me guess, you didn’t get any story today. She says I got two faces today, that mum and daughter will take the magazine to another level. He says I m proud of you. Radha shows the magazine to Beena and says she will take your interview, she said you are the first graduate of the locality, you can inspire others also. Anu comes. Radha shows the pic to Anu. Anu recalls Gungun. Radha asks what happened. Anu says maybe I know her. He feels headache. Radha and Beena take care of him. Radha goes out and asks Sheetal not to tell anything to Beena and Madhav. She meets Mukhiya and says you take all the decisions in this locality, I wanted your advice for Beena, her exams are finished, I want to get her married, I know a guy, don’t know he is right for Beena or not, Madhav. He says Beena is always with him, locality people are making news about them. Radha says he is a decent guy. He says you can’t explain anyone, anyways, we will get them married. She says I don’t know they will agree to marry or no. He says you shouldn’t think of their wish, we will get them married in the puja event tomorrow, its my command. Radha comes home and lies to Beena. Beena says I told you not to leave Madhav alone. Radha sees Beena worrying for Madhav and thinks I found the right guy for Beena. She asks Beena to get ready for the puja in morning, and take Madhav along. Armaan drops Gungun. She says thanks, we will meet tomorrow. He asks what are you doing in evening. She says nothing special. He asks will you come for dinner with me. He says you are getting me wrong, my friend is opening a restaurant, he wanted you to come. She says no thanks. He says at least come for ribbon cutting. She refuses. He asks the reason. She says I can’t smile for the pics in front of them. He asks would Anu get glad seeing you upset. She says okay, I will come. He says I will pick you up. He leaves.

Pradyush and Goli come home. Everyone meets them and hugs. They ask Goli is everything fine. Goli says yes. Chandru asks does your husband trouble you. Pradyush says you should ask this to me. Goli says he troubled me for 15 years, I will trouble him all life. Charu says after Anu left, the family smiled for the first time. Chandru says Goli came to her Maayka for the first time, I m happy to welcome her. Goli asks for Sargam. Sargam cries seeing Anu’s pic and asks him to come back. Goli sees this and cries. She apologizes. She says I left the family when you all needed me the most, sorry. Sargam says don’t say this, Anu would have been much happy if he was here. They hug and cry.

Precap: Anu wakes up from sleep. He asks where am I, where is Gungun. Beena asks Gungun Anu gets upset. Radha and Beena talk to Anu about the marriage. Anu asks marriage? He recalls Gungun.

Love By Chance Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday

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