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The Episode starts with Anu saying Armaan likes you, he is a nice guy, it will be hard for him to tolerate that he lost you. Gungun says he is my good friend. He says he would not try to meet your eyes. She recalls Armaan. Anu says when there is something in heart, it comes on the face, he doesn’t want you to read it. She asks shall I leave the job. He says no, I have no problem with him, I trust you a lot. She sees Armaan leaving.

Its morning, Gungun comes to the office. She sees the staff decorating the office. They say maybe its his birthday. Gungun also helps them. Armaan comes with the chairman. The man says I have to give you a good news, our company name is on the top because of your hardwork, so congrats, I have increased your salary by 10%, our new magazine has set records, Armaan chose the perfect face for it, Gungun welcome to our company, I am promoting her, she will be the chief editor of the channel, Armaan recommended her. He says we are sure that you will take the company to the new level, this is Armaan’s farewell party also. Gungun ask farewell? He says sorry, I thought Armaan informed you, he is joining US top media network as the chief editor. Armaan does poetry. Armaan says US company was approaching me since a long time, timing is important in our work, its time that I leave from here, Gungun was the reason that I was here, I wanted to cover her story and I did that, she is working for the magazine, I am sure I am not needed here, you all can handle the company well. Gungun asks how will I handle this big responsibility alone? Armaan says if I can do it, then you can also do it, better than me. He asks everyone to trust Gungun and give her some time, don’t judge her. He thank the staff. He says I would really miss you. Gungun thinks is he leaving because of me, does he really like me? Armaan asks Gungun to say a few words. She says I am in shock with this news, Armaan had given me this job, I took it to divert my mind, but now I love my work, he told me to love anything we do, life gives us many chances, we should make any chance perfect, he gave me a lot, and also Anubhav. She wishes all the best to Armaan. He cry. She says we will hope that you come back soon, we will all wait for you, I don’t want you to go, as a friend.
Armaan and Gungun leave from the office. They walk. She laughs and says you didn’t see me a year back, I wasn’t such. He asks how were you? She says I never did any work, I never imagined that I will fall in love with Anu. He says I wish I met you a year ago, when you weren’t in love with Anu, when you didn’t like to work, I want to see that Gungun. She ask when is your flight? He says tomorrow morning. She says you are in hurry to go to US, why didn’t you tell me before? He asks what would you do? She says I would have been prepared. He asks her to come for dinner tonight and make memories. He says I am joking, I know your husband is waiting for you. She asks why do you joke? He says because I am going. She says I will miss you a lot, you are my special friend and won’t want you to go, I want you to be with me, we don’t get true friends easily. He says spare me from ladies gossip. She says you have to gossip when you come back. He gets sad. She asks what happened? He says my foot are aching, I will call the driver, he will drop you home. She says no need, I will go. He says we will meet after a year. She says we may meet early also. She leaves. He get a call from the restaurant. The man says you did the booking for two people, are you coming for dinner? Armaan says not this time, cancel it. He leaves. 

Gungun comes home and talks to Anu. He jokes that a wife may not worry, but a mum always cares. She says I am feeling hungry. He says your food is already here. He asks how was the day? She says good. He feeds her the food. She gives the good news of her promotion. He says you are joking. She says no. She shows the pics. He congratulates her and says but Armaan is the chief editor. She says bad news is he is leaving to join a US media house. He says its double good news. They laugh.

Gungun says I am feeling really bad, my good friend is going, I couldn’t give him a farewell. Anu says then go now and give him a farewell. She says great idea, I will take a lilies bouquet and surprise him, come along. He says no, it won’t be right. She asks why, he is your friend also. He says its not important and right to go, he likes you, if I didn’t come back in your life, maybe he would have proposed to you, we both respect each other(Armaan and him), we should respect our boundaries, so you should go along.

Armaan recall Gungun. He is on the way. He talks to the driver. Driver asks what’s the matter, you are so silent. Armaan says take care of the family well, after I leave, mom and dad should be good, drop Gungun home when it gets late, she will refuse, but if you say with love, she will agree. Driver asks when are you coming back, I will come to the airport to take you. Armaan says I have no answer. 

Gungun is on the way to the airport. 

Armaan reach the airport. He gives some money to the driver. Driver refuses. Armaan says take it for your son’s cricket kit. Driver says you are already funding his studies. He blesses Armaan. Armaan leaves. Gungun comes and calls him out. He smiles seeing her. He asks how did you come here? She says by cab. He says its late. She says what shall I do, you booked an early morning flight, relax, Anu has my cab details. He asks didn’t he come along. She says no, I told you, we will meet soon. He says I know, you do what you say, driver was saying right. She ask what? He says nothing, how did Anu let you come alone? She says he trusts me, I am brave, wish you all the best for your new work, don’t worry for Jeet network, when you come back after one year, you will see it on new heights of success. He says I Am sure of that, but I can’t guarantee. She says you will come back after a year right? He says don’t know. She asks will you call? He says no, I won’t give US number to anyone. She says fine, get ready for DMs on social media. He says I am not on social media. She ask how will I trouble you? He says let me live in peace. She says I thought we are friends? He says I am really bad at consoling. She says you are bad, you are leaving your friend. He asks shall I go? She says yes. She gives him the flowers. He says wow, lilies are my favourite, thanks, I can’t take this, its not allowed, but it means a lot that you got it. She says okay, then I will keep this as a good bye gift, you didn’t think before giving a big responsibility to me. He says I have thought many times, and saw your face every time, I meant there is no one deserving in office for this post, I think I should leave now. She holds his hand and stops him. He asks what happened? She says I don’t know, my heart is tensed, I am feeling nervous. He says its okay, it will be fine in few hours, I should leave now, all the best for everything. He leaves.
Its morning, Chandru sings. Golu orders samosas. Anu comes downstairs. Chandru asks did Gungun come? Anu says no, she went to the airport to drop Armaan. Golu says fine. Sunanda says call her and ask if she got the bus. Anu says she went in the taxi. 

Gungun is on the way. She gets Anu’s call. Anu asks where are you? She says I am coming home. He asks are you crying. She says I got bit emotional. He says come home, then we will talk. He says she is coming, check this app, we can see the cab location. Sunanda says then okay. Anu thinks Gungun was crying for Armaan, are they so close.


After two years, the family is seen happy. Chavi get a gold medal. Golu get a promotion. Yug and Neeti’s son is seen as the new member of the family. They think of the baby’s name. Yug says we will name the baby whatever Charu want. Neeti says we will name the baby Divya. Charu blesses them. Golu and Chandru joke. Everyone laughs. Ankit says tell something to Anu and Gungun, their marriage also completed two years, where are they? Khushi ask what happened, did they go out? Sargam says they are in their room. Divya says Gungun came late from office, Anu was also working on some project. Sunanda says yes, she would be getting ready for office. Sargam says they just think of work. Ankit says they have no time for each other. 

Gungun gets ready. She gets a call. She says I am reaching, keep the presentation ready. Anu gets disturbed by her calls. He asks her to go out and talk. She says I am leaving. They argue. She says anyone else in your place would have been happy for my progress. He says what’s the use when the family is getting behind, you are someone’s wife and daughter inlaw. She says you have a problem with my work. He says everyone does work, but no one push the personal life aside. She says company can’t run as I want. He says there are others to handle the work, I just have you, you married me, not Jeet network.

Precap: Gungun says you aren’t happy in this marriage. Anu says I want a baby. She says adopt a baby. He says I want our child. She says it can’t happen. She leaves. Gungun comes home. Sargam asks are you fine. Gungun says yes. She knocks the door. Anu leaves the room. She says I have some tests, come with me, its serious. He says I m not so happy. Gungun comes home. Sargam asks are you fine. Gungun says yes. She knocks the door. Anu leaves the room. She says I have some tests, come with me, its serious. He says I m not so happy.

Love By Chance Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday

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