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Akriti wish Anu. Golu asks Gungun to go out of the room for some time. Gungun leave. Anu shows the room to Akriti. She asks him to show the cake. She asks did Golu and Ankit choose such a good cake, Gungun might have chosen this, where is she? Anu says let me celebrate my birthday in peace, she isn’t here. She says she might have hidden somewhere. Charu asks is Gungun there or not. Anu says I will show the room again, did you see Gungun. Akriti says come back else I will come there. Anu says I feel like I am a machine and you have its remote, thanks for this best birthday ever. Gungun cry. Anu comes there. Gungun wipes her tears. He says eyes can’t lie. She says nothing. He says I know you felt bad. She says yes, I felt bad. He pacify her. She says I don’t have courage to come in, I will go to Prakash’s house now, I should have gone before. 

Ranvijay argues with Gaikwad. Gaikwad says cctv cameras were fixed everywhere, have patience, work will be done. Ranvijay says do it soon, else I will go to jail. Gaikwad says get this work done by someone else. Ranvijay says work should be done, do it your way. Gaikwad says don’t worry, Anu is here for some days, he will die. Ranvijay thanks him.

Anu says you feel you are the second woman in my life, for me, nothing is important than my esteem, but right now, me and my esteem are in your feet, you will always be important than me, do you have any doubt even now? She says its enough if you said it. He kisses her hands. She goes with him. Anu cuts the cake and feeds to everyone.

Charu says I wanted you to go with Anu. Sunanda asks Akriti to go and get Anu. Akriti says I won’t get leaves. Sargam says they have taken this advantage, Anu lied to us, Gungun stopped him. Neeti says he is at home because of Gungun. Charu says I will go there, if Akriti can’t go, I will get Anu back.

Akriti talks to Shankar. She says Anu and Gungun have gone together, I don’t have any offs. Shankar says you couldn’t do anything when you caught them red-handed, your mum doesn’t care for you, so I have to explain this, you use your love, that’s your biggest weapon, if Gungun can get Anu in her hands, then you can also win his heart, calm your anger, you know what to do. He end the call.

Anu shouts Gungun and wakes up. Gungun asks what happened, did you see any scary dream? Anu says no dream can be scarier than my reality, I am scared that you won’t be with me, where are you going? She says Prakash’s house, his mom is waiting for me, I have to take you somewhere, come. He ask where? 
Sunanda asks Akriti to have food and then leave for work. Goli praises Akriti. Pradyush come home. Charu stops Goli from leaving. Sunanda asks him to have food. Pradyush says I already had it, I had to go to US for some work, sorry, I couldn’t come for Anu’s marriage. Charu ask why did you come, Anu, Ankit and Golu have gone out for some work, this is Anu’s wife. Pradyush says bless you, Gungun. Charu says her name is Akriti, she work with Anu in his office. Pradyush says but his marriage was…. Charu asks why did you come back? Pradyush says I got a proposal, I want to marry Goli. They all get shocked. Goli cry and leaves. Chandru asks her to stop. She says I don’t want any drama here, ask this man to leave from here, he left me for his career, ask him to focus on his career, how can he come to ask for my hand today. Pradyush says you are right, I am wrong, you can punish me, I want to rectify my mistake. 

Anu and Gungun come to Prakash’s house and meet Prakash and his mum. Anu says she was praising you all a lot. Aarti comes and greets. Prakash says I will settle down and then marry. Anu says if the life partner makes life easy, then you should marry soon. Gungun asks Prakash to say sorry to Aarti. Anu says get married soon. Prakash says fine, we will marry if you say. His mum says I got to know that its your birthday, so I have made halwa cake for you. Anu thank her. Anu cuts the halwa cake and feeds them. They take a selfie.

Pradyush apologize to Goli. She ask can you return the 15 years of my life, I have spent it crying. Pradyush says no, but I can compensate the loss in the coming 15 years, give me one chance, you and your family did many favors on me, I can never forget it, you had mortgaged your jewellery for my sake. She says I remember, don’t repeat it, I want to forget you and also my favors, I don’t forget the cheat. She asks him to leave, he won’t get any chance. Chandru says listen to him first. Charu says trust happens just once, we got cheated by you, I won’t let you hurt her heart, if Goli doesn’t accept your proposal, then the matter ends here, you cheated us, I can never forget it, it will be good that you leave from our lives. Pradyush says give me a chance, I promise, I will make everything fine, ask Goli to listen to me, I m ready to tell the truth. He says I was helpless that time, I beg you all to give me a chance. Goli goes to her room and cries. Charu says we won’t be able to forgive you. Chandru says even if we trust you, then we will always be afraid that you will cheat us. Pradyush says fine, you can punish me, make me talk to Goli once. Charu says no. Pradyush says okay, I accept your decision, I wanted to apologize to Goli, it’s a punishment that she doesn’t want to forgive me, my mum would have convinced her, you can’t stop me from trying, I will keep trying, I will come in the evening again. He leaves.
Golu and Ankit call Gungun to invite Commissioner Sir and Prakash. Gungun takes the call. Golu says I booked the hall. Commissioner asks isn’t that guy in Lucknow. Inspector says yes, he might be in Mumbai. Commissioner asks why is it taking much time. Inspector says someone is protecting him. commissioner says find Ranvijay soon, I also doubt that someone is leaking info, find the spy. Inspector says yes, Sir, I will find out, Ranvijay can’t get saved for long. Charu says I don’t trust him. Sunanda says I feel he regrets his actions.

Sargam says Goli won’t forgive him soon. Chandru says her anger is right, I feel Pradyush is trying to rectify his mistake. Charu says Goli is not weak, she can’t break down. He asks Chandru to go and talk to Goli. He says she always stood by us, I m helpless that I couldn’t fill happiness in her life.

Gaikwad asks why did you call me. Ranvijay asks why are you not killing Anubhav, I m stuck here, you took my phone also. Gaikwad jokes. He says police won’t take 5 mins to track your phone location and reach you, my men will kill Anu. Goons get the good news. Ranvijay asks did Anu die. Goon tells about Anu and Gungun going to Prakash’s wedding. Ranvijay says its perfect, click their pic and send me. Gaikwad says you know what to do. The goons leave. Gaikwad asks Ranvijay to keep patience. Akriti asks Goli to have good. Goli says no, its late, I will leave now. Akriti says I can just request you, we are with you, please have food, don’t vent someone’s anger on yourself. Goli eats the food. Everyone comes. She asks them not to try to change her decision. She leaves. Anu and Gungun dance on Haye chaka chak…plays.. Goon sees them. Prakash asks how did you learn such good dance. Anu says fate made me dance a lot. Prakash says it depends on us, how we take life. His mum pulls his ears. Prakash jokes. Aarti pinches him. He thanks Prakash. He asks Anu and Gungun to come and less them in the wedding. Gungun says we will come. Anu says you aren’t poor, one who has a family can never be poor. They take pics. Goon sends the pic to Gaikwad. Akriti comes to the institute. She says Anu ha gone to Mumbai for some work. She recalls Shankar’s words. She calls Anu and talks to him nicely. She apologizes to him and asks him to enjoy his birthday well. She says come soon, I miss you. He says it will take a few days, investigation didn’t complete. She says I will wait, love you. Her friends tease her. She laughs. She gets Anu and Gungun’s pic. She gets angry. She recalls Ranvijay’s words and calls.

Precap: Akriti comes home and shows the pic to the family. Anu says I told Akriti that I want a divorce, my peace and happiness, its just with you. Charu says I will call Anu. Akriti says no use, I will handle this. Anu celebrates his birthday with Gungun. Gaikwad says Anu will die. Anu gets the poison drink.

Love By Chance Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday

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