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Bunty takes Rudra to Mishka’s house and warns him against the man at home. Rudra says he came here to search for his son. Bunty ask him to rethink again as the man will open the door and he will not say that Mishka and Saransh are inside. Rudra says he is right and Mishka will get alert, so let us wait in car till the man goes out of the house. They get into car and wait. 

At sangeet venue, Sulochana walks to Preesha and asks about Rudra. Preesha asks how will she know. Sulochana asks what did she do that Rudra left his own sangeet. Preesha asks how will she knows, this marriage is happening because of her or else Sulochana had canceled it. Their discussion continues when Arman walks to Preesha and takes her to dance floor. Preesha enjoys dance with him, Anvi, and Devika.

Rudra and Bunty see man going out and walk towards door. 

Devika get worried when Rudra doesn’t return even after sangeet function finishes. Sulochana calls Rudra. Rudra disconnects it. Sulochana acts as speaking to him and asks him to come home directly as he will late. Arman asks what happened? Sulochana says Rudra needs more time, so he apologized to them all and will come home directly. Arman says he will ask driver to drop her home. Sulochana says her house is just 2 houses away and will go by walk. Preesha runs behind Sulochana in lieu of giving her sweet boxes and asks if Rudra really went to hotel? Sulochana says she doesn’t know as she acted as speaking to him. Preesha gets worried that Rudra is in danger and calls hotel to find out. Receptionist says he is on leave for a few days. Preesha gets more concerned and asks if Rudra was with Bunty before coming to sangeet ceremony. Sulochana says yes. 

Bunty and Rudra are about to knock door when they see man returning and hide. 

Presha calls Bunty and asks if Rudra is with him. Bunty agrees. Preesha says he wanted to visit hotel. Sulochana asks why did he lie. Rudra says Bunty had a drunk and drive accident, so he went to rescue Bunty from police case. Sulochana asks how much more time will take. He says a bit and he will come home directly. Sulochana thanks Preesha for her help. Preesha assures that she will not interfere between Rudra and Devika.
Arman meets his detective and asks if he got Preesha’s information. Detective says a lot and asks what is Preesha’s full name? Arman says Preesha Iyer. Detective says she lied as her name is Preesha Srinivasan. Arman realizes that Vasu and GPS are Preesha’s parents. Detective says Preesdha had married a famous personality and his name is. Just then, Preesha walks in and insists Arman to leave his work and concentrate on Devika’s wedding. Arman says he will finish a file in 10 minutes and join her. She takes all the files saying she will return them only after Devika’s wedding and takes him away. Arman thinks why did Preesha lie about her surname, he will find out the truth if he checks the file, but Preesha is taking them away. Devika requests Arman to help her select her wedding dress. Preesha asks him to attend to Devka and keeps file in her cupboard. She is about to check the file when Devika calls her and she walks away closing the cupboard.

On the other side, Rudra and Bunty sees man leaving for work and get into house via window. They see nobody at home. Bunty says he told him that Mishka is not here. Rudra sees someone behind door and acts as leaving. Milkman knocks door next to deliver milk. Mishka extends her hand out of door. Rudra rushes and holds her hand and breaking the door lock pushes her down. They both are shocked to see Mishka. Rudra says he knew she is her and was peeping via door hole, asks why did she act as dying in a bomb blast?

Rudra catch Mishka and says he knew he saw her in the market and followed her since yesterday evening. He reveals how he saw her peeping from door hole and how he sent a milk boy to catch her. He remembers telling Bunty that Mishka mislead them by giving wrong address and instead stays in opposite house, etc. Out of flashback, he strangulates Mishka and insists to reveal where Saransh is. Ahana enters and warns to leave Mishka. She feeds water to Mishka and asks if she is fine. Rudra is surprised to see her and asks how can she support Mishka who acted as dying in a bomb blast and took Saransh with her. Ahana shows Mishka’s burnt skin to him.

Arman thinks he can find out Preesha’s truth via detective’s file and asks Anvi to inform Preesha that Chachaji called her. Chachaji asks when did he call Preesha. Arman says he has some work in Preesha’s room, so he lied to call her out. Chachaji says his love story is unique. Preesha walks to Chachaji and gets busy checking designs on laptop. Arman walks into Preesha’s room and picks file when Preesha returns and snatches file from him and asks if file is more important than Devika’s wedding. He says he needs to check something important. She says let her also check. He stops her and says they will check later. Anvi walks in and asks if her teacher will attend wedding. Preesha says yes and even appa will attend wedding. Arman notices that.
Rudra continues to question Mishka. Ahana says her sister escaped the bomb blast. Rudra asks where is Saransh? Ahana says Saransh died in bomb blast and he saw Saransh’s dead body. Rudra asks how is Mishka alive then. She says Mishka was standing outside car and Rudra was inside car. He says he saw 2 dead bodies. Mishka says another body was her friend’s and Kabir planned this bomb blast, he told he will plant fake bomb to grab money from Rudra, but planted real bomb instead; she had called her friend to help her take Saransh from there, but got stuck in car and died instead. Rudra says he doesn’t trust her. Ahana shows Mishka’s hospital bills and says Mishka was in coma for 5 months and when she came out of coma, doctors called Ahana and she came here to take Mishka away from all the mess; its up to Rudra to think whatever he wants to. Rudra trusts her and walks away. Mishka and Ahana relax.

Arman visits GPS and Vasu’s house. They greet him in. Vasu say she will bring coffee for him. He says he already had coffee and says Preesha invited them for Devika’s wedding already, he thought of personally inviting them. Vasu thanks him. Rudra says he came here for Preesha and says Preesha had told that GPS is Preesha’s father’s friend and considers him as father and Vasu as mother, so she wants them to attend wedding as Preesha’s family. GPS says Arman is Preesha’s family now. Arman says Preesha will feel good if they attend and thinks of checking house to find Preesha’s clue. He asks if he can use their washroom. Vasu signals GPS to clear the washroom from any dirty clothes. GPS walks into room and hides Preesha and their pics. Arman uses washroom and leaves. Vasu thinks if Arman got suspicious.

Bunty asks Rudra to at least believe now that Saransh is not alive. Rudra says he doesn’t trust Mishka and Ahana as they lied that Mishka’s body flew and fell far away during blast, but he was present there and didn’t see any body outside and even police didn’t. Sulochana calls him and orders to come home right now. Rudra thinks Sharda’s condition deteriorated and asks Bunty not to inform anyone whatever happened here. Ahana and Mishka get happy that they fooled Rudra easily. Ahana then calls lawyer and insists him to finish her work in 2 days as she cannot wait more.

Arman returns home and remembers checking Vasu and GPS’ room and finding Preesha’s college certificates on wall. He realizes that Preesha is GPS and Vasu’s daughter and gets angry that Preesha hid truth from him and thinks he needs to find out what all Preesha hid.

Precap: Preesha finds Arman hiring a private detective to find out about her past, confronts him and says she will inform him about her past. Devika shows Preesha’s pic to Sharda and says she is her bhabhi Preesha Thakur. Rudra tells Preesha that he is her husband with an added ex. Preesha says he should remember that. Rudra sees Ahana shopping kid’s clothes and asks if she is shopping for Saransh? She warns him to accept the fact that Saransh is dead. Preesha is shocked to see Mishka alive and Rudra with Ahana and Mishka.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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