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Rudra is busy making arrangements for a client conference in his hotel when Devika walk to him and asks if she can talk to him for 5 minutes. He says he is busy. She says she just needs 2 minutes. He takes her to his cabin where she apologize to him for her misbehavior and gifts him a watch for saving her last night. He says sorry is okay, but he can not accept gift as he would have helped even anyone else. He returns her watch and while walking out he clashes with her and their phone falls. He exchanges his mobile with her by mistake and walks away. She thinks she rightly named him khadoos. Sulochana calls on Rudra’s number and informs that she took Sharda to hospital and her condition is stable now. Devika speaks and informs that her phone got exchanged with her son. Preesha calls Devika to ask about her tiff with the manager. Rudra picks call and hearing Preesha remembers her telling him I love you. Devika walks to him and says their phones got exchanged and its her call. He returns her mobile and leaves. She tells Preesha that she apologized hotel manager and offered him a gift, but he rudely rejected it. Preesha says as she said, manager seems to be a good man. She says she is going to prepare breakfast and disconnects call.

Preesha feeds breakfast to Anvi. Arman and Chachaji smile seeing that. Chachaji tells Arman that his horoscope says whom he loves will love him back soon. Arman shy. Anvi insists Arman to meet Devika. Arman says Devika is in Delhi and since he is busy, she can take Preesha along. Preesha says Devika’s internship will end tomorrow and she will come here in 2-3 days. Arman says Anvi is very impatient and once she insisted to meet Chachaji and when he delayed, she fell ill. He insists Preesha to take Anvi to Delhi. Preesha agrees for 1 day and thinks Rudra stays there and hopes she doesn’t meet her past again.

Preesha takes Anvi to Delhi and meets Devika. Devika gets happy seeing them. Anvi introduces her pet Toffee to Devika. Devika asks her to play and takes Preesha for coffee. Anvi sees toffee eating a stone and stops him, but herself eats it and stucks it in her throat. She chokes. Hotel staff notice her informs Rudra about same. Rudra makes her spit candy and asks staff to find her parents and bring them. Anvi hugs and thanks him. He asks why did she eat stone? She says toffee was eating it, so trying to stop him she swallowed it. He asks her to be careful and wait for his parents. Staff informs Preesha that her daughter is having breathing problem. Preesha worried rushes towards Anvi saying she is already having health issues and to call the doc. Devika asks her to relax. Rudra and Preesha pass by without noticing each other. Preesha rush to Anvi and asks if she is fine. Anvi explains what happened and how handsome uncle saved her. Preesha asks who is that handsome uncle. Staff says their hotel manager. Devika thinks of thanking manager. Preesha asks her to thank him even on her behalf. Devika returns and informs that manager’s shift ended and he left. Preesha says they will be leaving tomorrow morning and hence can not thank him. Devika says she doesn’t keep anyone’s favor, so she will go to his house and thank him personally.
Devika reaches Rudra’s house and rings bell. Sulochana opens door. Devika says she wants to meet RK. Sulochana says no one stay here with that name. Sharda’s condition worsens, and Sulochana rushes to her. Devika walks in and says she just wants to thank her son for saving her niece’s life. Sulochana asks her to come some other time. Devika says Sharda needs immediate medical attention and offering help takes them to hospital in her scooty.

Arman gets Preesha’s call and asks her if she reached safely and why didn’t she call him. She explain to him what happened to Anvi. He gets worried and shouts what? She says Anvi is fine and manager saved her. He asks her to take care of Anvi and herself, he would be tensed until they return. Preesha says they will return tomorrow. Anvi speaks to Arman next and says toffee was jumping on her. He ask her to take care of herself, he is missing her and wants her back soon. She says I love you. He says love you too beta. She insists him to say I love you to even Preesha. He hesitantly says love you Preesha. She insists Preesha next to say I love you to papa.

Anvi insists Arman to tell I love you to Prishma/Preesha. Arman nervously says love you Preesha. Anvi then insists Preesha to say I love you to papa. Preesha hesitantly says same to you Arman and disconnects call. Chachaji taunts Arman and takes him for a drink. Preesha then asks receptionist about manager as she wants to meet and thank him for saving her daughter’s life. Receptionist gives her manager/Rudra’s cabin address. Rudra over phone requests his boss 8 lakhs loan for his mother Sharda’s surgery, but gets rejected. Preesha walks into his cabin and doesn’t find him there. Rudra meets his boss and requests for loan, but boss says even he is bound by rules and cannot help him. Devika gets Sharda admitted in a hospital. Doctor says Sharda needs immediate operation. Sulochana gets tensed. Devika says he can start surgery immediatedly. Sulochana they can’t as Rudra doesn’t have money. Devika realizes RK’s name is Rudra and says she will pay for the operation. Sulochana says she doesn’t know her. Devika says there is no time for that and makes her sign consent form for operation. Sulochana thinks of informing Rudra about this. Rudra and Preesha pass by each other with him busy in thought and her busy over phone and don’t notice each other. Sulochana calls Rudra and informs about Sulochana’s operation, and he runs towards hospital without noticing Preesha again.
Preesha packs her and Anvi’s bags to check out of hotel. Arman asks when are they coming. She says by evening and now he has to tolerate 3 girls at home. He says he is missing them and will manage with their videos till then, then gets his manager’s message about Devika seeking 8 lakhs in her account and asks Preesha where is she and why she needs money. Preesha says she doesn’t know and will find out.

Rudra reaches hospital and seeing Devika yells if she reached his family and continues yelling. Sulochana says Devika brought Sharda on time on her scooty. Rudra rudely (as usual) yells again. Doctor comes out of OT and informs operation was successful and gives credit to Devika for bringing Sharda on time. Sulochana informs how Devika brought Sharda on her scooty as they couldn’t get cab and even paid for her operation. Rudra apologizes Devika. Preesha asks Devika and asks where is she and why she needs 8 lakhs. She informs what happened. Preesha says he did good by helping kind manager and reminds that they have an evening flight to catch. Devika says she will reach airport directly from here. Rudra insists to drop her to airport. On the way in cab, Devika says her bhabhi made her realize how good RK is and taught her to say sorry and thank you, he should meet her bhabhi once. He says he would definitely meet a person who understands her. Their cab breaks down. She gets tensed. He gets another cab. In airport, Preesha hears Goa flight boarding announcement and get into flight. Devika reaches airport but guards stop her and inform that she cannot check in as boarding is closed now. Preesha messages her that flight alright took off and hopes she is fine. Devika asks when is next flight. Guards says its tommorrow. Rudra offers to drop her back to hotel. They hire a cab. Devika says her fate made her stay back for a day. He says he can thank her now. She says hospital is on the way to hotel, so he can meet his mother. He says his shift will start. She says there is still one hour left and takes him along.

Arman excitedly selects clothes to pick up Preesha and Anvi. Chachaji taunts him that he is in love with Preesha and hence is eager to meet her. Arman shies. Preesha and Anvi reach home. Arman hugs Anvi and then Preesha. Preesha alerts him. He apologizes and says he was missing her. She jokes if he was missing burnt toast, etc. He says she is taunting him and asks about Devika. She says she missed her flight and calls Devika to find out.

Precap: Sulochana shows crying Rudra to Devika. Devika thinks khadoos kumar also cries. Sulochana says he is heart broken and lost everything. Devika asks what had happened. Preesha slips, and Arman holds her. She calls him friend and thanks him for saving her. He thinks she is more than a friend for him. Arman trashes a man for holding Preesha’s hand. Chachaji suggests Arman to propose Preesha before situation worsens. Vasu also insists Preesha to marry Arman. Devika asks Rudra if he will accompany her to Goa to meet her family. He agrees.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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