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Rudra informs Preesha and Reema that Yuvraj has checked out of hotel with Sunny. Reena says Yuvraj planned everything and left her in a trap. Rudra says what else she can expect from Reema. Preesha says don’t know how Sunny got into Yuvraj’s trap. Reena says maybe he needed money. Kabir’s lawyer calls Rudra and informs him that new judge has reopened Saransh’s custody case and hearing is after 2 days. Rudra says he will reach court on time. He informs Preesha about same. Preesha informs that Sunny had deleted video’s from Saransh’s mobile on Yuvraj’s orders. Rudra says he will not spare Yuvraj. Preesha this all proves that Yuvraj is also involved in Mishka and Kabir’s plan. Rudra says this game is bigger than they thought, he will confront Kabir first. Sulochana hides seeing Rudra coming. Rudra tells Kabir that court will punish in 2 days. Kabir asks if he is judge to pronounce justice, case is just reopened and they both should themselves as good parents first. Mishka says there is no proof to prove that Rudra and Preesha are good parents. Rudra shows Reema and says she is biggest proof. Mishka asks who is she. He says she is Reema, Sunny’s fake mother whom they hired against us, now she will give evidence against them in court. Preesha says biggest evidence is Saransh who will inform how they kidnapped Vasu and blackmailed Saransh. Rudra says they have filed FIR against them and submitted a copy in court, if they dare to touch Saransh again, he will prosecute them. Mishka and Kabir nervously blame Yuvraj. Rudra says they are both are with Yuvraj and will go to jail now. Sulochana to handle the issue walks in and slaps Kabir and yells that she is ashamed to call him as her son, he should get out of here. Rudra says now court will send him to jail and walks away.
After sometime, Kabir asks Sulochana to slap him more but think what will they do as they have only 2 days for court hearing. Mishka says if Saransh reveals their plan, they will go to jail. Sulochana suggests to stop Saransh from reach the court at any cost. Mishka says they will take Saransh to London and once they are out of India, Rudra’s team cannot do anything to them; Ahana will help them in London. Kabir asks what about Sonia. Sulochana says she will kick Sonia out, now they will elope to London with Saransh. Saransh comes to pick his bag from Mishka’s room and hears their conversation. He goes to inform Preesha and Rudra about Sulochana’s plan, walks into thier room and locking himself in bathroom cries that he wants to stay with him forever. They both says he will not go anywhere. He informs that Mishka, Kabir, and Sulochana are planning to take him to London and is seeking Ahana’s help. Rudra shocked says maa cannot do that. Saransh says he heard Sulochana planning to not let him reach court and take him to London instead. Preesha asks him to come out as court will not let them take him away from her and Rudra. Saransh says they will. Rudra shatters knowing about Sulochana’s true face and feels guilty for not listening to Preesha; he cries that he doesn’t feel bad with Yuvraj’s betrayal as he is nothing to him, but his own mother betrayed him for money and he always gets betrayed. Preesha says its not his mistake, its Sulochana’s loss that she lost such a loving son. Rudra says maa saw his love and now will see his hatred.

Door bell rings. Rudra opens door. Hotel staff informs him that inspector is waiting for him in reception. Rudra thinks inspector must have got Yuvraj’s information and heads towards reception. Kabir bribes hotel staff for lying. Mishka says she saw Saransh outside her room and knew he will inform everything to Rudra and Preesha. Sulochana says let us not waste time and kidnap Saransh. They find Saransh in bathroom and kidnap him. Rudra and Preesha reach reception and doesn’t find inspector. Receptionist informs that inspector didn’t come. Rudra asks her to check security. She checks and says no police came in resort. Preesha realizes that Saransh is alone, they both rush back to room and finds Saransh missing. They cry reminiscing the quality time spent with Saransh. Koi Roke Na Ruke Nainaa.. song plays in the background. They file kidnapping complaint against Kabir, Mishka, and Sulochana. Inspector informs that he has alerted security in borders and they cannot escape, asks if anyone is also involved. Rudra says Yuvraj is also missing. Preesha says Sonia is still present. They rush to Sonia’s room and finds her letter for Rudra that she loves him and feeling guilty for betraying him, so unable to face him, she is going away; she warns him against Sulochana who used her to try to create rift between Rudra and Preesha.
Preesha continues to read Sonia’s letter for Rudra suggesting him to beware of his mother as she used her to lure him and separate him and Preesha. She continues that he is a good man, but his mother and brother are really bad who along with Yuvraj and Mishka are trying to take Saransh’s custody for his money. She further reveals how Yuvraj took her and Rudra’s intimate pics when nothing happened, how Yuvraj manipulated Dr. Swamy, how they kidnapped Vasu and threatened Saransh to take Kabir and Mishka’s name for custody, etc. Rudra feels bad hearing about his most trusted mother and brother betraying him. Inspector says he gets similar cases regularly, culprits cannot escape and he will get back his son, they will call Rudra for ransom money, till then he will make arrangements.

Kabir with his team hides in an old factory. Sulochana yells that he brought them from resort to a dirty place. Kabir says they are fugitives. Sulochana says he could have taken her to a better place. Mishka says they will be caught if they go to a good place. Sulochana says she will die out of suffocation and says she has a plan. Mishka asks what is it. Sulochana says they will meet Rudra, plead him for forgiveness, return Saransh and seek some money from him. Kabir says Rudra will get them arrested. Sulochana says she will act well and beg Rudra’s forgiveness. Mishka walks aside shouting to continue her drama Ahana calls her and asks why did she kidnap Saransh when she has Saransh’ custody. Mishka says yes and explains whole situation. Ahana suggests her to go away from Sulochana and Kabir or else she will be in danger, they don’t need to share property with Sulochana and Kabir. Kabir says she understands and will act as she is with them. Ahana asks to be careful. Mishka says she knows and disconnects call.

Sulochana continues yelling at Kabir. Kabir asks her to wait and watch what will he do. He calls Rudra from a new sim card. At Rudra’s place, inspector connects Rudra’s mobile with software to track Kabir’s location and asks Rudra to pick call when he calls. Rudra picks call seeing unknown number. Kabir asks if he should tell him bhai or Rudra. Rudra says he has lost right for both. Kabir threatens him to give him 100 crores by tomorrow in exchange of Saransh and let him, Mishka, and Sulochana flee from the country. Rudra asks how will he arrange 100 crores in such a short span. Kabir threatens to kill Saransh else. Preesha pleads not to harm Saransh and agrees to arrange 100 crores by tomorrow. Sulochana scolds Kabir for asking 100 cores in 1 day. Kabir says Rudra is a rockstar and its easy for him, he don’t give a damn how he arranges 100 crores. Mishka thinks Kabir is a fool to think Rudra will easily give him money and let him flee, she has to make separate arrangements with Ahana’s help. Inspector informs Rudra that he couldn’t’ track Kabir’s location due to short call and says usually kidnappers don’t return victims after getting money, so Rudra should be alert and inform him whenever Kabir calls. Preesha cries hugging Rudra. Yeh Hai Chahatein… plays in the background.

Rudra calls his contacts and requests to arrange 100 crores in a day at any cost. Vasu walks in. Preesha hugs her and informs that Kabir with Mishka and Sulochana kidnapped Saransh and is demanding 100 crores. Vasu shocked says she knew Sulochana is not right. Preesha says Rudra is arranging 100 crores and asks Vasu about Sharda. Vasu says Sharda’s brother’s condition worsened, so she dropped Sharda in rehab center and cab here. Rudra arranges 100 crores and loads cash in car. Kabir calls him and asks him he involves police, he will kill Saransh. Rudra pleads not to harm Saransh. Kabir asks him to meet him at a given location in 1 hour with money and if he involves police, then forget Saransh. Preesha says they need to call police. Rudra says they can’t as Kabir will kill Saransh. Preesha agrees and says she will accompany him. He gets into car. She asks Vasu to inform police to track her location and catch Kabir and his team. Vasu agrees. Preesha and Rudra leave.

Mishka tells Sulochana and Kabir to go and receive money while she waits and brings Saransh to their said location, and if something happens, she will hide with Saransh. Kabir agrees and leaves with Sulochana. Rudra and Preesha wait for Kabir at the said location. Kabir comes with Sulochana and asks if he brought money. Rudra asks about Saransh. Kabir says he will get money once he gives 100 crores. Preesha says she will give not give money until he shows Saransh. Kabir threatens to harm Saransh if he doesn’t give 100 crores. Rudra agrees. Preesha stops him and asks not to trust Kabir. Rudra says he cannot risk his son’s life and gives 100 crores to Kabir.

Precap: Police reaches the spot. Rudra says he didn’t call police. Preesha says she did. Kabir says he knew she would do this, so he didn’t bring Saransh and will kill him. Mishka thinks she will escape with both 100 crores and Saransh and let Kabir and Sulochana get arrested. Rudra performs Saransh’s last rights and blames Preesha. Preesha says even she can say that and says they married because of Sarnash and without Sarnash, there won’t be Rudraksh and Preesha’s story.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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