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During dinner, Sulochana asks Rudra about his pain. He says its better now. Sulochana says they forgot to give Devika’s gifts. Rudra gives a bracelet to Devika saying Preesha chose it. Devika remembers for someone special box and asks if he forgot something. He says yes. Chachaji asks if she liked the gift. Devika says a lot as she and sister inlaw’s choice is same. Rudra looks at Preesha. Sulochana says they will go now and will meet tomorrow. Chachaji and Arman go to drop them out. Preesha sees Devika sad and asks reason. Devika says Rudra didn’t give a box on which for someone special was written. Preesha says it can’t be as he gave her bracelet and must have got it for his mother. Devika says she is right, it must be for Sharda. The next morning, Preesha remembers last night’s event and thinks she can not let Rudra come near her. Arman walks in and says he caught her theft, he can understand her well as a friend. She asks what is she hiding, thinking if he found out the truth. He asks why she looks tensed? She says there is nothing like that and she is tensed regarding tonight’s sangeet function. He asks if she is sure there is no other issue. She says no and excuse herself saying she needs to meet decorator.

Arman reminisces Rudra and Preesha’s intimacy last night, Ahuja informing Rudra is already married and his wife is also here, Preesha denying to move to Delhi as her past is connected there, and thinks he feels for the first time to find out Preesha’s past. He hires a detective and giving him Preesha’s photo asks to find out about her past in detail and keep it confidential. Detective assures him and leaves. Arman thinks Preesha gave a new life to his family and now its his turn to clear her from her tensions.

Preesha meets Devika and asks why did she call her? Devika says she is unable to decide what to wear during sangeet function. Preesha asks to call her designer. Devika says her lehanga is not fitting and she feels god doesn’t want this marriage, she and Rudra are very excited regarding their marriage, but don’t know if they will marry or not. Preesha says she will wear her selected lehanga as she will personally get it fixed. Devika gets happy. 
On the other side, Rudra tells Bunty that he doesn’t want to marry Devika as he is doing all this for Preesha. Bunty asks him not to play with Devika’s feelings as she is also a human and not a puppet. 

Devika walk to Preesha’s room to get a lipstick and finding Rudra’s for someone special box there ralizes Rudra bought it for Preesha. 

Rudra sees Mishka and runs towards her. She gets into cab and leaves. Bunty asks what happened to him? Rudra says it was Mishka. Bunty says Mishka is dead. Rudra says then whom did he see, if she is alive, even Saransh is alive and he will find out his son. Sulochana calls him and asks to get ready for sangeet soon. Rudra says he doesn’t want to. Bunty takes phone and says Rudra will reach sangeet ceremony on time. Rudra says he will go to cab company and find out Mishka’s location to find out his son. Bunty says he will find it out and sends him to get ready for sangeet function.

Preesha returns to Devika after fixing her dress. Devika shows her for someone special box and says Rudra brought it for her, what is going between them. Preesha reminisces Rudra buying it for her and thinks why did he do that. Devika continues questioning what is going between them? Preesha lies that she spoilt Rudra’s surprise as he wanted to gift it to her during sangeet and kept it in her room. Devika says she is getting very possessive regarding RK and thinks if he really loves her or not. Preesha says obviously he loves her and even expressed it. She says he did, but she feels he is physically with her most of the time but mentally somewhere else. Preesha asks her not to think much and enjoy her special day; in fact she should wear the earrings and surprise Rudra. Devika happily agrees and thank her. Once she leaves, Preesha thinks she is trying to get away from Rudra and he is making it difficult, Devika loves Rudra immensely and will be hurt, so she has to stay away from Rudra.

Bunty reach cab aggregator office and takes cab driver’s address after a lot of drama. 

In the evening, sangeet ceremony starts. Sulochana sees Rudra tensed and asks reason. Rudra says he left some work incomplete, but he is fine. She asks if he is sure. He says yes and goes aside to call Bunty. Devika walks to him, and he says yes. She asks just high and nothing, shows earrrings. He thinks why is she wearing Preesha’s earrings?

Rudra sees Devika wearing the earrings which he gift to Preesha. Devika thanks him for the gift. He asks where did she get them fro?. She says Preesha gave them and revealed that he had planned a surprise gift for her, how are they looking. Rudra looking at Preesha says they are looking fabulous. Devika goes to show the earrings to Sulochana. Rudra remembers his and Preesha’s romantic moments in jail. Tum Na Hue Mere To plays in the background. Chachaji with Arman walks to Preesha and says she is looking very pretty in red sari. Preesha thanks him and says credit goes to Arman who selected this sari for her and holds his hands. Rudra gets jealous seeing that. Sulochana noticing that asks Rudra to dance with Devika. Rudra walks to Devika and calling her wifey asks if she will dance with him? She agrees and walks on dance floor.
Bunty meets cab driver and requests him to drop her to the lady’s place whom he had picked from Khan market around 5 p.m. Driver says his shift is ended. Bunty gives him 5000 rs and asks him to drop him there now. Driver agrees. Bunty thinks he will know if Rudra really saw Mishka.

Rudra intimately dances with Devika to make Preesha jealous. Arman takes Preesha on dances floor and touches her while dancing. Rudra burns in jealousy, drags Arman away and slapping him shouts how dare he is to touch his Preesha. Devika asks what nonsense is this? Rudra shouts Preesha is his wife. Devika asks then why did he love her then. Rudra says it was a drama as he befriended her to find out if her sister inlaw is Preesha and came to Goa to find that; Preesha is only his and he will not let Arman come near her. He emotionally tells Preesha that he can not tolerate Arman near her, he loves her immensely and she should be back to him. He says her I love you. She says I love you too and hug him emotionally. Rudra gets out of imagination when everyone clap after their performance.

Cab driver drops Bunty outside Mishka’s house. Rudra sees Ashutosh Suryavanshi name board and rings bell. Ashutosh opens door. Bunty asks him to call Mishka as he saw her coming here. Ashutosh says nobody named Mishka stays here, threatens him to leave or else he will call police. Bunty thinks his doubt is right that Rudra saw someone else.

After dance performance, Rudra insists Preesha to dance with him. Preesha asks him not to get adamant as Anvi is sitting with them. Rudra tells Anvi that her Preeshma hates him. Anvi says Preeshma loves him a lot and will even dance with him to prove that. She insists Preesha to dance with Rudra. Preesha agrees and goes on stage. Rudra thinks Bunty didn’t call him yet, so if he should inform Preesha about Mishka. He asks if Arman gifted her this sari and reminds that he also gifted her similar sari long back. She says it was her past. He asks why did she give his gifted earring to Devika. She says he wrote a note its for someone special, so she gave it to Devika as Devika is his present and he is marrying her and she will not let him hurt Devika. Rudra gets Bunty’s call and walking aside asks if the lady was Mishka. Bunty says he found a man instead of Mishka in that house who threatened to call police, so Rudra saw some other woman instead of Mishka. Rudra says he is sure that lady was Mishka and asks if he went to the right address. Bunty says yes and asks him to agree that he saw someone else. Rudra remembers the incidence and says he is sure it was Mishka and is coming to him right now. Bunty asks if he has gone mad to leave his sangeet midway. Rudra says if Miskha is alive, even Saransh is alive, so he wants to search for his son. Bunty agrees. Rudra lies to Sulochana that he needs to attend to a VIP client in his hotel and will return in 1 hour. Arman says let him go. Rudra leaves. Preesha thinks Rudra prefers family over work, then what important work does he have than family?

Precap: Sulochana requests Preesha to let Devika and Rudra’s marriage finish. Preesha says even she wants same. Arman’s detective informs him that Preesha’s full name is Preesha Srinivasan and she was married to a famous personality earlier., his name is. Rudra and Bunty are shocked to see something in Mishka’s house. Rudra questions Mishka about Saransh. Ahana walks in. Arman checks file and realizes Preesha is Gopal Srinivasan’s daughter. Devika shows Preesha’s photo to Sharda and says she is her bhabhi, Preesha Thakur.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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