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Arman passionately dances with Preesha on Meri They then change partners with Arman and Devika, but then get back again. Once song ends, everyone clap for them. Preesha walks away from there. Rudra drags her to bathroom and pinning her to a wall warns to not shout or else it won’t be good for Arman’s reputation. He shouts at her to answer him. She asks after what he saw, he wants answer even then. He asks to accept that she forgot him and moved on with Arman, looking into his eyes. She says she has moved on with Arman and is very happy with her new life, if he came here with Devika to meet her family and start at relationship with her. He says he came to confirm if Devika’s bhabi is Preesha and meet her, he heard her voice in Devika’s phone and then heard about her flower allergy and was curious to know if she is Devika’s bhabhi; he shouts how can she she move on so easily. She realizes that he came to meet her and doesn’t love Devika. He shouts she shamelessly forgot him. She says she forgot him and the hatred which he filled in her by falsely accusing her that she killed her son, she didn’t want to live with his hatred and negativity and is happy with her new live; she has a daughter who remind her of Saransh and a loving husband; if he had believed her about Sulochana and Kabir and not repeatedly verbally abused her, Saransh would have been alive now; he never thought about it as he is egoistic, this is the answer for his questions and now he doesn’t have any right to question her as he lost right on her and now her life is with only her husband and daughter and nobody else, especially him. She walk out of bathroom. He hits wall and shouts remembering her words.

Arman walk to Preesha and ask if she is fine, what is she doing outside gent’s bathroom. She says she heard that washbasin was not working, so she came to check. He says he will check. She get tensed thinking he will find out that she was with Rudra, so she stops him and sends him to attend to guests. She then locks door from outside and leaves. Rudra knocks door. Anvi hearing door knock opens it thinking someone is stuck. Rudra walk out. She asks who locked him inside. He says whoever did that will be punished for sure. She says he helped her that day and today she helped him. He carry her to party and plays with her. Devika getshappy seeing that and tells Preesha that RK look so cute, he and Anvi’s developed a nice bonding after he saved Anvi, he will be a good father in the future. Preesha think Rudra is a nice father. Devika says she will express her feelings to RK. Preesha ask not to do that. Devika says she herself suggested her to speak her heart out and now is stopping her. Preesha think how to explain to her that Rudra doesn’t love her and came here just find out about me. Devika ask again why is she stopping her? Preesha says she shouldn’t be in a hurry as theirs will be a long distance relationship and may not continue longer. Devika says she herself suggested her and now is stopping her.

Anvi then takes RK to family and says he is her handsome uncle. Arman says Anvi nicked RK right as handsome uncle. Rudra asks Anvi what he nicked her. She says beautiful doll. Arman says she is. Preesha says its time for Anvi to sleep and frees her hand from his hand. Anvi says she wants to sleep with both mamma and papa. Preesha and Rudra reminisce Saransh insisting similarly. Arman agree. Preesha makes Anvi sleep. 

Rudra tells Devika that he wants to speak to her. Devika excitedly meets Preesha and informs that RK proposed to her and said she came in his life so that he can reach her destiny Devika happily hug Preesha and says she and RK want to be perfect couple like Preesha and Arman. Preesha think what is Rudra up to? Devika says its good that Preesha asked her to stay back in Delhi, she served RK’s mother who is severely ill and gained RK’s love. Preesha asks who is RK’s mother. She says Sharda. Preesha asks if she spent 8 lakhs on Sharda maa’s treatment. She nod yes. Preesha think Rudra doesn’t love Devika, so he has to get out of Devika’s life.
Vasu meets Rudra and asks how is he? He thanks her for remembering him and says Preesha doesn’t even remember him or her either and he saw her calling Mrs. Srinivasan. Vasu says Preesha is settling in her life after a long time. He ask what about her life. She ask him to promise her that he will not inform Arman and Devika about his and Preesha’s past. Vasu ask Rudra to promise her that he will not discuss about his and Preesha’s past with Arman and Devika. Rudra says he still considers her as a mother and will respect her request and will not inform about him and Preesha to anyone. Vasu says she can understand his condition, but its better for everyone; its just a matter of one night, tomorrow he will return to Delhi and live his life and let Preesha live her life. He think he doesn’t know about his life, he will not go from here. She walk away asking him to take care of himself.

Chachaji insists Arman to propose to Preesha or else forget the chance. Arman agrees and walk aside. Chachaji says Preesha is on the other side. Arman says sometimes they need to go away to come closer. He goes to his room and picks a diamond ring to propose to Preesha.

Sulochana makes Sharda sleep and calls Rudra. Preesha think she needs to send Rudra back to Delhi and walks to him. Rudra speaks to Sulochana. Sulochana ask if he is enjoying the party? He says he is enjoying a lot. She asks if he met Devika’s brother and sister inlaw. He says he did, Devika’s sister inlaw is very sweet and he feels he knows her since long. Devika takes phone aside to speak to Sulochana. Preesha asks why is he doing this drama, why did he propose to Devika and is playing with her feelings. He says he has feelings for Devika. She says he doesn’t and she can clearly see it in his eyes. He ask to look into his eyes and find out, she forgot everything in 6 months, his eyes say he hates her the most and his feelings were on the wrong side, he now loves Devika and wants to be with her, her priorities changed and hence even him changed his priorities, she is happy with Arman and he will be happy with Devika, and if she has problem with it he doesn’t care. She says she knows what is he up to. He hold her hand tightly and she pleads to leave it as its hurting, but he doesn’t. She push him away. Arman notices that and asks her if she is fine, why did she push RK. Preesha says RK stepped on her foot, so she pushed him away. She apologies to RK, he says he is sorry instead. Devika walk to them. Rudra intimately smells her and says her perfume is really good, then act as getting conscious and apologizes to Arman. Arman says its okay as Devika’s perfume choice is really good. Devika says her every choice is always good. Rudra says that is why she chose him. Preesha walk away jealously. Arman follow her.
Arman follows Preesha and says he needs to tell her something, they are bestfriends and their friendship changed without his knowledge. She ask what does he mean? He says he will explain, switches on light and shows I love you on screen, kneels down and says he fell in her love and want to turn their fake marriage into real one, he shows her diamond ring and ask will she marry him? Preesha reminisces Rudra’s words and stands crying. Arman asks what happened, why is she not answering? She walk away from there to her room remembering his words and Rudra’s acts and shouts why is god doing this to her, earlier he brought Rudra in her life and now Arman proposed to her, she doesn’t know what to do. Vasu calls her and asks if she is fine. Preesha says she is fine and is coming back.

Rudra search for Arman and Preesha. Devika walk to him and informs that she informed about them to sister inlaw. He asks what did her sister inlaw say. She says sister inlaw suggested we know each other first and then take a decision. He says he will stay back here then and asks where is her brother and sister inlaw. She says they must have gone to their rooms and will not return. She shows him his room and wish him goodnight. He notices Preesha passing by, stops Devika and says they should make their special evening more special and praising her beauty try to kiss her. Preesha thinks why she is feeling jealous. Devika stops him and asks if its not too early? He says she is very beautiful and he can not resist. He try to kiss her again when Preesha calls her and asks what is happening? Devika says she was saying goodnight to RK. Rudra asks where did she go from party? Preesha takes Devika away. Rudra thinks Preesha still gets jealous seeing him with another woman. Preesha takes Devika aside and asks her not to be in a hurry and make mistakes. Devika says she was just giving him a goodnight peck, she herself suggested her to give him some time, he is very sweet. Vasu walks in searching for Preesha. Devika leaves. Vasu asks Preesha why was she stopping Devika from kissing Rudra, she should understand that Rudra has gone away from her and loves Devika now, but she is still stuck and loves Rudra, why she wants to punish herself. Preesha shouts what should she do then, she doesn’t know if Rudra really loves Devika. She reveals that Arman proposed to her and want to change their fake husband and wife drama into real.

Precap: Arman apologizes Preesha and says if he had not informed her, she would have found out some day anyways. She says its good that he informed. Rudra thinks he still loves Preesha. Next morning, Arman tells Rudra that he cannot stay without Preesha. Preesha says even she can’t and fell in his love at first sight. Rudra asks if he can marry Devika. Anvi informs Vasu that she is helping Devika in her wedding shopping as Devika is marring Rudra. Vasu stands shocked hearing that. Arman says they are all shifting to Delhi. Rudra tells Preesha that she has to come to Delhi and unwantedly has to see his face daily. Preesha requests Arman that she doesn’t want to go to Delhi as her past will haunt her there. Arman asks Chachaji not to book Delhi tickets as Preesha doesn’t want to go. Rudra gets angry hearing that.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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