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Inside court, jalal says to his ministers that he is very happy, he says new generation of Mughal has come in world, he says to todar that he has to handle everything, todar agrees, maan comes there and wants to have important talk, he informs jalal that some rajvanshies are surrounding agra, they are trying to attack agra and the one leading them is Maharana pratap, a small force has been sent to fight with them, jalal says if my enemy thinks that I am weak after atgah’s death then I will answer him, but I cant understand one thing why pratap is attacking from back, he ask todar to start preparing for war, he says to maan that he wont go in war, maan says I given the responsibility to be with you all the time and I have to be with you even if I have to fight against rajvanshi, jalal says this was expected by you, ok maan will come with me, sharif asks whats order for him, jalal says you stay here with your child and take care of baksi, he says to maan that we should 1st find out strength of our enemy.

Jodha is talking to herself, she says how to tell jalal that bakshi’s child is not baby boy but baby girl, salima comes there and hear her, she ask jodha if it's true? jodha says yes, bakshi lied to all as sharif wanted to have baby boy and bakshi got afraid to tell him that its baby girl and lied, salima says we should inform all, jodha says no, I have promised bakshi, salima says promise is not important when its about future and she gave promise to you, not me, we will tell jalal truth, think if people gets to know the truth then they will laugh on jalal. jodha and salima goes to tell jalal truth, soldier says jalal is not in palace, salima says now, we have to tell hamida. salima tells truth about bakshi’s child to hamida, hamdia says what, she is a girl, not a boy? who told you, salima says jodha, she ask jodha to tell her in detail how she know it., jodha tells her everything, ruks says you knew the truth and you are telling us now, salima says she was bound by bakshi’s promise, ruks brings doctor and slaps hee, doctor informs her that yes its baby girl and she lied as bakshi ordered to do so, hamida says leave her, its not her fault, its bakshi’s fault, jodha says bakshi was afraid as sharif wanted baby boy so she lied to him to save her child.

Bakshi is playing with her child, sharif comes there. sharif is taking child from room, bakshi ask where are you taking child? sharif says its been two days since he is born and we did not do his khatna( ritual of making boy muslim by cutting his body part which makes him boy), bakshi is shocked that sharif will know the truth, she says to sharif that please listen to me, sharifuddeen doesn't listen to her and leaves from there with child, bakshi says storm will come when sharif get to know the truth. 

Hamida scolds doctor that she should have told her. 

Bakshi is praying in her room that save my child, if sharifuddeen gets to know the truth then he will kill my child and me, she cry, Hamida and other ladies come inside her room, hamida says I wasn’t expecting this from you Jodha.

Sharif brings child to priest, priest says your child is very cute, priest give child to doctor to do child’s khatna, he takes off child’s cloth and says my god, I didn’t expect this from you. Sharif says to doctor why are you getting angry with me, I just asked you to do my boy’s circumcision, doctor says how dare you joke with me like this, this is not a baby boy but baby girl, sharif cant believe this and get angry.

Sharif takes the baby from priest, priest says you not only insulted us but you made a joke of islam, you are Mughal minister and you are from shahi family, we didn’t expect this from you, Sharif says I am sorry, I had baby boy, I don’t know how this girl came here, maybe babies were exchanged, priest says you should be proud that you have a daughter, priests says we should go from here, priests gossip that whats happening in the palace, maybe sharif didn’t listen that he has daughter, they do weird jokes, sharif thinks Bakshi you did a big joke with me, I won't leave you for this, I will teach you lesson.

Jalal is in his tent, soldier comes to jalal, jalal ask did they arrive? soldier says yes, jalal says bring them inside, hindu kings come to jalal, jalal greets them, hindu king says that there are many hindus as your loyal, we didn’t come here to talk, we want war, jalal says I know you want to have agra, king says we will succeed in it, jalal says its not a bad thought, everyone want power but tell me how will you get agra from me? king laughs and says we have 30,000 soldiers, elephants, we will beat you in war, jalal says sorry but this war will not happen, its killing of your people, king says you don’t know how brave our soldiers are, jalal says soldiers are always brave, it doesn’t matter if he is a Mughal or rajvanshi,he gives his best in war, doing war and winning it isn’t a big thing for me, its good if you surrender to me, I will leave your life, king says you think that only you know how run the sword, we will beat you, jalal says I am always impressed with rajvanshi sword fighting, I know you are not afraid of me so I am saying don’t do this war, there will 30,0000 soldiers from my side so this war wont happen, this will be simply suicide for your force, never show your strength to your enemy as it becomes your weakness, I also want to do politics, don’t force me to take my sword in hand, I want that we live together in future. jalal says to maan that future plan will be discussed with king.

Hamida says to bakshi you didn’t think for once that what will be the consequences of this lie, you know girls are blessing and how can you insult a daughter, bakshi says I am sory, I was afraid, jodha says we are not here to taunt you but you show you right path, ruks ask why did you lie? bakshi thinks how to tell them, salima says you should tell sharif the truth, bakshi thinks till now sharif would have known the truth.

Sharif says to baby girl that you are not my blood because you are not the one whom I wanted, he thinks bakshi you lied to me, now I will tell you what torture is, I will stratch your skin with my sword, I will make your life hell now.

Jodha says to bakshi that sharif is your husband, he will understand you, I know he must have had desire of baby boy but don’t worry he will be pacified, salima also ask bakshi to tell sharif the truth, bakshi says no, she thinks how to tell them that sharif wont leave me, hamida says that I know sharif will be angry but he will understand, sharif comes there with girl and says I came to know about the truth, he gives baby to bakshi, bakshi says I was about to tell you truth, sharif says why you didn’t tell me, I was embarrassed infront of priests, you made joke out of me, I was feeling like to kill myself, why you insulted me like this, hamida says I think you should talk with cool mind, sharif says there is nothing left to be talked, I think I don’t deserve to be husband, he leaves from there, salima says he is angry now but he will understand when he will cool down, you should talk to him, all women leave from there, bakshi is tensed.
All women are discussing matter, ruks says bakshi shouldn’t have lied, jodha says its not her fault totally, sharif wanted a boy so she lied to him, ruks says sharif wasn’t wrong either, all father wants to have boy as they take their family ahead to next generation, jodha says how can you think like that, you and me are also daughters, you are Mughal minister so aren’t your parents proud of you? ruks says you give good speech but we have to go to our husband’s house after sometime, we have to take his name ahead, we cant rule states, we cant be rulers, jodha says to ruks women can do anything and everything, nothing is difficult for women, there are many women who successfully ruled their states, we women give birth to boys and girls, we are the one who takes generations ahead, where is it written that when daughters are born, you should mourn, girls are blessing, I don’t know much about Islam but I think in your religion too, women are given equal respect, salima agrees with jodha and gives an example of muslim women who ruled her state successfully, jodha says jalal doesnt have these thoughts, how can you have these thoughts, jalal made hamida marium makani(most respectful), ruks says but the one who give king to throne becomes marium zamani only, she leaves from there.

Sharif is shattered that why bakshi lied to me, some women are going from there and says that why bakshi lied to sharif, poor sharif, sharif hear them, sharif says poor me? there was a time when people use to be afraid of my name and now they are saying me poor, all this happened because of bakshi, I wont spare you bakshi, I will teach you such a lesson that you wont forget it ever.

Bakshi is not eating, dasi request her to eat, sharif comes there drunk, he ask dasi to go but bakshi stops dasi being afraid, sharif says I want to talk to my wife, he shouts on dasi, she leaves, sharif looks at baby girl and says you love your daughter a lot, I told you to give birth to boy but you kept saying that it maybe baby girl, see now, its baby girl, bakshi says so what if she is a girl, she is our daughter, sharif grabs bakshi by hairs and says you hurt me a lot and now you are putting salt on my wounds, you are igniting more fire in me, he throws bakshi away, bakshi’s head strikes with big show piece. sharif says I will kill this girl, bakshi cry.

Sharifuddin misbehave and torturing Bakshi for lying to him, cause his insult and ridicule him in the presence of the maulvies. Bakshi apologises to him and seek for forgiveness, but he is very violent with her in his drunk state. He declares she neither deserved forgiveness nor being his wife. He disowns his daughter. He refuses to see her face. Bakshi grabs the baby and try to escape but next moment sharifu falls to the ground in drunk state. Bakshi hugs her baby and weeps.

Jodha comes to meet bakshi but bakshi refuses to meet her. Jodha enters the hojra and offers her a gift. Jodha is horrified to see bakshi’s wounds. Jodha is horrified that her husband had given her those injuries for giving birth to a daughter. Sharifu comes there and declares that yes he did demand for a son. Jodha is shocked. Bakshi urges jodha to leave and not interfere in between husband and wife matters before the situation worsens. Jodha leaves. Sharifu slaps Bakshi for being rude to jodha.

Jodha comes to Jalal and narrates the entire thing to Him. She urges him to do something for saving bakshi’s life and the baby’s too. Jodha tells Jalal that Bakshi had lied because she was scare for the lives of herself and her daughter. Jalal is sad that his sister did not trust him to share her problems with him.

Jalal come to meet his sister she is happy to see Jalal and Jodha have come to see her baby but is worried too. Jalal is very affectionate to the baby. He asks why did she lie to him about this beautiful baby? How angelic she was! Jalal then asks her the reason for lying. Bakshi reply that her husband wanted a son, she did not want to disappoint him. Jodha tells her that if her husband makes undue demands then it was completely proper to comply she ought to have protested! Jalal forces bakshi to face him. Bakshi show Jalal her face which was full of injury marks due to sharifu’s violence. Jalal is horrified to see his sister injured so badly.

Jalal comes to sharifu and beats him up black and blue. Drags him to the harem .. Shouts out to all begums and and knees for giving punishment for torturing bakshi for giving birth to a daughter. He orders all begums to give punishment to sharifu for the excesses done to bakshi a shehezaadi of moghul sultanat who had innumerable injury marks on her face. He orders all begums and baandies and kaneez to take out their sandals and slap his face with it. He had beaten a woman so his punishment will be women will hit him back. Bakshi rushes in and shouts out that no one has the rights to give any punishment to her husband. He’s her husband, he hit her and she has forgiven him no third person has the rights to interfere she asks all other begums to leave. Sharifu is shocked and relieved while Jalal is very hurt and shocked . All other begums were very surprised and hurt too.

Jalal is furious with Bashi for tolerating such torture and forgiving him and shielding him. Jodha explains that she could understand bashi’s mind being a wife herself. A wife could never bear to see her husband being insulted no matter how he might troubled her. Jalal is very angry. He declares that like Adham, sharifu too needed to be removed, he was disgusted with the large No of disgusting people surrounding him. He rush out to murder Sharifu. Jodha is shocked.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm 

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  1. Pls show me Twist of fate and jodha and Akubar 0n the 3rd scene
