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Shaguni is praying to kali maata, dadi ask what did you find? shaguni says there is no way to be saved, maham’s curse will happen, jai kali plays.

Jodha says to ruks that I cant bear the pain now, do something, ruks ask soldiers to distribute and find some help, moti says to ruks that the time has come, we have to do the delivery, ruks says but one month is left, moti says by slipping off from palanquin, the water line has burst.

Birbal is taken to court, he looks at court with wide open mouth. jalal comes in court, Birbal says to jalal its strange you here, jalal ask why you said that you have problems because of me, Birbal says I wanted to reach you and it was the only way, you have destroyed the lives to us mans, jalal ask how? birbal says I used to live happily with my wife, you gifts your wife the expensive things, you give diamonds to your wives, once my wife saw your wife and she saw your wife’s diamonds and clothes, she liked it and started to crave for it, I used to be king in my house but after that I became servant in my house only, she used to love me but after that she used to call me useless, jalal and all laughs on his rants, birbal says that’s why I have said you have destroyed my life, todar takes out his sword and says to not say anything about our king, birbal says to jalal that I can serve and I can od that for you which you cant for yourself, jalal ask what? birbal says to serve you, jalal smiles, birbal says to jalal that I can make your wives happy now, jalal ask if you don’t? birbal says then I will bow my head to you and will give you slipper, birbal says I will tell you the wife whom you love most, he says the one you love most the wife who gets ready for in morning and waits for in night, who becomes shy seeing, jalal smiles, all ladies smile, birbal says now I know that you wont give me punishment, jalal ask why? birbal says the person who made your wives smile at same time, how can you punish him? jalal smiles and cuts his chains, he ask birbal, will he work in court? birbal ask what will I do here? jalal says you will have to just light the mood here, birbal agrees, sharif says one more hindu.

Hamida comes to Salima and says I am worried for jodha and ruks, they haven’t comeback, I am feeling like this storm has come to fulfill the curse of maham, I am feeling restless, salima gives her Quran pak to recite and say this will help us in difficult, they recite Quran together.

Ruks is taking jodha to another palanquin, she makes jodha lie in it, jodha is feeling labour pain and says I cant bear it now, I am in pain, ruks says don’t worry, I am here, I will do something, she puts cloth on palanquin, and goes in side it, ruks and moti are with jodha inside palanquin, ruks sees blood on her hands, she is shocked to see jodha in bath of blood and wincing in pain., jodha becomes unconscious, ruks shouts no.

On the otherside shaguni says to dadi that maham’s curse is going to be fulfilled.

Jalal is waiting for ruks and jodha, he says why are they taking so much time, Todar says no need to worry, they will come, Jalal says if they don’t come in sometime then I will go and search for them myself, ruks comes there, her clothes are stained with blood, jalal ask what happened ruks? ruks says jalal jodha and kids… jalal gets tensed.

Ruk enter the DEK and shocking Jalal and every one by stammering something about Jodha and his children. Then Ruk reveals about stormy rain, Palanquin falling and Jodha going into labor and they had to deliver Jodha in the wilderness and the babies were born one month premature, she take Jalal to the room where jodha is lying on the bed and the twins were in the arms of two baandies. Hameeda and Salima and all other begums are there. Ruk reveals it was the most difficult moment in her life with out any hakima. Moti bai too praises Ruk. Jalal thank and hug Ruk for her courage. Soon Jodha regains consciousness. Hameeda tells Jodha to rest as she had lots of blood loss. Jodha asks the babies to be given to Ruk as it was the mother’s right to hold her baby first. Jalal too get impatient to hold his babies. Hameeda is overjoyed, and so are Ruk and Jodha herself.

Birbal knocks at the door of his house and his talkative wife opens the door and demands her earrings. Birbal tells her how he had got employment in shehenshah’s darbar. Birbal then makes up a story wittily and forces his wife give up the new earrings. Birbal then realises that for peaceful married life one should always praise his wife.

At Amer Shaguni predict that jodha’s babies were born and she and her babies were saved. Dadi sa thanks shaguni bai and thank maa kali, both are very pleased but then after dadi sa leaves, shaguni predicts that jodha’s babies would not remain safe from maham manga’s curse.

Jodha and Jalal are spending happy moments with their twins. They can hardly contain their happiness and pride. Jalal is full of joy holding his twins in his arms.

Moti is distributing gifts to all bandies on the birth of the royal babies.

In DEK Maulvi sahab comes and blesses the babies. All darbaries and royal family raise their arms and bless the babies. Jalal then gifts his mother hameeda with thaali full of jewelry. Then He gifts all other begums. He releases all prisoners and gifts darbaries.

Another begum wishes to take the babies in her arms but Ruku denies any one from touching or coming close to the babies. She asks hoshiyar to tie tabeez properly as it was for the safety of the babies. Jalal smiles as ruku gets possessive about the babies. Ruku is all smiling as jalal declares that he would shield his sons from all calamities and harm coming their way. He asks jodha about her health. She informs that Hakima’s aushadhi was making her recover. Jodha seeks permission to go to Ambe maa’s mandir to thank the devi for the babies. Ruku declares she would take care of the babies in Jodha’s absence and not leave the job on any baandi. Jalal then tells her to go to Ambe maa’s temple with maan singh.
After prayer, as jodha’s palanquin passes the public, they shout praises for jodha and their shehezaadey. Jodha notices some commotion. The soldier informs about attempted suicide. one woman comes to jodha .. Howls and pleads for help to save the life of her daughter in law who was going to commit suicide. Jodha is very concerned.

Maan singh is saving person from fire, Jodha ask him to do fast, Maan saves the girl, jodha ask what were you doing? Why were you doing suicide and you were killing your child too, girl says we have to pay the tax to live in this country, either to pay the tax or to become muslim, you people just take the tax and don’t care for us, jodha says I acme for giving gifts, girl says wow first you take the tax then you donate something from it so that you will become great, my husband is in jail as he couldn’t pay tax, only we have hindus have to pay the tax, maan ask jodha to not involve in all this, jodha says no this is wrong, girl says stop this drama, you live in palace, you are celebrating your children’s arrival in grand and from where is money is coming from? tell your husband king jalal that we will do suicide, jodha says you will get justice, I will free your husband and I promise from today no girl will do suicide because of this tax, she blesses the girl and her child and thinks.

Birbal meets Tansen and says you make people fool by your singing, tansen says you used to be with me in chandardas palace and when I have come here ou came here too, birbal says its fate, jalal have appointed me here, tansen ask for what? birbal says to make weather happy here, tansen says you will not get any work here as jalal gets happy listening to my songs, birbal says no he laughs on my talks, tansen says no he laughs seeing your face, birbal makes fun of his singing and says you make weather gloomy by your singing and then I have to work.

Jodha talks to jalal and says that girl was doing suicide because she didn’t had tax money, ruks says its rule of Mughal government, jodha says we cant take tax from poor people, jalal you have to take decision, ruks says jalal you cant change the decision by just on sayong of one wife, birbal listens all this, jalal says please you both stop fighting, let me see the matter then I will decide, he goes from there, ruks gives miffed look to jodha.

jalal discusses things with todar, jalal ask what if remove zajziya( tax taken from hindus), todar says its true that if we remove zajziya then finance of government will go down, priest says that we earn from this a lot, we cant remove it, jalal says is there anyway to dodge this tax, priest says yes, if hindu accept islam, if he becomes muslim then he can be freed from tax, sharif says we give salary to soldiers from this tax only and if we remove this tax then our force will become weak and you know government can survive only when it has strong force so we cant remove this tax, jalal nods.
Todar comes out court and finds all hindu dasies and jodha standing outside, he comes to jodha and ask the matter, jodha says I came to give Jaziya tax, todar says what? jodha says we have decided that all hindu ladies of this palace will also give the tax, todar ask soldier to call jalal, ruks comes there and says to jodha that being king’s wife and living palace, you had immunity from this tax but if you want to pay this tax then ok it will be collected from you, jodha says yes, when all hindus are giving this tax then why immunity for me? I will als pay it. jalal comes there and ask the matter, ruks says jodh has come to give tax, jodha says yes, I came here for the person who didn’t had money to pay the tax and he was captured for that, I want you too free him.

Ruks, jalal and jodha discusses the tax matter, ruks says its true that I like jodha now and we have become friends but that does not mean that what jodha will say we will agree, jalal you don’t have to follow her every talk, she cant pressurize you, if she want then she can pay the tax, jodha says no I am not giving pressurizing anybody, I am just saying what is right, jalal says you can pay this tax, jodha ask why? when all hindus are giving tax then why not me? I will pay the tax, jalal says leave this stubbornness, I have decided that I wont remove this tax, jodha says ok then I will also pay the tax, I am a lost hindu, jalal says jodha… jodha says I have to follow the rules so that nation will aslo follow it, she extends her tax, ruks takes it. jodha and jalal look at each other.

Jodha and moti are in garden, birbal comes there and says what happened today was not good, jodha says yes but we cant do much, birbal says you have to take my help, Jodha ask for what? Birbal says if you don’t take my help then you wont be able to fill happiness in the palace, jodha ask how do you know that weather is gloomy, birbal says this is my work only.

Jalal is in court, Maan says Uday Pratap is giving shelter to enemy of ours, Jalal says this is like announcing war against us, send him letter to not do this. Birbal comes there and says many people have come to become muslim, Jalal says suddenly, tell them I will come in sometime, birbal request to come now. jalal goes with him.

Jalal comes outside and sees thousands of hindus waiting to become muslim, Jalal ask how come they suddenly decide to become muslim, Birbal says they are forced to become muslim, Jalal ask how? Its against Mughal rule, Birbal says exactly I don’t understand how two opposite rules are working in government as one side you say no one is forced to become muslim and other side you say that to be saved from tax they have to become muslim, they are forced to become muslim as they don’t have money to pay tax, you can make or break rules for your wife’s happiness but you have to think about people first as a king, jalal says this is wrong, this is against islam, as forced man can accept islam but islam wont accept him ever.

Jalal is near wight balance, he recall how Jodha said that she is a lost hindu, Jalal says no Jodha you can't lose, Birbal come there and ask whats this place is? Jalal says is justice weighing machine, whenever I am in dilemma I come here, Birbal says you are a king and you should be happy for your nation, Jalal says I have come here to check whether my justice is right, birbal says I know you do not differentiate between hindu and muslim then why difference in serving justice, jalal says its not so easy. birbal says to jalal that I have3 any idea through which you will break this rule and your wives will be happy too, jalal says how? birbal says just call all in court tomorrow and leave everything on me.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm 

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