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Jodha stops jala from killing sharif, she says bakhi has become mother now, she wont be able to bear death of her husband, she will be broken, jalal says that shaif is breaking her, I wont leave him, he throws jodha away from his way, jodha gets wound on her hand as jalal pushed, jalal is wshocked and leaves his sword, jalal says I am sorry, how can I forget that you are going to be mother, jodha should be away from me, jodha puts hand on jalal’s hand and says that in stopping your husband from doing, if you even get a little wound then its nt a big deal and I will be always with you, I am your wife, its my duty to stop you from doing wrong, I will support you till my last breath, I will not let you do anything wrong, jalal says I wish bakshi has same thinking.

Sharif comes to bakshi and angrily looks at her, bakshi says its all my fault, I gave birth to a baby girl so kill me, sharif comes to his child and takes hi baby girl, bakshi says don’t touch her, please leave her, kill me, sharif goes out of room with child, bakshi is going behind him pleading that leave my child, please give her to me, don’t do anything to her, todar and maan sees this and thinks that sharif is going to hurt baby.

Jalal is with jodha, he says how can husband wife be too poisonous with each other, jodha says its about different thinking of two people whi stay with each other, bakshi gave birth to a girl and its not her fault, sharif wanted a boy and it was his wish, they had difference in opinion, jalal says even then that girl is sharif’s daughter only, jodha says yes but he was angry but he will understand. sharif comes to their room with baby girl, he sits in jalals feet and says am sorry, how can deny my baby girl, she is a human, a blessing to me and I didn’t accept her, please forgive me shehehnshah, jalal says you cant be forgiven, jalal takes baby girl from sharif and says you don’t deserve to take her in your lap, he gives baby to jodha. sharif turns to bakshi who is in room only, he sits on his knees, he says I am sorry bakshi, I was disrespectful, you gave me a beautiful baby girl and I slapped you, I don’t deserve you at all but please for me if you can, bakshi melts and says don’t say this, you are my husband, you should not ask forgiveness from me, she takes her child from jodha, sharif sits on ground and gives sword to jalal to kill him, jalal takes the sword and is about to kill him but he imagines bakshi in white clothes being widow, he stops killing sharif and says I am pardoning your life, don’t think that I am forgiving you thinking you are minister, I didn’t kill you just for bakshi, I don’t want her to become widow again, don’t ever hurt her again, sharif says I wont do anything wrong now, I will take care of her and my child, thanks for not killing me, he makes puppy face and looks at jodha.
Jodha says to salima that when sharif had his baby girl in hands, I was worried that he can hurt her but I am thankful that everything is fine, hamida says credit goes to jalal for solving matter peacefully, jalal says sorry to say but credit should be given to jodha, I am thankful to her that she thought from mind and made me see the right way, She truly deserved the title of Marium zamani. Jodha smiles while Ruku is jealous, ruks says its good that matter is solved, I am tired, I will leave now, she leaves. hamida says to jodha that sometime I think to keep praising you all day, hamida gifts her bracelet and finds wound on her hand, she ask about it, jodha jokes that not only sharif tortures his wife, there is someone else too, hamida suspiciously looks at jalal, jalal says don’t look at me, you think that I can touch rajvanshi warrior(jodha), hamida agrees.

one lady comes to ruks and says finally jalal called jodha marium zamani infront of all, ruks says it was jalal’s dream to a become father, so what if Jodha is giving him that happiness, lady leaves. ruks looks at empty baby cot, she says to hoshiyar you remember jodha said that empty cot should not swing as its bad omen for child, she swings empty cot and smirks, she says when jodha will become mother, I will become big mother(bari ammi) too, she giggles.

Jalal is sitting sadly in garden, jodha comes to him and sits beside him, she says you seem very tired, jalal says yes, day was tiring today, sometime I think that it was better whwn I had no heart, it was easy to take decisions without thinking about anyone, I used to not think about anything but now I before decision I consider my nation, my relatives, my family, its becomes difficult for me take decision, If I was earlier jalal, I could have killed sharif in seconds, I should not be so emotional to be king, jodha says I don’t think so, you rule humans and by ruling them from heart makes relation with them, think anybody can kill sharif but what you did was great, you forgave him and solved the matter so all praised you, jalal holds her hand and says you solve all my problems, jodha says and you always find reasons to touch me, they laugh, jalal comes close to her, jodha says not now, this is the time to tell stories to our children, like abhimanyu was told, jalal ask what? jodha tells him that abhimanyu was son of great Arjun and nephew od Krishna ji, he had knowledge of secrets so I have started giving knowledge about mahabharat and ramayan to my child, jalal says wow, jalal touches her tummy and talks with his children, he says you mother is great wife and soon she will become great marium zamani and great mother, ruks listens all this and fumes/smiles.

Hoshiyar is getting ready, hoshiyar what has happened to you, you used to hate to get ready and now you are infront of mirror, he ask is shehehnshah coming to her room, ruks says no, I am going to her, tonight is going to be best night, I will ask him something which will make my every night beautiful, moti comes and ask did you call me? ruks says yes, I want to listen the lullaby which jodha sings for Rahim, moti sings lullaby, ruks likes it and finds peace in it, after song ends, ruks says you sing very well moti bai and gives her gift, moti says its not needed, you ordered me and it was my duty to follow it, ruks says take it thinking that its happiness for jodha’s babies, moti takes and leaves, ruks sings the song again and smirks evilly.

Jalal is lying on the bed and thinks this much lust, this much greed, how people use their child to get wealth like sharif, ruks comes there, jalal ask you here? ruks says we didn’t talk for sometime now so I came here, she sits beside him, she says its a very pure feeling that jodha is becoming mother, she must be very complete, jalal says you are right. Ruk get sad and says I am not liable for all this, I cant take my baby in my lap, I cant sing lullaby for my baby, I cant raise my baby, she cry, jalal hugs her and says I understand your pain but we cant do much infront of fate, ruks says we cant change fate but we can compromise on things, I am just saying that jodha gives one of the two babies to me, she takes the first baby and becomes marium zamani but can give me second baby, I will raise him, I will love him/her like my own child, jalal gets tensed and says I cant say anything, how can I ask any mother to give her child to another women, it's cruelty with her, ruks says heir will be the first kid only, I am asking for second child, it will just make me content that I have someone in life ahead, I will take care of that child like my own, I will give him/her everything, jalal says you can ask me anything even my life but not this, I cant do this, ruks is distraught.

Bakshi is playing with her baby, Sharif comes and says this is bad, you are playing with her alone, he takes baby in his hands and says I am very sorry for what I did but now I will fulfill the promise which I gave to jalal, I will take care of you and baby, bakshi gets happy, she says you and baby look good together, sharif says today my father is coming and will name my princess, my princess baby will get many gifts, bakshi says I have to take bath so let me make baby sleep, sharif says don’t worry, you go and take bath, I will play with her, I will take care of her, he smiles innocently, bakshi believes him and leaves. sharif finds jodha in the garden and goes there with his baby. He makes baby cry and then starts talking sweetly with her, he says my baby, my princess don’t cry, let go to garden, jodha and moti sees this, moti says see his anger is gone and now he is loving his baby, jodha says yes, no one can hate his baby, he was angry but now he has accepted her. moti says this means he is sorry for what he did, jodha says after becoming parent, human try to change, child is crying, sharif smiles and talks to her, jodha comes and says she is cry much, sharif says I am trying t handle but I think she doesn’t like me, sharif has his baby girl in hands, jodha says to him I am sure you will be great father, she says in early age, kids like to be close to mother, give her to me, sharif gives baby to jodha and touches her hands and rubs them lustly, jodha feels awkward. sharif says my wish is that my daughter becomes like you, like you are beautiful, like everyone stops seeing your beauty, jodha says no, I think baby should go on her mother like bakshi is very soft person, sharif says my child is lucky to get your lap,jodha looks at him and goes jodha says tell bakshi that baby s in my room and leaves with baby. sharif smirks and looks at his hand.
Jodha puts baby in cot and sings for her, jalal comes there and thinks that jodha has a very big heart, she gives so much love to other’s child, 1st it was Rahim and now it is bakshi’s child, how much she will love her children, I cant take her love for her children from her, ruks was pleading but I cant fulfill her wish, jodha sees him and ask you here, she says baby was crying so I brought her here, jalal ask about cot? jodha says I brought is from amer, its very good, jalal says we are going to get twins then why one cot only? jodha says actually I had seen cot in ruks and understood that she brought it for our child as she also going to be bari ammi, I know she is sad for losing her child so why not share my happiness with her, jalal thinks that without my saying, she understood the problem, jodha says ruks is going through bad phase so I thought to give my happiness to her, it doesn’t make my happiness less, jodha ask what is he thinking? jalal says to jodha that you are truly very different women from others, you are great, he comes closer and place a kiss on her forehead, jodha smiles shyly.

Ruks thinks how she pleaded to jalal for baby and how he said no to her, ruks says when it was about jodha, you forgot everything and fulfilled her promise, she recalls how jalal said that he will fulfill one wish of three wives and how jodha asked him to pardon khaibar, she says you did a lot for jodha but not for me, I am your 1st wife, my right is 1st, why did not fufill my wish? she says but now I know what to do, she takes out one document from box, ruks says mistake is mine jalal, I asked but not in proper manner, she gives evil smile.

Moti comes to jodha and ask her to come to court as its bakshi’s daughter naming ceremony, resham comes there, she cries and says I am fine jodha begum but I don’t understand how to tell you.. I can just talk with you, I want to tell you something about maham, jodha says don’t talk about her, resham says she has high fever for many days, I think that its her last days, jodha says I cant do anything, resham pleads to do something, jodha says I have to go now but I will ponder upon your words.
jalal comes in court, all wives are coming in,sharif’s father and priest comes to jalal and says I am disappointed with what sharif did, jalal says I have forgiven and I expect that he will fulfill his promise of keep my sister and her daughter happy, the ceremony starts, sacred verses are read, priest ties sacred thread on baby’s hand, sharif says I have thought about one name, he suggests name Mehtab, he says it means moon light, my daughter has brought light in my life, jalal says wow, you have become poet, its very nice name, hamida says not wives will gift baby girl gifts, all gifts her, hamida says to salima that ruks is not to be seen in ceremony, salima says I don’t know where is she, baby is given to jalal, he is excited and happy, he says I wanna tell you that I don’t differentiate between girl and a boy so I am giving three states to this baby girl, sharif cant believe this, jalal says to todar that make it a legal rule that there will be no difference between daughter and a son, todar says ok, jalal leaves, jodha smiles. sharif’s father priest says to sharif that start is good but we have to plan many things.

Jalal is with jodha, jalal ask why is she much happy? jodha says I am happy that you are taking revolutionary steps, you are changing stale rules, jalal says credit goes to you, you give me ideas to do something better everytime, dasi comes there and says ruks has come in court and she has complaint which she wanna discuss there, jalal and jodha are shocked and goes there.

Inside court, hamida says to jiji anga that jalal can get angry of what ruks is going to do, why did she come in court even if she had any problem. jalal comes in court, ruks comes infront of him and says I have one complaint and I want to discuss it here, she ask hamida that do you agree that jalal fulfill every promise? hamida says yes, ruks says then you must remember that jalal gave me promise that he will fulfill one wish of mine in life, hamida says yes, if you have any wish then discuss it in person, jalal thinks that if ruks is going to ask same thing then she is going to do wrong, jalal says to ruks that I cant fulfill your that wish, try to understand, ruks says to hamida that have you listened what jalal is saying, he is saying that he wont fulfill his promise, hamida ask whats your wish? hamida ask ruks what jalal hasn’t given her? ruks says I have asked jalal the right to become mother, I have asked jalal the right to have my child, I have asked jalal the happiness of having child, jalal sadly looks down, all gets up from there seats n shock while jalal is hurt. ruks says tell me shehenshah that will you fulfill your promise or will you bring shame to shahi family, jalal says I already told you that this wish is null and void and cant be fulfilled. Ruks says that Mughal saltanat’s king is deviating from his promise, you fulfilled jodha’s wish, jalal says there is a lot difference between your wish and jodha’s wish, she wanted me to not kill anyone in pious month or ramadan and you are asking to snatch a child from a mother and give it to you, ruks says but you are a king and you can do anything, jalal says but that doesn’t mean I will become cruel, child is everything for a mother, jodha is tensed, ruks says jodha is going to have twins so she can give one child to me, Jalal says this is not things or jewelry that I will divide in two, why don’t you understand that I can't separate kids from her mother, kids are blessing to every parents, if you want anything else then ask me, I will give you states, wealth, jewelry, everything even I can give you this throne of mine, ruks says I don’t need it, what will I do with this throne when I don’t have a child who will stay with me in life, who will spend time in my old life, Jalal says I am sorry, I can fulfill your wish, you can give me punishment, ruks says how can I give you any punishment and you are a king but cant fulfill your own promise, this fact is the biggest punishment for you. Jalal is hurt.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm 

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