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Jalal is discussing about jazia in DEK. Ruk urges that he should not abolish jazia. Jodha then offers to pay Jazia for her two babies. Ruk exclaims that one of the babies were hers and so no jazia was needed. Jala then explains that since a Hindu mother had given birth so the kids were hindu and so they ought to pay jazia. Ruk then urges jalal to convert them to Islam. But jala says that just to avoid jazia no one would be converted. Ruk then suggests jalal to change the rule. Jalal is happy that Ruk understand him.

Birbal then explains how abolition of jazia would help them but the maulvies worry how could he equate hindu religion with islam they were different. Other minister explains that their coffers would be empty if jazia was abolished. Jalal then declares That all religions were equal and no tax would be levied for their religion.

Later Jodha and Jalal are sitting very close arms around each other. Jodha is very happy that he abolished jazia. Jalal praises Jo for her efforts. Jodha the gives credits to Mahesh das .. Birbal She praises birbal jalal gets irritated with her for praising Birbal.

Jodha and jalal are very happy they share their happiness on being parents of two lovely children they were happiest on this earth. The kids start crying both Jo and Jalal hold one child in their arms and pacify the kids. Jodha calms the baby easily but Jalal is not able to pacify the baby. Jodha then takes the other baby from Jalal and calm that baby too.

At Birbal’s hojra in the palace his wife is very happy with shehenshah for that beautiful living space and birbal praises his biwi. Birbal discusses shehenshah’s difficult problems that he had solved. Pati Patni spend some close moments.

Ruku comes to hameeda’s hojra . After hameeda finished namaaz ruku asks her to give her one of the babies accept. Hameeda tells her that the babies were very small and they needed their mother. Ruku pleads that the baby would get used to jodha and later would not accept any other as their mother. Ruku assures hameeda that she would employ a good dai maa for the baby just as Hameeda had done for Jalal. Hameeda says that it was her compulsion she had no choice. But ruku is adamant that it was routine practice to employ dai maas in royal families. Jalal over hears this conversation and goes to jodha’s hojra and finds her spending happy close moments with her babies. Jalal reminds jodha that only one of those babies were hers. Jodha gets upset and weeps. Jalal then reminds her that he had warned her.

Ruku comes to jodha’s hojra. Jodha then offers Ruku one of the twins .. hussain. Jodha picks up hussain from the cradle she is distraught as she thinks of giving him to Ruku. She carries him in her arms and caresses him tearfully. Ruku gets impatient to hold the baby. Jodha gets emotional as she hands over the baby Hussain to Ruku. After ruku gets the baby she thinks that she had takes that baby who loved jodha the. Ost just like jodha had takes from ruku her Jalal. Ruku leaves the room stating hussains room was ready
Jodha is heart broken and weeps. Jalal hugs her and pacifies her. He lovingly tells her that she had done something no other mother could do.

Hussain is crying, Ruks is making him sleep, he cries more, ruks says I thought that you were calm in both the twins but you are crying, she ask hoshiyar to do something, come wives comes and says it is said that if child is crying then it is the problem who has lifted him, we think that he has known that his mother not you but jodha, you should take him to his actual mother, ruks scolds them and sends them out. Doctor comes to check the children, jodha says to all that whatever happened in last few days, after that I think that I will completely handle upbringing of my child, I don’t need any nanny for my child, jalal ask will you be able to do it? jodha says I am hassan’s mother, I will bring them up, Hussain is crying in ruks lap there too, jodha comes to her and takes Hussain from her, Husain stops crying immediately, jodha says I know this child is yours but ruks if you want then I can become Hussain’s nanny, ruks takes Hussain from jodha and says I know you gave me this child but I don’t that you come near him in anyway, I don’t want him to get attached to you then you become his mother, I wont let that happen, I will make sure that you remain away from this child, you cant become his nanny also, she ask phuphi that find a good nanny for Hussain, phuphi agrees, ruks leaves, jodha is hurt and has tears in her eyes.

In sharif’s room, shairf is discussing matters with his father and other ministers, he says jalal has gone mad, he decreased our salary, we wont work like this, Sharif’s father says that jalal has filled his court with hindus, we cant do much, suddenly Mehtab starts crying, sharif’s father ask him to stop her otherwise anyone will come listening to her and will listen their conversation, shairf comes to mehtab and scolds her, he curtly ask mehtab to not cry, mehtab cries more seeing his face, bakshi comes and says be polite, she is your daughter, sharif ask where were you? bakshi says I thought to do the work as mehtab was sleeping, sharif says it is your responsibility to see her, if she cries again then I wont leave, bakshi says she is your daughter too, sharif gets angry and is about to slap bakshi but stops, he says just handle your daughter.

Jodha is dressing Hassan, she says to moti that I don’t know whether ruks has given syrup to Hussain or not, she calls hoshiyar in room, gives him syrup and ask him to give it to ruks and tell her that jodha has sent it to give it to ruks, hoshiyar agrees and goes from there with syrup, jalal comes there and sit beside jodha, jalal says don’t worry, ruks will take care of hussain, jodha says I know she will be good mother but I don’t know I cant feel content, i feel tension for Hussain, Dasi comes in and says to jalal that Mirza Hakim and his wife Zeenat has come to meet him from Kabu, jalal says that’s good news, call them in hall with respect, i am coming.

Maan singh receives Mirza Qasim and wife. They go in court, Jalal meets Qasim and is happy, zeenat meets hamida and all wives, Qasim says to jalal that your children are very nice, jalal says they have come in world with much difficulty, Mirza says for parents children are always precious, i have one child and zeenat take care of him very well, I am lucky to have wife like her, Qasim says we have brought gifts for jalal’s children, Zeenat comes to jodha and gifts Hassan somethings, jodha says thanks in Urdu, Zeenat says its good that Rajvanshies are learning Mughal culture, jodha says afterall i am Mughal wife, Phuphi says jodha takes care of her child very well but ruks is worried as she didn’t find a good nanny for her child, after maham’s fiasco we are very particular in choosing nanny for the child, ruks looks at Zeenat and thinks something.

Jalal, phuphi and ruks talk, ruks says i am sure zeenat will become nanny for my child, jalal ask are you sure? ruks says yes, didn’t you listen Qasim said that she is very good at handling kids and ask we know her, Jalal ask her to rethink her decision and first see Zeenat, ruks says i have seen her, she is a good person, jalal ask what she doesn’t agree to become nanny, ruks says i am shahi wife and this kid is heir of throne, i will make her agree for it, is it fine now? jalal says okay as you wish.

Hussain is crying, ruks takes him in hnads, Zeenat ask her to give child to her, if we have love between us then its good, i will make him sleep, she goes from there with hussain, zeenat comes to window side and says tell me if you are beautiful or moon? but you know what, moon have eclipse too, she makes evil face and is about to throw the child from window, ruks comes and ask what are you doing? Zeenat says i was making her sleep, see he slept, ruks says thanks and takes hussain from her, she ask zeenat to go and sleep, Zeenat thinks that i will sleep after completing my mission.
Zeenat meets Qasim, Qasim says jalal thinks that we have come here to congratulate him for his children but we are here to destroy him.
phuphi comes to jodha, jodha says i am worried for my children, phuphi says you should know past things, Kamran half was brother of Humayun, Humayun loved him a lot but Kamran always thought that Humayun is his step brother, he had grudges against him, the matter went so ahead that Kamran made a plan to kill humayun be was unsuccessful in it so after that Humayun had to make him blind to make him away from government, Qasim is son of Kamran, he is a nice person unlike his father we should be careful, jodha says i will protect my children from any problem.

In court, jalal comes, people chant his name. jalal sit on his throne, todar says people have come to congratulate you for your children, some hindu people gives gifts to jalal for his children, they say that you have done a lot for us hindus, we thought that we will have to change our religion but you removed jazya tax and relieved us, jalal says you don’t have to thank me, it is my duty to see that no one suppressed, it is my duty to ensure that everyone has freedom to choose and follow their relation so from today I announce that no one will force other person for anything, all chant for jalal, jodha smiles.

At night, jodha is talking with Hassan, jalal comes and says strange the time Hassan has come in your life, you have forgot me, you used to find reasons to meet me but now you spend your time with your Son, jodha says he is your son afterall, jalal says give me, I will make him sleep, jalal takes Hassan in hands and says that I feel like he will be great king, jodha says that yes he has actions like his father only, Hassan does pee on jalal’s clothes jodha laughs and says I said that Hassan is like you so you might used to pee like this in childhood, jodha ask jalal to give Hassan to her, jalal says no what you think if he wet me then I would separate my kid from me, tell me how to clean him, jodha sits on bed and cleans Hassan’s clothes, jodha put Hassan on her shoulder and make him burp then make him sleep by placing him towards right hand, jalal ask what you did? jodha says I learned from my sister in law to do this when kid drank milk, jalal says you have learned a lot.

Ruks is making Hussain drink the milk, she sis confused as to how much milk should be given to him, jalal comes to her and ask about hussain, Ruks says he makes me run a lot, jalal says you don’t know how to handle kids, ruks ask do you know? jalal says yes, he takes Hussain from her ans started teaching her things which jodha told him yesterday night only, jalal says always carry child with two hands, if you have fed him with milk then put him to your shoulder and make him burp so that he comes at ease, ruks is all impressed, jalal says then make him sleep towards right hand, jalal ask should I tell you how to change his clothes too? ruks says no, I will learn from nanny but how do you know all this? jalal says I have seen all this in dream? ruks says strange I don’t see any dream like this, jalal says think about kids then sleep then you will see dream, ruks says its impressive you know everything, jalal says atlast you accepted that I am more clever than you, ruks laughs.

Jalal calls everyone in court, jalal says I didn’t call you to discuss any matter but today I felt very happy when people came to me and congratulated me, I am a father now and I want to celebrate my happiness with you all, I have decided that tomorrow is sacred day for hindus, we will have celebration on that day only, all smiles. Jodha says that on this sacred day Krishana made Ravan lose so its a very good day, jalal says we will take our kids to people, hamida says children are very small, you shouldn’t take them to common people, jalal says but this celebration is for children only so they should be there, birbal says that I think that children should come in celebration it is must, ruks ask what are you saying, birbal says I know what I am saying, ruks fumes.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm 

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