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Voice over says Jalal without will went to Chisti, he wanted to know why he is not getting peace after winning big wars, Jalal comes to meet Priest Chisti, Chisti welcomes him he says I am king jalal, now this world doesn’t need to bow infront of God, now they will bow infront of me, Chisti stands up and puts hand on Jalal’s heart, Chisti says I understand your pain, you have lost Maham and your children, I know your pain and this will go with time, Jalal says the whole world will have to bear this pain, Chisti says if a common man think like that then its fine but you are king, you cant think like that, you are in pain, Jalal says I am happy, Chisti says by giving pain to others, you can't be happy, look at your face, its not showing happiness, you won't get peace like this, you will get peace when you help people come out of their pains, I thought after your children death, you won't let anyone go away from their love ones but you took wrong meaning of their death, king is the one who think of the pain of people, you are a big king but younger in age, come back Jalal to right path, don’t become devil, you saw that you won't get peace by killing people, you will get peace only when you serve people, prayers makes you Akbar, not become Jalal again. Jalal think.

In the night, Jodha is sitting in her room, Jalal comes there, Jodha is shocked, music plays, Jalal bows his head, Jodha is tensed, Jodha says I was not feeling comfortable so Chisti called me here but what are you doing here? Jalal says I am here to find peace too, I won the biggest war, I killed thousand of people but I didn’t get peace, I couldn’t get happiness, I thought this will finish my lonliness, Jodha ask what did Chisti say? Jalal says don’t know what he has said after doing that I will get peace, whether my pain will change to happiness, he sits on floor and says you tried to make me understand but I didn’t listen to you, in my anger, I gave pain to everyone, what did I get? nothing, its just more lonliness, more pain, I have done a huge mistake, I have done a sin, jodha sits beside him and says I am sorry for the pain I have given you, jalal in tears looks at jodha, she looks at him.

Jodha hugs jalal, they both cries, jodha wipes jalal’s tears.

Soul talk- jalal says that day we united, those tears of death of Hassan and hussain came out that day, I had to repent for my mistakes which I did in anger, I killed thousands of people in my anger and i was guilt.

Chisti says to God jalal has lost his path, he is going on the wrong, please show him the right path.

Jalal looks at jodha, he touch her face and comes closer to her, jodha closes her eyes, in ankhoon main sad version plays. In the morning, jodha is giving water to jalal to wash his hands, Chisti comes there and says what you both have lost cant be brought again, i think that you both should stay here and please people, serve them, help them, you will feel peace but you cant live like royals here, be a common person and serve common people, serving people can only was guilt, he says to jalal that how much lives you have taken, you have to serve that much people now, you have to repent for your mistake, jalal says as you baba, Chisti blesses them.
Soul talk, jalal says it was easy for a king to take lives of many people but being common and serve common people was difficult but i had to do it and marium uz zamani was there with me on every step. Jalal is watering plants, jodha is helping him by giving him water.

Voice over says that time passed away, now bakshi’s daughter is grown up like 7 years old, she cant hear but bakshi was happy with and she was strong mother, otherside javeda has come out of maham and adham’s death issue, she is now playing with her son. ruks with time has also come out of her pain for losing hussain, she has taken responsibility of harem back but she is not soft anymore, she has become harsh. Ruks calls one dasi and slaps her hard for using wrong color of curtain in her room.
Voice over says jalal served people and lived with chisti, jodha was with him. Jalal is shown making mud pots in night, jodha is helping him.

In the morning jalal says to maan and todar that there was a lot of disaster in war, give rajvanshies work those who were affected by war, help them in every way.
Jalal is walking on streets, he finds a child cry and goes to him, he brings child to his mother. later jodha and jalal gives gifts to poor like clothes etc.

Soldiers comes to one lady who was affected in war, soldier says jalal has sent some gold coins for you and for this area, please accept it, lady says that will these coins fill the air what your king has created, she doesn’t accept the gold, soldier goes from there.

jalal and jodha are in tent, jodha feels like puking, she vomits, jalal ask are you fine. later doctor comes and checks jodha, jalal says she works a lot whole day, maybe that’s why she felt like that, doctor says she has to take rest now, doctor tells jalal that congratulations you are going to be father, jalal gets happy and smiles, he hugs jodha.

Later jalal is making jodha eat the food, chisti comes there and smiles seeing them, chisti ask are you both fine? jalal says yes but jodha has become stubborn, she doesn’t take rest and work in this state, jodha says jalal doesn’t let me work, he is like that he will work all the time while i take the rest, tell me how can wife take rest when her husband is working, chisti says you both are right but i have one solution for you, he brings one girl there, he says this is shamshad begum, she will take care of jodha, he says now you both must happy, jalal and jodha nods, Shsmashad sits beside jodha and greets her.

Hamida says to salima that ages have passed and we didn’t see Jalal and Jodha, todar comes there and says there is good news, ruks ask what? Is Jalal coming back? Todar says not now but soon, Todar tells ruks that jodha is pregnant and she is going to give heir to Mughals, Ruks is shocked while all ladies are happy., hamida thanks God, Salima says i feel like flying and going to jodha, hamida ask Todar to prepare for their jourNey to jodha, ruks says i will not go, she then says I mean who will see work here, you all go and bring HER, I will prepare for their welcome.

Chisti says to jalal that you cant be here when child is born, star says that it will not be good for child and jodha if you stay close to them, you cant see the child for one month after he is born, chisti says thiws is God’s decision, i know your crave for you child but you have to be away from them for one month, jalal says i want to be with jodha and my child but for me, safety of my wife and my child is most important, i will go away.

Jalal comes to jodha and says i have to go, jodha ask where are you going? jalal says its time to walk on last stair of serving, one lady has not taken help i offered her and i know she and her child is in problem so i have to go and serve them, i have to make their life better, i have to go now, jodha tells jalal that your serving will pay, your selfless work for people will pay off now, you go and when you will comeback, our proof of love(child) will come in world. jalal ask her to take care of herself and his child. he goes from there.

Jodha and Jalal greets Chisti, he blesses them. Voice over says that on Chisti’s insistence jalal went in search of peace, he used to meet people in pain and tries to console them, sometimes he used to go to dargahs and pray, and then he completed his journey of getting peace.

Salima, hamida comes to Chisti’s house, chisti ask shamshad to take them to jodha, she takes them to jdha who is sleeping, she makes jodha wake up, jodha sees hamida and Salima and gets happy, hamida caresses her face.

The lady who jalal left alive in war along with her child, the one who denied jalal’s gold is in her house, jalal comes there, she is shocked to see him, she ask what are you doing here? Jalal says I want forgiveness from you, I am repenting for my mistakes, please forgive me, the lady says I don’t need your help, after killing so many people, you came to ask for forgiveness, she closes door on jalal’s face, jalal thinks how will I get forgiveness from her?

Jodha is in pain, doctor checks her and says its labour pain. Jodha screams in pain.

In the night, jalal is waiting outside the lady’s house, he finds her child coming infront of cart, jalal saves her child from getting crushed by the cart, lady sees this. 

On the otherside jodha becomes unconscious. 

The lady come to jalal and takes her child from jalal, she ask you didn’t go from here? Jalal says till you forgive me, I wont go from here, you know I am going to be a father, if you don’t forgive me then I wont be able to see his face, lady says I don’t want anyone to through pain so I am forgiving you but you were right, there is no God in this world, jalal is sad.

Doctor congratulates hamida and says a prince is born. Hamida gives baby to jodha, jodha kisses his forehead. All are happy. Chisti thank God.

In the morning, jalal is serving people, he gives food to them, soldier comes there and informs that you have become father, congratulation, jalal cant believe this and gets happy, he says I have become father, he says to people that please pray for my child, all prays.

Voice over says that after listening to this news jalal went from chitter to Ajmer sharif by walk, it was a big thing fro a king but not for a father who lost his two sons, he had a feeling that his repent was finished, that God has listened to jalal’s prayers. Jalal comes to Khawaja gharib Nawaz dargah in ajmer and prays.

Jalal come back to chisti and greets him, chisti says I was waiting for you only, jalal kisses on chisti’s hand, chisti blesses him and ask will you not meet your child? jalal looks on, chisti says come with me, he takes jalal to jodha’s room and ask him to go in, jalal ask how will be future of my child? chisti says beautiful but be careful regarding his heart.
Jalal comes in jodha’s room and finds her sleeping with child, jalal ask salim is jodha fine? He says yes, jodha wakes up and gets glad seeing jalal, jalal ask her to keep resting, hamida says when god closes one door, he opens another door, jalal takes son in his hands and kisses on his forehead, he is beyond happy, jalal takes him to chisti. Jalal says to chisti that I am very concerned about my son after what happened before, chiti says nothing will happen to him as he has come in this world after your repent, jalal ask about his future, Chisti says his future is very bright, people will remember him for year but remember be careful with his heart, jalal ask why, will he have heart illness, chisti says no but his heart will play important in his life, his heart will make him strong and weak too, he will think from heart only as he is proof of love, jalal says I am very sorry for whatever I have done, this child has come after I followed right path which you insisted me so his name will be Salim, he will live for love only, he will follow the path of love which you have taught me, Salim chisti blesses jalal and his son.

Jodha and jalal come back to Amer, all people chant their name, they call jodha Marium zamani, ruks sees Salim in jodha hands and gets jealous. 

Ruks comes to her room, she throws things here and there in anger, she shouts and says nobody can become marium zamani other than me, I want that child, I will become marium zamani, I will get what is mine, because of jodha, I lost my hussain otherwise I would be Marium Mamani today, I want Salim, she shouts that i want Salim, I will take Salim from jodha, Jalal is shocked to what Ruk is saying, he comes inside her room and says are you in your senses, I came to meet you and here you are doing drama? Ruks says what did I wrong, jodha has given birth to Salim but I have right on him, jalal says you have no right on him, ruks says you remember that statement that second child of jodha will be mine and because of jodha I lost husssain so now I want Salim, jalal shouts enough, he says remember you didn’t follow my order and made Zeenat nanny of your child, you are the reason that I have lost my children, about salim, he is my child, he is jodha and my child and we will not give him to anyone, ruks breakdown, jalal says to ruk control yourself, don’t give yourself pain, I know jodha has become marium zamani but don’t forget you are my friend and will be my friend always, I want you to be in welcome of Mughal prince, he leave, ruk fume.
Jodha comes in her room with Salim, she finds curtain in mandir and recalls how she lost the faith on kahna, she removes the curtain and put salim infront of kahna, she says I learned from you that we should have patience and to not says anything to God but I forgot this, I blamed you for my children’s death, I was blind, I lost you but you were always with me, she says I am giving Salim to you, I will not ask you protect Salim as I know you will protect him, I see Kahna in you, I am sorry for what I did, jalal comes there and says you don’t have to ask FOR forgiveness from kahna, he was always with you and will be with you, jalal and jodha prays to Kahna ji.

Ruks ask one priest to pray last prayer for someone, priest says I am sorry I cant do that for a person who is alive, ruks says It will not be good for you, priest gets afraid and reads last prayers (death prayers), ruks says this Is my last tears because from today I will not cry on my fate, now the old ruks is gone, she is dead, ruks puts dust on her face, she recalls jalal’s harsh words. ruks fumes with anger.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm 

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