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Salim comes to ruks, ruks ask what are you doing here? Salim says I am thirsty, ruks make him drink water, Salima finds paan and ask what is this? ruks says this is Paan, you wanna eat? Salim says no how can i eat this, ruks says why not, you are heir to throne, you can do anything, eat it, ruks says that i have mixed opium (narcotic drug) in it, i will see how will it affect Salim, now when Salim will want opium, he will come to me and i will make him addicted, Salim says yes i can do anything, he takes paan to eat but he finds some noise, he sees from balcony Anarkali coming in palace,. he says what this bad girl is doing here? he says to ruks that nadira has come in our palace, i will go and see her, he leaves the Paan there, Ruks gets and angry and says who is this nadira that interrupted my work.

Salim comes in garden, Nadira finds him setting his crown, she laughs on him, Salim ask why are you laughing, anarkali says your crown is bigger than you, how you are handling it, Salim says what are you doing in palace, anarkali says i have come to roam around, Salim says security is my duty, you cant go in, she says Jalal has invited us here, Salim says Jalal is my father, Anarkali says i will tell him that you are not following his order, Salim get afraid and says i dont wanna talk to you, you leave from here, i have to handle many things, Anarkali jokes that handle your crown only.

Jashn starts, Tansen raam tanu starts his song with his band, one band member starts the song, his voice chokes and he coughs inbetween, Anarkali completes the tune and sings hiding behind curtain, Jalal likes it and calls her infront, jalal ask her name, she says i am Nadira, my father is Rashid, Jalal says I know you, in fact I announced your name, Jalal says I like your voice, please sing for us, Nadira sings beautifully, Rahim says wow such voice in such tender age amazing, Salim says why all are p[raising her, after song Jalal says great, raam tanu you should be jealous of her voice, he ask what gift you want? anarkali says I wanna see full palace, Jalal says you can do that, anarkali says I tried but someone stopped me, Jalal ask who? anarkali says he was ill-mannered guy, Jalal ask his name? Salim points anarkali to not take his name, anarkali says I dont know.

Jalal says to Anarkali that you can visit whole palace, Anarkali says one ill-mannered guy stopped me from seeing palace, i dont know who was he but when i said your name then he ran away with fear, Jalal looks at Salim and ask him to come close, Jalal says this girl want to see palace, i want you, Murad and Daniyal to accompany her and if that ill-mannered guy come then bring him to me, Salim looks at anarkali.

Anarkali is with Murad, Salim and Murad. they gossip about her, Salima says we have to throw her out, Murad says should i push her on ground then she will not comeback in palace, Salim says no, I will handle her in some other way, Anarkali ask wont you show me palace or should i go to Jalal, Murad says no Salim will show the palace, they take round of palace, after sometime Anarkali says i am tired, I will come tomorrow to see remaining parts of palace, she leaves, Salim says she will comeback tomorrow too, she was making me afraid with Jalal’s name, now wait and watch what i do with her.

Salim is drinking milk and says what that girl thinks of herself, i have to teach her lesson, Ruks is there too, ruks says yes you have to teach her lesson as you are heir to throne, but she is clever so to fight with her you have to finish this milk, Salim drinks the whole glass in one breath, he gets inebriated, Jalal comes there and ask what happened to Salim, Ruks says its all your fault, you made Salim busy whole day so now he is sleepy, Jalal says you are right, I gave lot of work to him, he lifts Salim in his arms and takes him from there. Ruks says Jalal couldn't guess anything but what if Salim tells him that he is feeling dizzy after drinking milk only, I have to spy on them.

Jalal brings Salim to jodha, Jodha ask what happened to him? Jalal says it was his first day in palace so he must have gotten tired, Jodha says he doesn't sleep without listening to my lullaby, Jalal says many things happen for first time, ruks spy on them, Salim in sleepy state says i have head ache, Jalal says I think its because of heavy crown, Salim ask jodha to sing lullaby, Jalal says see your wish is fulfilled, now I will listen to your voice too, jodha ask are you child, Jalal says no but I am Sheku baba, Jodha smiles and soo jaa.. kanhya ho kar rahi gi.. Jalal look at her, Salim sleeps, Jalal says today he called you maasa instead of ammi jan, I am happy, Jodha says he is like you, he says good things in sleep and also he is respecting both the religions like you, Jalal says I hope that he becomes more good king than me, the king who respects all religions, he is respected by people, the king who bow down to his nation, his nation can give their lives for that king, ruks is seeing all this, she says thank God Jalal didn't know anything. she leaves from there.

Its morning, Daniyal comes to Salim and says that girl(Anarkali) has come, Salim says again? Murad says we have to follow Jalal’s order. Anarkali comes there with full attitude and says lets start from where we left, Salim says to Murad that this girl is so egoistic, Murad says if you say then i can kill her, I am your right hand, just order me, Daniyal says lets eat some laddos, Murad says shut up, Murad signs to Haidar to do something. Anarkali says to Salim that i wanna see special court, Salim says its far from here, she says so what, everywhere Jalal’s order follows so who can say no to me, Salim says dont give warnings, lets goo, Haidar says to Murad that lets do our trick.

Anarkali along with Salim and Daniyal comes in angori garden, Murad and Haidar has put rope on ground, when anarkali passes by it, they pulls it, anarkali slips and falls in swimming pool, all kids laugh on her, Anarkali says that Salim you have done it, Salim says you were going forward and cannot see what is going to come, you have fell with your mistake, Anarkali says i will go and complain to Jalal, Salim says I didn't do anything, Anarkali says i know you must have pushed me, ruks comes there and says to Anarkali that dont forget you are talking to heir of Mughals, Salim says this is same girl who called smaller than finger, Ruks says you dont have manners, say sorry to Salim, Anarkali says why would, he has pushed me so he will say sorry, ruks says how dare you, Zil bahar comes there and says i am sorry Rukaiya begum, my girl is innocent, she ask anarkali to says sorry, she says I didn't do anything wrong so I wont say sorry, Salim have to says sorry as I am his guest and he pushed me, ruks says how dare you speak infront of royal family, you will be punished for this mistake.

Jodha comes there and says to ruks that show some softness towards her, fights happen between kids, you dont have to get this much angry, Ruks says along with kids, their parents should know their position, Salim is going to be king so this family should be punished so that it sets example as how to talk to heir, Mughal palace is under my custody so i have decided to to throw Rashid out of palace, his job is taken back, Zil bahar takes Anarkali and goes from there.
Salim is in Ruk's room he ask ruks what was the need to take her father’s job, Ruks says you are king you should set example that whoever will try to insult you, will be punished, king is that from whom people should be afraid of, she says  have made laddos for you, eat it.

Zil bahar scolds Anarkali that because of you, your father’s job is taken, Rashid says dont scold her, she is kid, she didn't do anything wrong, Rashid says to Anarkali that you should understand, Salim is next king, we all have to respect him.

Ruks says to Salim that girl had done huge mistake so she had to be punished, Salim says I am sleepy, I will go to jodha and listen story from her, Ruks says you sleep with me, i will tell you story, she says there was a fairy whose wings were cut off, then a prince came in her life, fairy understood that this prince will bring her wings back so she made prince under her influence, Salim sleeps, ruks smirks and looks at opium.

Jodha does aarti and sing bhajan in Kahna’s mandir, Salim is sitting there too, Jalal comes and sit there too, Jalal and Salim fold their hands infront of Kahna while jodha does pooja, Jalal looks at jodha and smiles. Jodha sees Jalal sitting and ask when did you come? Jalal says when you were praying to your Kahna, jodha gives aarti to Salim and Jalal. Jalal says Shekhu baba all kids are practicing sword fighting why are you not there? Salim says I slept late yesterday so my head was aching, after all I got freedom from that irritating girl, Jalal ask who irritates you? Salim says the girl whom you gave permission to roam in palace, she is ill-mannered, she doesn’t respect me even after knowing that I am heir to throne, she fell in pool and alleged me then ruks scolded her and threw her father out from job, Jalal ask Salim to go to Rahim and learn sword fighting, Salim says tomorrow, Jalal says you are going to be king so you have to learn it, go, Salim takes Prasad and goes from there. Jalal ask Jodha what Salim was saying about Ruks? Jodha says Salim and that girl had fight and then.. she tells Jalal whole matter about how Anarkali fell in pool and how she accused Salim for it then Ruks came and scold her and fired her dad from palace job, I tried making Ruks understand but you know ruks anger, Jalal says Salim is not interested in things which he should do, like all kids are practicing sword fighting but Salim doesn’t want to go there, I think Salim doesn’t have spirit to fight for his nation, to go on war, Jodha says he is a kid he will understand things, Jalal says its been a while that we went out of palace, I am thinking to go somewhere, should we go to jungle, will take Salim too, Jodha says are you going to hunt animals, Jalal says when time will come Salim will go on hunting too but now I want him to see world outside palace.
One lady says to ruks that you are amazing, you fired a man from palace and Marium zamani couldn’t do anything, Ruks says my intend was not show jodha low but to punish that girl, its my duty to see that everyone respect heir and even Jalal cant ask me about my decision so what will marium Amani say to me, Lady says that’s why Salim listens everything you say, Ruks thinks soon Salim will be in my control only.

Jalal along with Jodha and Salim are going in jungle, Jalal and Salim are on horse separately and Jodha is palanquin, soldier says that you should not go forward Jalal as there are robbers there and they can attack on Salim, Jalal says all area is under my rule and I will not allow anyone to rule this place, Jalal says to Salim that robbers rob people, Salim says you are king you should stop them, Jalal ask is there no responsibility of heir? Jalal says I am going there to fight and finish the 

Murad says to Haidar that this is wrong, what if Salim is heir, why Jalal didn’t take me to jungle, Haidar says you are right, Jalal loves Salim more than you, Murad says its not like that, Ammi told me that Jalal will take me to jungle and we will hunt loin too, Daniyal comes and says I will never go on hunting loin, its very dangerous, Murad says don’t worry daniyal, you will get many things to eat in jungle and I will protect you in jungle.

Jodha and Salim are waiting for Jalal to return and have placed tent in jungle to stay, Salim ask why people do robbery? Jodha says they don’t know what is right and wrong but you don’t worry nobody can stand infront of Jalal’s sword, Salim says I know I saw Jalal sword fighting, Salim does some steps with sword and says I was afraid even seeing Jalal from far with sword in his hand, Jodha laughs and ask Salim to go and sleep, Salim says I will not sleep today as Jalal has given me duty to protect you, you know why he gave me duty? because he know only I can protect you, you sleep and I will protect you, I am going to be king, nobody can stand infront of me neither can speak infront of me, jodha jokes that whole gang of robbers cant stand infront of you, Salim says don’t joke, I know sword fighting more than Jalal, jodha says really? Salim says yes, Jodha pretends that Jalal has comeback, Salim gets afraid and says I was just saying that nobody can do sword fighting like Jalal, Jodha laughs, Salim looks that no one is there, suddenly some robbers comes there and puts sword on Jodha, robber ask jodha to give jewelry, Jalal’s soldiers fights with other robbers, Salim ask robber to leave my mother, jodha takes sword in her hand and ask robber to go from there else she will kill him, robbers throws her sword away and puts sword on her neck and ask her to give jewelry, Salim takes sword in his hand and attacks robber on his hand and ask him to leave my mother else I will kill you, robber says great king, Salim sees blood of robber on his sword and throws sword away, robber turns out to be Jalal, he takes veil off from his face, jodha says Shehehshah you? why you had to do this dangerous act, Jalal says I wanted my son to raise his sword to protect his mother and he did that, I want him to know that how much sword is important for a king, her knew that you are his responsibility that’s why he raised sword for you, tomorrow when nation will be his responsibility then he will raise his sword to protect them, Jalal says to Salim that because of yesterday a man lost his job(Rashid), you are going to be king, your work is to give jobs not to snatch it, the way you protected your mother today, you have to protect your nation too, its your nation, all mothers are your mother, nation is your responsibility, I understand that Nadira must have done mistake but you could have stopped Ruks, you didn’t even thinks once that how will Rashid eat? how will he live with his family without job? king cannot sleep if one person is hungry in nation, I am happy to know that you can protect your mother but you are not only a son but a heir, king doesn’t raise sword to kill anyone but to protect his nation, why you didn’t stop ruks from doing that, you could have saved someone’s job, Salim says I didn’t throw her in pool, Jalal says you could have lied to save a job of a person, you are king and you have to do everything to make people happy, always remember that you are Mughals heir, never do anything that will embarrass our family, Jodha says Salim is very small to learn all this, Jalal says I was more small than him, this is the time to learn about king’s responsibility, he leaves from there. Salim hugs jodha,

Soul talk- jodha says that Jalal’s way of teaching was unique, no father can make his son learn like that, Jalal was impressive as father. Jalal’s soul says that Salim learnt biggest lesson that night as how to protect his mother and nation but story was at turning point, I was making Salim learn the life but I forgot that life itself gives lesson to people. I didn’t know that life will make learn lesson soon.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm 

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