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Jodha is resting her head in Jalal’s lap he is caressing her gently. He tells her to sleep. Jodha says she wants to sleep forever. Jalal reply that he too was living after losing his child. Jodha then laments the loss of her child That maham’s curse was having its effect. Jalal tells Jodha lovingly that he was living because he loved her. He was living for her sake. How would he live if she talked of falling asleep for ever? Jalal is heart broken as jodha shares her grief. Hamida wants Jalal to go for final rites .. Jodha wishes to hold hassan for one last time. Jodha wish to go with jalal but she is stopped, but Jalal and maham prevent her forcibly.

Jalal is seen carrying the body of Hassan in his arms the entire royal entourage is following him while the royal ladies watch from the harem balcony. Jodha is grief stricken, Hameeda and Salima control Jodha with difficulty Moti bai is very worried about Jodha, she too is upset with the passing away of Jodha’s child, her first born she offers jodha a drink, but jodha refuses to eat or drink anything. Jodha stops moti from lighting kanha’s lamp. Jodha throws the lamp away. Jodha accuses kanha that all her life she lit his lamp but he has snatched away the light from her life and plunged her life into darkness. She vows never to light kanha’s lamp again all 

Jodha curtly looks at kahna and says I wont lit diya in your mandir ever from now on, do you understand, she close the curtain infront of kahna, she is not sane, Hamida holds her, Salima ask her to control herself, Jodha breakdown and cry miserably, Moti cry too, Jodha hear hussain's voice crying, Jodha gets up and says Hassan is calling me, where is he, she runs from her room, Salima and moti are running behind her and ask her to stop. 

In ruks room, ruks is waiting fro Zeenat to come and feed Hassan, she is making hussain calm, jodha comes there running and takes hussain from Ruk, jodha kisses hussain and says my child, ruks is shocked, jodha plays with hussain, she says my son is hungry, I will feed him, jodha sits and feeds hussain, ruks is restless, after feeding him, ruks is about to say something to jodha when Salima stops her and says let hussain be with jodha, maybe she will find peace with him. jodha makes hussain sleep.

jalal is with hamida, he is crying, jalal says he use to write his destiny with his sword but why not this time? Hamida says you have to handle yourself to handle jodha, Ruks didn’t like jodha coming close to hussain but we cant ignore the truth that hussain is Jodha’s child, Jodha is not childless, she feels peace when she finds husaain close to her, you are understanding what I am saying, jalal think.
Jalal comes to jodha, its all dark in her room, jalal ask moti to lit diyas in room, he ask jodha did you eat something, jodha says I am not hungry, jalal says you used to say that we should not insult food, jodha says it was talks of past but I don’t believe in all these now, jalal extends food to jodha but she doesn’t eat it, jalal thunks that I cant let jodha destroy herself like this, jalal comes out of her room and thinks how ruks ask her hussain, how hamida said that hussain is jodha’s child.

Zeenat comes to ruks and says aren’t you afraid? ruks ask for what? zeenat says hussain is biologically jodha’s child and can take him back, ruks says hussain is my son and I have written agreement, jalal has approved that agreement, other women sitting there says it was ruks greatness that she allowed jodha to feed hussain, ruks says I didn’t have any other option.

Jalal comes to ruks room, he blesses hussain, jalal says to ruks that do you believe that I am your friend, ruks nods and ask the matter, jalal says nothing is fine, I cant bear jodha’s state. jalal says to ruks that jodha is totally broken that’s why I have come here to take hussain back to her, ruks is shocked and ask what? how can you think that you will ask me my child, jalal says jodha made your dram complete but she is broken now, she gave you hope to live but she has lost faith in life now, I just want that you give her child back to her otherwise king jalaluddin will beg infront of you, I will open my hands infront of you and will beg, ruks says to give peace to one wife, you will take peace of other wife? I know what jodha is going through, I know I am mother too but you cant give peace by snatching from other, jalal says I am asking him for sometime only, ruks takes hussain in her hands and hugs him tightly, she ask how much time? I wish it was not about our friendship, I cant give my child back, I wont be able to live, she hugs hussain tightly and says I cant lose him, I cant, jalal sadly leaves from there.

Bharmal and dadisa comes to agra to meet their grandchildren, dadisa is excited. jalal is sadly sitting in his room with jodha, jalal says to jodha that if you want then don’t wear any jewelry but you have to apply vermillion(sindoor), he puts sindoor on her forehead, jalal says to jodha that everything will be fine, he hugs jodha, both cries, dasi comes and says king has come from amer. they comes in jalal’s room, dadi meets jodha and gives her gifts for her twins, she ask jodha to accept gifts, jodha with pale face looks at dadi, dadi ask what happened jodha, jalal is supporting jodha, bharmal ask why did you hide kahna? idol, jodha says I don’t wanna see him, bharmal ask jalal what happened, jalal says from twins, one has died, dadisa drops gifts in shocke.

In the court, dadisa says to jalal that shaguni bai said that children should be born in palace but they born outside palace that’s why curse ate Hassan, she says I have one suggestion that send hussain to amer, there he will be protected, jalal says this is not possible, bharmal ask why, we will take care of your child, dadi says it will be good for jodha and child to go to amer, they will treated grandly there, hamida says I don’t have any problem with that, jalal says okay I accept this but I have to mother of hussain, dadi says jodha will agree to that, jalal says I am talking about ruks, jodha has given her child to ruks and now all rights on hussain is of ruks now, dadi is shocked. qasim is tensed listening all this.

Qasim comes to zeenat and tells her about hussain going to Amer, he says you cant go to amer with child, there you can be caught, rajvanshies are clever and can catch you, zeenat says relax, I wont let ruks agree to this suggestion.

In the night, Zeenat tells Ruks about hussain going to amer, ruks says who has said this, I wont let hussain go there, Zeenat provokes her and says they are sending hussain to amer so that they can give child back to jodha, they are trying to snatch your son, they were saying that curse is happening in this palace, some shaguni bai tells all this to them, I am telling you they are playing a big game, dasi comes there and says to ruks jalal has called you in court with child, ruks gets tensed.

Ruk comes in court with hussain, dadi and bharmal sees hussain and gets happy, bharmal says he is very chubby, dadi says he is very cute, she blesses hussain, ruks is tensed, Dadisa is about to take hussain from ruks hands but ruks moves back and doesn’t allow her to touch hussain, bharmal and dadi are shocked, jalal says to ruks they came here to see their grandson, give hussain to them, ruks says no, I wont give Hussain to anyone, they have come here to snatch my child from me, I wont let this happen, I wont let anyone separate hussain from me, I won't take Hussain to Amer, I wont let anyone stay outside my room, nobody can touch him, I am sorry but hussain is mine, one child is already gone and I cant take the risk, she leaves from there, dadisa cry, jalal is embarrassed and says i am… bharmal and dadi leaves.
Jodha is sitting in her room, she recalls Maham’s curse, Zakira says to Moti that I cant see Jodha like this, Moti says I don’t know what happened to her, Zakira says she has given birth to her child, she carried him in her womb and now he is no more so she must be very depressed, Jodha suddenly starts shouting and says don’t take my son, please don’t take him away.

Zeenat comes to ruks room and finds much security outside her room, dadies gossip that ruks has become very protective about hussain, she is thinking that hassan’ death was planned one, zeenat gets tensed and thinks so much security, how will i give poison to hussain.

Moti ask jodha to sit, jodha says hussain is not fine, i am feeling that hussain is in danger, I have to see him, he needs me, moti says hussain is fine, you cant go there, you know ruks doesn’t like it, jalal comes there, jodha says to jalal I am sure that hussain is in danger, they are not allowing me to go, you go and check hussain, I am feeling same how i felt at time of Hassan death, please go and check him, jalal says hussain is fine, so many security are there and ruks is also with him, you should go out of your room, he takes jodha out of her room.

Ruks says to Zeenat I am going to take my bath, you take care of Hussain, she says to hoshiyar keep guarding Hussain, don’t allow anyone to touch hussain and don’t move away from hussain, she puts hussain on the bed and leaves, zeenat thinks why are you making it difficult for me?

Jalal is supporting jodha to walk in the garden, they are walking hands in hands, jodha says I am tired, jalal makes her sit and she lies her head on his shoulder, suddenly winds blows, jodha says I am feeling that hussain is in danger, its same feeling like when I gave birth in difficult situation, I am telling you to go and check him, jalal says nothing like that, i am going there, i will check myself, jalal ask moti to take care of jodha while he goes to check on hussain.

Zeenat checks that nobody is around, she sees hoshiyar playing with hussain, hoshiyar ask her to not touch Hussain, Zeenat says I was just making him lie straight.

ruks is taking bath and ask dasies to finish it fast, Zeenat says to hoshiyar that ruks have called you, hoshiyar says i didn’t hear her voice, zeenat says maybe it's my fault but you know ruks can get angry with you, don’t worry about Hussain I am with him, hoshiyar leaves to meet ruks, zeenat smirks and takes hussain in her hands.

Jodha says to moti I don’t know, my heart is saying that something very wrong is going to happen, something very bad, Moti says don’t worry, Jalal has gone there, Jodha recalls Maham’s words that nothing will be saved, Mughal saltanat will not get it's heir.

Zeenat says to hussain you should go to your brother, you should leave the world, zeenat has put poison on her finger, she is about to make hussain lick the poison when jalal comes there in nick of time, he sees her and says bhabhij jan, zeenat is shocked.

Zeenat is about to make hussain lick the poison when jalal comes there, Zeenat quickly hide the poison, jalal says where is Ruks? She says ruks is taking her bath, jalal takes hussain from her and says I want to spend time with hussain, tell ruks that I took hussain, jalal leaves with hussain, zeenat is shocked to find that fake poison finger is lost, she says it must have gone with Jalal, I have to find it.

Jalal is talking to hussain, he says you are lucky that your mother Jodha loves you a lot, what? You want me to become horse? He puts hussain to shoulder, poisonous finger falls on ground but jalal didn’t see it, Jodha sees Hussain in jalal’s hands and says my child Hssain, she runs to him, she takes Hussain from jalal’s hand and kisses him, she says I was craving to see you, you didn’t miss your mother, did you create problem for ruks, Jalal says hussain is smiling seeing you, seems like he wants to play with you, suddenly it start raining, Jodha says weather has become naughty too, they take shelter, Jalal says look at his hairs, he seems like an old man, Jodha says my son is not old, you are old now, jalal says still many girls want to marry me, jodha says they want to marry your wealth, jodha plays with hussain, Jalal thinks after many days I have seen smile on your face, I am sure you will get fine, if Hussain remains with you, Jalal ask Jodha to give son to him else he will pee on her, Jodha says I wont get stunned like you so don’t worry, Ruks sees them with hussain, she shouts Jalal, Ruks starts coming there, Jodha hug Hussain, Ruk come to Jalal and says you took hussain from there, Jalal says yes, I wanted to play with him, Ruks in polite tone says to Jodha that give Hussain to her, its time for his feeding, she takes hussain from jodha, she leaves from there with hussain, jodha gets sad.

Ruk is playing with Hussain in her room, she ask hoshiyar to call Zeenat, zeenat herself comes there, ruks says I was calling you only, I get glad seeing your concern for Husssain, I don’t know what would have happen if you were not with me, zeenat says good will happen with hussain, I am his nanny so I have his duty, I am lucky to be his nanny, she takes hussain from ruks and starts leaving, ruks says don’t go from here, sit here only, don’t get it wrong, you are the I most trusted now, I am bcoming responsible mother, I didn’t like it when you gave Hussain to jalal, Zeenat says I couldn’t says no to king, ruks says I know that’s why I have decided that hussain will be infront of my eyes 24/7, Zeenat says ok and sits to feed hussain, after sometime ruks says I think his belly is full now, she takes hussain from zeenat, zeenat says I don’t have any work, you can rest, I will handle hussain, ruks says no, I am fine, I want to be alone with my son, you go and rest I will call you if I need, zeenat think how will I do my work now, I have to find that poisonous finger too.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm 

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