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The Episode starts with Prerna seeing the video. Anurag says I want to marry you Komolika, so that my future is bright and my business expands, I don’t love Prerna, I will always be loyal for my relation, I know the power of money, we can buy anything with money, even love. She asks what about Prerna. He says we humans do make mistakes, even I did mistakes, I had feelings for Prerna, I will choose money over Prerna. Prerna gets shocked. Komolika says its all about money, you are so foolish, strange, you are still crying, how do I tell you, Anurag is now mine, he was never yours, my money is of him, this was our deal, go home and play sindoor with Shivani, you can’t afford to buy Anurag’s love, I have turned Anurag into a business tycoon, he got the businessman award because of me, stay away from all of us, that’s best for you, go and stay in your middle class house. She leaves. Prerna cries. Komolika thinks its good I recorded Anurag and my talk that day, I edited the footage and shown Prerna so that she thinks that Anurag had to marry me for money. She recalls Prerna’s words and says was Anurag here last night. She calls the manager Sanjay. She asks did Anurag give his file to you yesterday, he is looking for it. He says no, he didn’t come office yesterday. She says yes right, I will look for it at home. She ends call and says Anurag has to answer me, did he really come to meet Prerna. Shekhar says no lawyer is taking our case, just Verma can help us, but he has no time for us, he charges one lakh for an hour, we can’t afford him. Veena cries and says how will we free Prerna, she was just fighting for her rights. Shekhar gets water for her. Veena says I m responsible for this, I asked her to go and fight for her rights, I should have told her that women are meant to bear cheat and pain. She scolds Shekhar for not finding a lawyer for Prerna. He says it won’t be good if you fall weak, don’t cry, we will do something, someone will help Prerna.

Ravi Verma comes home. He says I would like to fight Prerna’s case if you permit. Shekhar says we can’t afford the fees. Verma says don’t worry, I don’t do all the work for money. Veena thanks him. He says we don’t have time, come. They leave. Tapur and Mohini have a talk. Mohini asks her to come back home.

Tapur says I have to finish my studies. Nivedita says we have our plans. Mohini says come for lunch. Komolika comes and asks where is Anurag. Tapur says he went to Nivedita’s room. Komolika goes. Anupam thinks does she know about lawyer, or that Anurag met Prerna. Anurag thinks I can’t even go to court. Komolika asks Anurag why did he do this. He recalls of slapping her. She asks how could you do this, you thought I won’t know. He thinks oh no, she found out that I hired a lawyer for Prerna. She says you are doing what you want. He says I was in the office and Verma asked me to meet, I thought of giving an impossible case to him to test him. She says don’t lie, you were not at office, you went to meet Prerna. He says oh that thing, I will tell you. She says Prerna told me you hugged her and told her that you love her. He says typical Prerna, she is at right place, if I really wanted to hug Prerna, would I do this by getting her arrested, if it was true, I would have told you that I like her, she would have been here in my room if I wanted to hug her, Prerna manipulates you easily, why can’t you see it, she wants to create differences between us, she is successfully playing games with you, you just doubt me, wow. She says Sanjay told me that you didn’t go office, Prerna said you met her, tell me if you have any other story. He says what lie, I didn’t say I didn’t meet Prerna, I went to meet her to show her place, she is zero, she means nothing to me. He recalls his moment with Prerna. Verma asks driver to drive fast, else Prerna won’t be getting the bail today. The car breaks down. Verma asks him to self start again. He says get the car fixed and come to court. They try to hire an auto or taxi. They leave. Anurag says I m upset that you doubt me always, enough now, I met Prerna and she enraged me, I went to jewellery store to buy a jewelry piece for you.
Komolika says sorry. He says you don’t love me as I love you. She says I said I am sorry. She asks what does this have. He says surprise. She says how romantic. He shows her necklace. She likes it. She asks him to make her wear it. He says sure. He thinks of Veena’s words and pulls the string. She says ouch. He says sorry, did it get tight. She says its fine, maybe you are making a girl wearing the necklace for the first time, see I didn’t doubt you now. Komolika says its time for Prerna’s court hearing, I want to see her face, when judge punishes her, I have another reason, I will show your gifted necklace to her. Nivedita comes and says I have seen Prerna. Anurag says what, but its her court hearing now. Nivedita says you come along and check. Komolika asks how can she come here. Anurag says she shouldn’t have come back, she has her court hearing, did Nivedita really see Prerna.

Prerna come to Basu house. She recall Komolika, Nivedita and Mohini’s words. She walk in. Everyone look on. Mohan says Prerna’s case is dismissed. Verma asks how did this happen. Mohan says a lawyer was with her. Verma asks who got her freed? Mohan says I don’t know. Veena and Shekhar look on. Komolika ask how did you come here? Mohini says I thought nobody is worse than Navin, but Prerna proved me wrong. Komolika says you had escaped from jail, you are a runaway Prerna, you did a big mistake to come here, I will send you back, I am going to call jail. Prerna says this maybe your nature to run away. Komolika asks what did you do then? Prerna says you said you have bought the policemen by the power and money of your dad, same way, I have bought them. Komolika laughs and ask did she buy the policemen, how, what did she sell, this jewelry, how could she sell the house whose original papers are… Anurag says let her speak. He asks Prerna how did she come. Prerna says you weren’t with me this time, you didn’t support the truth, you couldn’t fulfill your responsibilities, you think there is no one to support me, people still support the truth. Anurag says people don’t offer help without a reason. She says maybe he helped me and wants something in return, he would need my help. He as who is he? She says someone is better than you for me. He asks who is he, that is better than me, what’s his name? Prerna asks why are you so desperate to know? He goes out to see. Mohini taunts Prerna. Prerna asks Komolika why is Anurag so desperate to know who is with me? Komolika says Anurag is my husband, he was your lover. Prerna says who knows this time I get my love back, I didn’t know how to get it, you said that money can buy everything, even love, maybe the money bring him back to me. Anurag says there is no one outside. Prerna says he wants to meet you two as well, he loves you a lot, he wants to see your faces when he comes in front. She calls the guy. He says I was waiting for your call. She says I need your favor, can you come here, they are desperate to meet you. He says even I am desperate to meet them, I am coming. Anurag ask does he know us? Prerna says yes, especially the two of you, he is very fond of you two. 

Veena, Shekhar and Shivani come home and have a talk. Shekhar says someone powerful freed Prerna. Shivani says Mohan said that a lawyer has withdrawn the case. He says Komolika can’t take the complaint back. Veena says Prerna should have come home if she got free, she should not go to Basu house, call her. She try calling her. Shekhar says calm down, we will try again. Veena says we will go there and get her back. Shivani says maybe someone is helping her and feeling sorry for her. Veena says people of Basu family are stone hearted, we can’t accept any sympathy from them. Suman call Shekhar. He says Suman said she will come after a couple of days.
Komolika wait for the man. Someone arrives. Komolika says something is going on between Prerna and that man. Anurag ask who is he, stay aware of his intentions. Prerna asks are you scared or jealous? Komolika says Anurag isn’t scared or jealous of anyone. Prerna says really, its not even concern, else Vikrant would have not returned in my life again. Vikrant comes in. Vikrant says I have to remind you, who am I, I won’t let you forget this, do you remember me Komolika, good, the truth is even I didn’t forget anything, whatever you have done with me. Ajurag says I don’t know your deal, but don’t trust him, stay away from him, you don’t know what he did. Prerna says I know the reason of your hostility, I know everything, you are with Komolika, she isn’t trustworthy, I am with Vikrant. Vikrant says Komolika we have to settle the scores. She raises hand. He holds her hand and asks her not to do this mistake now. Anurag asks him to leave right now. Vikrant says I just got here, you wanted to meet me, I will decide when to leave from here, I can stay here, I don’t need to say why, Komolika, you are a girl so I forgive you, else….. He asks Prerna can we talk about business now. She says we will talk about work. He says see you at 3 at my place. She says I will be there. He leaves. Komolika asks who helped you in finding him. Prerna says you are the one who follows people, its possible that he found me to help. She says Mohini was right, Vikrant wants my help in return to teach a lesson to Komolika and Anurag, Komolika would have done something with him in past, my case was dismissed and I have come back with strength and determination, last time I was angry on Anurag, this time its you, better stay careful Komolika. She goes.

Precap: Anurag asks what did I do. Prerna says you sold my love to Komolika for your business, money and status, why, tell me. Prerna says you go to Komolika, I m silent as Tapur’s alliance is getting fixed, then you will see my new side, you did this, you will be punished.

Made For Each Other Air On Star Life From Mondays  To Sundays At 4pm

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