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The Episode starts with Sahil’s family talking to Moloy and Mohini. Anupam says Moloy wants to see the whole party, I will take him. Mohini allows them to go. Anupam takes Moloy. Komolika makes Prerna fall. Vikrant holds Prerna. Anurag looks on. Prerna says so sorry, I don’t know how I slipped. Komolika thinks you have broken my heart, I know how to break your heart, you love Prerna. Prerna thinks how did I fall, no Komolika won’t do this. She gets Vikrant’s call and goes to look for him. Anurag looks at them and recalls their dance performance. Mohini asks Anurag to get Sahil’s ring from her room. He says sorry, I have an imp work. He goes after Prerna and stops her to talk. He says come with me to the room. She asks him to stop, people are watching them. He says you are my wife, come with me, I need to talk right now. They go to the room. He asks why did you slip, why did you get close to Vikrant. She says you think I promised to answer you all the time. He says you can’t leave unless you answer me, I saw you when you danced with Vikrant. He asks what’s going on between Vikrant and you. Komolika tells something to a man. The man says the work is risky. She says I have given you much money, come with me. She shows him Vikrant and says I can’t see Prerna here, I will forward her pic, work should be clean and quick. She sees Moloy and says relax Sasur ji, I m coming to meet you. Prerna says he is better than you, he wasn’t carried away by Komolika like you. Anurag says okay, so, Vikrant is better than me. She says yes, much better, he has something unique in him. He holds her close and asks did you feel such when he was close to you, don’t you feel anything when we are close to each other. She says no, I don’t. She says no, I feel something when Vikrant was close. He says you aren’t good at lying, truth is you just love me. She says you know everything and then you are asking me. He says just be careful that none comes close, I m not jealous, I got angry seeing you dancing with him. She says you are jealous. He says you are lying, the truth is, it affects you when you come close to me, this is called love. Komolika asks Moloy how are you feeling, you are in such a bad state, I admit I am evil, but not that evil that I trouble you, you are already in worse state. Prerna says you have misunderstanding in your mind. Anurag stops her. He says I know, it matters to you, to stay near me, I can hear your heartbeat, I can see the sparkle in your eyes, when I am in front of you, how it feels when we hug, it feels like we will always be together and close. They have a moment. He says all of it proves that you love me. He gets close. She leaves. He thinks no one can love me as much as you do. Komolika says you can hear it, I tripped Prerna, Prerna fell over Vikrant, Anurag got jealous, I tipped the waiter and asked him to spike Vikrant and Prerna’s drinks, I will lock them in Prerna’s room, I will do something, I have installed camera in their room to record their romance, bless me that I m successful. Moloy gets angry. She thinks Prerna you humiliated me, I am going to make you fall in everyone’s life, Anurag will kick you out from here. Vikrant stops Anurag for a talk. They argue. Vikrant says we have no problem between us, its between Komolika and me. Anurag says whatever happened between us is professional, I don’t like things getting personal. Vikrant says you are saying something different.

Anurag warns him to stay away from Prerna. Vikrant says so you are jealous, there is no problem between us as I said. Anurag says I don’t like you close to Prerna, I feel uncomfortable when you are close to her, I can’t make it more clear. Mohini says I know you are upset with me, I don’t make empty promises. Komolika says I understand the situation. Mohini says I m going to introduce you as my Bahu, I m going to announce the dance, come on the stage when I call my Bahu, go and get dressed for the dance. Komolika thanks and hugs her. Prerna looks on and thinks its wrong to bear injustice. The waiter sees Prerna and says she is the one. He spikes the drink and looks for Vikrant. Mohini says now my bahu will dedicate a dance for my little princess.

Anurag says mum is saying about Komolika. Anupam says Sahil’s family thinks Prerna is the bahu. Anurag says she wants people to know that Komolika is the real bahu of this house. Komolika comes there for the dance. Waiter gets the drink for Vikrant. He says someone is calling you. Anurag asks me….. Prerna comes for the dance. Mohini looks on. Prerna and Komolika dance on dola re dola….. Everyone claps for them. Prerna gets compliments. Mohini sees Komolika. Sahil says they danced so well, we should learn from them. Vikrant says I didn’t know Prerna dances so well. Komolika thinks Prerna will be humiliated now.
Prerna drink the juice. Komolika thinks the stage is ready for the performance. Vikrant says I m leaving. Prerna asks why so soon, engagement didn’t start. Komolika thinks what did Vikrant say, you laid a trap for me, why do you people take me so lightly. He says I want to stay, but Anurag doesn’t like to see me around, I don’t want to have a bad effect on you. She says its just because of business rivalry. He says no, the way he told me, see how he is looking at me now. Prerna sees Anurag. Vikrant says I don’t know, I m feeling a bit odd. She asks what happened. He says since I had the drink. The waiter says I fed the spiked drink to them. Komolika says you know what to do now. He asks for some money. She gives him cash. He goes. Komolika looks at Vikrant.

The waiter drops water at him and says sorry. Prerna says its fine, leave. Vikrant asks where is the washroom. Prerna says its okay, come, I will take you. Komolika thinks Prerna dreams of becoming bahu of this house, she is going to her bedroom with Vikrant, everyone should know this, they liked Prerna, now they will hate her. She thinks Anurag is jealous and now this trust will break, you will hate him. She says I was thinking to introduce our Tapur to her inlaws, this isn’t my plan, its of Nivedita, who else can know her better, this is a small surprise for Tapur. She plays the pics on projector. She says I can check what’s happening between Prerna and Vikrant, its so easy, I can connect my phone to CCTV, live footage. Prerna asks Vikrant to go and clean his clothes. He says its something sticky, its spreading. She says I will give you Anurag’s spare shirt. She gets dizzy. She gives him the shirt. He goes to change in washroom. He also gets dizzy. He removes his shirt. He comes out and sees her. Everyone laughs seeing Tapur’s pics. Mohini says Tapur has won in the arm fight with Anurag. Anurag says she has done cheating. He warns Sahil and asks him to think again. Moloy thinks Komolika isn’t able to tolerate my family’s happiness. Komolika sees Vikrant and thinks I finally found the moment. She connects it to the projector. Everyone gets shocked seeing Vikrant and Prerna in the live feed. Vikrant says your sari. Prerna falls in his arms.

The ladies say its Vikrant and Prerna, see what they are doing, this is a live video, I have seen them going upstairs in these clothes, its too much. Komolika thinks I should make them believe that this is true. The man says switch off the camera. Komolika removes the phone. Mohini asks Anurag what’s happening, she did this to humiliate us, she knows I consider Komolika as my daughter inlaw, they think Prerna is my daughter inlaw. Nivedita says she did this on purpose, she wanted our family name to get ruined. Mohini says I have always understood you, you listened to your heart, and see how she is taking revenge. 
Prerna says sorry. Vikrant says I am feeling strange. He falls on the bed. She asks how can we both feel dizzy at the same time, someone spiked our drinks. Komolika thinks Prerna won’t be able to prove it. She sees Moloy and jokes on his helplessness.

Prerna wash her face and think was that drink involved? 

The lady says Vikrant is unmarried, but Prerna is married. Sahil’s mum gets angry and says how can we go on with this alliance? The man says Moloy is my dear friend, but I can’t get related to this family. Komolika says this house’s daughter inlaw didn’t do anything wrong, how will your respect get ruined, Prerna isn’t the daughter inlaw, I am the daughter inlaw of this family, I know how to value relations, Prerna isn’t the daughter inlaw, she lives here, she is here by getting attracted to our money and power. Mohini says yes, she is my daughter inlaw, my son’s wife. The lady asks what are you saying? Komolika says why did you feel Prerna is Anurag’s wife, she introduced herself as the daughter inlaw, Mohini thought to clear the confusion later as it was about Tapur’s alliance, we know she isn’t right, she used her innocent face and did wrong to us, Anurag always supported her, she didn’t spare him. Prerna comes. Komolika says shame on you, you went to bedroom with your lover, you should care for us, this is your profession to trap rich boys. Prerna says I won’t come into your nonsense. Mohini slap her. Prerna get shocked.

Precap: Komolika says you occupied Anurag’s room to celebrate wedding night with someone else. Prern shouts enough, I know who spiked my drink. Mohini says Prerna won’t stay here. Komolika nods. Sahil’s mum calls off the alliance. Komolika says Moloy would be happy that Anurag took a stand for Prerna, his efforts got waste.

Made For Each Other Air On Star Life From Mondays  To Sundays At 4pm

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