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The Episode starts with Mohini crying and asking Anurag to have food. He asks what happened. She says I feel sorry to make this big mistake, I got you married to a wrong girl, I thought to do this for Moloy’s sake, you didn’t say anything, you sacrificed your happiness for the sake of our family, house, business and happiness, I couldn’t see your pain, I failed as a mum. He says no, we all believed Komolika, no one knew her real intentions, its not your mistake.

Nivedita cries. Anupam asks her to share things with him, he won’t judge her. She says I feel guilty to regard Prerna wrong, I was so wrong. He says all is well when it ends well, Prerna was never wrong. She says I couldn’t identify Komolika, I trusted her, dad is in this state because of me. He consoles and hugs her. He says Moloy will get fine soon and start walking. Mahesh plays cricket. He comes to Veena and says I was studying all night. Shekhar says he was reading about Sachin. They talk of Prerna. Prerna comes and says I think you were missing me. She hugs Veena. Shekhar asks how are you. She says I m fine. Veena asks what’s the matter, you look happy, did Moloy start talking. Prerna says no, he is recovering, I have finally defeated Komolika. Shekhar asks how. She tells everything. Veena hugs her and asks is Komolika behind that accident? Prerna thinks mum shouldn’t know this, else her wounds will turn fresh. Shekhar says you defeated Komolika and earned her enmity. Veena says he is right, I feel its the silence before the storm.

Anurag gets thinking of Prerna and says I hope Prerna talks to me, what if she doesn’t talk, I will go to her. Anupam comes and looks on. Anurag says I will get Prerna here. Anupam says come back to reality, Prerna has come, everything is fair in love. Anurag says you think she loves me. Anupam says true love, go and tell her. Anurag asks shall I go and propose her. Anupam pushes her. Anurag sees Prerna and smiles. They think they were waiting for each other and want to share their feelings. Main to tere….plays… They talk via heart. Anupam comes to Nivedita and says its imp than your conference call, Anurag is proposing Prerna come with me and see them.
Anurag comes to Prerna and says Prerna I….Prerna asks what happened. Anurag says you are my peace, whenever I see you, I just see you. Anupam and Nivedita smile. Komolika comes there. Mohini and everyone see her and ask why did she come. Komolika says I have to settle scores. Nivedita asks her to get out. Komolika argues with them. Prerna asks her to get out. Ronit and Chobey come with police. Komolika says look at them, how they behave with me, they misbehave with me, Prerna has killed Vikrant, since Anurag and Vikrant were business rivals, they always insulted me, everyone tortured me, they have throw me out. Prerna says Komolika got Moloy and Vikrant’s accidents done, she added poison in Mohini’s food. Mohini and everyone complain about Komolika.

Chobey shouts enough, ACP arrest them all. Prerna says you are supporting her knowing she is wrong. Chobey scolds her. Anurag says Prerna is my wife, you can’t talk to her like this. Ronit says you will pay for this. Komolika says it time to pay back for the slap, do you like to slap me again. She asks inspector to take care of this over smart woman. Anupam asks do you have any warrant. Chobey says they will go jail now.

Komolika says I already warned everyone give third degree torture to Prerna. Anurag says stop it, none will touch my family or wife, enough. He says I knew Komolika will do this, everything is recorded there, I know all this, I did this for family, you know the last night’s footage, I forwarded it to manager and asked him to make the footage go live if we get arrested, you have confessed the crimes and threatened to kill us. He asks Chobey to see the footage. Chobey sees the video. Anurag says everyone will see this footage, now you know the real culprit, I got to know that you did the scam with our company, you have to see if you will have your seat and powers, will you be able to save your daughter.

Anurag warn Chobey. Komolika says dad, don’t come in his words, he can’t do anything. Anurag says all this is getting recorded, you are also with them, your power will also go, think and take the step. Chobey says fine, we are ready to forget it. Komolika shouts you are cheating me. Anurag says I m ready to compromise, you won’t support Komolika in her wrong actions, nothing should happen to my family, especially Prerna, I will scrap this video. Chobey nods. She says no dad, I want them to get arrested. Chobey slaps her. They get shocked. Chobey says it was my mistake, I should have stopped you after your first mistake, you fell in my eyes, your respect ended, ACP do justice with them, arrest my daughter for attempting to kill Moloy. Komolika gets shocked. Prerna says Komolika did Vikrant’s accident also. Komolika says no, you can’t do this dad, how much I loved you, this wasn’t decided, you are cheating me. She gets arrested. Chobey greets them and leaves with his men. She asks Ronit to save her. Anurag and Prerna look on. Ronit asks inspector to leave his sister. He asks Chobey not to do this. Chobey gets inside the car. Komolika shouts its my promise, I won’t let you two stay together. She asks Ronit to ask dad to save her. He says nothing will happen to you. He goes to Chobey again and says you didn’t do this right, Komolika idolizes you. Chobey says if we have to win people, we have to sacrifice dear ones, you will understand this later. He leaves.

Nivedita comes to Prerna and helps her folding a saree. She says relations get better by taking steps towards each other, by giving respect, I never gave you respect when you gave me love and respect, I felt you are doing this for a motive, I was so wrong, when you told Komolika’s truth to everyone, I was thinking to say sorry, you know my temper and ego, so I couldn’t say, you are so good, Basu house can’t get better bahu and Anurag can’t get better wife, sorry. Prerna says I know you love Anurag a lot, you said all this for his sake, I have forgotten everything, we should make a new start. Nivedita hugs her. Anupam says you both are happy, none is thinking about me, this credit goes to me. They joke. He says Mohini will like Prerna, I will do this, I can do anything. Nivedita asks where is Mohini.

Mohini says Komolika came to got us arrested, what if you weren’t prepared. ACP calls Anurag and says you have to lodge formal complaint against Komolika. Anurag says I will come. She says you won’t go, your safety is imp. He says nothing will happen now. She says I will come along. He says dad needs you. She says I don’t trust Komolika and her dad. He says Komolika will stay in jail if I file a FIR, her dad won’t take risk. Prerna comes and says I will come with you. He says no need, its not safe. Mohini says its not safe. He says I will handle it.

Prerna says she tried to take my life, I m going to police station to file FIR, you can come if you want. He thinks attitude, but I like it. He goes with her. Komolika thinks of Anurag and Prerna. She gets angry and sees them. She argues with Anurag and reminds her promise, that she won’t let him forget her. She says bad time leaves his effect everywhere I will ruin you, you both can never be together, I won’t ask you to miss me, I won’t give you enough time to miss me. Prerna says you failed in breaking us apart, our relation got stronger, we are meant to be together, enjoy your stay in jail. They hold hands and go.
Anupam and Shivani talk on call. He says Komolika got arrested, good days are coming. Veena takes the phone and asks him is this true. He says Anurag handled situation well, her dad couldn’t do anything, her dad got her arrested, its good. Veena says you gave a good news, take care. He says okay. She says truth has won, Prerna has defeated liar Komolika. Ronit comes there drunk. They get shocked. He says I won’t leave anyone.

Shivani asks him to leave. He shouts shut up… Anurag and Prerna are on the way. He says I m not your driver, I m dropping you to your mum’s house, it will be good if we talk. She asks what shall I talk. He says you talk so much all the times. She says its better if I don’t talk. He says this is typical Prerna. She hits on his hand. He says it has hit my heart. She says not true, just you can hurt my heart, we are getting late, we shall hear a song. They play a song. Ajeeb dastaan….plays…. They recall their moments. He stops the song. She asks why did you stop it, it was my fav song. He repeats the song lyrics. She looks at him. They come home. Shivani runs to door and shouts Prerna. Ronit catches Shivani. Anurag asks can I come in, I want to apologize to Veena. Prerna smiles. He thanks her. They enter the house and see everything broken and dislocated.

Precap: Anurag beats up Ronit and kicks him out. Nivedita likes the food made by Prerna. Mohini asks Nivedita to break relation with Prerna or lose the relation with mom. Prerna asks who is Mr. Bajaj, why is he interested in our publication. Anurag gets thinking. He says its like he is sitting in darkness and doesn’t want to come out. She says find out if he has any link with Komolika. Prerna shouts and falls on the bed with Anurag. Mohini sees them. Komolika shoots a policeman and drives off the police jeep.

Made For Each Other Air On Star Life From Mondays  To Sundays At 4pm

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