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The Episode starts with Ankit informing Goli about Gungun’s illness. She says she doesn’t want to hurt anyone, why is everyone refusing if she wants to go abroad for her treatment? He asks her to talk to Charu and explain to him not to misunderstand Gungun. She says I am coming there in the evening. Ankit thanks her. 

Gungun calls out the staff. She goes out to see. She sees Armaan. He surprises her with a candle light dinner. He says I gave an off to everyone. She smiles. He gives the resignation letter and says I got this from your table. She says I was going to tell you. He says I think you took the right decision, you may need some months to get fine, there should be an editor here, once you get fine, you can join the company again, I have made something for you. He shows the pasta. She says its my fav, how do you know? He says if I can find about your illness, then I can find out what you like, I was a field reporter for many years. She smiles and eats the pasta. He asks is it so bad. She says I got bit emotional, someone is there who cares for me. He says so its tears of joy, I thought pepper was much, wipe your tears. 

Gungun comes home. Goli meets her. She says I was waiting for you, I came hearing about your illness, why is Lord testing you, don’t worry, we all are with you. Goli and Charu apologize to Gungun. Gungun says no, you are right on your front, we couldn’t talk so this misunderstanding got created. Sargam says Goli explained me and we understood, if you can leave the job for our family, and sacrifice every happiness, then we should think of your happiness. Charu says we decided to go to Mumbai and get you treated there. Sunanda says we all will take care of you. Golu says we will take a flat on rent there. Divya says Anu will work from there. Gungun gets a call. Armaan says I got the tickets and made the payments, we have to leave in two days, you didn’t answer anything. Gungun hangs up the call. She says I can’t go to Mumbai because I am going to America for my treatment. Charu and Sunanda say you are still adamant. Chandru says we spoke at the Mumbai hospital. Gungun says someone has made all the arrangements. Anu says you mean Armaan did this, right. She says yes. They all ask her who will take care of her there? Anu and Gungun argue. Sunanda stop them. She asks Gungun to think she is her mum. She asks why do you want to go there? Gungun says I told the truth, if you don’t believe me, then check my reports, show this to any doctor and ask about it, my tumour is really big, and operation is needed immediately. Anu asks won’t it be risky at the American hospital. She says its less risky there. He asks which technology is there? She says microrobotics. He says Armaan told you this, he loves you and wants to make you away from me, you want to go and enjoy with him. She slaps him. Everyone is shocked. Gungun says don’t you dare raise a finger on my character, I can be stubborn, egoistic and workaholic, but not characterless, I didn’t expect this from you. Golu gets the file and says I will clear the things. He calls the doctor and asks about Gungun’s case. Doctor says I wanted to talk to you, she said you all will get worried for her, she wanted to tell her husband to find a good hospital for her, I suggest that her treatment happens in a country where microrobotics can help in the surgery, it will be risky in India hospitals, her tumour has increased, if this get delayed, then her survival chances will get less. He says sorry, we didn’t know about her condition, we didn’t try to understand her, we promise, we will get her treated soon. He ends the call. Everyone cries. Anu goes to Gungun. She cries. He also cries and gets a balm for her headache. She says now your efforts won’t lessen my headache and heartache. He apologize to her. He says I just saw your mistakes, not mine, I want to rectify my mistakes and make everything fine between us. She says its too late now, everything will get fine if you permit me to go to US, will I forget all the taunts, I would have gone even if you didn’t permit me, because I want to live, its my right, I wish you took a stand for me, your male ego came between you and me. He says I was scared that you will get away from me. She says you lost me every day with the fear of losing, you wanted a loser Gungun, not a successful Gungun, you wanted to control me. He says no, I will be happy if you are successful. She says yes, until I stay behind you, you didn’t like my success. He signs no. She says you got jealous, you and family made me leave my job, you never understood me.

Gungun says its too late now, death is in front of me, I don’t know if I will get saved or not, if you want to do anything for me, then just leave me alone, let me get the treatment done in peace and die in peace. Anu cry. 
Its morning, Armaan meets Gungun at the café. He says sorry to come late. She says its okay. He asks her to say what’s the problem, what can he solves for her. He says I do counselling well but not for free, you have to get me coffee, I did shopping for you. She shows the cute sweater and shoes, neck pillow for her comfort. She asks why. He says you can use this in US, I am taking you to America, its my responsibility. She says Anu got all this for me already. He says you should have told me before, its okay, you can use this later, did Anu buy this for you, it means he permitted you to go to US, how did this miracle happen? She says we spoke last night and he permitted me and apologized. He laughs. She asks what happened? He says he permitted you to live, did the family also give you the permission to live? She says they aren’t bad, they realized their mistake. He says you are begging them for your life, I have no right to say this, but I have to say the truth, you stay there as a prisoner. She says no, it happens in joint families. He says yes, I am not married, but I have common sense to know the difference between compromise and sacrifice. She says don’t worry, my family will agree. He says we don’t have time, you will lose life if you go to convince them, I will talk to them. She says no, I won’t like it if they tell you anything. He says I don’t care, I will come home in the evening and talk to them, take these things, don’t buy this again to show your husband’s love. He leaves.

Everyone at home discusses about Gungun’s treatment. Anu says Armaan will be there with her. Khushi says Charu will never agree for this. Golu says Anu also won’t agree. Anu says Gungun’s life is important for me, its about her life. Ankit asks is her treatment not possible here? He says I refused US offers, I love my country, I was ready to die for my country, when my wife needs a treatment, she has to go to US, I understood it now about my next project. Golu says you should have focussed on Gungun then this would have not happened. Anu says you are saying like its my mistake, I am not the reason for her stress, its her work pressure. Golu asks him to do something to relieve her stress. He says we should understand our life partner and share their sorrow, else what’s the use of being a life partner, Gungun is wrong and even you are wrong, you should lessen her tensions and not increase it, you both are living as competitors. Gungun comes. Golu asks about her flight. She says its tomorrow morning. Khushi asks did you tell the elders. Gungun says not yet, but I will tell them, I need to talk to Anu in private. Golu says sure. They all go.
Gungun says I am going tomorrow, do you want to say something, please say, who knows, this chance, you get it again or not, I may come back or not. He says don’t say that, you are going to US to get fine and come back to me. He hug her. They cry. He says I want to come with you and be with you at the time of your surgery. She says it means you will come with me to America. He says yes, how can I leave you alone. She asks what about your project, if you come with me, then your hardwork will get ruined. He says it doesn’t matter. She says no, you won’t get such a big chance again, I have seen you working hard, you will become an international level scientist, I won’t let you miss this chance. He kisses her hand. He says yes, its my dream project and I worked hard for it, but… She says you will participate in this competition, that’s it, if you leave it, then I won’t be happy even if I get fine. He says Charu won’t agree to let you go with Armaan. Chavi comes and says Armaan has come downstairs.

Armaan says Gungun’s treatment is getting delayed because of your stubbornness, it can be deadly for her. Charu says I understand, Gungun what do you have to say. She says I decided to go to US. Charu says I want to know, with whom you want to go to US, with Armaan or Anu. Khushi says Anu has an international competition next month, he is working since two years. Charu says family respect comes first than any trophy, our daughter inlaw won’t go with a stranger, I won’t let her go with some other man. He asks Anu what’s his decision, does he think of trophy or his wife. Anu sees Gungun and holds her hand. He says I am ready to sacrifice my dreams and go to US with Gungun. Everyone smiles. Gungun recalls Anu’s words. She says I don’t want to go with Anu, but with Armaan. Everyone looks at her. Anu leaves her hand.

Everyone says Anu is ready to go with you. Gungun says I won’t go with Anu. Charu says you want to go with a stranger than your husband. She says yes, its my decision. Charu says you have to divorce Anu before you go. Gungun says I knew it, this would happen, I had prepared the divorce papers, I have signed, Anu can sign it. She gives the papers and leaves. Anu cry.


After two years, Anu’s dean calls home. Sunanda answers the call. She smiles hearing the good news. She asks them to call Anu first. Everyone asks what happened. Anu gets a call. The man informs him about the letter of appointment sent. Anu says I have received it. The man says I can offer you 2 crores package or double the amount. Anu says thanks, but I would like to work for my country. Chavi says 2 crores. He says yes, so what. She says everyone called you downstairs. Sunanda says dean wants to talk to you. Dean says your hardwork has paid off, you got an international award for the microrobotics surgery. He thanks her. She asks him to come to the institute. He tells about his award to everyone. They all get happy and clap for him. Anu imagines Gungun. Gungun imagines Anu. The senior welcomes her back. Anu

Anu gives his interview to the reporters. He says I got inspired from my wife, who had to go to US for her treatment, we should make this available in our country by appealing to the govt, so that nobody leaves their country, I dedicate this to my wife. They ask where is your wife. 

Gungun also talks to the media. They ask why did you leave the good opportunity and come back? Gungun says my family is here. 

Anu says I have to go to an orphanage today and teach the kids. Dean says it’s a big day for you, you should party. Anu says I want to celebrate this award with the kids. Dean says you will be honoured by the national dignitries. He says I will come back soon. He asks about Gungun. He says no news. She says she will call you when she learns about your award. Gungun tells the future plans of Jeet network. She says I have to go. Senior says yes, you said you have to go and see the new house you bought. She says I have to go to orphanage, they asked me to come today. He asks her to adopt a kid. She says why to adopt one when all the kids can be mine? She leaves. She goes to the orphanage. The lady thanks her for adopting the orphanage and saving them from a big crisis. Gungun says don’t worry, I will manage their education expenses also. The lady says thanks, someone else is managing it. Gungun meets the kids. They praise Anu uncle. Gungun spends times with them. They say uncle always comes on weekend, even if he is busy. Anu comes and meets them. Gungun sees Anu and gets emotional. Anu also sees her. The lady says Gungun has adopted our NGO, she has come today from the orphanage. She introduces Anu. Gungun greets Anu. The kids call them darling uncle and darling aunty. Anu gives the flower for Gungun. The kids gives it to her. Gungun says you got a big award, this flower is for you. Anu accepts it. The kids smile seeing them. Anu says it’s a special day for us today. He sings tujhse naraaz…plays… They both sing and cry, recalling their moments. They both hug. The kids clap.

The show ends on a happy note with Anu and Gungun’s Reunion.

Love By Chance Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday

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