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Ranbir says sorry Dad. Vikram says nothing will happen with your sorry. Ranbir says that’s why I am saying you sorry now. Vikram asks if you are drunk? Ranbir says I was drunk when I was working on the project, I have so much stress, has two wives and that’s why did a mistake. Pallavi asks have you lost it and asks him to leave from here. Ranbir asks why are you over reacting, you shall make Papa understand. They ask him to leave. Ranbir turns to go and smiles.

Prachi comes out and looks for Rhea. Shahana asks what is she doing? Prachi says she wants to give gift for Rhea’s baby, may be we were not here then? She says the baby will get his first gift from his Maasi. Ranbir thinks we will be together with our baby and looks at Prachi. He collides with Stanley. Stanley asks how did you fall in love so deeply? Ranbir says it happens slowly, it is a process. Stanley says even I want to fall in love. Ranbir says it just happens, not when we decide. Stanley asks did you talk to your Dad. Ranbir holds his cheeks and tells that he was badly slapped by Papa. Vikram is sad and says my dream project shelved before start. He says sorry to Pallavi for his behavior and says everything was good till yesterday and today. He says sorry. Pallavi says I know it is your dream project and would be started at any moment, but. Vikram asks her not to spoil her mood and says we shall go and enjoy the party. Pallavi says I can’t act to enjoy the party. Vikram says don’t think about it now, today is special day for you and I don’t want it to ruin due to Ranbir’s foolishness. He asks her not to think and says I am shattered but knows to handle my emotions, knows to be happy keeping it aside. She says we can’t upset our guests and says we shall enjoy your party. Pallavi asks are you sure? He asks her to ignore, whatever is happening. He says if Sid was here, then he would have helped me surely, I am missing him today. Pallavi looks on stunned.

Aaliya tells Rhea that Prachi is coming that way. She says she wants a mantra to make her go. Rhea says there is a mantra. Prachi calls Rhea. Rhea says Buji and I are talking. Prachi says sorry and tells that she is going in the morning, and gives her gift for her baby. She asks her to see. Rhea says I will see, when I don’t see you. Aaliya says it must be your trick. Rhea says you stayed back for Mom’s birthday and says you are trying to impress Mom so that she stops you when you leave. She says I had told Buji to make you go. She goes. Prachi says I know the reason for your anger and says she will go from here. She tells her baby that his Maasi has mood swings. She says it is your Maa’s love for your Maasi’s baby. She keeps the gift and goes.

Stanley collides with Shahana. She scolds him for colliding with her. Stanley asks her to be his friend. She says a girl and a boy can’t be friends. She says she knows his intentions. He says I am not interested in you. Shahana asks him to say. He points finger at the lady and Dida thinks Stanley is pointing at Ranbir. She takes Ranbir and Prachi to Stanley and says they love each other. Stanley says I know. Dida says he was teasing Shahana. Stanley says you are thinking wrong. Prachi says your fight is cute. Dida says Ranbir and Prachi’s fight is cute, and Vikram and Pallavi have a fight too, but it was not cute. Stanley says Ranbir is my sir. Ranbir goes from there worried. Prachi thinks why is he worried?

Prachi come to Ranbir and asks him what happened? Ranbir says nothing. Prachi says I know that you are not type of person, who stands lonely in the side while party is going on. She asks what happened? He says I hurt my Papa on my Mummy’s birthday. He asks her to give her hand to him. Prachi gives her hand to him. He holds her hand and hugs her. Prachi says everything will be fine and asks him not to worry. Vikram and Pallavi come back to party. Pallavi thinks Vikram is much affected. Vikram asks waiter to give the mic. Pallavi asks what is he going to go? Vikram says everyone is complementing me for my project, they shall complement our son too. Rhea tells something is wrong. Vikram takes the wrong and tells that everyone praised me and my son. He says Mr. Kapoor said that Ranbir is a good dancer. He says so I have decided that Ranbir will not be part of his company. He says I thought he shall concentrate on dance, I am here to handle the business. He asks Rhea to call Ranbir and says even he shall know what I think about him. Rhea says but. Vikram says go and get him. Rhea goes. Prachi asks what happened Ranbir, why dad is saying this? Ranbir says whatever you hear will be strange for you, but you have to support me. He says I have hurt Papa in this process, I am selfish. Prachi asks how can you be selfish, and says parents shower all their sacrifices for their children, it is wrong for children to be selfish. Ranbir says Papa will understand this later that this is good, my way is wrong and not my selfishness. He says I will give him double the happiness and says he wants one thing for this, which is your support. He asks will you support me? Prachi is about to give her hand in his hand, when Rhea comes there and takes him with her, saying dad is calling him.

Vikram says my son has come. Stanley thinks Ranbir sir would have told him this after the party. Pallavi tries to stop Vikram. Vikram says apple of my eyes, and asks him to say if he is his proud father. Dida asks what happened to Vikram. Stanley says Ranbir sir got Vikram sir’s project shelved. Ranbir says I know you are upset. Vikram says upset and laughs. He asks him to answer, if he shall be proud of him. He says I was proud of you, but you snatched this feeling from me. He says today is the big day for me, as today is my wife’s birthday. He says I don’t want Pallavi’s birthday to get spoiled because of him. He says third person can’t interfere in their happiness, not even their own children. He says we might have failed as parents, but not as married couple. He says I will not fail you as a husband. He says party will continue and my son’s doing will not affect it. Ranbir says sorry and says I am not a bad son, I love you, mom and everyone in my family. He asks Pallavi not to get upset and says it is your birthday. Vikram asks Dida to ask DJ to play music. Dida asks DJ to start. Vikram begins dances and takes Pallavi to dance. Sweetheart song plays…..Rhea holds Ranbir’s hand and dances with him forcibly. Prachi looks on. Rhea pretends to feel vomiting sensation and goes. Vikram dances with Dida and Ranbir. Ranbir comes to Prachi and holds her hand. They dance on the song mangawa dua mein….Rhea gets upset. Vikram and others clap. Rhea goes from there and drinks wine. Aaliya says if anyone sees then? Rhea says didn’t you see. Aaliya says I am fed up of hearing this and says Prachi will be humiliated with the plan, you have made for her.

Prachi comes to Ranbir and asks him to say. He says I will not say, if I say then it will be a lie. Prachi asks how will you say truth then? Ranbir says I am tensed. Prachi says I know. He says I am liking if you are worried seeing me worried. Prachi smiles. He asks her to smile and says I like it, may be my tension will go with your smile. Prachi says how I will smile and asks him to say. He says I will tell you a truth and you shall tell me your truth, one truth in exchange of other. Prachi gets in dilemma. Ranbir looks at her. He says just one truth.

Dida tells Stanley that she knows Ranbir, and says I don’t think that project is shelved due to Ranbir. Stanley says Ranbir sir will have some benefit. Shahana asks what is his big advantage in this loss, and asks him to say. Dida asks Vikram what is he doing? She says you are pretending to be happy. Vikram says you don’t know what Ranbir has done and says he is silent due to Pallavi’s birthday party. Dida asks what happened? Vikram says it is my mistake to give my dream project in Ranbir’s hands, and tells that the guy who couldn’t handle his personal life, how can he handle business.
Prachi says I will tell you my truth and says I know that you can’t do the loss mistakenly and says it was intention. He asks will you believe me? He says I will not leave you and will not let you, as you are my identity, name and work. He says seeing you is like seeing my life, when you are not near me, I don’t live, just take the breath. She says it is your perception, and says in my perception, we are two tracks of trains which can never meet. Ranbir gets sad.

Precap: Aaliya try to pacify Rhea. Rhea asks her to stop it and asks her not to say anything. She says nothing will be fine, and says what will happen, is Prachi’s baby and he will come in this world and my identity will be wiped from this world. She says Ranbir’s dream has been fulfilled, he wants to become father by Prachi’s child and he got it and my life is ruined.

Pallavi come to Vikram. He says please Pallavi, I know this is you. She says I am feeling strange. Vikram keep the wine glass on the table. She says she can’t see her husband and son in tension. She says I can scold him, but you can’t scold him as you never did. She ask him to forgive Ranbir. Vikram says Ranbir doesn’t care about my dream etc. Pallavi asks him to give forgiveness as her birthday gift. Ranbir calls Prachi. Prachi shouts asking what he wants to say. Everyone looks at them. Ranbir says you have left me, but don’t forget to remember me. Prachi says such talks are not suitable for you, you are going to be Rhea’s baby father and talking such things from me. Rhea tells Aaliya that they shall execute their plan. She announces that she will bring the cake. She goes to kitchen and calls someone, asking the person to come. She says nobody knows what is going to happen.
Ranbir ask Prachi to listen. Prachi says you want to make everything fine and to be with me, but what you are doing for that. Ranbir says I am hurting my father to be with you. Prachi says you shall not do it and asks him not to hurt his family. Ranbir asks her not to judge him. Prachi asks him to stop it and says she can’t set her house, by breaking Rhea’s family and asks why don’t he understand. Rhea brings the cake to the party. Aaliya recalls Rhea asking her to send Prachi behind the wall and make sure their name doesn’t come. Aaliya calls Mahua and asks her to hang the painting on the wall. Mahua comes to Prachi and ask her to ask someone to get the painting fixed. Prachi says ok and says everyone is busy here, I will do it. Aaliya recalls taking the painting out and taking out the screw.

Rhea asks Pallavi to come and cut the cake. While Prachi is fixing the painting to the wall. Aaliya is removing the screws at the other side, so that the wall falls down. Rhea thinks the wall shall fall down before anyone comes here. She asks where is Prachi? Ranbir sees the wall about to fall on Rhea. He runs to save Rhea and bears the weight of the wall. The wall falls down. Everyone sees Prachi behind the wall. Prachi gets worried for Rhea and asks if she is hurt? She asks are you okay? She says someone call the doctor. A guest tells that his wife is a doctor. Aaliya comes there and pushes Prachi. She says you want to kill Rhea’s baby. Prachi asks what you want to say? Aaliya says you want to kill Rhea’s baby, I am saying what I saw. She says you are jealous of her, you can’t bear that Rhea is going to be a mother, you can’t see that family members is loving her and caring for her. Ranbir says there is nothing in her heart like this. Aaliya says you don’t know what is in her heart for you. Ranbir says she doesn’t have anything bad for Rhea’s baby. Rhea says Buji is talking about our baby and asks him to stop defending Prachi. She says even I feel that Prachi is jealous of me, since she came to know about my pregnancy, she can’t take it and has a problem with my child. Prachi asks her not to say this. The NGO workers come there and calls Aaliya. A lady says to everyone, she is fainting again and again because she is pregnant. Aaliya says to Ranbir, since the time Prachi is back, nothing has happened between you two. Ranbir ask how can you be so sure? How much time I have spent which Prachi even you don’t know.

Precap: Aaliya tries to pacify Rhea. Rhea asks her to stop it and asks her not to say anything. She says nothing will be fine, and says what will happen, is Prachi’s baby and he will come in this world and my identity will be wiped from this world. She says Ranbir’s dream has been fulfilled, he wants to become father by Prachi’s child and he got it and my life is ruined.  A lady says to everyone, she is fainting again and again because she is pregnant. Aaliya says to Ranbir, since the time Prachi is back, nothing has happened between you two. Ranbir asks how can you be so sure? how much time I have spent which Prachi even you don’t know.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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