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Ranbir recalls Sid’s confession. Rhea cleans Ranbir’s hand. She says you may not get this betrayal if you listen to me and your trust and dreams are broken which you had with Prachi’s baby. Ranbir holds her hand. Rhea says stop thinking me as your enemy and let me take care of you. Ranbir allows her. He says he hates Sid. Rhea feels happy to make Ranbir realize that Prachi’s baby is belongs to Sid. She sees Alia and thanks her in the heart.

Alia thinks Rhea did it and it’s proved that she has my genes more than Pragya. She goes out receiving the call. Prachi cries in her room. Shahana comes there and asks her to not cry. Prachi asks why he blamed me without thinking about my respect. She says he lied with confidence. Shahana says Ranbir didn’t believe him. Prachi asks until when he can believe it and it’s like no one wants my baby to be born. Shahana hugs her and asks her to not think in this way.

Pallavi ask Sid, how can you do this with Prachi? She asks how can you do this with your brother, and didn’t think about us or the family;s name. Vikram cleans Sid’s injuries. Pallavi tells Sid that he has proved that his blood is dirty. Vikram shouts Pallavi. Pallavi asks him not to say anything, just go from there. She says Sid doesn’t know their surname, name, their love, support or care. Vikram asks her to calm down and asks can’t you see that he is hurt. Pallavi says he has ruined the family’s name. She says why didn’t I think this before and tells that she should have understood this before, why she didn’t think before. Vikram asks why? Pallavi says he should have done this, as he has the same blood which was in your bhai saheb’s blood. She says he is a bad man like your brother, characterless and dirty man. Vikram shouts Pallavi’s name. Pallavi says I am stating the fact and says Sid’s father had done extra marital affair and that woman gave a birth to a girl. He asks did you forget, he has done the same thing. He says like father, like son and says infact he is one step ahead of him, his father had extra marital affair outside the house, but Sid had an affair with his brother’s wife and she is pregnant with his child. She asks if it is not called as bad blood. Vikram shouts Pallavi. Pallavi asks him to beat her and prove that Kohli men do such thing. She says it is my fault, I shouldn’t have called him. She says I felt pity on him, as his both parents had died and called him here. She says I wish he would have died then? Vikram asks her to be quiet for God’s sake. Sid is quiet and goes from there. Pallavi says your brother was characterless and now Prachi is having that bad blood in her womb, whom we thought as Ranbir’s blood.

Jeeta calls Aaliya and says he is outside her house to get the money. Aaliya asks how dare you to come here? She comes out. Jeeta asks her to give money. Aaliya says Sid is alive inside. Jeeta threatens her to give money, else they have the pic and her recording. Aaliya goes to get inside to bring money. The other goon asks Jeeta, where is the recording? Jeeta says we said and she agreed. Aaliya brings money and gives to them. Jeeta asks her to call them when needed and goes.

Rhea applies bandage to Ranbir’s forehead and says I had loved you, and loves you even now. She says I will love you always. Ranbir asks her to stop it and says don’t you understand simple thing, I don’t love you, but loves Prachi. Rhea says love just happens, and says Sid loves Prachi and Prachi also loves Sid. She asks him not to burden himself and see, who is loving him. Ranbir says stop it. Rhea says Prachi is lying to you and you are loving her. She asks what is my mistake that I love you and give place to you in my heart, always spoken you, and says I have always been loyal to you. Ranbir says I am not talking about you. Aaliya hears them and says Rhea is incomplete without you, asks him to understand her love and accept her. She says Rhea’s love is completely devoted to you, and says if your love is truthful then Rhea’s love is also truthful. He says Prachi used to apply bandage like this. Rhea says she used to care for you, but she has no purity. Shahana hugs Prachi and tells that Ranbir trusts you. She says she don’t understand why Sid lied? Prachi tells Shahana that there was something in Ranbir’s eyes, and says it was not nice.
She says she wants to talk to Ranbir. Shahana asks why you are starting a new matter. Prachi says I just want to know what Ranbir is thinking, what is his perspective. Shahana says he is with you. Prachi says let me talk to him. Ranbir asks Aaliya to go. Rhea says you can’t talk to Buji like that and provokes him that both were broken and sometimes happens between them and they get pregnant. She says we both were broken and sad, but we knew our limits, we didn’t have any physical relations before marriage. She says Prachi should have known her limitations. Aaliya says this thing comes to know about ups and downs. She says they must be having an affair from before. Rhea says I know about their affair and Ranbir and I have seen them in the hotel room. Ranbir asks her to go. Aaliya asks him to think as she is saying truth. Rhea says truth will not change, and says if you ignore it, then also truth will remain the same. She says if you have accepted in hotel, then this wouldn’t have happened. Prachi comes to Ranbir’s room. Ranbir recalls Sid telling that Prachi gave her pregnancy news to him first. Rhea sees Prachi and asks why did you come here, it is over, just leave him alone. Prachi says I want to talk to Ranbir. Rhea asks didn’t you understand? Ranbir says go from here, Rhea. I need to talk to Prachi. Rhea says I won’t let this happen. Ranbir says if you don’t talk let us talk, then I will go with Prachi from here. Rhea goes from there. Aaliya asks Rhea to be with Ranbir. Rhea says I didn’t leave him, he asked me to go. Aaliya says why you get egoistic. Rhea says Prachi came there and insisted to talk to Ranbir. She says Ranbir asked me to go, else he will take Prachi somewhere to talk. She says I just couldn’t take that risk. She says we have proved that Prachi’s baby is of Sid, then also Ranbir wants to talk to her. She says this means my reputation is still same. Aaliya says Prachi is flickering just like lamp flickers before setting off.

She says male ego is very big and says Ranbir will not accept someone’s else child. Rhea says we are telling that Ranbir’s baby is of Sid, and says don’t know what they are talking about. Prachi walks towards Ranbir. Ranbir also walks towards her. Prachi says she wants to ask him something. Ranbir asks her to ask. Prachi asks do you trust me? Ranbir nods his head. Prachi says you used to say this, day and night. Ranbir says I trust you that you love me, you felt bad with whatever happened outside, and believes you. He says I love you after whatever happened, but this love is hurting me more than happiness. He is about to hold her face and says Can I? He says I thought to ask you. Prachi says don’t make me understand, you are asking me as you are thinking that I am of someone else. Ranbir says no. Prachi says you don’t know what you are thinking and feeling. Prachi says I can understand and says just tell me that you are believing Sid and not me. Ranbir says I don’t know, my heart wants me to trust you. He asks why didn’t you tell me about your baby. Prachi says my baby.

Ranbir ask Prachi, why she didn’t tell him about her baby. She asks my baby? Ranbir says I mean our baby. He says why didn’t you tell me, when I came to the hospital. He says I thought you didn’t tell me, thinking I will accuse you. He says he waited for her and was giving her time to say, and was happy about her pregnancy. He says I had bought that rented apartment for us and thought to start our parenting there. He says I wanted to do everything for you and was ready to leave everything as I just wanted you. He says I was not happy to become a father, but was happy as you are making me father. He says I was happy to make Bau ji as you was about to bring that happiness in that world, and I wanted to give you all the happiness to you. He says now I…Prachi asks if you trust me or not? Ranbir says no, and says it is not that simple. He says he is feeling bad and asks if she thought what I went through. He says I know that you was shattered the day,when I accused you. He says I didn’t let anyone come near me. Prachi says whatever Sid told, you trust him? Ranbir says I don’t trust him, but I have no reason to disbelieve him. He says I don’t know, if I shall trust the proofs or you, if I shall heart my mind or heart. Prachi looks in disbelief. Ranbir says Sid confirmed the proofs. Prachi says you can’t take Sid and my name together. Ranbir says why you didn’t tell me about the baby first and says I shall know about baby or not Sid. Prachi says so you are believing Sid. Ranbir says everything was lie whatever you hid from me, else accept that you are liar. Prachi says I can’t believe and asks him to say that I shall not answer. He says I want an answer. Prachi asks him to answer if he trust her or not. Ranbir says if I don’t. Prachi says then I will think that you have done the same thing with me which you have done with me before. He says I am not the same as before, but you are still the same. Prachi says leave it, now it is over between us, neither love, nor relation. She goes from there. He tries to stop her, but in vain. She goes. He tears the pillows. He sits down on the floor. Prachi is thinking about Ranbir’s words and cries. Tu bhi royega plays….Prachi comes to her room. Shahana asks what happened? Prachi hugs her and cries. Prachi says Ranbir said that he asked why did I give the news to Sid, about the baby. Shahana says you should have asked him if he trusts you. Prachi says he said that he wants to trust me. He says either you trust or don’t trust. She says he doesn’t trust me. Shahana says he is trusting Sid. Prachi says he trusts Sid, Rhea, Aaliya except me. He doesn’t trust me and says I am responsible for this, and says this has happened with me before. She says I come in his talks always, and says I thought everything will be fine. She says I gave him a chance, he married Rhea, and then also I gave him a chance. He didn’t trust me, I get fool by him again by again as I love him. She says I am suffering due to my true love, Ranbir never loved me truly, and I am getting punished for my true love. Shahana says you didn’t do any sin, I will question him, how can he question you. Prachi tries to stop her. Shahana says today I will question him. She goes.
Ranbir thinks about Prachi’s words. Sid is coming from the opposite direction and asks Ranbir to hear him. Ranbir says don’t and is about to hit him, but stops. Sid gets angry and goes to Aaliya and Rhea’s room. Aaliya asks how dare you to come here. Sid blames her for attempting to kill him. Rhea asks Aaliya, did you do this? She asks what was the need? Aaliya says my life was not at stake and says don’t question me. She says he said that what we wanted. Sid says you knew that I will lie to save my sister, and asks I had married Rhea, and She is the worst mistake of my life. He asks why do you come in my life and says because of whom I have ruined my brother’s life. Aaliya pushes him down. Sid says you shouldn’t have been born and if you wanted to born then you wouldn’t have been born as a woman. He says you are not a woman but a witch. Aaliya says no Sid. Sid says I know you are a cheap woman like Rhea. Rhea keeps her hand on his mouth and asks him to bang his head on the wall or take out his frustration somewhere else. She says before doing judgement on us, think about your sister and think that your Dad was a cheap person. She says if he didn’t have an affair, then you wouldn’t have a step sister then we wouldn’t have blackmailed you. She asks her to worry about his step sister, else he will cry for her dead body. She pushes him. Sid cries.

Shahana thinks where is Ranbir and thinks to question him. She comes to his room and asks if he is in the washroom. She asks if your love was this, that you leave her alone whenever Prachi is in need. She asks him to scold her as well. She couldn’t find him there.

Aaliya and Rhea rejoice seeing Sid’s helplessness. Rhea asks if you are done with crying then shall we talk. Sid says he feels disgusted with her. Aaliya asks him not to look at them. Rhea says it is enough of their melodrama. Sid says you both are cheap, and says you cut the roots where you stay. He says animals are faithful, but you people don’t leave anyone. Rhea hurts his injuries and asks what is my fault, that I love Ranbir and you loved me. She says I did so much to get Ranbir and says you are a loser not to know that I don’t love you. She laughs. Aaliya says well played Rhea. Sid says I hate you. Rhea says don’t say this, and acts as if she is getting a heart attack. She hugs Sid, cries and laughs aloud. Aaliya says what a loser? Rhea says you are such a loser, that you can’t even hate, and crying like small children. She says one thing Sid did right, made lie as truth infront of family.

Precap: Pallavi tells Shahana that she just hope and pray that Prachi shall be there, where she is. Shahana is hurt. Ranbir drives the car rashly and meets with an accident. Prachi is walking on the road. Pallavi curses badly to Prachi. Shahana tells Rhea that Prachi got saddened by her false accusations and left home. She says this all happened, as you asked Sid to lie. Later Rhea’s goons kidnap Prachi from the road, where Ranbir’s car is parked. Ranbir opens his eyes.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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