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Mihika runs and stops at the way. She is dizzy and moves back. She sees Rhea standing behind her and runs away from there, before she could see her. She hides behind a car. Wendy Mausi asks someone to keep the gifts in the car. She says I like to drive, but there shall be no traffic. Mihika is hiding in Wendy Mausi’s car. Aaliya comes there in her car. Rhea says you wanted to give me lecture now itself on positivity. She says she is getting Pallavi’s call. Pallavi tells Vikram that Rhea is not picking her call. Vikram asks her to meet someone first. Rhea picks the call. Vikram ends the call. Rhea calls her.

Pallavi asks where are you, and tells that Mummy ji is missing. She says Prachi and Ranbir are also not here. She says Dida must be crying sitting somewhere. She asks where are you? Rhea says she is near the house and will come. Aaliya asks Rhea to sit in the car and tells that she will ask someone to search Mihika. Prachi asks Ranbir to leave her hand, why is he waiting? Ranbir leaves her hand. Prachi says you always listen to me? She says when I asked you to love and trust me, then why you didn’t do? Ranbir says I understand things lately, and says I asked you to come with me somewhere else, but you didn’t come with me. Prachi says you don’t know what I am feeling, someone has snatched my rights. Ranbir says you don’t talk about rights. He says I told you that I loved you a lot, but you didn’t tell me. He says I was yearning to hear I love you too from you. He says I was thinking that you will say, but then I came to know that you are pregnant with Sid’s child. Prachi says enough and says think whatever you want to, let me live my life, my way. She is about to go out. Ranbir calls her. Prachi turns to him and cries. She comes running to him and hugs him. Yaara Re plays……

Prachi says I am very much scared Ranbir. Ranbir says things are slipping out of my hands, and I just can’t understand. He says it is slipping like sand and I don’t know what to do? Prachi asks do you really want me to marry someone else. A fb is shown, Prachi twists his hand and says she will press his neck if he tries to leave her. Ranbir says I know you will not hurt me, I have confidence on my love, but we shall not get bad sight of the world. Prachi says I just care about us. Ranbir says you have to promise me that you will listen to me always. Prachi says if you request me then I will hear. He says I will always think about your feelings before me, and if someone says that you will live longer without me then I will. Prachi slaps him slowly and asks him to say I love him. Ranbir says you please don’t stop me from taking decisions. He asks her to marry Sid, and then shift to London with him, as I can’t see you with someone else here. He says I don’t want your pic to become reason of my life and not of my death. Prachi cries miserably and hugs him.
Wendy Mausi comes to Vikram’s house. Mihika comes out of the deck. She hides hearing a car coming. Aaliya tells Rhea that she will not come here, as society can accept her, but not the family. She says I told my men to take her back to hotel. Mihika hears her and thinks my destiny has brought me here, I will expose Rhea and Aaliya, and will tell all the family about their conspiracy. Rhea senses someone is there and turns. Mihika hides. Aaliya asks Rhea not to worry and come inside. Mihika thinks to go inside through back door.

Dida is still running on the road, when the goons come infront of her. Dida asks who are you, what do you want from me. Just then another goon hits rod on her head and smiles. Dida faints and falls down. The goon says our work is finished. Another goon goes to bring car. They lift Dida.

Prachi says you have broken many promises, and if I break one. Ranbir asks her to agree to his sayings once, and says if you agree then my life difficulties will become less. He says I will live with your memory and will keep your good memory in my heart. He says you can give me 4 days life instead of 2 days love. He kisses on her forehead. Prachi cries. He is about to go. She holds his hands and cries. He tries to wipe her tears. She refuses. Ranbir hugs her and is going from there. Prachi hugs him again. Ranbir also cries. Song plays tera mera bandhan….

Ranbir tell Prachi that he will live with her memories, will always keep her in his heart. Prachi cries and hugs him. Ranbir breaks the hug and is about to go out. Prachi hugs him again from behind. Ranbir asks her not to make things difficult. Prachi says stop all this, we had promised to live and die together. He says if you was not pregnant then we would have died, but you have to live for the baby. He says they will live but separately. Prachi looks at him. He hugs her.

Rhea asks Aaliya if they are safe, why Pallavi called them suddenly. Aaliya says everything is fine, I will handle everything. Rhea says Mihika and her brother are spoiling my day. Aaliya asks her to be happy and says I will see where did Mihika go? Mihika comes there and hides seeing Aaliya. Aaliya looks on.

Rahul comes to the kitchen wearing his normal clothes. His friends are still in dhol guys attire. Mihika comes there and looks at them. The goons keep Dida in the car decky. The Police officers are going from there and asks them to show the decky. The goons ask them to see the decky and speed off the car to flee. The Police follow them. The goon calls Aaliya and informs her that they have kidnapped the old lady. Aaliya informs Rhea. Rhea says she will go and meet Mom. The goons inform Aaliya that Police is behind them. Aaliya asks him to take her to such a place where Police don’t come. The goon asks the other goon to take right. They see Police behind them. Rahul recalls what Priya had told about the family members. He says you are not from this family and aims gun at her. Mihika runs outside. Rahul follows her. Prachi sees Mihika going. Ranbir turns and sees her. He says Mihika, you are here and asks what happened to you. Mihika says Bhai…I. She sees Prachi and greets her. Prachi asks what happened to your hands. Mihika says I will tell you everything. Rahul comes there and says Maam, you have called me to kitchen. Mihika says when I came here, I felt odd. Rahul shows her the gun and hides it behind him. Prachi asks what happened? Ranbir asks are you okay? Rahul says I am her driver, actually my brother is her driver. Ranbir says let us talk to her. Mihika says I don’t know how Dida will react seeing me. She says Sid said…Ranbir hugs her and asks her to relax. He says I will help you out. Rahul shows the gun and asks her to come. Mihika says lets go. She goes with Rahul. Rahul says if you wouldn’t have come with me then I would have killed your brother.

Mihika says I am a chemistry student and knows your planning behind mixing the powder in the food. Rahul says I am not understanding anything and says Jai is mixing the powder as he is chemistry student. He asks what happened with the powder. Mihika says someone can die. Rahul says I don’t want to kill anyone. Mihika asks him to save lives. Rahul says lets go out and talk. Prachi comes there and calls Mihika, asks if it is your earring. Rahul asks her to get it. Mihika says we shall tell Prachi. Rahul says no. Mihika takes the ring and says bhabhi….Rahul asks her to come. Ranbir comes there and says Mihika, I want to tell you something, and tells Prachi that she doesn’t know about Sid and baby. Prachi goes from there. Mihika says I want to tell something to you about Sid and Rhea. Ranbir says I know everything and goes. Rahul asks her to come.

Rhea asks Prachi how was the marriage arrangements happening? She asks her to do all the arrangements and says we would have planned your marriage grandly, if you had told me about your feelings for Sid. She says I swear that I wouldn’t have married Sid and would have got you married him. She says you had Sid in your heart and I had Ranbir, we would have exchanged them. Prachi says there is no sense in your talks and I am not in a mood to talk to you. Rhea says everyone came to know and says you got your nose cut by doing this. She says I am going to get what belongs to me finally. She says Vignahartha came to take away all my troubles. Prachi says you are selfish and doesn’t care about anyone, you had troubled Papa, Maa, Ranbir, Sid and me. She says you want to trouble and hurt everyone, and just wants your happiness and doesn’t care if anyone lives or dies. Rhea says you are right, I care for my happiness and I am going to get rid of you, your marriage is going to happen with Sid and you will vanish from Ranbir and my lives. The goons bring Dida to the Kohli Mansion and think that Police will not come to Aaliya’s house. They think to hide from Aaliya’s sight after hiding Dida. The police comes there and sees the car. The Inspector says the goons are hiding somewhere here? Ranbir asks Aryan, if he saw Prachi? Aryan says no. Ranbir says she is behaving strangely. Aryan asks him to understand her feelings and says she loves you a lot. Ranbir says situation has become difficult, I asked her to marry Sid. Aryan asks will you live without her. Ranbir says whenever I ask her to marry Sid, it is like I am talking about my death, it is like a storm is making me fly away. Sid comes there and tries to talk to Ranbir. Ranbir refuses and goes.
Prachi comes behind Rhea. Rhea says I don’t want to talk to you. Prachi asks who am I? Rhea says my life’s biggest problem. Prachi asks what is my relation with you. Rhea says you came in this world with me, but you changes colors frequently. Prachi says I am nothing to you. She says our blood is one, but your blood is white as it has no emotions, love and sympathy in it. She says our upbringing is different, and that’s why we are different. She says I never think of seeing anyone hurt, but you hurts people. She says who doesn’t know how to make relations, how she will fulfill it? Rhea says I don’t want to learn from you and says I don’t want to learn from the girl who makes illegitimate relations for her illegitimate needs. She says you have someone else kumkum in maang and someone else’s child in womb. Prachi slaps her and says I will not hear anything against my baby, my baby is pure like me. Rhea raises her hand on her. Prachi holds her hand and says you got slapped by me as you pointed finger on me, and says if you raise your hand then think what I will do. She says don’t take advantage of my goodness, I am good until I am good, and says don’t make me bad. She says there is already problems in my life, don’t trouble me. Pallavi comes there and calls Prachi, asking her to come with her.

The goons take Dida inside Kohli Mansion. They take her to Prachi’s room. They hear Pallavi’s voice and keep Dida behind the sofa and they hide behind the curtain. Pallavi and Prachi come there. Pallavi calls Ranbir and asks him to bring Sid and Pandit ji there. Prachi looks on.

Pallavi and Prachi come to the room. The goons hide Dida behind the sofa and they hide behind the curtain. Prachi asks if there is any work. Pallavi asks her to sit quietly. She calls Ranbir and asks him to bring Sid and Pandit ji there. Rahul asks Mihika to tell his friends about the mistake which they were about to do. Mihika says Mr. Jay, this powder is dangerous that someone’s lives can go. Rahul makes her smell chloroform. Sid comes there. They all hide with Mihika. Mihika faints. Rahul’s friends think to hide her somewhere. Rahul asks the other friend that they shall start. Vikram thinks if Inspector came to do darshan of Bappa. The Inspector takes Bappa’s blessings. Aaliya sees the Police and thinks to elope before the inspector tells the truth to Vikram. She thinks to elope and just then she hears Inspector telling Vikram that they have seen two goons kidnapping an old lady and taking her in car. He shows their pics to Vikram, saying they are wanted. Vikram says I don’t know. He asks Aaliya to see the goons’ pic. Aaliya sees and says she didn’t see them. Inspector asks Rhea, why she is nervous and sweating as if she knows them. Aaliya asks what do you want to say? Inspector tells that the car is parked here. Aaliya says it is impossible. Inspector asks do you think that the lady belongs to this house and the goons will not bring her here. He says you want to say that the thieves will not hide her, from where they have kidnapped her. Rhea says yes she heard this saying. Inspector says it seems that you tackle goons. Vikram asks Inspector to search the goons without telling the guests.

Precap: The Inspector asks Vikram where is your mother, if that old lady was your mother. Prachi finds Dida unconscious behind the sofa. She asks if she remembers who has brought her here. Dida says Aaliya and Rhea and points finger at them. Prachi asks mom do you remember anything who brought you here. Mom points her finger towards Aliya and Rhea and says, they brought me here, she walks to them, says I saw everything, why you two did this? I don’t know but this is sure that you kidnapped a girl.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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